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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Democrats pounce as Trump administration ratchets up attack on Obamacare
By Amanda Becker WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Democrats made defending Obamacare a powerful messaging tool
It's pretty much indefensible. Overall it has been a disaster.
"if you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."
Yeah, right, Obama.
IF - if - a more affordable healthcare program that covers Americans equally can be created, I'm all for it.
But given Trump and the GOP care first and foremost for ensuring the wealth of the richest is maintained, given their tax programs designed to benefit the richest, given the projections of declining federal revenues as a result of these tax programs, given the costs of quality healthcare for all, and given Trump and the GOP's disdain for those not rich, it's hard to imagine TrumpGOPcare will be anything but more TrumpGOPdon'tcare for anyone - other than the richest.
Trump and the GOP care only for the elite.
Go for it Donnie and your Repub cronies - show everyone that you could give a crap about their health and the health of their children.
Let those 20 million Americans, mostly in the mid-west and south, that now have health insurance know you're doing your best to take it away from them.
Put your cravenness to the big insurance companies and Wall Street out there for everyone to see.
You're already toast for 2020 - but this will allow every Repub Senator up for election to have to answer why they want to take poor folks insurance away.
Repub cruelty and spinelessness on full display...
The federal judge said it’s unconstitutional. That’s the law. Time to create a replacement.
Great to read support for the judiciary! The Constitutionally prescribed balance and separation of powers is fundamental to maintaining the US as a democratic republic.
The judiciary has historically provided a check on any executive trying to gain excessive powers. Knock wood that can continue.
But that won’t happen, especially if it means taking away and dismantling millions of people of their private coverage. The Democrats would be smart to tackle and sell healthcare to the 30 million that don’t have access to it. They would get a lot more support.
Yes, I’m sure the Trump administration want to enrich every single liberal in Silicone Valley, hopefully these progressive Democrats will vote for him in 2020 since as you say, he wants to enrich them.
Disdain? You had more poor people, the middleclass and former Obama voters putting this guy in office, what on Earth are you talking about?
Yeah, the People of Google and Twitter just them some Trump....
Toasted Heretic
The American health care system is nightmarish.
Money over life.
Trump, the GOP and their supporters want to further widen the gaps between the haves and have nots. Trump's using despots' age-old tactics of divide and conquer to ensure the elite maintain their power and control. And have the best healthcare for themselves.
Many 'poor people, the middleclass', among others are wising up, finally seeing that Trump and his fellow elite care jack about them. It's probably true, however, that Trump has seen increased support from those included in his demographic pushing an ultranationalist agenda.
A good opportunity for democrats to start paying attn. to the issues Americans are more concerned about. From a good piece in the Guardian:
If that's the case, those who don't insure themselves should be deprived of free emergency room services. Let them die in the streets - it was their choice. Welcome to Trump's America.
That's all you need to know.
His most devout followers want slogans (preferably not more than 7 words), not details, not facts.
I’m happy with mine, that’s why I want to keep it.
And Democrats use emotion and fear, doom and gloom, and fail to describe how all this will be paid for, they never do. Just take it from Paul and give it to Peter.
The Democratic Party has failed. The only thing keeping them alive is their MSM lackeys. For two years the liberal media has been going on about Russia when us intelligent people where trying to tell them it was all a scam. Face the music Dems. You’ve been lied to and strung along. What? No face saving? Of course not. You’re hatred keeps you alive.
Under ObamaCare, we've had to change insurance companies 4 times in 4 yrs. 3 times because the insurance company LEFT OUR STATE! Last year, there were only 2 insurance companies from which to pick.
Under ObamaCare, our premiums are 3x higher than they were pre-ObamaCare AND our deductables are 2x higher for less coverage.
If I was looking for a term, it would "failure."
Now, I'm not against health insurance or more people having it. I am against paying 3x more for less. I am against not being allowed to choose plans that meet our needs, both budget AND for specific coverages.
