Japan Today

Trump tells Democrats: No immigration talk until U.S. government reopened


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Please fire yourself, Trump!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

To add to laguna's Trump quote, Trump also said this about the 2013 shutdown:

“Well, if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top,” Trump said. “I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”

He said that further down in history, “when they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time.”

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,” Trump said.

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,” he added.

The Loser-in-Chief is living up to his own hopeless standards. Will his next book be, 'The Art of the Shutdown'?! Gump is so out of his depth it's beyond embarrassing.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

But in reality this started with Reagan is his attempts to get votes, and now it's backfired onto the GOP.

I take your point but I'd say it goes back even further. Look at the Cuban exiles or the first generation of Vietnamese boat people who were all solid republican voters. Playing with immigration for electoral gain is wrong regardless of who is doing it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The left ranted about Bush day in and day out until the end of 2015 for the most part.

Nah, only when you were trying to blame Obama for things Bush did. Something that Trump continues to do to this day (UK embassy anyone?).

@Laguna Wouldn't be the least surprised if he blames Obama and illegal immigrants for the shutdown

He's blamed everyone else, including the last president for being weak when the same thing is happening to him.

Trump is a failure even by his own evaluation!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wouldn't be the least surprised if he blames Obama and illegal immigrants for the shutdown,the man has no concept of responsibility or accountability .

The left ranted about Bush day in and day out until the end of 2015 for the most part. Come on be fair, Obama's name will keep popping up for another 3 to 7 years, so be patient please.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

A shutdown falls on the president’s apparent lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak.

Donald Trump, 2013
0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Laguna Wouldn't be the least surprised if he blames Obama and illegal immigrants for the shutdown,the man has no concept of responsibility or accountability .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Lawmakers failed to resolve an impasse over Democrats' demands to include certain measures, including protections for young undocumented immigrants, in any short-term spending legislation.

Democrats' demand of securing permanent legal protections for 700,000 young, undocumented immigrants as a condition for new government funding, Walden said, was "hostage-taking in its worse form."

"Democrats are far more concerned with illegal immigrants than they are with our great military or safety at our dangerous southern border," he said. "They could have easily made a deal but decided to play shutdown politics instead."

Amazing. Elected Democrats have chosen to support illegal aliens over U.S. citizens. The illegal alien issue could have been handled at a later date (In a month? After the next election?), but no, the Schumer-shutdown had to occur now. Why? Two reasons, 1st, elected Democrats are trying to influence the votes for the up coming general election. That's just playing politics, which is to be expected. 2nd, elected Democrats have chosen to turn American citizens into 2nd-class citizens. Elected Democrats have proven that they consider the "rights" of illegal aliens to be more important than the needs of U.S. citizens. If you're a U.S. citizen who needs, requires, desires, wants, deserves your government to be doing its job, that's just to bad. Those U.S. citizen's are simply not as important to the elected Democrats as the illegal aliens are.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The Democrat and Republican politicians have received their salaries while the US Government shut down?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A weak-minded Trump disciple would definitely think so. 

Coming from the people that idolize the weak minded party that believes in punishing success and wanting to tax them into oblivion. 

And? His party allegiance means nothing -- he is a racist born and bread. Notice how you say "used to be", anyway? The GOP was once great, too.


Yes and the Dems as well back before WWII

They certainly aren't now. In any case, Watters is known to be a racist, and I think quoting him as though he is an authority on anything BUT racism (and we all know his Chinatown segment in particular) is pretty telling. 

He's not and you have no proof other than your personal opinion.

Who's "drinking Kool-aid" with questions like that, friend? That seems to be your only back-tracking fall back next to "LOL". 

Translation: backed in a corner and cat got your tongue.

He most certainly is.

If you say that, then that means every single Democrat in the US are outright radical racists of the most dangerous order. 

Not surprised you're defending him, though. I suppose you also think walking around Chinatown asking everyone if they can do karate, where to get herbs for "performance", or whether he's supposed to bow to say "hello" (to fellow Americans), and all the while playing "Kung Fu Fighting" isn't racist. 

So when you make the comment clinging to guns and religion and saying things like inbred or red neck, tramp, trailer trash those aren't racist words or stereotypes and playing Blue grass isn't racially offensive?

For example? 

Detroit, South Chicago, Baltimore, DC, Brooklyn, Miami, St. Louis, Oakland, Compton just to name a few.

Well, something's pathetic, that's for sure. I say it's defending racists. And yet, here you are doing just that... again.

Sorry, I don't defend Democrats social and economic racist entitlement, policies, nice try though.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

bass4funk: "So then that means every other President was weak....interesting."

