Japan Today

Thousands of armed U.S. gun rights activists join peaceful Virginia rally

By Brad Brooks

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The Virginia Citizens Defense League are a bunch of fanatical idiots. And what 'right' did God give them concerning firearms? Pres. Obama quipped that if he were to take away all guns he would've done so long ago. And why does anybody even listen to what the sick stupid criminal Dirtbag Donnie says anyway?

These people are sickening, they're Pavlov dogs. Guns are their gods.

5 ( +19 / -14 )

"They will come for our guns in other states if we don't stop them in Virginia."

The fanatic's constant lament: it's all or nothing. For them it's either 'I can have as many guns as I want', or 'no one can have a gun'. A or Z. No middle ground.

Fear mongering extremists. (Which makes sense: among the gun owning millions are those so afraid, especially afraid of any 'others' that they turn their homes into fortresses with arsenals rivaling police departments, so afraid of their fellow citizens that they can't leave their homes without carrying a gun)

Unwilling to have an open discussion, unwilling to seek compromise. So typical of those opposing democratic principles.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Since when did "god" give them the rights to guns exactly? As far as i remember there weren't many guns lying around during the times described in the bible where the christian god actually bothered to show up and talk to the world.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

How is it that these gun-crazies can afford super pricey assault weapons, but no basic dentistry?

9 ( +21 / -12 )

"In Guns We Trust"

6 ( +9 / -3 )

A great picture of "The Problem".

6 ( +12 / -6 )

The changes to VA law didn't seem all that unreasonable to me. Only the mandatory background checks for all firearm sales/transfers will make any difference to crime. Everything else is just fluff.

Limiting the number of handguns bought to 1 a month means that collectors will not be allowed to purchase pistol sets. It is common to get ornamental sets with consecutive serial numbers in a nice case for display. These may never be fired or may be from Olympic competitions or from locally famous duals in the 1700s. Every once in a while, a husband and wife might like to get a pair for their shared hobby.

When did name calling become ok in these comments?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The right given by god is the right to defend oneself. 

Cite? I'm curious which source you'll use.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

They are aware that the right to bear arms is something given by the government right? It's part of the constitution. If it were some heavenly mandate, then every single human would be capable of creating a gun and animals would walk around with guns.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The right given by god is the right to defend oneself. Since the level of weaponry has evolved over time, it makes sense that one has a right to defend oneself using an equal are greater capacity weapon.

Exactly what Jesus said, brother. “Let he with the weapon of greater capacity win, and blessed are those who keep pace with the evolution of weaponry over time.” (Mark 4:12)

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Just renewed my NRA membership; need it now more than ever.

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

CNN seems angry they couldn’t find any racists or Nazis at this event. Been promising that and violence all week.

one person got arrested for covering their face. Which will return to being fine the next time Antifa shows up.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Every creator born has a right to life and right to defend against any and all that would try to extinguish it.

And by allowing people to have assault weapons, even a small caliber handgun, you're giving those who want to extinguish life more and easier ways to do so.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Republicans are always afraid someone is going to take their gun away. I am glad it was a peaceful event.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

He who liveth by the sword, shall die by sword, the Roman had the sword

1 ( +5 / -4 )

@blacklabCNN seems angry

Do you have a link? Or is this once again the CNNghoul haunting you.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

No business, just payed for LA Pierre suits

2 ( +4 / -2 )

NRA is no more than criminal enterprise, facing criminal charges

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The picture is nice depiction of what happens when guns, bigotry ,religion and fast food produce a child!!!

4 ( +10 / -6 )

The fanatic's constant lament: it's all or nothing. For them it's either 'I can have as many guns as I want', or 'no one can have a gun'. A or Z. No middle ground.

That's right....kind of...if you don’t want a gun, that’s your right to decide, but don’t tell me I don’t have the right.

Fear mongering extremists. (Which makes sense: among the gun owning millions are those so afraid, especially afraid of any 'others' that they turn their homes into fortresses with arsenals rivaling police departments, so afraid of their fellow citizens that they can't leave their homes without carrying a gun) 

What a load of crap! Over 22,000 attended and 1 person was arrested. Well, so much for the desperate media ploy that once again failed again. It’s very simple, keep the racists of Antifa away and you can have a very peaceful gun rally.

