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© Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump to ask Justice Dept to look into campaign surveillance claims
By Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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DT has started a new garbage fire.
Toasted Heretic
Hardly surprising when you read of intrigue such as this
A New York Times article that seems to have prompted the president's Sunday tweet-storm: reports that the special counsel team is looking at attempts by Middle Eastern nationals, including citizens of Saudi Arabia and Israel, to offer assistance to the 2016 Trump campaign. Such foreign involvement in the US electoral process would be illegal.
And so the billions dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia and the embassy move in Israel.
I will believe the NY Times over the consistent liar any day.
The only ones that Trump is fooling is the people who can be fooled all of the time.
Put the GOP out of business. Stop them from taking our country back... to 1950.
This is authoritarianism.
Why can't we impeach this idiot? Even if his personality, 5th grade vocabulary, nepotism, self-serving interests didn't bother me, how does this man have any time to actually work as the POTUS while immersed in all these issues and legal problems?
Toasted Heretic
Very telling. I wonder how much longer Giuliani will be tolerated, given that he's such a liability?
You can just see it now when he's shown the door, Trumpologists will be saying how they always saw him as unsuitable for the gig.
And the "human source" was none other than Stefan Halper, an FBI informant and CIA asset who's current assignment was to infiltrate the Trump campaign?
Time for lefties to take stock. You're no better than those military pyscos who feel they have to destroy the country to save it. That is unless you're just trolls trying to change the narrative, like the NYTimes Middle East BS, because the Russian one has been popped.
Oh, it definitely hasn't, but if that makes you feel better. ;)
No doubt. But for evey single president since Ronny.
Squirrel !
Dango bong
meanwhile jobless claims dropped to an all-time low.. But what do you know? Nobody reports it..
Trump Logic: I just made up something about being spied upon in my compaign. Justice Department, I know there isn't actually any evidence that this happened whatsoever, but can you just see if I happen to have been coincidentally right?
Yep. And that’s where we stand now. The accusations are nothing more than paranoid speculation from Trump with no evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever.
That’s the starting point.
Keep that in mind when Trump fans start posting links to information about someone once not liking Trump and is married to someone whose cousin once worked for the Democrats in Lincoln, NE.
The only possible evidence to support Trump’s nutball allegations is one that shows an improper action directly related to political motivations. If Trump fans aren’t showing you that, then the information is meaningless speculation.
Time for the righties to stake stock. You're no better than the crazy authoritarian dictators, who feel they have to take away all civil liberties to maintain control. That is unless you're just trolls trying to 'disrupt' the system, as so many of you have admitted to doing by voting for Trump.
Yeah, it's too bad Trump does so much stuff that is irresponsible and unbecoming of a president, and against American interests, that the things he does that are pretty good end up getting drowned out in the tsunami of his failures.
Maybe if he learned how to be a good president, those things would stand out. You know, like how Obama looked so good when he dropped unemployment below the numbers the Republican candidate put forward, in half the time the Republican candidate did it. And got the stock market booming, and gas prices low. We know these things happened because Obama wasn't also creating a tsunami of news of his screwups.
The more intense the reaction from the Trump crime family, the closer to the truth the news report is.
Let's see... 22 indictments, 5 convictions/guilty pleas far.
Money well spent.
Toasted Heretic
So many conflicts of interest
Perhaps the JD will be investigating these, as well...
Dango bong
Failures? Unemployment record low, stocks record high, jobs, interest, illegals being thrown out, all going in the right direction and NK on the precipice of denuclearizing.
Hard to see a failure unless you watch CNN or NBC, who are reporting he made a mis-spell in a tweet instead of reporting what Americans with jobs care about...
DRAIN THE SWAMP they scream.
Mueller drains a bunch of the swamp.
IT'S A WITCHUNT they scream.
Yeah, there are a veritable tsunami of them. Don't you read any news outside the bubble? I guess if you only read Fox "News" and Brietbart, you wouldn't realize how much of a failure he is. Maybe you should try reading outside the bubble.
