Japan Today

Congress votes to end three-day U.S. government shutdown

By Susan Cornwell and Richard Cowan

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Both parties are "guilty" to a certain degree, however Trump carries more of the blame in my opinion, his party controls the house, senate, and presidency, not to mention that HE is the one who supposedly is a "master of negotiation", yet he has little if anything, positive to show for it.

He should be embarrassed about all of this, but his ego won't let him!

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Good to see a little comity after such a long time - and the Trump steps in it. Again.

So McConnell really has to follow through on introducing a bill in the Senate, were agreement is already high. It then goes to the House: Does Ryan risk angering the conservative rump by allowing consideration or badly damage Repub's 2018 chances by ignoring it?

Most astounding is that Schumer apparently got McConnell to agree to leave Trump's opinions out of immigration debate. Ouch! Sidelined! Well, he's earned it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Let's take a look at how much Train-Wreck Truml's master negotiation skills helped:

"Although Trump stayed in Washington, the deal to reopen the government was cut without him."

Not at all. He must have been too busy pouring about not being able to travel to Florida yet again.

How long until the con posters start repeating verbatim the talking point from the WH that the Dems "caved?"

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Well, the Dems got CHIP, so if McConnell reneges, "The Dems hate children!" is no longer a viable Repub argument. All in all, the Dems not only came out looking more reasonable but in a stronger position.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Fine, let's bounce the ball a little longer. But if McConnell backs down, if the DACA bill isn't debated and voted on in the Senate and if the House doesn't want to play at all, I think the Dems should take the ball and leave the court.

We can't let the bully in the WH destroy our country. If the government closing down causes pain, I'm sorry, but there is a bigger issue here. Somewhere along the line, I expect our elected officials to stand on the side of decency and the American way and reject the hate and fear mongering of Trump and his ilk. And if Ryan doesn't allow DACA to be voted on in the house, vote him out if he runs.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Yubaru - Both parties are "guilty" to a certain degree, however Trump carries more of the blame in my opinion, his party controls the house, senate, and presidency, not to mention that HE is the one who supposedly is a "master of negotiation", yet he has little if anything, positive to show for it.

As you are no doubt aware, it required 60 votes to pass the failed funding bill. And that the Republicans do not hold 60 seats in the U.S. Senate. They are only the "majority" party. Therefore, passing the funding bill REQUIRED support from the "minority" party, AKA the Democrats, which the Democrats refused to provide. Why did the Democrats chose to do that? Because they chose to place the "rights" of illegal aliens above the needs of U.S. citizens.

I'm sure that you're also aware that it's solely the responsibility of the U.S. Congress to fund the government. Congress couldn't do their job. Congress, and the media, and the internet, can attempt to blame anyone they wish for Congress failure to do it's job, but that doesn't change their U.S. Constitutional duty.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

More repetition of the falsehood that Dems placed the "rights" of undocumented immigrants above the needs of citizens. Wait! You forgot the other part about putting the needs of undocumented immigrants above the military.

Hmmm . . . We're going to have to knock off a few points for that little slip up. True cons know they have to mention the military in order to tickle people's patriotic bone.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

arrestpaul, I might have more sympathy for your claim were it not for the fact that the Republs let CHIP - which expired three months ago - sit on the back burner, pocketing it for precisely this opportunity. It's just children's healthcare, after all.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

We vote today to reopen the government -Chuck Schumer. Means you voted the other day to close it the totally caved. total waste of time with the Schumer Shutdown.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

" When the government shuts down it means the President didn't lead". DJT

It really is that simple

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The Democrats win! Even as a minority in all houses, they forced the Republicans to their wishes.

And now they look magnanimous for working with the Republicans, when the Republicans were working against the will of the people. And they get to point out how failed a negotiator the so-called stable genius is.

This is just one step closer to winning in November.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Ahhh . . . True to form, another con repeats the WH talking point that Dems "caved."

Love that cons repeat the "Schumer Shutdown" line that Russian boys and trolls were promoting on Twitter.

Odd that getting McConnell to agree on immigration talks is seen as a waste of time.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Tommy Jones - More repetition of the falsehood that Dems placed the "rights" of undocumented immigrants above the needs of citizens. Wait! You forgot the other part about putting the needs of undocumented immigrants above the military.

