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Trump, allies tangle with key Democrat; Mueller report is 300 pages

By Patricia Zengerle and Andy Sullivan

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If the Repubs and Trump want Schiff gone then Schiff is on the right trail.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

@burningbus To be fair, if "spreading disinformation" is a crime

then paid trolls would be prosecuted. In the US, of course. In Russia they'd probably get a promotion.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Which is probably the most useless statement an investigator could make.

Yes, we understand transparency isn't high on Komrade Putin's list of priorities.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Clearly, Mueller punted Trump's culpability to Congress, indicating it's more of a political issue than legal - "I tacitly delegated illegal activities to my deputies but have myself committed no crimes" is not the best campaign slogan nor the mindset of a president America deserves.

Trump had best get used to this. Schiff is staying; Trump and his congressional henchmen have no power here. We'll see those 300 pages - and the underlying evidence.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Clearly, Mueller punted Trump's culpability to Congress, indicating it's more of a political issue than legal

That's a definite possibility. He may have also punted it to the Department of Justice - he put together all the evidence as an investigator, and let them determine whether that evidence is enough to make a criminal charge or not.

In a properly functioning transparent administration, that would happen. But in this case, Trump put a pawn in the justice department exactly so he would decide there was not enough to press charges.

So now we can't know if there actually wasn't enough to charge for a crime, or if Trump is just being covered by his plant, Barr.

Once Congress has seen the report, they can decide whether or not there is an impeachable offense there.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

As long as they coverup the report, most Americans will assume Trump is lying about it, because he lies about everything, and this is just another obvious self-serving lie.

If they release it, Americans will have something to actually consider. If he actually believes the report exonerates him, he'd be fighting to get it released. He isn't.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

@burnhbus Not guilty, but can't exonerate him.

I haven't read he's 'not guilty'. Are you saying Trump's been in a US court of law and been acquitted of whatever crime he might have been charged with, or are you confusing the US judicial system with a 'foreign' one.

I have read, though, that based on the extensive findings of the Mueller report Trump has not been exonerated. Are you trying to spread 'disinformation'.

The US system is probably different from totalitarian states that have potemkin-ish show trials.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

He may have also punted it to the Department of Justice

Stranger, the DOJ cannot prosecute a sitting president. I don't understand why he Mueller didn't go after some of Trump's progeny, though; perhaps it was too sensitive. But he also referred many cases to state prosecutors, putting them safely beyond the ability of Trump to pardon. Perhaps Don Jr. and Jared are there. This is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Dems wanted Nunes gone. So Nunes was on “the right trail” too then.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Love for you guys pushing the story about all these other investigations that were supposedly “handed off” somewhere.

Sure keep waiting for those as Trump gets reeeeee-elected in an electoral college landslide.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

If the Repubs and Trump want Schiff gone then Schiff is on the right trail

What right trail? Spliff is on some serious hallucinogenics if he thinks the people are going to be tuned in to this, now over 50% of the country does believe it’s a witch hunt and it’s gone way overboard.


-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Sure keep waiting for those as Trump gets reeeeee-elected in an electoral college landslide.

That does look like his avenue. It's pretty clear that once again he won't actually be the choice of the people. Three years ago, the people suspected he was crooked, but hoped he would be effective. Now they can see that his crookedness has simply held him up having to try to defend it all the time. The electoral college is all he can hope for.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

As long as they coverup the report, most Americans will assume Trump is lying about it,

No, only the haters will think that. When Gowdy wanted to see Spliff’s reports on who wrote the FISA reports or anything related, that idiot winter in anything over to him or to Nunes, now liberals demand? Lol

because he lies about everything, and this is just another obvious self-serving lie.

Seems like Spliff Lied his***off and now his chickens are coming home to roost.

If they release it, Americans will have something to actually consider. If he actually believes the report exonerates him, he'd be fighting to get it released. He isn't.

After If is vetted and cleared. Most people think you just release, it doesn’t work like that. If we can wait 2 years, you can wait a few days, you guys won’t crumble....

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

We wait 4 years for an election, Dems say it’s a crime against democracy to not accept results. We win-they don’t accept results.

We wait 22 months for an investigation to end. Don’t fire Mueller, don’t restrict him in any way. Must wait until investigation is done! It’s done and We win again- Dems don’t accept results.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Luckily the electoral college is how we “keep score” for this.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

That does look like his avenue. It's pretty clear that once again he won't actually be the choice of the people.

Thank God, California and NY won’t call the election and thank God for the EC.