This should be investigated just like everything else. What are liberals trying to hide?
I like the you guys count 16 of the 22 indictments as that Russians on social media nonsense. That’s well on it’s way to getting thrown out.
1 totally unrelated guy went to jail for 30 days for lying. Why hasn’t anyone else been sentenced or even have a schedule date for it?
Why should money be spent to investigate Trumps delusions? I thought you guys were the party of fiscal responsibility.
Simon Foston
Dango bongToday 08:17 am JST
Perhaps Trump himself should draw more attention to that kind of thing instead of whining about witch-hunts and making unsubstantiated accusations of spying.
in the interest of fairness, justice and equality. DOJ IG is already paid a salary and is non partisan. They don’t need 20 million to hire Clinton Foundation lawyers.
So what are they hiding about this spying? You don’t want the truth?
Toasted Heretic
Truth and Trump are a contradiction in terms.
Even if this "spy" exists, wouldn't it be standard to investigate a campaign that allegedly has foreign monies flowing into it?
yeah keep telling yourself that’s how it happened. You still have not proven anything about foreign money now much less in July 2016 when the spying started.
We have a claim from Trump. He says that he may have been spied on, but provides literally nothing to support this assertion.
We have two groups of people, one saying 'investigate', the other saying 'don't investigate'.
Pros for investigating: If there was spying, it can be found, stamped out, and actions can be taken to ensure that if it wasn't supposed to happen, it won't happen again.
Cons for investigating: Money and resources used to investigate, thereby ensuring that other issues that need investigating won't be investigated. Other criminals will go free, or more investigators will need to be hired to make up the difference, costing more to the people.
So there are pros and cons to investigating. That means a decision needs to be made about which is the more appropriate road to take.
Trump is the one making the request, so we need to look at the supporting elements of his request. Except he hasn't provided any supporting elements, he's only made a claim.
As there are no supporting elements, we then have to look at the person whom is making the request, to determine whether we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
Reasons to give him the benefit of the doubt: He's the president.
Reasons not to: He made a similar claim in the past - that Trump Tower was wiretapped, that turned out to not actually be supported by any evidence whatsoever.
He's also made claims that he had people in authority telling him Obama wasn't born in America - something that again turned out to not be supported any evidence whatsoever.
This means that either the president makes things up, or he is unable to accurately fact check things he hears from people, letting himself get put onto wild goose chases.
If the man had either something to support his claim, or a history of accuracy with his outlandish claims, then an investigation would be justified, as those things outweigh the cons of having an investigation. But with no support to his claim, and a poor history of accuracy in his claims, an investigation is not only a waste of resources, it is irresponsible as it ties up resources that should be used on valid investigations that have some sort of supporting basis for an investigation.
The Trumpsters' narrative now is that the FBI and the Obama 'deep state' planted a spy in the Trump campaign in order to uncover dirt about the campaign's dealings with Russia that would be revealed in an October surprise that would give Hillary the victory. The only problem with this fantasy plot is that the FBI/'deep state' never gave their October surprise. The FBI kept their info under wraps, unlike the info they provided about Clinton.
In other words, more BS. Keep digging your own hole, righties. Someday you'll be embarrassed by yourselves.
Trump is just paranoid.
Obama isn’t American, Obama wiretapped me, Obama spied on me.
How do his supporters believe this crap?
Kinda like you claimed with the Manafort case? Howd that work out, black? ;)
Toasted Heretic
Prove it.
It's kind of ironic, after decades of interfering with other countries elections and affairs, them chickens have come home to roost.
Blacklabel: "This should be investigated just like everything else."
Except you don't want anything else investigated because it's all "fake news" and "witch hunts", so much so that Trump consistently tries to undermine if not flat out obstruct it. But now he wants his own personal paranoia to lead investigations while demanding others stop. What proof does he have to launch such a costly investigation? Maybe there were WMDs?