You're free to make any claim you wish, but you mustn't make claims in my name. You haven't change the fact that elected Democrats chose not to support a funding bill that required 60 Senate votes to pass. Even you must be aware that the Republicans do not hold 60 seats in the Senate. And those Democrats did chose to place the "rights" of illegal aliens over the needs of U.S. citizens.

Those same elected Democrats are now hoping that those U.S. citizens aren't going to remember how Democrats treated them as 2nd-class citizens in their own country.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

What, already? I thought the world could take a break from this chaos machinery, but here it goes resolved and in action again...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Fine, let's bounce the ball a little longer. But if McConnell backs down, if the DACA bill isn't debated and voted on in the Senate and if the House doesn't want to play at all, I think the Dems should take the ball and leave the court.

I don't think ANY deal should be made whatsoever, the dreamers can wait, keep the pressure and let the people see that the Dems are willing to put these illegals before Americans and before immigrants that followed the rules. Let them go to the end of the line and earn it through incremental steps.

We can't let the bully in the WH destroy our country.

Democrats, there I fixed it for you, actually Schumer to be more precise.

If the government closing down causes pain, I'm sorry, but there is a bigger issue here.

Our military

Somewhere along the line, I expect our elected officials to stand on the side of decency and the American way and reject the hate and fear mongering of Trump and his ilk. And if Ryan doesn't allow DACA to be voted on in the house, vote him out if he runs.

DACA can and should wait for ever long as it takes until American citizens come first-period.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

The Democrats win!

Nobody is going to be doing any real winning until the legislative branch of the government stops playing the party game and starts representing the wishes of their respective constituencies. Congress has failed the American people and has become paralysed by the inter party posturing as well as the tribal infighting within the major parties themselves.

The members of congress were elected to serve their constituents, not to serve some political strategy or to serve as a stepping stone to the White House. The ball has been put into their court now and what they do is on them. It's not enough to point fingers at each other and at Trump, they have a job to do and it's time to get busy.

Or everybody loses.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Tommy: Ahhh . . . True to form, another con repeats the WH talking point that Dems "caved."

Guess you missed this:

"Today's cave by Senate Democrats - led by weak-kneed, right-of-center Democrats - is why people don’t believe the Democratic Party stands for anything," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

But maybe you are so far to the Left that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee are just a bunch of “cons”.

Stranger: The Democrats win! Even as a minority in all houses, they forced the Republicans to their wishes.

They demanded amnesty for the DACA (now) adults and they didn’t get it. Schumer lost this round but he gets another go at it on February 8th.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Looks like they were able to sideline Trump and get the government open. Good job by establishment Republicans.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The Democrats win! 

How very mature you are.

I'm guessing that, despite the usual praise from the mainstream media, the polls weren't going in the democrats favor. Shutdowns usually end when one side or the other begins to fear the political damage.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Trump will push spending, creating higher wall and charge to Mexico.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Boooth parties worked together with ignoring Trump.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Looks like they were able to sideline Trump and get the government open. Good job by establishment Republicans.

Trump is smiling, what are you talking about? At least the GOP can claim victory that Americans should always come first over any illegal.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Glad this bread and circuses is over. Did the NSA, FBI, CIA shutdown? I don't think so. Now. Release the memo!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Love the message discipline of CONServatives. Never hesitate to repeat a falsehood such as the Dems putting undocumented immigrants above citizens. Don't forget the baseless allegation that Dems also put undocumented immigrants above the military.

I'm sure master negotiator Train-Wreck Trump is smiling. He was sidelined so the competent adults could get a deal done. Smh. ROFL.

If the short form of conservatives has no meaning, then the short form of liberals (libs) also has no meaning.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

SuperLib: Looks like they were able to sideline Trump and get the government open. Good job by establishment Republicans.

At least Super is acknowledging reality. Tommy Jones is still spinning despite all evidence contradicting the idea that Schumer actually won this shutdown fight.

Dems did get the children’s health insurance but they were going to get that anyway. This is just round one of this fight but Republicans have squeezed out a small strategic advantage due to Schumer’s tactical mistake.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Trump won, Dems caved. Same deal on the table. if you want DACA we want the wall, real border security, end to chain migration and no more”diversity lottery”-we choose by merit.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


even WaPo. They caved.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Certain posters clearly have issues with reading comprehension. They think statements of facts are "spinning." Not once have I even insinuated Schumer won.