Unwilling to have an open discussion, unwilling to seek compromise.

We do, we always do, but liberals are the ones that DEMAND we give up our rights with threats to law abiding citizens, it’ll never work quite the opposite. So typical of those opposing democratic principles.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

C'mon people. Pretend you're smart for once. The right given by god is the right to defend oneself. Since the level of weaponry has evolved over time, it makes sense that one has a right to defend oneself using an equal are greater capacity weapon. Like the wise old saying goes: don't bring a knife to gun fight.

Machine guns, grenade launchers, and Claymore's for everyone!

These gun nutters are scared - they're scared of the social change going on around them and of being left behind. So, as has been said before, they cling to their guns, bibles, and Fox News...

Ask them what they need their guns for and they'll tell you to protect themselves from the "gubment"...which is our nation's law enforcement and military. Thank about that - they arm themselves to fight the very government they so vocally defend with their flag-waving and MAGA hats.

In their minds, guns give them power - because they're scared and feel powerless...

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Looks like a successful pro-school shooting rally to me.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

they are things that cannot be taken away.

Unless you come to the Japan border. It's so funny when TrumpNRA2AEvangelical people say this then gladly leave their guns behind when they come to Japan. How will you defend yourself from the government in Japan? Or defend yourself period (in Japan)?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

We do, we always do, but liberals are the ones that DEMAND we give up our rights with threats to law abiding citizens, it’ll never work quite the opposite. So typical of those opposing democratic principles.

Yup, just like when that bastion of liberal politics Ronald Reagan and the Republican party demanded that law abiding citizens give up their gun rights and passed the Mulford Act in California, an amendment to the California Constitution.


Now, why did Reagan and the Repubs want to take away open carry in California? Because the Black Panthers were doing it, doing open carry patrols of their neighborhoods in what the Panthers called 'copwatching.' AKA, when minorities were standing up using their rights in the same way, Republicans flocked to pass a law to stop it. The law got national attention when Black Panthers entered the capitol building armed in protest of Mulford's proposed amendment.

At least the California Democrats were consistent on wanting gun control. Reagan however, was just consistent in his duplicity. Sort of like the NRA, the Republican party, and certain personalities on the Internet.

Governor Ronald Reagan, who was coincidentally present on the capitol lawn when the protesters arrived, later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will." In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act "would work no hardship on the honest citizen."


2 ( +5 / -3 )

The fanatic's constant lament: it's all or nothing. For them it's either 'I can have as many guns as I want', or 'no one can have a gun'. A or Z. No middle ground.

Couldn’t agree with you more.

The ironic thing about this civil rights protest is that the new extreme Left Antifa agree with those that support the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Let us not forget that Democrats opposed the rights of black Americans to have weapons to defend themselves against the party’s terrorist arm - the Klan. Republicans have been consistent in supporting the Bill of Rights, then and now. Dems don’t even support free speech anymore.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Republicans have been consistent in supporting the Bill of Rights, then and now.

Except for the Mulford Amendment, proposed by a Republican, endorsed by Republicans, and signed by the man the Republican party continues to raise up like he's Supply Side Jesus himself, Ronald Reagan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Not sure which is more frightening . . . the guns or the people holding them.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

He called a special legislative session last year after the massacre of 12 people in Virginia Beach

There are so many mass shootings in the U.S. that I've completely lost track. I don't remember hearing of this shooting in Virginia.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let us not forget that Democrats opposed the rights of black Americans to have weapons to defend themselves against the party’s terrorist arm - the Klan. 

How about joining the 21st century with your worldview?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

All I see here is a whole lot of reasons that the pro-gun and anti-gun sides won't ever be able to communicate civilly. I mean, I'm a gun owner and I wouldn't want to sit down and have a civil, educated conversation with someone who does nothing but call me names and make assumptions about my attitude and education.