Toasted Heretic
Brainwashing, indoctrination, a fancy for absurdity? Let's not forget that so many were willing to believe that Obama was a socialist, a Muslim, not American and so on. Trump has been a godsend for them, he personifies their irrational fears and prejudices. With his naked bigotry, authoritarianism and wild accusations he has enabled them to indulge in similar trash talk and unfounded speculation.
That him and his supporters should continue down this road is not surprising but I imagine quite tiresome at this stage. He'll be out on his ear, come the next election.
Unless of course, the remnants of democracy have been completely eroded in the meantime.
it will all come out exactly as Trunp says in the end. You guys forget that as the President he can see all the documents and declassify them as needed.
He is just preparing the people for the shock of what is going to be exposed. Instead of panic, people will say “oh yeah I heard of that” and it will be easier to take.
Their leader believes stuff that isn't actually supported by anything, so how can we expect them to be any better?
Totally. It will all come out as Trump says, just like the time he proved Obama was a secret communist, Muslim, Kenyan. Just like when he proved Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy. ;)
You forget the president is a lying idiot. If he has documents to declassify, get to it. ;)
Heh Trunp and Melanie for life!
Anyways, your assertion isn't born out by history. He has a particularly bad track record for things coming out exactly (or even remotely) as he says. It's 根拠のない自信 - baseless confidence.
No he's not. He's trying to distract from:
The falling apart North Korean peace talks
Reporting into his cheating with a porn start on his wife who was at hoe with his newborn son
An investigation into his campaign that has already seen his close advisors pleading guilty to crimes
His lawyer being arrested and all his documents being seizedThrowing out some random fantasy about being spied on, then demanding a justice investigation, is the perfect way to whip his followers into a frenzy, tying up both them and the rest of us who have deal with their inability to see that they are sheep in Trump's farm.
The guys name should be hidden. We don't need the guys name published if he is just an informant.
Besides, with all the information published already, it shouldn't be hard to narrow down who he is.
The people who were contacted by this informant (Page, Popodopolis, and two others) have already commented on their interaction with him.
The goal of the informant was counter espionage, which is not an investigation of Trump. It is an investigation of a foreign power possibly infiltrating the Trump organization.
Since there is already too much published about this person, Trump and Nunes' goals are just to punish this guy and create another narrative.
Trump's other narrative is, "We were set up by someone who infiltrated the campaign."
Guilty people say that all the time when evidence is pointing at them.
So, what does Trump know about the investigation to make him start using that excuse.
These actions point to a lot of fear and guilt.
Alfie Noakes
That's a good question. The documentary filmaker Alex Gibney has made movies about both Scientology and Trump's business career. He sees definite similarities between the two groups:
"The final film in the series focuses on Trump, who has been covered endlessly over the past couple of years. What more was there to add?
The essence of Trump’s appeal was that he’s a great businessman, so therefore he’ll be a great president. We thought, OK then, let’s take a focused look at what he was like as a businessman.
Not so great, it turns out…
He was an absolutely terrible businessman. Every business he touched withered and died and he would always leave someone else holding the bag. You look at the trail of slime he left behind and just shake your head and wonder.
Why do you think people are still buying into him?
It’s something I dealt with in my film about Scientology: some people just have the need to believe in Trump. They come to feel that he represents part of their character. No matter how much evidence you present to them about what a bad guy this is, they don’t want to hear it, because somehow an attack on Trump is an attack on them."
The Dirty Money episode about Trump is well worth seaching out if anyone hasn't seen it yet.
Deny all you want, its coming.
If there's a deep state that was working against Trump, why did the FBI help Trump win by talking about the Clinton investigation days before the election while keeping their surveillance on Trump quiet?
I don't have anything I need to deny.
Probable cause started this investigation, and it doesn't matter where the probable cause came from.
That probable cause has led to a number of convictions, indictments, flipped associates of Trump, search warrants, etc. All is Good.