Not Obamacare's fault. Thank your Republican representatives for that, that was the game plan. What exactly do you think would happen when they removed the requirements for even healthy people to be insured? The insurance pool just got sicker. And more expensive as a result.
No doubt! I lost all respect for Obama(voted 4 him) when he sided with the insurance companies. What a total loser and corporate lackey.
You mean the report in which Trump was NOT exonerated? As in, one of the very few snippets anyone other than Barr knows is that the report stated Trump was NOT exonerated?
For a guy who loves conspiracy theories, it seems weird you wouldn't be more interested in the contents of a report that doesn't exonerate the president, yet for some reason isn't being released for anyone other than Trump's pawn to see.
Why the extreme interest in other conspiracy theories, yet a complete and utter pass on this one? What do you suppose the difference between this conspiracy theory and those ones is?
Do any anti-Obamacare Trump supporters even have private health insurance? I figured you were all retired or ex-military living off of government funded socialist healthcare.
Maybe if you had some skin in the game you'd feel differently.
Oh and by the way, a 27 story building freefalling in 7 seconds is not a conspiracy, it’s very obvious with those who have open eyes.
Unfortunately he was trying to be non-partisan. Which has been shown to have been a mistake, since the pubs didn't give any credit for that at all, and still demonize the guy who tried to work with them.
He should have gone hyper-partisan and had a single payer system.
The question is whether wealthy Republicans can convince working class Republicans to vote against their own health insurance. I'm betting they can.
Black Sabbath
"Sir Pounce."
Well that’s what he campaigned on. And that’s the only reason I voted for him.
Yeah, it was disappointing when he didn't just push it through in a partisan manner. I think the thought was that if it was done non-partisan, the right would be more likely to buy into it. Unfortunately we found out that the truth couldn't be further from that. But hindsight is 20/20.
I agree with you.
I've always been... impressed? astounded? at the right's ability to get people for whom their real-life policies are harmful to vote for them anyways, through their usage of morality and fear as a driving force behind elections.
Coming to that realization as an adult was very eye opening to me. I hadn't realized that people as a group could be so easily blinded to the truth.
You mean like talk about death panels and socialist takeovers?
Sure they have. You just haven't bothered to look.
So the ACA has been good to you. Why exactly are you complaining about "Obamacare" then?
We are talking about America, where I have a choice, but yes, in the States, I’m very happy with mine.
Universal healthcare could save America trillions: what’s holding us back?
No thank you.
Already happening, add infanticide to that list...
Oh, you’re right, more income redistribution. Well, thank God I can move my money, good luck with that, it worked out so well with Obamacare premiums.
No, I have my own private insurance that I pay for, I wouldn’t know about the Obamacare monstrosity.
this will allow every Repub Senator up for election to have to answer why they want to take poor folks insurance away.
Repub cruelty and spinelessness on full display...
Sounds a lot like Bernie Sanders. Guess The Bern and the other presidential hopefuls will also have to answer why they want to take employer insurance away. Rest assured, Medicaid will always be there for the "poor folks". Have to admit, Dims have always been the best at "throw grandma off the cliff" fear-mongering.
Last month you said you just go to the base for healthcare, This month you have private healthcare?
I still think not a single Trump fan here pays for private health insurance. They are trying to stop others from getting it because they were told it will save them a buck.
You just scored an own goal. It's Trumpsters who use emotion and fear, doom and gloom. I'd like to know where in the American healthcare system there are government death panels.
More emotion, fear, doom and gloom right there.
You're afraid of losing what's yours and you don't care about anybody else. There's a word for that.
It must be expensive given you've said you're only in the US twice a year. Would you count the military base medical care government contractors, for example those here in Japan, receive as a form of socialism? Or because the medical care is for highly paid government contractors, would that be another example of socialism for the rich.
We are talking about the US, are we not?
And you somehow miraculously know 120 million people and personally know their finances? I just had no idea you were THAT thorough.