A weak-minded Trump disciple would definitely think so.

"Yo, Smith, Duke used to be and was originally a Democrat."

And? His party allegiance means nothing -- he is a racist born and bread. Notice how you say "used to be", anyway? The GOP was once great, too. They certainly aren't now. In any case, Watters is known to be a racist, and I think quoting him as though he is an authority on anything BUT racism (and we all know his Chinatown segment in particular) is pretty telling.

"By the way, is everyone that doesn't swallow the Jones Kool aid and conservative a racist."

Who's "drinking Kool-aid" with questions like that, friend? That seems to be your only back-tracking fall back next to "LOL".

"Watters isn't a racist"

He most certainly is. Not surprised you're defending him, though. I suppose you also think walking around Chinatown asking everyone if they can do karate, where to get herbs for "performance", or whether he's supposed to bow to say "hello" (to fellow Americans), and all the while playing "Kung Fu Fighting" isn't racist.

"if you want to see racism in its purest form when you come to the US go to the larger Black populated cities and you will see Democratic racist policies right before your very eyes."

For example?

"But to liberals point that out is in their twisted minds racist, they don't say racist or derogatory names in front of them, but their policies of government entitlements is what destroyed the Black family over the last 50 years. Pathetic!"

Well, something's pathetic, that's for sure. I say it's defending racists. And yet, here you are doing just that... again.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

M3M3M3: but if you change the demographics of society by overloading it with newcomers, you are only sewing chaos and undermining the core idea of democracy as a voluntary cooperative project

But in reality this started with Reagan is his attempts to get votes, and now it's backfired onto the GOP.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Weak minded Trump disciples and associated independent Republicans should take note. 

So then that means every other President was weak....interesting.

But they're as fake as their fake president and his fake everything.

You mean, like Shumer's words, fake or how he feels about the dreamers? Faaaaaake! That was a real dud.

Hahaha! I love how you quote Watters, a well known racist and bigot, who thinks calling predominantly black nations is how "the forgotten talk". Next you'll be quoting David Duke.

Yo, Smith, Duke used to be and was originally a Democrat. By the way, is everyone that doesn't swallow the Jones Kool aid and conservative a racist. So then that would mean, Lincoln was a racist as well. I know you have a deep interest in American politics, but I think you need to brush up on our history a bit. Watters isn't a racist, if you want to see racism in its purest form when you come to the US go to the larger Black populated cities and you will see Democratic racist policies right before your very eyes. But to liberals point that out is in their twisted minds racist, they don't say racist or derogatory names in front of them, but their policies of government entitlements is what destroyed the Black family over the last 50 years. Pathetic!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Correlation does not equal causation.

Hi Strangerland. I don't think causation is really important in this case. If the voting preferences of an immigrant population begin to diverge from the established native population, the 'why' question is largely irrelevant. What's important is that it is happening and what that shift will mean for social cohesion and the longterm future of a society divided along such lines.

Naturally, established populations often have very different interests from newcomers. Most have social capital, property or generational wealth, for example. They prefer not to be taxed in order to pay for social welfare programs or excluded by diversity quota hiring. Both groups have every to vote in their own self interest, but if you change the demographics of society by overloading it with newcomers, you are only sewing chaos and undermining the core idea of democracy as a voluntary cooperative project.


Also, you never answered my question to you on Jan 14/15 about the feasibility of a completely open borders society. You just seemed to roll on by and kept commenting. The exact same philosophical issues about democracy apply here in the case of legal immigration where there is a shift in voting preferences away from that of the native population.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Serrano: "Watters' Words: The Schumer shutdown"

Hahaha! I love how you quote Watters, a well known racist and bigot, who thinks calling predominantly black nations is how "the forgotten talk". Next you'll be quoting David Duke.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

This will be known as Trump's shutdown, and even his moronic son Eric is blabbing about how the shutdown is a great thing. Trump is holding the US hostage, and this is going to come back and hurt him and the others come elections, if not sooner, big time. The guy is demanding his wall or nothing, while the Dems have been willing to negotiate until he keeps shifting what he wants on immigration, and the Dems, it is known, will not try to help this thing Trump started until the Dreamers are protected.

Now, given that the majority of Americans were against ending DACA, and Trump did it anyway, and the former want to protect people born and raised there (as do most Americans), that only adds to how bad this is going to be seen as Trump's debacle.

As for Sanders, she's clearly flown off the rails more than ever of late. The only "loser" is her, and her weight gain and stressed out stutters are proof that she is losing it. She should get out, enjoy life, and realize the error of her ways, as Spicer has.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

LagunaToday  10:03 am JST

Trump in 2013:

A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak.