But trump wants mueller to stop investigating him and his cronies for corruption and collusion...oh the irony.
A fruitless diversion. A panicked cowardly tyrant looking to divert the truth.
trumpy has been backed into a corner and is now looking for a sewer hole to escape into.
Let this criminal escape into his stinking hole, then flush the toilet and its contents away.
he doesnt want them to stop, he wants them to finish. Huge difference.
Then that means you would believe Pinocchio when he says something as well.
The liberals are the ones that are going nuts over the President, you tell me. ROFL!
The way the polls are turning it looks like the conservatives are trying to put the Dems out of commission to take it out of the creepy clutches of socialism.
You would as well if you had 22 Republican lawyers investigating you, of course. You’d be the biggest idiot on the planet if you would sit by and NOT take action.
They should, one year and nothing. But on the Dems side and with rogue bad cops like Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Brennan and Clapper, I would demand an investigation on these intelligence agency thugs.
I don’t know, but being he is the President, he has more information than you and I could ever speculate, so there is something.
He wants them to finish prematurely. These investigations typically last about 3 years. The ones against the Hillary resulted in 0 indictments, 0 convictions. We just entered year two of the current investigation with 22 indictments and 5 guilty pleas already. Why are we supposed to wrap this one up?
1) You don't know that.
2) How long did the watergate investigation take, and when it concluded, was there "nothing?"
Actually, we already know it to be wrong, as there has already been 19 indictments, as well as guilty pleas. People who think that there is nothing are living in the unicornverse bubble.
The FBI wiretapped his former campaign manager and hired a paid spy to probe junior members of Trumps foreign policy team trying to groom them to extract inside information about their campaign. Meanwhile Hillary paid for a fake dossier filled with disinformation from Russian intelligence agents which was used to initiate a counterintelligence operation against her political opponent.
Of course Trump should go after the DOJ/FBI corruption. There is more evidence that the Federal governments law enforcement were colluding with the Democrat party to influence the presidential election than Trump and Russia. Ironically, the Dems used Russian disinformation as the excuse to go after the Trump campaign. That’s the actions of authoritarians running a Banana Republic.
Giuliani said so. It’ll be wrapped up by September and then we can all get back to our lives.
Different, Watergate there was an actual crime with intent, but with the President, there’s nothing. I know you libs are desperately holding on to a sliver of hope that Mueller will find something, but the only thing he’s doing is galvanizing the right as we all know this witch hunt is as dirty as Weinstein lies. That gap for the midterms is almost a tie and if you’re a Democrat, that ain’t good news going into these elections, that so called blue wave is looking more like a teensy splash.
That has nothing to do with the President and Trump will pardon most of them anyway later.
Again with this unsubstantiated narrative. There is absolutely NOTHING in any of these people's histories that would warrant being called 'rogue bad cops'. Except that they have been doing their jobs in investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. I've asked you before, and you have never been able to back up your assertion with any evidence other than spitting out names (Strzok) and labels (dirty cop, lib, dem, the left) and mindless clichés ('trying to take down this president'). ROFL, smh, etc.
The last argument of Trump defenders. All sins will be washed clean by the redeemer, our lord and savior Donald H. Trump.
16 of your "indictments" are of fake people and barely existence companies who had social media posts in Russia that supposedly persuaded Americans that Hillary was a horrible person. I think we already knew that.
Andrew Crisp
Betting there's a few people in the FBI and Democrats that will be having sleepless nights
Their target was Russia, who we already knew were trying to interfere with the election. If the Trump campaign was meeting with them secretly, of course they'd be monitored too. What about this is unusual to you?
So much wrong in this statement. She paid for a dossier (that was originally commissioned by Republicans) based on information from a BRITISH intelligence agent. The information isn't fake. On the contrary, some of it has been corroborated (substantial contact between Russia and the Trump campaign) while the rest is simply unverified (pee pee tape).
Name one piece of evidence. Again, the FBI helped Trump win. How do you ignore that fact in your grand conspiracy theory?