No, we just know it won’t work the way the Democrats work, we saw it with Obamacare.
We didn’t, that’s why Trump got rid of that dreaded mandate. “I can see clearly now the rain has gone.....”
I have money, so I have zero fear.
Not like in the States.
On the other hand, the system has defied reform.
“The odd side (of Japan’s system) is that this process dominates health care policymaking in Japan, so as to exclude other kinds of policy decisions,” he said. “Ever since I started studying health care in Japan, about 35 years ago, there have been many calls for ‘radical reform’ of medical care, and nothing much happens.”
Yusuke Tsugawa, a physician and research associate at Harvard University who specializes in health care economics, takes a different view of the Japanese system. He says the days Japan can boast low-cost, high-quality health care are over, pointing to the nation’s soaring medical spending in relation to its gross domestic product.
But Japan also has a lot to learn from the U.S., especially its superb and standardized education and training systems for doctors, Ishiyama said, adding that Japanese medical education focuses too much on nurturing specialists.
So-called family doctors in Japan are not well trained at detecting illnesses when faced with myriad symptoms, he said, because any independent doctor can claim to practice internal medicine regardless of specialty or training.
Yup, I’ll stick with the US.
He’s joking right? For the last two years this same guy has wasted his his constituents time. He’s a fraud.
Provide a replacement on the table, so people can see all the cards on the table before they can decide whether to repeal and replace (don't be so focused on the "repeal" part that the 2nd part "replace" is just as important in that equation)
Cannot repeal without a replacement in place - otherwise, you'd end up with the UK Brexit messy situation where they don't have a plan ready to be implemented after voting for Brexit
No, I spend my time in the US, Europe and Japan.
Really? I don’t care about the cost.
Yes, so something should be done for those that cannot afford quality healthcare, but do it without destroying everyone else’s.
Universal healthcare could save America trillions: what’s holding us back?
The Democrats? Oh my... ( if CNN can be believed )
House Democratic leaders to unveil health bill, minus Medicare for All
Well, only one Trump fan here said he pays for private insurance (while going to the base for coverage somehow...?) and no one else has answered.
Looks like the only people against Obamacare are already getting health care for free. And they criticize it even though their party can’t even produce an alternative because they are too fractured. So....thanks for nothing?
Can non-US military personnel go to US bases in Japan for medical treatment?
Can non-US military personnel go to bases in the US for medical treatment?
I disagree, I feel it should be up to the individual OR to use their employee insurance, if their employer offers it.
You don’t know that.
I don’t care about health care. I handle it the same exact way I fix my car. I go to the repair shop and pay my bill in full when something happens. Regular maintenance of my car and body keeps costs to a minimum.
i am not worth 1.5 million dollars to society to keep me alive. If it costs that much I either pay it myself or I just die.
Liberals seem to think you can spend your whole life eating junk food and paying low insurance premiums then spend 1000 times what you paid when you get sick. I don’t agree with that.
I don’t need to win anything, just like you, I’m voicing my personal opinion about healthcare, if you don’t like it, then nothing I can do about that.
I’m not stopping anyone, I’m just saying Universal Healthcare won’t work. Obamacare isn’t working properly, so I think any politician that tries to overhaul the entire system for millions (including myself) of Americans are playing a losing hand.
Not in the States. I pay my own way and like it that way.
How about the unlucky ones who do try to keep in shape but fall seriously ill?
Tough luck?
Who pays when you get treatment at a US military base in Japan? The US bases in Japan are paid for in part by the US taxpayer.
Is it free? I hope not. That would be you taking advantage of a socialistic model designed for military personnel.
If it isn’t free, do you use private insurance in this case or do you pay all bills in full?
Yes tough luck. Society cannot sustain spending millions of dollars keeping one person alive if they have only paid 1% of that cost in premiums during their life.
Sad fact but true. So you put some mone my aside each 2 weeks for that or hope your medical costs are within your ability to pay.
