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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2020.Don't reopen yet, governors tell Trump as coronavirus deaths top 40,000
By Doina Chiacu and Barbara Goldberg WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Listen to Trump, after all, look at how "great" the U.S. has been doing since the first reported coronavirus case in America.
Trump's contradicting himself once again, appealing to his base. One minute he says 'I have the authority', next 'I'm not responsible for that'. He's riling up his base, getting some among them to believe he's not responsible for the messes the economy's in, pointing fingers at 'others', usually not from his and their demographic.
He's continuing to further divide the country. Among his epithets will be 'The Great Divider', known forever as the 'leader' who did more to further splinter the US - while asking for and accepting help from 'foreign' nations to help him do so - than any other in history.
He says 'I listen to the scientists' one minute then ignores them the next. And his media parrot him and their readers/listeners parrot them
Moved those goalposts from most “deaths”. Guess “per capita”, not total deaths, is actually the legitimate way to measure.
Ok that's good news for China then. China has far less deaths "per capital" than the US and China is where CV started. Thanks to the incompetence of Trump and the failure of TrumpCare. Trump can't even beat China in the CV fight.
Trump is knowingly lying through his teeth about the tests.
No different than China.
Trump has just set a new low for presidential irresponsibility. And most Republican leaders haven't spoken out against it.
The sitting President of the United States is directly calling for insurrection against state governments! How is this not a direct attack on the constitutional government of the United States?
Keep gobbling up that delicious Chinese propaganda. Didn’t they just “revise” their figures to add exactly 50% more deaths I’m Wuhan? Only 7 people died in Beijing huh?
The governors know better than Trump does. There again, so do toddlers.
Trump is ignoring experts and putting the economy over lives... this is genocide and will blow up in his face.
By now most of us can read the mind of America's most "transparent" president: 9/11 - the WTO Twin Towers and surrounding buildings., Covid-19 - Trump Towers (and other Trump properties falling like dominoes). The unconscionable "Tower of Babble" himself is on the verge of playing craps with American lives.
I just checked FOX news website and even with the adjusted number China is still doing much better than Trump is with CV. That adjusted number is higher yes, but still much lower account than Trump and TrumpCare. Hannity doesn't even dispute this. China is doing better than Trump and TrumpCare in the CV fight.
Hung Nguyen
Keep going Donnie !!.. If the country get open now, the second pandemic wave will kill thousands and thousands more !!.. You will ruin the country and lose the reelection !!..
Not only that, Trump would be responsible for killing thousands of his faithful supporters, too.
Replace higher with “also false”.
No because Hannity would say that and he hasn't. I'm going by what Hannity says and not the Clinton News Network. That is proof that China is beating Trump and TrumpCare in the CV fight. Where in FOX news does it say the new revised numbers are false? China is doing better than Trump?
What a disgrace the Banana Republicans are. Every principle they once held so high out the window. State rights? Siding with Putin over our own intelligence. Hush money to porn stars. I could go on and on.
A hollowed out shell of a party, following a hollow, shallow narcissist. This will not go well for the country.
I only see one member of the "DDD" team here today, where are the rest of the "Donnie Disinformation Dispensers"? Hiding in their basements watching Fox I suppose, getting their talking points for today.
And we know what those will be; "China bad, WHO bad, Hillary and Obama bad, Trump genius - all omnipotent - the Great and All Powerful Don"... It's enough to make you wretch...
Especially when after only three days, the total number of fatalities from Corona went from 30K to 40K - far outnumbering the number of fatalities in Korea, and approaching those for Vietnam. And this Moron does nothing but get in front of the camera each day at his Five-O-clock Follies comedy show and rant, rave, and whine.
And today we learn that embedded US CDC personnel at the WHO were informing Trump's administration in Dec of the potential pandemic. Want to know what our "Wartime President" did? He went and played golf eight times and held five campaign rallies.
Open the Congressional hearings, get the subpoenas ready - show all voting Americans what a clown and buffoon he is - and how his incompetence and ignorance is responsible for one of the largest death tolls in US history...
In this time of pandemic, no one cares where Trump ties are or were made. Even more so in an article that isnt about Trump, but Australia and the WHO.
Listen to Trump, after all, look at how "great" the U.S. has been doing since the first reported coronavirus case in America.
Yeah, a lot of countries have been doing so "great" since their first recorded case. Their leaders must really suck, eh? Biden would be so much better at handling this!
Trump is ignoring experts
No, he's not. He's listening to the experts and making command decisions which he was elected to do, not the experts.
If the economy remains on lockdown for much longer, we're going to see a lot more suffering and deaths from the resulting economic depression than we'll see from the coronavirus.
At least he would stop using TrumpCare. Also, Trump fired his pandemic team. Did Firing the pandemic team help Trump? And worse TrumpCare does not pay the bills. Even China is doing better than Trump in the CV fight.
Sure! President Trump only cares about his reelection and the economy is the only positive he can hang on to not to get destroyed by Joe Biden. Therefore he's desperate to prop said economy back again, even if it means ignoring the advice of health experts and sacrificing people to get it done. (After all, his first idea was to simply let the pandemic "wash over the country", like the WaPo reported.)
The ironic thing is, if he had taken this crisis as an opportunity to act like a responsible statesman, rely on experts, project a calming image and speak to people with the gravitas the situation deserves, he would have popularity numbers close to those of W. Bush after 9/11 and he would be 100% sure of his reelection in November. But he didn't do any of that, because he's incapable of acting like an adult. We'll see how it turns out.