The only irony is in your comment, considering Trump has repeatedly praised authoritarian leaders.
Giuliani says a lot of dumb stuff. He also hasn't been in a court room in nearly 2 decades. Also, he isn't part of the investigation, so he wouldn't know what the special counsel has either.
Oh there were plenty of crimes committed. 5 people pleaded guilty. 19 indicted. Who do you think Gates is going to flip on? Silly.
oohhhh The right is galvanized. Scarrryyy ;)
His claim was that Trump Tower was bugged.
Notice how nothing you write provides any evidence whatsoever that Trump Tower was bugged?
Let's try to keep your responses to the actual topic at hand, instead of going off on tangents, mmkay?
Barely existing is still existing, and the barely part is arguable. In other words, not fake. Still more than the 0 indictments that resulted from years of Hillary investigations.
You and your fellow Trump-supporters think Hillary is a horrible person while defending a guy who insulted a POW after dodging the draft himself, scammed his own fans with a fake University, bragged about molesting women, mocked the disabled, promised to drain the swamp and then stacked his cabinet with swamp rats, cheated on his wife while she was pregnant, etc. etc.
Either the Russian persuasion tactics worked, or you guys are as horrible as Trump is.
And Guiliani, also not being part of the investigation, has no ideas of what is happening in the internal investigation himself. Pure and baseless speculation.
Phone calls made from Trump Tower and received in Trump Tower by Trump associates were surveilled. Don’t really care about your insistence that because “trump Tower” hasn’t been proven to have been “wiretapped” that it makes every other thing false.
Each thing has its own separate evidence.
Trump probably shouldn’t have surrounded himself with so many corrupt people, but that was his choice.
Trump was dealt all four Aces the day that Admiral Mike Rogers dispatched himself in November 2016 with the results of the NSA review (which he ordered be done earlier that year) to President-Elect Trump at NYC transition h.q./the Trump Towers. Trump has been admirably and patiently waiting for other key members of the federal government to do their due-diligence and arrive at where he has been for almost two years. Master poker player, hunter extraordinaire.
What's Trump so worried about? If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.
FBI oath excerpt:
I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . .
Nothing has been hidden. He and all his people were spied on and surveilled constantly since July 2016 until at least when Coney was fired. Should be something that was found that is soooo obvious that everyone would easily believe Trump himself did something wrong to win the election. Yet nothing.
So is Hillary neither foreign nor domestic? The FBI sure didn’t investigate her much. Didn’t even assign her a spy for her own protection like Trump got.
let me guess, Trump obstructed justice by not reimbursing the FBI for the money they paid to spy on his campaign? Was it a unreported campaign contribution?
But it's plain old Hillary, not president Hillary.
Had she won and if she and her or the people of her campaign had been holding secret meetings with Russian agents, then rest assured she'd have been the one under the FBI's magnifying glass, and I for one would have strongly been in favor such an FBI investigation. However, she won nothing whereas Trump did win something and something really big.
BTW, as far as I'm concerned, this has nothing to do which political party you support and everything to do with keeping foreign influences, especially hostile ones, out of the White House.
Dango bong
As in substantiated failures? Or wild accusations with no evidence or sources? In any case he is doing much better than any recent President I can remember on issues that working people care about.
Oh, now Trump is all of a sudden a credible source???
So what about the other 10 that are on his team?
Bernie claims to be independent and yet, he caucuses only with the Democrats....uh-huh....
So because he’s a so called Republican, he’s immune from being bias when he has an all star 22 Democratic witch hunting team? Comey claims he’s a Republican and his wife and daughter displayed emotional distraught and frustration that Hillary didn’t win. Does that make him a liberal, not necessarily, but exonerating the woman before indicting her. Hmmmmm....smells very fishy to me.
Sorry, if you hate the truth.
Oh, really?
By the way, where is McCabe or lyin’ Comey?