How much does medical cost for illegals? 10 billion, 100 billion? Start there to use that money for our own citizens.
Yes and Trump can pay for his own health care. Try again.
I've had a lifetime of athletics. I've spent more of my life training than not. I eat almost no processed foods, and I rarely drink alcohol.
But I'm entirely fine with paying into and receiving public health care, even though up to this point in my life I've without a doubt paid significantly more into it than I've ever got out of it.
Why? Because when I do need it, I'll be happy to have it. And living in a society where we have it means there aren't sick and broken people walking around everywhere.
Nah, no one pays for health insurance if they visit twice a year. That would be illogical.
Part of the problem is that people don't get insurance thinking they are fine and healthy, then something hits, they need medical attention, and suddenly the bill gets sent to taxpayers for some emergency. Those are the leeches who take from others.
But some or most people ARE fine and healthy at this point in their lives. So the idea is still to make healthy people subsidize unhealthy ones.
Thats a challenge and it’s not right to force people to pay for something they don’t need just so others can have it.
My taxes will pay for any costs you can't cover for your own health coverage. You're a leech looking to save a few bucks by making others pay for you.
Yeah, and when he clutches his chest and falls to the ground with a heart attack, he will be sure to stop anyone from calling 911 because he’s healthy and it’s not fair to force others to pay for him.
Oh, I see. So, if you don't have kids, you don't have to pay taxes to fund schools? If I don't call the cops, I don't have to pay the taxes furnish them? This is rather silly logic.
And just because you don't need insurance now, doesn't mean you won't in the future. You almost certainly will, regardless of how good your diet. So, why should everyone else pay jacked up rates so you can game the system?
We aren’t talking about schools and cops, my taxes pay that.
Health care is a personal responsibility same as the maintenance of my car and home.
I will pay for my own medical expenses, as should be my right.
I bet nobody on here uses healthcare in America and instead benefits on the Japanese system...trump wants to make affordable health an impossible dream for Americans. Good grief
blacklabel, your logic is insane. I guess next time your in trouble you should be left to die because you don’t believe in paying for stuff you hadn’t used till your in a tough one.
This logic proves you don’t think the wall is effective. Or that you believe it won’t get built. Or that anything will stop immigration
Lol the requirement to buy insurance is a tax.
You mean the car you're required buy insure for? Assuming you're a safe driver, why should the government force you to buy insurance? I'll bet you don't have a problem with that, do you?
Is it a right or responsibility? Anyway, good for you, but I doubt most people have a 100k or so laying around in case they get sick.
And while we're at it, where's the outrage at the government for forcing people to pay absurd prices for medical care. Nary a peep. Again willing to be you don't have a problem with this either.
And if you can't, the taxpayers will foot the bill. So you are covered either way, right? Plus you save a few bucks along the way.
Its the same plan illegal aliens use.
Those requirements were removed last year. Our premiums dropped $50/month.
Deadforgood - We do use American health care.
SuperLib - My SO and I have to use the crazy expensive plan from Anthem(i.e. Blue Cross/Blue Shield). We are not ex-military nor ex-govt, though I did contracting for those departments for a few years.In 2014, we paid $148/month (each) using a small business plan available through Costco. We'd been on that plan for a few years and were quite happy with it. In 2019, we pay $648/month (each) - that's more than our mortgage and 4.35x higher than 2014, pre-ObamaCare. Our health hasn't changed, don't smoke. We aren't on any medications and only visit any health care for shots, dentists, and annual physicals. We paid higher premiums in 2018.
Being downvoted for posting FACTS makes no sense. Being called a liar is offensive.
@theFu I believe you posted facts, I know others with similar situations. I gave you a thumbs-up. Have to expect downvotes if you criticize Obamacare here, lol.