Three years ago, the people suspected he was crooked, but hoped he would be effective. Now they can see that his crookedness has simply held him up having to try to defend it all the time. The electoral college is all he can hope for.

Ok, but compared to the other crooked politicians in Washington, he is the best crooked one to win the EC.

Trump/Pence 2020

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

“Nothing happened” is quite easy to summarize.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

300+ report and a four page summary?

A 300+ page report that was read in four days, and summarized in four pages, without even quoting one full sentence (only quotes of sentence fragments were included in the summary).

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Ok, but compared to the other crooked politicians in Washington, he is the best crooked one to win the EC.

But has no mandate because he got thrashed in the vote that actually reflects the will of the people, you know a truly democratic measurement.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Anybody with a measurable intelligence knows that Trump lies about everything.

Adam Spliff, the Democrats are by far worse.

As for Schiff, he has the absolute right to say whatever he wants. We like him because he punches back.

Yeah. But it seems like he’s credibility or what was left of it is running out of steam...

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

But has no mandate because he got thrashed in the vote that actually reflects the will of the people, you know a truly democratic measurement.

We are a constitutional Republic, our system is the EC.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Yeah. But it seems like he’s credibility or what was left of it is running out of steam...

Doesn't matter. In the days of Trump we've come to understand that credibility doesn't matter. It's what one says and how they say it that matters, not the credibility behind their statements. We need a straight talker on the left. Someone who tells it like it is, and isn't afraid to stick it to the establishment. Schiff for Emperor!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Doesn't matter. In the days of Trump we've come to understand that credibility doesn't matter.

And neither does it to Democrats.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

According to the Washington Post, and some back on the envelop calculations, Trump in his life has lied 3 million times, 10,000 lies since taking office.

These things are annoying. A lie is a statement made with the intent to spread a mistruth. It requires both knowledge that what one is saying is incorrect, and as well as an intent to deceive.

We can't know whether Trump is an idiot when he says these so-called 'lies', or whether he is willfully deceptive. Since we can't know, let's stop using the word lies, and switch to mistruths, as that is more accurate regardless of intent.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Even a Fox News talking head is saying that there is likely evidence of conspiracy to collude in the report - release it - let everyone be the judge and see for themselves.

Don't let Donnie try to pull a Tricky Dickie and cover it up...


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Even a Fox News talking head is saying that there is likely evidence of conspiracy to collude in the report

And then what? Impeachment is off table and no one will care what happened 20 years ago financially or that he used his constitutional power to get rid of Comey.

release it - let everyone be the judge and see for themselves. 

It’s coming, calm down.

Don't let Donnie try to pull a Tricky Dickie and cover it up...

He didn’t and doesn’t have a reason, now Adam Spliff on the other hand.....

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Trump is in a quandary. He obviously does not want the report released - if he did, he could order it done rather than lamely deferring to his AG. But if it stays hidden, there will be a steady drip, drip, drip. And, as usual, Trump did not help his case by childishly taunting Schiff with the moniker "little Adam Schitt."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump is in a quandary. He obviously does not want the report released - if he did, he could order it done rather than lamely deferring to his AG. But if it stays hidden, there will be a steady drip, drip, drip. And, as usual, Trump did not help his case by childishly taunting Schiff with the moniker "little Adam Schitt."

Gowdy cleared up that myth. Trump wants it released, but since the Democrats are just dumb, they could care less who is compromised or if methods, witnesses are revealed. If the roles were reversed, the Democrats under any circumstances would either not release it or just redact the entire thing. Why are liberals so impatient? If we can wait two years, they can wait a few weeks....geeez!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Not unreasonable, as Barr is Mueller’s boss and was being given updates.

A four-page summary of the report, that doesn't even quote a single full sentence from the report is not unreasonable?

Come on, "Imagine if the Starr Report had been provided only to President Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, who then read it privately and published a 4-page letter based on her private reading stating her conclusion that President Clinton committed no crimes".

You guys would have a hissy fit. And now you're trying to claim it's not unreasonable? Yeah right.

If it was a witch hunt, you should be pushing for the report to be released ASAP, since it would be a complete and utter exoneration of your boy.

But we all know it's going to be damning to your boy, and that's why he and the Pubs are suppressing it, and why you are not pushing for the report to be released, but rather are just trying to pretend like you have any more a clue what is in it this week than you did last week before Barr saw it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeah. But it seems like he’s credibility or what was left of it is running out of steam...

But not Trump's, correct? Never mind his constant lying.

We are a constitutional Republic, our system is the EC.