I too second my friend Laguna.

Weak minded Trump disciples and associated independent Republicans should take note.

But they're as fake as their fake president and his fake everything. More plastic than Andy Warhol could ever have dreamed of being.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Can you think of when you first started using that argument?

I honestly don't understand what you mean so please just tell us what you're trying to get at. It's not an argument. It's simply an observation which has been documented and discussed by many people over the years. Regardless of the particular election or the country, when you see the established native population supporting one candidate while newer arrivals overwhelming support the opposition, it raises serious questions about the undermining of the social contract, the viability of multiculturalism, and the core ideas behind democracy itself.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The idea that Dems want immigration for votes is beyond asinine.

Except it's really not. Just look at voter preference by ethnic group.

Correlation does not equal causation.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

M3M3M3: Except it's really not. Just look at voter preference by ethnic group.

Can you think of when you first started using that argument?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This is interesting:

Watters' Words: The Schumer shutdown


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

So much for the art of the deal.

Wasn't this the guy who said just last week on TV: "Give me something, anything, and I'll sign it. I'll take the heat. I can take it." What a yo-yo.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The idea that Dems want immigration for votes is beyond asinine.

Except it's really not. Just look at voter preference by ethnic group. This phenomenon of leftwing parties abandoning their traditional working class base and attempting to import a new electorate has been happening across most of the western world in the past few decades. It's essentially the story of the 2016 election in many ways. Instead of promising solutions to end to poverty and poor working conditions, they now promise an end to racism, discrimination, sexism, islamophobia, etc.

Bass: I only interact with people that are intellectually honest, provide relevant responses, and understand that facts are not subjective. This rules you out. Kuddos!

His point was perfectly sound. Most immigrants who come to America are at the lower end of the socio-economic ladder and it is in their rational self interest to vote for a party promising social programs and government safety nets.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

If illegal aliens don’t have to obey the law how can the government expect citizens to do so? When you have a major political party encouraging illegality it’s no wonder a guy like Trump can we elected president. Americans have all lost their minds.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

I don't know. Why are the Repubs so roundly?

Because they call the shots.

So you're saying Schumer is as dumb as Trump. Got it.

Worse, in fact, he could care less about the DACA kids that's going to come back on him.

If it's so typical of Democrats to be sneaky, why did it take so long for Genius Trump and Genius Stephen Miller to figure it out?

If Shumer is so smart why didn't he realize not funding our military and taking the sides of illegal aliens over Americans is political suicide? What a dumb.....

I think Lindsey Graham (who is not a liberal) has a more realistic take on what happened:

He's not a true conservative at least on the immigration issue, why not just throw in McCain and Flake as well, these men as as conservative as I am a progressive lib.

"The Stephen Miller approach to immigration has no viability. Tuesday, the president was in a good place. He was the president of all of us. He spoke compassionately about immigration, tough on security, wanted bipartisanship. Two days later, there was a major change. I think the change comes about from people like Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller is well known in the Senate for having views that are outside the mainstream."

Yes, after he found out that he would essentially be legalizing 3.6 million and No end to the visa lottery program and No end to chain migration No to a full funding on the wall, after looking back at the trap the libs laid out for Reagan, they decided that the Dems way and the so called Republican spineless open border loons wasn't the way to go and good on Mueller to push the issue. The left doesn't want to fully fund the military and No on the wall, then NO DACA deal, it's that simple.

Even 67% of Repubs support DACA.

And almost 92% of Republicans support a wall, so what's your point? If Trump and the GOP get their wish for the wall, border security and end to the chain migration and visa lottery system, the Dems can get their DACA of course.

The problem is the Freedom Caucus in the House, most from highly fillibustered districts far more conservative than the average GOPer. But Speaker Ryan is terrified of him and won't even bring a bill up for a vote. 

And Shumer and Pelosi are terrified of the Hispanic Caucus and the dreamers themselves and?

If Trump (who has also expressed support for a DACA bill) intervened and demanded a vote, it would probably pass in the House, too, but Trump is as terrified of the Freedom Caucus as Ryan is.

Yes and the Dems are equally afraid of their Hispanic base and the Hispanic Caucus.

GOP cowardice is the cause of this impasse.

No, Democrat idiocy and pride is the cause for the impasse.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Trump is trying to curb undesirable elements from invading and overwhelming America.....something Japan has practised for generations !

