Japan Today

General Services Administration allows Biden transition funds to begin

By Trevor Hunnicutt and Michael Martina

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So long, fat Don!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

AttilathehungryToday  01:47 pm JST

Yes, let him have his day in court. Get it over with. After all, what are you afraid of if his case is so weak?

Who's afraid?

Not to mention the irony of the chattering masses here labelling a billionaire...

Is he? Really? He's not a very good example of one.

....who won the Presidency...

On a technicality.

...you should be so lucky as to lose if this is what constitutes being a loser!

We'll see how lucky he is when he doesn't have presidential immunity or GOP Senators to protect him against criminal investigations and prosecution.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yes, let him have his day in court. Get it over with. After all, what are you afraid of if his case is so weak?

Not to mention the irony of the chattering masses here labelling a billionaire who won the Presidency as a "loser"... you should be so lucky as to lose if this is what constitutes being a loser!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Emily’s letter was pathetic, referencing the threats she supposedly received.

Maybe she should have done her job instead of being part of this despicably corrupt regime!!!!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Let the President pursue his legal strategies. 

Yeah because he’s not enough of a Loser yet, right?

Anyone who thinks he’s going to suddenly come up with some magical proof of fraud, after claiming fraud in 2016 and never producing anything to support it, isn’t exactly the smartest moron in the band, are they. Back in the real world (or at least, those without an intellectual disability) we all know he’s just a big whiny baby who is such a poor loser, it’s actually turned him into the biggest Loser.

The problem is that giving into his tantrum means more people will die due to the lack of a proper transition during a pandemic. It’s socially irresponsible to waste the people’s time simply because he’s a poor loser who can’t get over losing to both Hillary and Biden.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

AttilathehungryToday  10:39 am JST

Let the President pursue his legal strategies. 

Okay, but whose money is he wasting? I hope it's his own. What about the judges' time? They could be hearing cases that are about a bit more than one pathetic old man's ego, and don't taxpayers foot the bill for all the time they're in court listening to Trump's lawyers make fools of themselves?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It is funny to read the hyperbolic and breathless claims that Trump is a nazi, Trump is a fascist, Trump is Orwellian... if that were actually true, you wouldn't be able to say so. The nazi/fascist/Orwellian regime would have you put in prison and disappeared.

You are missing one important point; Trump is incompetent and so too is his nazi/fascist/Orwellian regime. (so incompetent in fat that it isn't a nazi/fascist/Orwellian regime, just a gaggle of headless chickens still running around squawking, not realising they're already dead.)

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Takeda' I have always said that Trump is a loudmouth and a braggart and a bs artist. Nobody with two ears and a set of eyes would say otherwise. I like his policies in spite of his personality, not because of it.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

And going forward, Trump will continue to claim the election was stolen, bla bla bla.

And his cult will believe him. That's half of the Republican party, BTW. That's 15% of Americans.

Crazy, conspiracy wierdos. Just like the John Birchers. Again, who were 15% of the party back in the day.

I think its possible that Trump will break the Republican party in half. Fox *ews has abandoned him, and MAGA, OANN, and the Newsmax crowd is screeming bloody murder.

That is, the Right Wing Noise Machine is fracturing. yeah, internet.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump will unconcede in a few days. "cause he's a looser.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Nice to see 'nothing but class' here on these comments

Always funny when Trump supporters whine about the lack of civility. Anything to say about Donald's lack of civility the last 4 years?

Trump is a fascist

That Trump even had the GOP canvassers over to the Whitehouse says a lot. That there are posters here actually falling on Trump/Republicans to ignore the will of the people is telling. Trump is at his core authoritarian, if he had a way to steal the election, he would have.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Nice to see 'nothing but class' here on these comments. It is funny to read the hyperbolic and breathless claims that Trump is a nazi, Trump is a fascist, Trump is Orwellian... if that were actually true, you wouldn't be able to say so. The nazi/fascist/Orwellian regime would have you put in prison and disappeared.

Let the President pursue his legal strategies. Let the GSA prepare for a possible change of president. Nothing wrong with either happening. There is no conspiracy, no attack on democracy, no attempted coup. Just a legal process that, given the unique circumstances of this election, needs to be followed.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

An embarrassement to the POTUS legacy of transition.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

306-232! Admitted. Finally!

Boy oh boy, did the Trump supporters get fooled into thinking the snake oil sale would continue on. It didn't. Not the landslide they laughingly envisioned. Not the wrong polls, they hilariously and wrongly harped on. He was behind all the time and lost big time! They need to admit it, just like Trump is now.

Even though, Trump tried everything from snake oil to skunk odor, he could not overturn the vote legally, nor otherwise. Supporters have been duped to pay for it.

For America, Democracy rules over his fascism and Orwellian lies!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It's all over but the lyin'.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

TRUMP. LOSER!!!!!!!! BIG TIME 100% LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like guys who win 2020 elections!! GO BIDEN GO!!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

One of the things that is confusing to me is how the non-trump dominated media is taking trump's 'denial' seriously, all of the usual suspect voices howling about his 'refusal to concede' like it is what he is actually doing.

While other motives could be at play, it has been obvious that Trump has refused to concede an election he lost.

By past behavior, his manipulations for money is believable, but I have to say, his petulance and narcissism tells me not to dismiss the idea he solely hates losing.

Refusing to congratulate Biden and admit defeat sounds exactly like the immature juvenile he has been during his time in the WH, and he will do anything to lie and try to turn the fact of losing into the narrative of victory.

To achieve that, required he ask for a lot of money from his supporters, so I believe the request for money was a product of his poor loser mentality and his cult following doing anything he lied about.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

As the door finally shuts on this four year nightmare, one hopes Trump will play golf, watch his Stormy Daniels DVDs, put down his Twitter, and not do anything else to harm our country before 20 Jan...

The two year old needs a firm-handed babysitter...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Murphy said the decision was "solely mine" despite the tweet from Trump in which he said he recommended the move.

The trump little people are incompetent even while lying.

Emily will be gone soon, no one will miss her.

And for trump, I hope he has packed.

They are going to throw him out of WH in January and anything left behind will go into garbage.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

One of the things that is confusing to me is how the non-trump dominated media is taking trump's 'denial' seriously, all of the usual suspect voices howling about his 'refusal to concede' like it is what he is actually doing. What he is actually doing is committing one more last scam on his flock because there is a VERY ACTIVE campaign targeting hapless Repugs to donate money to fund trump's "Stop the Steal" delusion. The literature accompanying these near demands for money have fine print at the bottom explaining that the money will really go to trump and the GOP, NOT to "Stop the Steal". If the blocks on Biden are relaxing, it's because the monies collected in this scam are tailing off. The Biden side got in on this a bit, also, asking for donations from the Dem believers so they could 'start the transition'... The Dems pulling the same scam may have been what really motivated the Repugs to release these funds. Following the inevitable money is never a long journey in America because it's right in our faces, too close to see for so many...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Har! That’s that then.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

finally what a petulant loser

11 ( +11 / -0 )

I guess that's it. Game over for Trump.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

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