60% of the US supports the stay home orders. 75% think the worst is still to come. 65% think Trump responded too slowly. His polls are very low when you consider the usual rallying around the flag that happens during a national crisis. He is starting to attack even Fox and Drudge for their negative coverage.
His call for unrest and the despicable, silly blame games are desperation moves. There are just too many documented instances of his buffoonery. His lies. His misdirections. Etc. He needs for this to magically go away. It won’t. What will he do then? It’s a scary time to have a narcissist in office and a cult willing to follow him anywhere.
Their leaders must really suck, eh?
This has not been easy for any country or leader. But few leaders have behaved as poorly as a Trump. Xi and Balsonaro come to mind. Let’s see how Abe does going forward.
Several world leaders have actually proven their inability or inefficiency to lead in a time of crisis, yes. Trump is of course amongst the worst, with Bolsanaro and Boris Johnson -before he got sick himself, which naturally humbled him-. And Jacinda Ardern, Tsai Ing-wen or Mette Frederiksen are amongst those who have done the better jobs, in their actions and words.
Once again the partisan extremist's all or none. I care. I can multi-task. I care that Trump's looking out for himself and his family first - again. Or are you trying to get posts deleted. Were you once the poster known as Americanbengoshi? If not, uncanny resemblance.
‘ in their actions and words’
If Trump had just set out to unite the country, to calm the storm, to offer leadership to the entire country, left and right, Americans would have rallied behind him. Words are extremely important.
Mistakes are made. How we rise above them is what defines us. Trump has done the exact opposite of what a leader should do. Because pits all about him. Everything is about him. And he thrives on chaos and division it’s the source of his power. He needs the country at each other’s throats.
His followers follow his lead and can only speak of this in partisan terms. The virus is a weapon used against Trump. It’s a pretext to attack him, a hoax used by the Dems to do political damage. So they fight back as they would any other political threat. Support your side attack the other side. . It’s the strategy since January. It still is.
Well the virus doesn’t care about the economy or Trump’s chances. And all the spinning and accusations won’t change reality. You can’t gaslight a virus.
The Constitution doesn't become null and void during a crisis.
At least he would stop using TrumpCare.
We don't have TrumpCare, we're still on Obamacare. Ask Congress about that, willya?
Yes, we do. There is no public option (which was yanked by Trump and would pay for any treatment related to CV - like the reliable Japanese government system) Also, under Trump is the lack of expansion of Medicaid. TrumpCare is just junk policies and people go bankrupt under it even if they have a broken toe (like Trump's university of Casino). TrumpCare is failing the USA and now the USA has higher per capital CV cases than China. China is beating Trump and TrumpCare in the fight against CV. Because of TrumpCare people are afraid to go to the hospital and will continue to spread the CV. That is why TrumpCare is making the US one of the worst cases in the world (yes, worse than China). Trump and TrumpCare can't even beat China.
Yes, we do
You can say that all you want, it doesn't make it true.
Has legislation been passed to repeal and replace Obamacare ( except for the most hated provision, which was penalizing people for refusing to buy insurance they didn't want, which thankfully was repealed )?
Nope. But keep on denying it.
And now we have TrumpCare and proof is look at how bad the US is doing against China's numbers with CV. TrumpCare is a worse failure than the TrumpWall (which can be defeated with ladders and shovels [and drones to deliver the drugs])
Under Trump the US is doing a lot worse (even per capita) than China and it's a lot to do with TrumpCare. Also, there is supposed to be TrumpCare II? Trump promises it when he is re-elected? What exactly is TrumpCare II? What are its specifics? Is it more more government healthcare like in Japan? Better stay safe in Japan with their government healthcare because you will be more bankrupt than a TrumpCasino if you even visit the ER due to a stubbed toe.
TrumpCare is a complete failure like the TrumpWall.
Good point! Because I don't feel like paying for Medicare. Darn tootin!!
even NYC is starting to hit the tail end of a bell curve for cases, deaths and hospitalizations.
seems the date of the downward trend was 4/11 for cases and hospitalization and 4/14 for deaths. so thats excellent news!
Hey, some folks understand that freedom comes with responsibility. What is happening now is meant to be a temporary restriction to a lot of freedoms in democratic countries are used to (keep your distance until there is a vaccine/cure).
Unfortunately there are too many 'muricans here that want free-dumb, doesn't matter what the cost themselves and others just believing they can do whatever they want without real consequences.
so you call 18 months to 5 years "temporary"? We were asked to flatten the curve, we did.
Then it became until the cases become nearly zero.
Now its until there is a vaccine or a cure. Cant you see why that doesnt work?
I am looking. Trumps decision to quickly close air travel from China on Jan 31, for which he was lambasted by the media and political opponents, alone saved untold lifes. Would you prefer to have bumbling Biden in charge?
1/3 of the deaths in New York City are now those in the "probable" category that were never confirmed. Just those probables in NYC make up 10% of the total USA number.
The initial model with no action taken was 2.2 million. The model with actions taken was 120,000-240,000.
Amazing how quickly people memory hole that out of partisan convenience. All we needed to do was make sure hospitals were not overwhelmed. They were not, even in NYC, as Governor Cuomo even admitted.