Some of you need to look in a mirror.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

No that's exactly what a fascist dictator would say. 

No, it isn’t. A fascist dictator wouldn’t bother asking any questions.

Bit since you asked, it's intuitive. Every creator born has a right to life and right to defend against any and all that would try to extinguish it

Nobody is arguing otherwise; however, that’s far different than the right to own firearms.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I'm a gun owner and I wouldn't want to sit down and have a civil, educated conversation with someone who does nothing but call me names and make assumptions about my attitude and education.

Always funny when a conservative plays the victim card!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Yup, just like when that bastion of liberal politics Ronald Reagan and the Republican party demanded that law abiding citizens give up their gun rights and passed the Mulford Act in California, an amendment to the California Constitution.

I never said, I agreed with everything Reagan did during his administration. I also didn’t like that he ordered the closure of all the mental facilities.

Now, why did Reagan and the Repubs want to take away open carry in California? Because the Black Panthers were doing it, doing open carry patrols of their neighborhoods in what the Panthers called 'copwatching.' AKA, when minorities were standing up using their rights in the same way, Republicans flocked to pass a law to stop it. The law got national attention when Black Panthers entered the capitol building armed in protest of Mulford's proposed amendment.

Yes, and?

At least the California Democrats were consistent on wanting gun control.

They can do what they want in their State, they also want open borders, good on them.

Reagan however, was just consistent in his duplicity. Sort of like the NRA, the Republican party, and certain personalities on the Internet.

I see...well, anyway I do think and support these people and I hope and pray that Nordham is not stupid enough to think he can stop this.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

they also want open borders

In the same way that you want school shootings.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Don’t you think the governments in Hong Kpng and Venezuela would be treating their people much differently if the government didn’t have all the guns and the people had none?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Heres your link:

extremists, violence, white power, Nazis, KKK, skinheads, paramilitary, race wars. total inflammatory scaremongering. Followed up by daily TV.

Even today as they discussed the peaceful protests the screen below was showing about the shooting the other day.


-3 ( +3 / -6 )

KKK are also Trump people especially in Alabama. If Trump stays in power The USA will become like one big Mississippi. Smart people are liberals and stupid trashy whites are Trumps. Look at stupid Mississippi vs smart Connecticut.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Don’t you think the governments in Hong Kpng and Venezuela would be treating their people much differently if the government didn’t have all the guns and the people had none?

Nope. If the people had guns, the governments in those countries would be using way more force against them.

Much like how the police in the US are way more likely to use lethal force than they are in countries with strict gun control. Japanese police almost never shoot anyone, because they have the luxury of not being scared that they are going to get shot when they pull someone over for speeding.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

So you calling all these physicists, inventors, business leaders, civil right activists....stupid? Might want to rethink that.

plus the small fact that the Sandy Hook killer was from....connecticut. Was he “smart”?


Look at stupid Mississippi vs smart Connecticut.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Over generalizations of entire states full of people not based in fact or on research. Typical. Just whatever suits Orangemanbad narrative.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

In the same way that you want school shootings.

No, that’s why they had the rally to prevent them from happening, but liberals as usual.....

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

What the crazy anti-gun lunatics don't seem to understand is that NEITHER SIDE SUPPORTS THE KILLING OF CHILDREN, we just have different ideas on how to protect them. Anti-gun people think disarming the people will lead to criminals not having guns, and therefore everyone is safe. Pro-gun people believe that arming people means that we can stop criminals who will have guns whether it's legal or not, and therefore everyone is safe.

Stop pretending the other side WANTS people to die, because that's ridiculous.

Recently in America, a church shooting was stopped because luckily a man with a gun shot the shooter.

In NZ a mosque shooting turned out far worse, until one of the worshippers found a discarded gun the shooter had dropped because he ran out of bullets shooting people and had to switch. The worshipper pointed the empty gun at the shooter who fled.

After that, Jacinda decided to democratically take away guns from law-abiding citizens, not caring that the NZ gangs openly stated in interviews with the media that they would not be handing their guns in, because they need them for protection.