Ah, so 3 months in and you think the price you pay already reflects the removal of the individual mandate? It does not. What do you think healthy people will do if they no longer have to pay? They won't. The pool gets sicker. They will pay more. As small as the chance is, some healthy, uninsured folks will get sick and then everyone else gets to pay the cost of the medical coverage. Brilliant. Its common sense. And don't just take my word for it, here's what the CBO says will happen.
Younger people pay less in insurance premiums because it is amazing what a human body can take in terms of poor life styles for 15-25 yrs before the health impacts catch up.
While I don't disagree with the premise, premiums did go down.
Why did premiums go up high in prior years? Because insurance companies are out to make a profit. Under ObamaCare, they had record profits, due to mandated coverage and no penalties for leaving specific regions. A friend of mine elected NOT to have coverage because the premiums were more than the penalties on his taxes. He had heart bypass surgery in 2009. He's changed his entire life around to be healthy since then. That surgery was over $40K from his pocket. - record profits, record earnings for the top Health Care Insurance companies. Hospitals have record profits too. UnitedHealth returned 480 percent
I won't claim to have any answers. Single payer seems like a fine option to me. We would sign up for that in a second, if it were available, and cheaper. We need insurance for catastrophic situations, not something like a simple broken leg. Anything under about $10K, we can eat out of pocket, provided the insurance premiums reflect that lessor coverage.
I was visiting the folks in the US last month. 5 out of the 10 commercials were for drug companies. The other 5 were for pizza. Go figure.
No, you really don’t.
True, but it doesn’t mean, all rich people don’t have or use it.
You don’t know what pay.
All the more reason, I don’t like leechers, and we don’t need non-citizens trying to take advantage of our healthcare system.
Thank God!
Good for them and I mean that sincerely.
31%? Then we’re ok. Phew! So the Dems should focus on those that don’t have coverage, I’m all for that and they should leave the rest of us that are happy with ours alone.
The Democrats would be smart to tackle and sell healthcare to the 30 million that don’t have access to it. They would get a lot more support.
Obamacare isnt perfect but its far better for the poor than the Republican alternative, the results of the mid terms clearly shows what Americans prefer for their healthcare.
When the MAGA morons who spout the term "socialist/socialism" without having a clue what they mean as they go to use their Medicaid realize that they are no longer covered and it finally clicks in, I'll gladly say to their faces, "Serves you right." No sympathy to the voters of Trump who suffer as a result of this, and they will be in the millions, since most of Trump's base are uneducated people who no doubt depend on Medicare/aid, and probably even welfare itself, forgetting about social services in general.
most of Trump's base are uneducated people
Yeah, smith, we're the irredemable deplorables, lol.
Serrano: "Yeah, smith, we're the irredemable deplorables, lol"
Hahaha... love how you misspelled it while attempting to be 'smart', as if to prove my point. Well done! In any case, the nervous "lol" didn't go by me unnoticed.
As for Trump doing this, I love how when pressed on his genius substitute that he and the party will be remembered for he said, "I don't have to come up with the plan, that's up to A, B, and C", and A, B, and C subsequently remembering elections are coming up and the #1 issue is health care! Classic! But, given that, as proven, Trumpers are mostly uneducated white people, they'll still support him even as they complain about losing their coverage and wondering how it could have happened. They literally are that dumb!
It seems to me... Democrats these days don't pounce, they flop.
And Again.
But the media says they pounce.
And Again.
Who are these people?
And all of Obamacare must fall with the mandate. Congress didn’t include a severability clause, as it often does. Instead, the law stated at least six times that the (now unconstitutional) mandate is “essential.” The rule of law requires courts to take Congress at its word that the rest of the law is inseparable from the mandate.
The ruling will go all the way to the Supreme Court.
Obamacare will be rule unconstitutional and annulled.
The President will most likely keep healthcare going by Executive Order until Congress comes up with a replacement.
This is where bi-partisanship will be required. Should the Dems manifest their usual intransigence, too bad. They will default to having Trump will institute TrumpCare.