Hmmmm....a failed lunatic porn star has nothing to do with Russia, but I get your drift, they tried to investigate Clinton over Whitewater and ended up with a stained Blue dress.
Anyway, a bunch of these thugs got fired and more and more bits and pieces are coming out how corrupt these men are as well as the witch hunt of the 21st century.
I always do and just did again.
More Trump BS to feed hope to his believers.
He is like a cult leader with orange hair and skin who is so simple minded he can't tell the difference between HIV and HPV, and paid too much attention to a real billionaire's young daughter.
So, let's put more focus on foreign powers attempting to infiltrate and surveil the Trump campaign, as if it wasn't happening already.
Did anyone else see this as a slap in Trump's face? Yes Donny Dumb A55, that is what we do to protect the United States.
Why does anybody listen to this guy? He lies like crazy, and anytime he’s under suspicion of something, he runs around like mad looking for somebody else to drop the hammer on. He sounds ridiculous. “Investigate me?! I’ll show you, I’ll investigate YOU!!!” What a moronic child. Ugh, it’s bad enough I don’t like his policies but he sounds like a spoiled child hiding behind daddies pant leg. Bush Sr. I hated, but at least I respected him, trump is a whiny little brat who would sell you out for another scoop of ice cream.
All part of the disinformation campaign to discredit the Russia investigation.
You and the GoP would give him a pass at being a traitor to the U.S. Nice.
The bigger question is how the voters will deal with a traitorous Trump and GoP.
It won't go that far.
We are already learning that Don JR. lied about telling his daddy that he was getting dirt on Clinton from the Russians. There is no other credible explanation.
There is more bad things coming Trump's way, and soon. That is why everyone in the Trump camp smell so desperate and fearful.
Brennan and clapper and Pelosi and Schumer and Warner all going nuts on Twitter. they know the end is nigh.
Yeah like your phone never did autocorrect. Petty nonsense.
Just can’t wait to see how quick liberals turn on Mueller when he ends his investigation by announcing he has nothing on Trump. Also when the cases against the social media Russians, Manafort and Flynn get dropped.
You guys gonna be mad.
No more than you guys giving a pass to the last President.
Judging from the latest midterm polls, the gap is closing. Yikes! Not good news for the left.
And the Dems paid for a dossier that was unverified and salacious, not to mention that Comey lied, that McCabe lied, that Brennan lied, that Clapper lied...what’s with all these intelligent officials and lying. Sounds like a disease.
I doubt it and if so, nothing that would scare him. Like I said, even if you impeach him, then what? The Senate won’t remove him, once again you guys would be shooting your own feet again.
Really, I could have sworn I saw the same on Mueller’s face as well as Brennan’s.
No liberals wondering why McCabe hasn’t been indicted for IG confirmed lying? Why is Strzok still employed? Why were Page and Rybicki allowed to stay then retire?
You are gonna be sad.
Like McCain?
Not me, buddy, not me.
I’m actually wondering why Trump hasn’t fired Rosenstein since he’s so corrupt and overseeing others who are so corrupt.
Kim Jong Unfollow
Ohayooooo from Norfolk. Like Trump or not, everything he said would happen, happened. So far he’s right on all his claims. Stock up on your Chardonnay kids, it’s gonna be a fun November, especially election night. I will pour one for Crooked Hillary and watch the blue wave crashed on my new 8kTV.
Whereas I think it will take about 0.00002 seconds before Republicans freak right out and go ballistic when Mueller ends his investigation by announcing all the stuff he has on Trump. The only real question is whether they bring it to civil war or not.
We didn't need to give him a pass. Eight years of a scandal-free excellent presidency that resulted with the country in an extremely better position than when he received it, and even better numbers than his opponent had promised to achieve in the previous election.
Really? There is a wall that was paid for by Mexicans?
Toasted Heretic
How very 2015. Oh well, Norfolk, I suppose.