Yes. It still doesn't reflect the will of the people, which means no mandate is inherent in an EC win.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Gowdy cleared up that myth. Trump wants it released, but since the Democrats are just dumb, they could care less who is compromised or if methods, witnesses are revealed. If the roles were reversed, the Democrats under any circumstances would either not release it or just redact the entire thing. Why are liberals so impatient? If we can wait two years, they can wait a few weeks....geeez!

Says the guy that cheers every time Trump hands out confidential information in an off-the-cuff manner.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Why are liberals so impatient? If we can wait two years, they can wait a few weeks....geeez!

Then do you not think its fair that Trump should wait a few weeks to start hurling insults and calling for schiff to resign?

Its going to be awfully messy if the report is released showing criminal acts by the Trump organization after Trump has been sitting around claiming false innocence...I'm not saying what's in the report because I don't know. But its immature and Trump better have absolutely no criminal background and complete innocence when the report comes around or he's gonna sink hard and fast.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In all fairness, the report probably has some of the most criminal findings in presidential history. But we will have to wait a few weeks to find out for sure...

Orangey's side is still the wrong boat to be in right now.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Which is interesting though, as it's likely that the right will be louder than they've ever been until the report is actually released. Look at the Trumpets on this site - every last one of them is claiming that the report exonerates him. Even though every last one of them doesn't even know a full sentence from the report.

Yes, and the left doesn't know what is in it either. EXCEPT, that Mueller and Barr both claimed it doesn't exonerate Trump. That plus the suppression of it just goes to show, the 300 pages are probably littered with criminal findings that will ruin Trump, and put disdain upon the GOP for the foreseeable future. I can't tell you what's in it, but I have a pretty good idea.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

the left doesn't know what is in it either. EXCEPT, that Mueller and Barr both claimed it doesn't exonerate Trump.

As well as a quote from the report, stating it doesn't exonerate Trump.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"Imagine if the Starr Report had been provided only to President Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno, who then read it privately and published a 4-page letter based on her private reading stating her conclusion that President Clinton committed no crimes"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have noticed that the majority of those participating here dislike or even hate Trump. That OK as it is your right and privilege. I am alright with that.

The only thing is... I would like to see "judgement" and "evaluation" based upon facts and results by Trump on reliable and accurate data realistically, pragmatically and practically viewed, considered and evaluated properly and unbiased or prejudiced. Then please provide us with a reasonable a meaningful opinion.

Bashing can only be tolerated for a very short time.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

300 - 700 pages? Trump can't even read one... he had to get the lackey he hired based on his "The president can't obstruct!" comment to summarise by phone. What a complete and utter moron, and now even the Republicans are calling him as much for jumping back on destroying the ACA when he could have continued doing unwarranted victory laps!

kazetsukai: "That OK as it is your right and privilege. I am alright with that."

Well, since the sole purpose of this site is the aim to please you, I say "Phew!" Thanks for your permission.

"The only thing is... I would like to see "judgement" and "evaluation" based upon facts and results by Trump on reliable and accurate data realistically, pragmatically and practically viewed, considered and evaluated properly and unbiased or prejudiced."

But you flat out support the Republicans self-proclaimed "alternative facts", as well as Trumps more than 7000 lies? Got it. You've seen with your own eyes the proof and facts, but the problem is, they are blocking what you WANT to see, so you just look past them, kazetsukai.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Even a Fox News talking head is saying that there is likely evidence of conspiracy to collude in the report

And then what? Impeachment is off table and no one will care what happened 20 years ago financially or that he used his constitutional power to get rid of Comey.

There's this small thing called an election in 2020 - we understand Repubs don't want to talk about it...

release it - let everyone be the judge and see for themselves. 

It’s coming, calm down.

Gee, do we have to wait as long as "Mexico will pay for the wall"?

Don't let Donnie try to pull a Tricky Dickie and cover it up...

He didn’t and doesn’t have a reason, now Adam Spliff on the other hand.....

Premature - say that once there entire report is released...and remember, Donnie's best bud Stone has a Nixon tattoo on his back...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

300 pages must have a lot of info. Redact the classified info and just release the report. Before the release, everybody agreed it's in the public's interest to release it, and even Trump is now fine with releasing it. There's no reason to keep it sealed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is just beyond silly for Trump and the Fox echo chamber to talk about Schiff and others leaking and lying, and calling for resignations. What on earth do they think they are talking about, if anything? Schiff is a serious person doing his job. Obviously Trump and the drones wouldn't recognise that if it slapped them in the face, but voters are not as stupid as Trump and Fox think they are.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

now I see, this is the CNN talking points that liberals are suddenly following:


so Barr found 101 words that are good for Trump but all the other words will say the exact opposite of Barr’s summary. Good luck with that delusion.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, defended Schiff...