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Link to stats: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/immigration/350082-the-debate-over-daca-is-about-what-makes-a-real-american

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Even 67% of Repubs support DACA. It would pass the Senate in a second. The problem is the Freedom Caucus in the House, most from highly fillibustered districts far more conservative than the average GOPer. But Speaker Ryan is terrified of him and won't even bring a bill up for a vote.

If Trump (who has also expressed support for a DACA bill) intervened and demanded a vote, it would probably pass in the House, too, but Trump is as terrified of the Freedom Caucus as Ryan is.

GOP cowardice is the cause of this impasse.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

why are the Dems so squarely?

I don't know. Why are the Repubs so roundly?

Oh and Shumer is class act genius?

So you're saying Schumer is as dumb as Trump. Got it.

until they realized the sinister sneakiness that is so typical of the Democrats as to what their true intentions really are.

If it's so typical of Democrats to be sneaky, why did it take so long for Genius Trump and Genius Stephen Miller to figure it out?

I think Lindsey Graham (who is not a liberal) has a more realistic take on what happened:

"The Stephen Miller approach to immigration has no viability. Tuesday, the president was in a good place. He was the president of all of us. He spoke compassionately about immigration, tough on security, wanted bipartisanship. Two days later, there was a major change. I think the change comes about from people like Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller is well known in the Senate for having views that are outside the mainstream."

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"Democrats are far more concerned with illegal immigrants than they are with our great military or safety at our dangerous southern border," he said. "They could have easily made a deal but decided to play shutdown politics instead."

Of course the Democrats are concerned with illegal immigrants, its these peoples votes the left needs to get re-elected. Its exactly why left wing European Governments have allowed mass migration because they know they will vote for left wing parties.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

And yes it does have to go with economics, safety and justice.

Economics: causes wage suppression when illegals will work for half price.

safety: illegal immigrants make up 23% of the federal prison population.

justice: you break immigration law you should be deported. Just like you would be in Japan. Haven’t you seen kids of illegal parents sent back to their own countries by Japan?

But despite this, the main reason is that Repubs simply can’t allow Dems to get 3.6 million new voters from this amnesty plan.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Three words: future Democratic voters.

Every election would be determined not by native born Americans but by Dems and their pandering to brand new voters and 1st generation ex illegal immigrant families.

trump is many things why do you think it keeps returning to “racist”? That’s where the politics and votes are.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. His position changes from hour to hour. He's an imbecile.

Oh and Shumer is class act genius? He just may have cost his party a lot with this shutdown.

Trump on January 9: “I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with.” --Sounds like a real leader!

It does, so why are the Dems so squarely?

There was going to be a bipartisan deal but it was sunk because of Stephen Miller and his bitter, hateful allies in Congress (that means you Tom Cotton, David Perdue, Bob Goodlatte et al.).

That was until they realized the sinister sneakiness that is so typical of the Democrats as to what their true intentions really are. Amnesty for over 3.6 million, not going to happen and that over Americans? Libs smoking too much once again.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

why do Dems want DACA sooooo bad?

Why don't you tell us?

I know why Repubs hate DACA sooooo much. (Hint: it has nothing to do with economics, public safety, or justice.)

7 ( +8 / -1 )

You know why I know this isn’t a Trump shutdown? If it were, a district court judge in Hawaii would have ordered the government to be reopened by now.

Dems want DACA so bad that they willing to fully fund Trump’s wall now. That’s master negotiation find what your opponent can’t live without getting. But think, why do Dems want DACA sooooo bad?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

he's not budging on DACA

Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. His position changes from hour to hour. He's an imbecile.

Trump on January 9: “I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with.” --Sounds like a real leader!

There was going to be a bipartisan deal but it was sunk because of Stephen Miller and his bitter, hateful allies in Congress (that means you Tom Cotton, David Perdue, Bob Goodlatte et al.).

Americans before illegals.

Very catchy. How about this one: One People, One Nation, One Leader.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Not to steal Laguna's thunder, but it needs constant repeating. Trump can't even live up to his own standards, let alone the American people's.

He is, that's why he's not budging on DACA. Americans before illegals.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

The idea that Dems want immigration for votes is beyond asinine.

Not at all. Bring in illegal aliens, give them all the entitlements, all free stuff and if you have to choose between a party that preaches self-reliance or a party that promises you free stuff, who would you vote for, most poor people would of course vote for the party that gives them everything. 

So is the assertion that Dems are putting undocumented immigrants above citizens.

They had a deal and they said No. So the Dems are backing the dreamers, if they were serious, they would for now have gone with the deal and worked out all the rest of the minor tweaks later, but they said, no deal and said, screw the military and screw the funding for the wall. So if they want to play that game and the clock is running on them, so be it.

