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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Twitter briefly restricts Trump campaign account amid Republican outcry
By Elizabeth Culliford and Nandita Bose WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
No one of above average intelligence who takes a minute to review the facts of this case think it’s anything more than someone trying to frame Biden.
Trump's people 'altered' a video that might have been a malicious deep fake. Orwellian.
Trump and his anti-democracy forces (US and 'foreign') continue their attempts to gut the underlying principles of the republic and have it replaced by one led by an authoritarian and the .01%.
The pubs are freaking out that the platforms aren’t letting them spread their fake-news lies trying to discredit trump.
Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and make their own platforms before the next election.
Maybe not.
Bob Fosse
Send subpoenas? I thought you could just ignore those?
Graham DeShazo
If Twitter had enforced its TOS, it would have booted Trump and his ilk long long ago.
They mislabeled an official .gov site to try to block a message they don’t want people to see.
Twitter should have closed all Trump accounts when it became clear he was a liar years ago. Didn't they ban Alex Jones for similar? With .45, any communications that comes from him or his people, I assume to be lies immediately, until someone does some fact checking.
Plus, perhaps USGovt workers would get official notifications, instead of notification-by-tweet.
All social networks should ban all liars with more than 10,000 followers, except The Onion, which is where that stuff belongs. If the price for lying is losing the account, people will be more careful. How much income does Trump get for all those followers? I'd like to know.
There are some Democrats that need to be banned for lying now too, but they weren't nearly so bad until .45 got away with it so much.
The GOP has driven me away. Because they allowed Trump to set the agenda, I'm done. I really hope the Lincoln group takes over the GOP and they get a fresh start, minus all the religion stuff, but with science-based decisions and fiscal conservation.
In my life, I've voted non-Republican less than 10 times. This election, I think there were 2 Republicans who got my vote out of 15 offices.
Bob Fosse
So who’s really behind it? What’s the narrative optics agenda?
trumps toast without Twitter! What’s he going to do?!
At least TikTok can breathe a sigh of relief. Oh wait, TikTok are still operating?
Twitter is biased and if you cannot see it, well, there you go.
It is a disturbing trend, and should worry people with all political views. What happens to one can happen to all. Platforms should not act as publishers and be the arbiter of truth.
In this case, a newspaper ran a story. There was no hacking involved. A computer from the Beau Biden foundation was left for repair and forgotten. The shop kept it when it wasn't picked up and the mail, among other things, was on the drive. Even the Biden campaign is backpedalling about it.
I thought this kind of influence peddling only happened on the right...
It's true. They delete left-wing posts at twice the rate of right-wing posts. They are extremely biased against the left.
Bob Fosse
There is no purely unbiased ‘platform’.
If trump doesn’t like Twitter it he shouldn’t rely on it so much. There are plenty of other ‘platforms’ available. Doctoring photos or videos is a low tactic and deserves to get called out.
Yeah right. And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
You people believe in qanon, and you believe that someone from the Biden foundation, with these emails, left a computer and never picked it up?
You guys never met a conspiracy theory you didn't love.
Twitter temporarily blocked the @TeamTrump account from sending tweets after it posted a video about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's son that it said violated its rules.
Apparently the truth is not allowed on Twitter.
trumps toast without Twitter! What’s he going to do?!
He's going to landslide Harris-Biden.
In my life, I've voted non-Republican less than 10 times. This election, I think there were 2 Republicans who got my vote out of 15 offices.
You voted Democrat for your U.S. Representative? You know if the Democrats keep the House, Nancy Pelosi will remain Speaker. You really want her two heartbeats away from the presidency of the United States?
It's true. They delete left-wing posts at twice the rate of right-wing posts. They are extremely biased against the left.
Really! Where did you get that one, Stranger?
I guess they censor that info in your right wing fake news bubble.
Twitter blocks ‘I will never lie to you’ McEnany.
This sad bunch is running out of lies to peddle.
What they are dishing out now is so ridiculous no one will believe them, except the racists.
At least Trump didn’t retweet dodgy videos from a racist organisation this time.
This is actually an improvement in some way.
If this is the best that Trump-world can do - an already debunked pathetically transparent conspiracy theory not on Biden, but on his son - then that just shows how desperate and defeated they are...
A Russian disinformation fairy tale brought forth by Crazy Rudy and Dumpster Steve? Come on....
All this story does is add more proof that the Trump campaign is, and has been, in cahoots with Russia...
Amazing it involves emails since Roger Stone worked with Assange and the Russians to publish those...
Just follow the trail backwards - every Trump campaign fairy tale leads back to Russia...
Bob Fosse
If there is truth to the story then Twitter should be the last place to look for it. If there is evidence it will come out. But there isn’t anything yet so you’ve just got more QAnon quackery for now.
Even Q (of qanon fame) just came out and said the emails are fake.
Their own conspiracies are eating their own conspiracies!
Just follow the trail backwards - every Trump campaign fairy tale leads back to Russia...
You forget Mueller went out with a whimper. But yeah, keep kicking that rotting dead horse, lincolnman.
Clinging to their last thread of hope - a kookie Russian authored fairy tale brought up by Giuliani (under federal investigation) and Bannon (arrested for mail fraud) - hey, that has to be credible...
It just goes to show how lost and defeated Trump and his supporters are...
After years of ranting about "spying" in 2016, we learn this week that even Trump crony Barr couldn't find anything to pursue...
The Durham investigation is the same - nothing...
All Trump-world's crazy conspiracy theories are falling apart - so they cling to the one that was debunked months ago - Hunter...
Go for it guys - it just shows everyone how desperate you are...
Toasted Heretic
In the meantime, Trump's compared himself to Jesus Christ, said he'll jail those who burn the flag and is begging suburban women to vote for him, saying he saved their "damn neighborhood"
Dog whistle, much?
@Bob Fosse,
Like the Trump tax story? Russia/Dossier hoax (Clinton responsible)? Media just protecting Biden. There wasn't even an article on JT about this Hunter/Joe Biden story yet every gotcha story against Trump from AP or Reuters is posted. Very strange and bias.
Feds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation
When you have a major platform like Twitter censoring free speech, what else is left?
Seems like it has Biden’s name written all over it, can’t wait until next week when these gems testify.
When you have a major platform like Twitter censoring free speech, what else is left?
Parler. Not as big as Twatter but it's growing.
Bob Fosse
Strange, isn’t it?
Oh, cool. Let me just investiga
Why don't you actually check it out instead of pasting what Wikipedia says about it?
You might actually learn something.
Like opposing viewpoints which is actually quite refreshing.
I don't visit racist, antisemitic, far-right websites that allow users to post conspiracy theories.
With one exception, of course.
never been there, and I dont go to such places. But that restaurant is terrible.
Oh please tell us more about this one exception.
Bob Fosse
Never heard about it until now. Then again I don’t use Twitter either. Maybe trump should switch to parler if it’s so good. Sounds like a smart move.
Toasted Heretic
Anti-semitism isn't a refreshing viewpoint. It's abhorrent.
A few days ago, you were insistent that you don't need to read a study to draw conclusions about what it says. Now you're insisting that only first-hand experience is valid? Could you please make up your mind.
It is a website that commissioned a far-right German writer to pen a piece that described women as little more than walking incubators for babies.
Toasted Heretic
Here's the thing, I made the mistake of clicking on your videos which lead to far right content, often with anti-semitic links.
I learned not to click on your videos again.