I do admire the optimism displayed by Trump supporters. Wine-fuelled or not, it's quite a sight to behold. Tbh, given the dreadful, brash and mindless foreign policy (dictating to and dictated by), I'd be hitting hard liquor at this stage.
I didn’t insult McCain’s service record. I just spoke the truth based on his voting record. It’s
Ok, so what does that have to do with McCain?
Yes, when the left shows some respect to the POTUS, then I will do the same.
You know, of all the right-wing posters on this board, I would actually believe you - you're right of the right wing.
Toasted Heretic
Said with a straight face, no doubt!
Maybe your fake pres should show some respect to US citizens, allies and the rest of the world. How about that?
Be honest, man, he lies to the electorate on a daily basis. Is it really that much of a surprise that he's not afforded much respect?
Certainly any media like Breitbart, Infowars, Fox etc. Oh, and mediocre journalists. Worst. Ever.
Toasted Heretic
Tbf to mr. bass, he's great entertainment. And he's a lot nicer than that other fellow. The banned one. Last few days the discussions have almost been polite and a breath of fresh air. I hope this new cordiality remains.
Nice joke. But I’m not even close to being far right. I wouldn’t even past their stupid test.
No deflections, wouldn’t dream of it. I don’t trust the left, of course I trust my posts.
Becuase I had honest parents that taught me right.
And the fake media should equally show some respect as well as our European allies, goes both ways.
I never met a politician that didn’t lie, honestly.
Thanks, you guys as well. Keep it real! I respect everyone even if we disagree.
Looks like Roger Stone is next up on the chopping block.
Moving those goalposts:
n early 2017, President Trump was widely ridiculed for alleging that the Obama administration placed his campaign under surveillance. The response from experts on CNN and other sites was open mockery. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper came forward to assure the media that he could categorically deny the allegation and stated, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign.” The range of media analysis seemed to run from whether Trump was a clinical paranoid or a delusional demagogue.
We now know there was, indeed, surveillance ordered repeatedly on Trump campaign figures before and after the election. Rather than acknowledge the troubling implications of an administration investigating the opposing party’s leading candidate for president, the media shifted to saying that there was ample reason to order the surveillance.
No, that's not what he was criticized for. If you're going to make claims, you should ensure that the basis of the claim you are making is at least accurate.
Which is not what Trump claimed at the time.
Donald 'Change The Subject' Trump.
Really? So what far-right ideologies do you disagree with? Which policies?
"It can't happen here."
When Obama did screw up, he admitted it. When he made that 'dumb cop' statement he held that 'beer summit' to amend and apologize. He publicly washed his dirty linen. He's a solid family man, his wife never shamed herself by posing for bondage porn, he always tried to reach out for any ideas from anyone regardless of party affiliation, when Libya's civil war posed a danger of Qaddafy releasing his terrorism machine again on Europe, the Middle East and Africa- he acted as head of NATO to stop that menace for good, and when ISIS started their crazy antics he rapidly acted on that one too. Obama never whined about the media or the FBI or any agency being against him even though there were a lot of pinheads with stupid superstitious notions about him. He did his job. He didn't pop off the chops and lambast or bully his way with anyone. He didn't act like a crybaby or a narcisstic little Nero. Agree with his policies or not, Obama acted like a President. He was always gentlemanly with whoever he dealt with and never talked down to them. Yet who made disparaging remarks about Obama's color and ethnicity and who brought up that stupid 'birther' issue - yes, brothers and sisters - the Traitor Donald Douchebag Trump.
DRAIN THE SWAMP they scream. yep just as long it isnt the Trump swamp theyre happy. LOL
It's starting to be clear that when Bait-and-switch Don said 'drain the swamp', he meant 'drain the swamp so I can fill it with my own even grosser swamp people'.
Oh my...
President Trump takes aim at the 'criminal deep state'
How about misguided, uninformed trolls?
Look at that hysterical idiot, He's so paranoid there's no way he is innocent. If he was he wouldn't keep running his motormouth about it. He is guilty. He is a criminal.