Trump stuck to his position until the far right cons in the senate whispered into his ear, so about 45 minutes.

Yes, they don't want to be fooled again the way Reagan was a fool to believe the Dems would have done something about the border, they lied then and they are lying now, legalizing 800K illegal aliens will actually be legalizing 3.6 million in reality and no end to chain migration or the visa lottery? Trump and the GOP are 110% right on this issue.

Dems are not against funding the military.

 They're not for it either.

The House is set to vote on Thursday on a new continuing spending resolution to keep the government funded through Feb. 16, but Democrats are largely opposed and some Republican defense hawks are on the fence, unwilling to support more temporary funding for the military.

Repeating arguments employed by Republican defense hawks, the speaker warned of growing and complex national security threats, including North Korea, the Islamic State, Iran and Russia and argued a military buildup is needed to meet them.

Like the hawks in his conference, he also underscored the state of military readiness, which he called “past the breaking point.” Specifically, he pointed to long Navy work hours, high percentages of planes that can’t fly because of maintenance issues and cuts in the size of the Army. 

And he cited 80 military training deaths in 2017, nearly four times the number of combat deaths in the same year.

"The cost of these readiness deficiencies are dire," Ryan said. "This is literally costing us lives."


Regarding the wall, Trump guaranteed Mexico would pay for it, so funding for it should never be included in any conversation with Congress.

He said, we pay and Mexico will reimburse us, but either way, I would gladly pay for the construction of it.

Certain posters would benefit from intellectual honesty as much as they would benefit by providing relevant responses.

I pray that liberals take that to heart.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Trump 2013  10:44 am JST

A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak.

Not to steal Laguna's thunder, but it needs constant repeating. Trump can't even live up to his own standards, let alone the American people's.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The idea that Dems want immigration for votes is beyond asinine. So is the assertion that Dems are putting undocumented immigrants above citizens.

Trump stuck to his position until the far right cons in the senate whispered into his ear, so about 45 minutes.

Dems are not against funding the military. Regarding the wall, Trump guaranteed Mexico would pay for it, so funding for it should never be included in any conversation with Congress.

Certain posters would benefit from intellectual honesty as much as they would benefit by providing relevant responses.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Hooray for Senator Schumer and the Democrats for standing up to the bully.

Yes, putting illegals over American citizens, a winning strategy.

We need a clean DACA and a clean CHIP. When Mexico's check to pay for the wall clears the bank, Trump can have that Mexican money for his wall.

Trump is not going to budge an inch on the wall, chain migration or visa lottery, we know that's the bread and butter for the Democrats for years and with this President, that won't fly and as he said, he will take the heat, but will hold the line and I don't think the Dems can hold that position for too long especially when the Dems have something on the table, but Shumer came up with extra provisions that he wanted added to the deal.

It's beyond humorous to hear anyone claim that Trump is a master negotiator given his inability to stick to a position/his stated interests.

He did and was clear, he wants funding for the military and the wall and the Dems don't want to allow the President the funds, so the Dems think he's going to give them DACA? Put these people before US citizens? Thats's just crazy.

Trump couldn't negotiate a transaction at the Bunny Ranch whilst holding buckets full of gold.

The Dems can't even negotiate, yes, we want rights for illegals, screw Americans, yeah, that just sounds so rational to take that position.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Trump in 2013:

A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

The republicans are holding government funding hostage over something that has nothing to do with funding the government: a wall we were guaranteed Mexico would pay for.

It always gives me a hearty laugh when cons claim something doesn't bother them after they have tried to blame that something on Democrats or after they have whinged about it extensively. Similar to the nothing burger Mueller investigation. If it is truly a nonething burger, there would be no reason to talk about it.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Schumer is holding government funding hostage over a issue that has nothing to do with funding the government. But it doesn’t bother me that the Federal government is semi-shutdown. The military, law enforcement and employees for essential services are still at work. The vast majority of these non essential employees should be state government employees anyway.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

The issue with Trump making any declaration is we never know when he's going to change his mind, which is what happened with the most recent funding bill. Trump has the attention of a gold fish.

It's beyond humorous to hear anyone claim that Trump is a master negotiator given his inability to stick to a position/his stated interests. Trump couldn't negotiate a transaction at the Bunny Ranch whilst holding buckets full of gold.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Hooray for Senator Schumer and the Democrats for standing up to the bully. We need a clean DACA and a clean CHIP. When Mexico's check to pay for the wall clears the bank, Trump can have that Mexican money for his wall.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

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