Since then, gun violence has ramped up:

The number of mainstream media-reported illegal firearms incidents in the last week:

12th January: 2 dead in Castlepoint, near Masterton

15th January: 1 dead in Favona, South Auckland

16th January: Drive-by shooting at an empty car, Sydenham, Christchurch

18th January: Group altercation with gunshots, Ruatoria, north of Gisborne

19th January: 2 injured in Hawkes Bay gang fight

The Hawkes Bay gang fight was right outside a McDonalds during peak lunch hour. High schoolers are allowed to leave for lunch and often go right there. There is a children's playground across the road.

Also since then, the police have been intimidating people, including raiding a family's house to look for a gun used in a submission he made to the government against the new law. He didn't have the gun anymore.

They have also been visiting the houses of anyone who isn't left wing, for RETWEETS of conservatives. One man was a libertarian but retweeted a conservative and caught them on camera trying to search his property without his permission.

Jacinda has also said she is willing to ban Facebook for NZ if she believes it is being used to promote terrorism.

I don't like guns, but don't pretend the government wants an unarmed population just to protect people.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

*undemocratically take away guns. Jacinda pushed the legislation and NZers are not happy.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Don’t you think the governments in Hong Kong and Venezuela would be treating their people much differently if the government didn’t have all the guns and the people had none?

Exactly!! Too bad the American Native Indians didn't have guns to defend their land from white Europeans stealing it. Now the majority of gun owners (I mean the paranoid type) are the white Trumps with low self esteem. And KKK Bundy people.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


I hear the NRA is helping submit a bill to allow responsible children to carry to protect themselves in case they are attacked by a lunatic and no adult is around to protect them.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Despite fears that neo-Nazis or other extremists would piggyback on the Richmond rally to stoke unrest like the violence at a 2017 demonstration by white nationalists in Charlottesville that killed a counter-protester, the Capitol Police reported just one arrest, a 21-year-old woman taken into custody for wearing a bandana over her face after twice being warned that masks were not allowed.

By chosing to use the term "or other extremists", is Brad Brooks ignoring the fact that antifa thugs were not at the Virginia protest? And as a direct result of antifa's absence, there was no one to start a violent demostration. No broken windows, no burning trash fires, no mobs of masked morons physically attacking the peaceful protestors.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

that antifa thugs were not at the Virginia protest?

Was Dyllan Roof ANTIFA? More Non-ANTIFA are involved in mass shootings than ANTIFA. ANTIFA just attacks with baseball bats. But Dylan Roof (A Trump supporter) attacked with an AR. Like comparing a mouse to an enraged elephant. I'd must rather encounter an ANTIFA than Dyllan Roof or a Bundy.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

plus the small fact that the Sandy Hook killer was from....connecticut. Was he “smart”?

What was a child doing with a machine gun? Who passed that law?

So you calling all these physicists, inventors, business leaders, civil right activists....stupid? 

They would be Liberals. Trumps are carburetor mechanics and coal miners.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

PTownsend - And by allowing people to have assault weapons, even a small caliber handgun, you're giving those who want to extinguish life more and easier ways to do so.

You are admitting that there are people, alleged human beings, who want to extinguish the lives of others. And you chose to address the means, the tools, that these monsters chose to use to murder others instead of addressing the REAL problem, which is the individual desire to murder their fellow human beings. Banning/confiscating firearms doesn't stop monsters from using knives, pipe bombs, pressure cooker pots, cars, and trucks to murder others.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

That means we need more powerful weaponry like the Milkor MGL. It should protect against an attacker with an AR

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You've just embarrassed yourself.

Calling out conservatives’ rank hypocrisy is never embarassing.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The protestors today rightly point out that existing guns laws, on the State and federal levels, are not simply not enforced. Given this reality, the push for new gun laws is sensibly interpreted as government overreach. Governor Northam and his supporters should instead be pushing for massive new funding of the federal DOJ to fund prosecutors and prison cells. But they are not - curious, no?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Also they need to push for legalizing more powerful weaponry like the Milkor MGL. Right on!!! Mass encarceration of 2M Americans is not enough. The solution is more tax spending. Right on Trumps. More people in prison. Trump people think encarceration grows on trees

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

All the lethal guns should be banned and replaced by non-lethal guns, that world work for both the pro, anti gun lobby, right ?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

PTownsend - Unwilling to have an open discussion, unwilling to seek compromise. So typical of those opposing democratic principles.