Its quite telling that some poster talk about CHIP as if it was something that should have been a bargaining tool.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@arrestpaul....I am not at all a Trump supporter but your posts are factual and on the mark. Both political parties are equally responsible for the despicable state of politics in the U.S. Unfortunately Americans (and non Americans it seems) like to play "my party is better than your party" rather than standing together and standing up to a government that has become full of representatives more interested in being re-elected and lining their pockets rather than representing the American people.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Yes, release the hyper-partisan memo compiled by Trump's lapdog Nunes and his staff. If it were such a bombshell, there would already be an investigation into it.

Funny that conservative posters push the same things that Russian bots and trolls push. Very insightful.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Tokyo Eng.: Agree with your post except for the first sentence. It simply is not true that democrats treat/treated Americans like second-class citizens.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

@Tommy....maybe not to that extent however in my home state of California there are alot (not all) of middle class taxpayers that would agree they are being treated as 2nd class by the government. Also folks sending their kids to college and paying out of state tuition while those not in the country legally are getting in state tuition. Most Americans do not want to see the continued flood of people entering the country illegally. I am sure all of us (at least those of us who are foreigners in Japan) entered the country legally.

I understand the plight of poor south of the U.S. border however allowing a free flow of people into the U.S. does not help matters and hurts the poor and middle class in the U.S.

On the other hand the "dreamers" or kids brought across the border against their will is a difficult issue. They should be allowed to stay but the parents that brought them here actually broke the law. It is a tough call as allowing the parents to stay would be rewarding breaking a U.S. law. I am a foreigner living overseas, I do not like paying taxes back to the U.S., but I am legally bound to do so therefore I do it. If we want to pick and choose laws to be enforced it is a dangerous slope. Maybe the right solution is change the law.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Tokyo Eng:

Thanks for the response.

I too am for the rule of law. What I am not for is allowing false, asinine assertions to go unchecked.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Republicans have squeezed out a small strategic advantage due to Schumer’s tactical mistake

Wolf, I really don't see how you can say that.

Repubs were holding CHIP hostage to force Dems to vote for a budget. They can no longer do that.

McConnell now must introduce a bill on immigration; it's bones have already been fleshed by the Durbin-Graham bill, which holds high support in the Senate and will likely pass.

If McConnell reneges, he'll cement his reputation as completely untrustworthy, and the Dems can fillibuster again in three weeks, this time with higher moral leverage.

If Ryan refuses to bring up the bill in the House, he'll be exposed for the partisan chicken hack he is (word has it he's thinking of retiring in 2018 anyway).

DACA enjoys tremendous support across all sectors of society. It is not an issue that will go away.

So, no, I'd say the Ems have secured a large advantage. The GOP is cornered.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

If America were not Ocean Locked, it would have disappeared a long time ago.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The far left democrats realized, though a bit too late, they were skating in very thin ice with Anerican voters when they voted to shut down our government in the name of people who came here illegally like MS-13 gang members.

The Schumer Shutdown Showdown is an epic fail. President Trump wins yet again.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Tex rides in yet again with six-shooters blazing! Unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, Tex is simply repeating falsehoods about the democrats.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Well done President Dealmaker.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Love the message discipline of CONServatives. Never hesitate to repeat a falsehood such as the Dems putting undocumented immigrants above citizens.

You can scream that BS falsehood all day and liberals can believe that lie, good on them, the rest of us don’t. Everybody knows what sinister cheats the Dems are, especially when it comes to illegals and immigration.

Don't forget the baseless allegation that Dems also put undocumented immigrants above the military.


More like the left are clueless.

I'm sure master negotiator Train-Wreck Trump is smiling. He was sidelined so the competent adults could get a deal done. Smh. ROFL.

Trump wasn’t sidelined, Schumer folded like a sub descending into the depths of the u

Indian ocean.

I can prove that as well all day long, if you wish.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Legislating a 2 week continuing resolution to fund the government is a quintessential demonstration of incompetence (from both sides of the aisle). Even my credit card bills are due on a monthly basis (which is probably equally true of the government's credit cards).

1 ( +3 / -2 )

the Dems just looooove supporting illegal immigrants rather than hard working American citizens

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The usual conservative posters providing the usual non-factual, irrelevant bloviations. Repeating falsehoods seems to be the favorite pastime of conservatives.

As a retort to being corrected that the Dems never put undocumented immigrants above the military, we get a link to an article that tells us Dems put undocumented immigrants IN the military. ROFL!. More evidence that reading comprehension is not the forte ofcsrtain posters.