No surprise here.

... and called the actions of Trump and committee Republicans "shameful" and "irresponsible."

She's got Trump and the Republicans mixed up with Schiff.

Schiff will never admit he's wrong and lied about having evidence of coillusion. He needs to be kicked out of Congress.

Tucker: Adam Schiff is an unbalanced hack


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Just release the report.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

To be fair, if "spreading disinformation" is a crime, than anybody who peddled the Russian conspiracy theory should be charged, or at the very least, resign from public office.

Hillary and the DNC funneled campaign money to Putin’s intelligence agents for disinformation on Donald Trump. Why didn’t Mueller investigate that? Why hasn’t Trumps DOJ, FBI, and CIA investigated that? It has been widely reported that Hillary’s campaign was in de facto control of the DNC’s finances at the time. I haven’t even heard her specifically deny that Fusion GPS engaged Christopher Steele through her law firm that she used as a cutout in an attempt to conceal this nefarious use of campaign funds. We need a special council to investigate this and many other potentially corrupt actions that were taken by the Obama Administrations minions during the 2016 campaign such as leaking intel and illegal unmasking of the identities of American citizens in the course of conducting counter intelligence. Don’t forget FISA abuse. Is anyone not surprised that the FISA renewals to surveile Carter Page ended right after Mueller took over the investigation? It’s going to take years to unwind all of the corruption.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

300 - 700 pages? Trump can't even read one... he had to get the lackey he hired based on his "The president can't obstruct!" comment to summarise by phone. What a complete and utter moron, and now even the Republicans are calling him as much for jumping back on destroying the ACA when he could have continued doing unwarranted victory laps! 

Democrats don’t read, they scream, point fingers amd scream again, so much, you have sit them down and tell them bit by bit....what each line says and then they still won’t comprehend it. No Russian collusion, now how difficult is that to read?

"The only thing is... I would like to see "judgement" and "evaluation" based upon facts and results by Trump on reliable and accurate data realistically, pragmatically and practically viewed, considered and evaluated properly and unbiased or prejudiced."

Ok and then what? It’s over, Mueller spoke, Trump is not going to prison, Not now, not ever, it’s done. Now if you read it and still don’t trust him, that’s on you, I don’t Trust the former Secretary of State and the last President, these are my feelings and that’s it. Nothing will happen to them or Trump, save yourself some mental stress and let it go, after 2024 maybe a Democrat will calm down, come up with real logical and realistic policies and they can win and you can be happy for our country.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

“Nothing happened” is quite easy to summarize.

as Trump has stated hes has no problem with releasing the report, 2yrs of investigation, 300 page report and all we get is a 4 page summary by a man whos a know supporter of Trump, LMFAO. If nothing happened then there should be no problem with the report being released. Seems like Republicans think the average American doesn't have enough intelligence to read and summarize the report for themselves.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Ok and then what? It’s over, Mueller spoke, Trump is not going to prison, Not now, not ever, it’s done.

that was never really an option for a sitting POTUS, what is the endgame is for the AMerican people to get a full insight into Trump & his associates. This report is just another piece of a very large puzzle. Come 2020 well let the AMerican voters decide if they want more of the same corrupt immoral incompetence sitting in the white house or not.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Tucker: Adam Schiff is an unbalanced hack

lol thats funny coming from a man that cowtows to the largest unbalanced hack to ever sit in the Oval office.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bashing can only be tolerated for a very short time.

why Trump does it on a daily basis along with a myriad of lies and disinformation. lead by example as they say.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Right, Dems. Mueller and his 13 angry Dem assistants really let Trump off the hook with this dastardly Mueller Report.

Be angry and righteous!

Never mind that voter approval of Dems will go the way Rachel Maddow's, MSNBC and CNN's ratings went to the toilet right after people confirmed the fake narrative they'd been fed for 2 years!

All the way to 2020! Let's impeach Trump!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Tucker: Adam Schiff is an unbalanced hack

lol thats funny coming from a man that cowtows ( kowtows, lol ) to the largest unbalanced hack to ever sit in the Oval office.

LOL, wtfjapan, Tucker doesn't kowtow to Trump, he has plenty of criticisms of Trump. And if you bothered to watch the video you might learn something. For instance, Adam Schiff is an unbalanced hack.

And if ya wanna learn more, wtfjapan -

Talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh calls on President Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate the origins of the Mueller report, says the American people deserve to know how they have been manipulated


1 ( +1 / -0 )

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