There have been open discussions. Your side refuses to accept the fact that there are others who disagree with your side. Hardly a demonstration of any "democratic principle".

It's impossible to reach a compromise with anyone who insists on banning, or registration/confiscation, of firearms. While Democrats are willing to use their "nose of the camel" tactics to ban a few firearms at a time, the other side has heard the Democrat's calls to ban firearms. Compromise is not possible on this issue.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

"What's going on here, if not stopped, will spread to other states," said Teri Horne, who had traveled to Virginia from her home in Texas with her Smith & Wesson rifle and .40-caliber handgun. 

Big guns and small brains often go together.

Unless you are professionally required to carry a gun or have a genuine threat that requires protection, you are just a coward hiding your deficiencies behind a firearm.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Except for the Mulford Amendment,

Thank you - I learned something new. This was a bipartisan state law ( California). And a good reason why I am not a Republican or a Democrat.

Not sure which is more frightening . . . the guns or the people holding them.

Americans protesting for their Constitutional civil rights is nothing to be afraid of.

Chip; How about joining the 21st century with your worldview?

Opposition to the Klan is as relevant today as it was when Dems were providing aid and comfort to them 100 years ago.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

you chose to address the means, the tools, that these monsters chose to use to murder others instead of addressing the REAL problem, which is the individual desire to murder their fellow human beings

Let's address the real problem, then.

Why do some countries produce more individuals with a desire to murder their fellow human beings?

And why the h3ll do the govmints of those countries allow said hordes of murderous individuals access to the means to kill quickly, easily, and extensively?

Interesting that the US is #86 in the list of countries by intentional homicide rate (still higher on the list than even places like Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran and Libya) but #1 in the number of guns per 100 residents.

Of the 85 countries with what we can (I suppose) assume is a higher proportion of murderous individuals in their populations, 25 are in the Americas, 42 are in Africa, 10 are in Asia, 7 in Europe and 1 in Oceania. Only one country has more guns than people.


if you don’t want a gun, that’s your right to decide, but don’t tell me I don’t have the right.

Till you choose to come and live in Japan, right, bass?

The right to walk the streets without fear of getting randomly shot, the right to sleep peacefully in your own home without fear of a 'home invasion' trumps the dubious 'right' to have a higher homicide rate than any other civilised nation.

Invalid CSRF

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I don't like guns, but don't pretend the government wants an unarmed population just to protect people.

Indeed, and the Bernie camp made very clear what they would like to do to the American people.


Americans better hold onto their guns.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Have you ever directly talked the gun goons? What you get: arguments off the point, personal attacks and total nut jobs like that guy who claims gun ownership rights come from God and not our elected representatives. These are the very people who should not be owning guns.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I hear the NRA is helping submit a bill to allow responsible children to carry to protect themselves in case they are attacked by a lunatic and no adult is around to protect them.

Wow - and I hear that Progressive/Socialists how convinced Nancy Pelosi to declare marshal law to remove firearms from law enforcement officers in sanctuary cities.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Ideally, U.S. society without violence and guns would be great, like Japan. Would a ban work? I don't know. I'd hate to be a legislator who had to decide these things. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Till you choose to come and live in Japan, right, bass?

Has nothing to do with that. My wife is Japanese....that would be one reason, the other house, self-employment...etc..

The right to walk the streets without fear of getting randomly shot,

Never worried about that even when I was in the States.

the right to sleep peacefully in your own home without fear of a 'home invasion'

Goes for that as well and as for most Americans. I know you think Clint Eastwood is gunning down people at a rate of 15 people per minute and everyone including the dog is packing, but I assure you, that’s not happening.

trumps the dubious 'right' to have a higher homicide rate than any other civilised nation.

