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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Islamic State chief dead, Syrian Observatory says
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Toasted Heretic
There's enough religious tomfoolery with the likes of al-Baghdadi without others introducing their own brand, thanks.
Toasted Heretic
Does that happen often to imprisoned radicals?
Like due process and all that legal nonsense?
Russia got him, SOHR got him, im sure the americans will claim they did soon as well?
But in reality who cares who got him? The good news is, that if this is confirmed, he's dead!
There is a special place in hell reserved for him!
How in the world do get to compare the modern democracy of Israel and the radical Shariah Caliphate of ISIS? This is so absurd, words fail me. Or was that supposed to be a joke?
ISIS will have more people returning to the EU causing trouble, and ISIS in the AP may start being a focus.
Still, the main goal of ISIS was to start an expected armegedon in Syria, so how these events impact that goal is the big question.
Good news.
With the loss of territory and a prominent leader, they will expand into cyberspace and many Europeans jihadis will return home to spread hat
Alexandre T. Ishii
How come? We don't know if Osama Bin Laden had been killed for sure!
Toasted Heretic: keep them prisoners and you'll see hijacking, kidnapping and other terrorists attacks to free them. So, killing the guys avoids a lot of problems...
Also, I think taking them prisoners would be pure luck as they wouldn't be captured easily.
Toasted Heretic
I'd rather see the deluded, poisonous murderers brought to justice. Killing them just makes them martyrs to their "cause".
Good riddance! Wish there could be more of them.
Metaterapin: The left wouldn't let Bagdadi roam free anywhere. Except in your dreams.
Anyways, there is a difference between letting peacful muslims alone and removing the dangerous ones.
@will. I agree with you and disagree with you. Israel is more deadly and more connected to trump than IS. Both are radical religious states that are not afraid to use violence. I think we just have to respect each other and not fight.
it seems that this thread is about Russia vs america.
That's where the head-in-the-sand libs shift their argument to 'weeeell I mean those are just texts, I mean it's all symbolism and metaphor and therefore Islam is still the most peace-loving religion on the planet lululul'. Can't win with against the circular logic.
Surely they all look alike [ :o ] ... so how can you tell if it's really him or not ?
Wrong. They are not "a bunch of crazy terrorists", they follow a clear dogma, laid down in the Haddith and the Koran, and if the Caliph is murdered, a new one will be declared. There have been many caliphates with many caliphs in history. Fanatical belief is not "crazy", it is alas part of the human condition. They are not any more crazy than the fanatical multiculturally doddled globalists who dominate Western media and politics. Not "crazy", just tragically wrong.
one Syrian migrant typing from his kitchen in Coventry says
more likely Kensington or Hyde park or Mayfair.
it is bad news if he is dead. At least if they have a leader you can guess what they are doing, but if they are totally uncontrolled, they will just be a group of crazy terrorist.
"Syrian Observatory says" = one Syrian migrant typing from his kitchen in Coventry says. Right. And this is the press that we are supposed to take seriously.
cherrytime, yes, I remember them saying that. No-one else was able to confirm it at the time. This is a second and independent news source announcing his death, which lends credibility to the Russian statement.
The US is looking like they are late to the party, ie either their intelligence is lacking, or they want DNA samples to be 100% sure. The latter is possible, seeing how they dealt with Osama Bin Ladin. Maybe their posters should have announced Alive or Dead.
(I guess it could be to the advantage of IS to give the impression that he is dead, and they could have spirited him away to Elvis's cave, but even so you would imagine he is better to them to be shown alive and visible.)
Russians didn't say they "might" have killed him, they said in plain language they killed him!
Old news
Great news!
Maybe he's just not feeling well.
That can happen when a guy gets his head blown off.
Get back to us when you have confirmation. Speculation has no business on the news desk.