Add to that the lives guns have saved like in the church shooting. I really could could care less what is going on in other countries, each country has their share of problems. You have other countries that have problems with knives (and a lot of them) other countries have problems with drugs other countries have problems with mafia and all the guards and corruption and yet they called themselves civilized society.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Anti-gun people think disarming the people will lead to criminals not having guns, and therefore everyone is safe.

Similar to Japan. Gun deaths per 100,000 (mixed years) 0.06.

Pro-gun people believe that arming people means that we can stop criminals who will have guns whether it's legal or not, and therefore everyone is safe.

Like in the States. Gun deaths per 100,000 (2017) 12.21.

Recently in America, a church shooting was stopped because luckily a man (highly trained, and a member of the church's security team which had already identified the possible threat) with a gun shot the shooter.

...and the death toll was only three. Acceptable to gun-rights supporters I suppose. Luckily, the 5 or 6 other armed parishioners didn't start shooting.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's not the guns that worry, its the lunatics who pull the trigger, knives like guns are harmless but when used in the wrong persons hands oo oo trouble. Personally they are both safe to own and keep. Do not lose your knives or guns, else it leaves a commoner at the mercy of dictators and controlled government entities.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Only in the world of Trumpophiles could a rally against firearm control be construed as being a rally to prevent school shootings. Smooth Trumpologist “logic.”

We feel the exact opposite about gun haters.

This was a rare exception and the good guy with the gun only saved lives because he was highly trained, unlike most gun nutters.

Actually it’s not, the problem is the msm just refuses to run more stories about it.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Someone asked if they should be more afraid of the people or the gun. Dumb question. The people. Guns don't kill anyone. Some human does using the tool they have, which might be a gun or a knife or a car or chemicals or ....

Guns aren't a republican or democrat thing. It is more an urban or rural thing. Plenty of democrats in the midwest have firearms and enjoy hunting with their families.

The anti-gun groups just like getting everyone worked and suggest non-workable options. If you don't know how amending the US Constitution works, best to keep your ignorance inside. For at least the next 20 yrs, there will not be any way that the 2nd Amendment will be removed. After then, perhaps. Just depends on how deathly afraid the public schools can instill fear into kids. When I was growing up, we had nuclear bomb drills at school, but I lived near/on 1st strike military targets. Fortunately, I'm not afraid of all nuclear power because I have a brain and learned critical thinking. The anti-gun people get so emotional they can't see anything.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

cleo - Let's address the real problem, then.

Why do some countries produce more individuals with a desire to murder their fellow human beings?

That's a good question. Now you're on track to finding a solution to violent individuals. Individuals who have proven that they are prone to physical violence should be in prison, or hospitalized. Not repeatedly being released to roam free among their intended victims. Individuals belonging to physically violent criminal gangs should not be allowed into the country. I don't care what sex, or color of their skin, or religion, or non-religion they may be, if they belong to a ms13-type gang, or the mafia, or some terrorist group, they should be refused entry, or evicted, from the U.S.A..

Banning pressure cookers, cars, knives, iron pipe, and firearms will not stop violent individuals from murdering someone. Identifying, and hindering, violent individuals will lower the number of incidents of violence, all violence.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Capitol Police reported just one arrest, a 21-year-old woman taken into custody for wearing a bandana over her face after twice being warned that masks were not allowed.

Why didnt she say it is a burka, then it would have been OK. Slow thinker.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Arming teachers or giving the choice in problem and violent schools is a better way.

And who is paying for that? Do guns for teachers grow on trees? The teachers should have fully auto machine guns (needed to fight off ARs - the choice of the mass shooter)?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Do not Give up your right to have guns ! E V E R !

Once they take your guns the rest of your rights will follow too, only much faster.

The day will come when you will wish you did not let them take your guns !

They are wanting to take your rights .

Guns are not compulsory , you do not have to have one, and if you do not like them dont have one. Isnt that the argument they gave us when they wanted something?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Interesting how, If people are protesting something like a war, or climate change policies, the police will send out the riot cops - but not, for some reason, if you are a group of heavily armed right-wingers.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

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