In response to the factual assertion that Trump was sidelined, which is clearly stated in the above article, we get the response the Schumer folded. Assuming Schumer did fold, that has zero bearing on the fact that Trump was sidelined. Another completely irrelevant response.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Conswrvatives have amazing message discipline. Of course, they care not that the messages they repeat are patently false.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Repubs were holding CHIP hostage to force Dems to vote for a budget. They can no longer do that.

And Schumer blinked and hard.

McConnell now must introduce a bill on immigration; it's bones have already been fleshed by the Durbin-Graham bill, which holds high support in the Senate and will likely pass.

And Dems must concede to some funding on the wall and they might get a limit to how many Dreamers can come in, chain migration and visa lottery and in deep discussion to give it the axe it so readily deserves.

If McConnell reneges, he'll cement his reputation as completely untrustworthy, and the Dems can fillibuster again in three weeks, this time with higher moral leverage.

Don’t be on that, in fact, Schumer and the Dems are even at a more disadvantage than they were going in because now the pressure on them to protect our troops and take sides over the illegals is mounting

If Ryan refuses to bring up the bill in the House, he'll be exposed for the partisan chicken hack he is (word has it he's thinking of retiring in 2018 anyway).

If the Dems don’t go for partial or full funding of the wall and implement for tougher immigration and bipartisan support, Trump can afford to keep the dreamers waiting and DACA in the wind, but for the Dems holding on on the military could bite them in the worst way politically especially the optics of it that they think the dreamers are more important than American citizens.

DACA enjoys tremendous support across all sectors of society. It is not an issue that will go away.

At the same time over 53% of Americans don’t think DACA should come before Americans or that the government should have a shutdown because of them.

So, no, I'd say the Ems have secured a large advantage. The GOP is cornered.

Yes, the Dems have an advantage in a unicornverse that’s very true. But I’m talking about reality.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Please do prove that Trump wasn't sidelined. Instead of evidence, we'll get the old "I'm not going to share my sources because they won't be believed" or the "I already did." Very effective critical discourse skills.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

undocumented immigrants

a euphemism for ILLEGAL immigrants

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Conservatives just cannot help repeating the falsehood that Dems don't want to take care of the troops; that Dems want undocumented immigrants to enter the country; and that Dems put undocumented immigrants above citizens. It's a compulsion.

These assertions are only true in the unicornverse. ROFL. No wonder they have lost over 1,000 legislative seats . . .

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

undocumemted immigrants is not a euphamism for anything, it is the legal term that can be found in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

No wonder they have lost over 1,000 legislative seats . . .

keep supporting people who are not citizens over hard working Americans and see if your party even exists in a year

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

undocumemted immigrants is not a euphamism for anything, it is the legal term that can be found in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

if the documents in question are legal documents to enter, and they do not have them, they are in said country illegally. why have a document process in the first place if people can stay without them?

it is not fair to the people who entered the country legally, like the first lady

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The correct term is undocumented immigrant because that is the term used in the law. Of course, you should feel feee to continue to use the incorrect term.

Dems do not support undocumented immigrants over hard working citizens. Supporting both is not mutually exclusive. That said, feel free to continue spreading falsehoods.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

undocumemted immigrants is not a euphamism for anything

Do you call looters undocumented shoppers?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The correct term is undocumented immigrant because that is the term used in the law. Of course, you should feel feee to continue to use the incorrect term.

they are illegal aliens. America owes them nothing. Why do you spend your time and energy fighting for foreigners when you could be doing something positive for your own country. Countries have borders and visa processes for a reason

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The criminal statutes do not use the term undocumented shoppers, so no, I don't call looters undocumented shoppers.

I do not spend my time and energy fighting for foreigners. I do spend my time fighting the spread of ignorance and falsehoods.

Why do you spend your time and energy repeating falsehoods?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I stole a pen from the store, I am a "non-receipt holding patron"

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Conservatives just cannot help repeating the falsehood that Dems don't want to take care of the troops;

Then Chucky wouldn’t have initiated a shutdown.

that Dems want undocumented immigrants to enter the country; and that Dems put undocumented immigrants above citizens. It's a compulsion.

Only a politically ignorant person would believe that.

undocumemted immigrants is not a euphamism for anything, it is the legal term that can be found in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The left and their euphemisms lol. You call them what you want, doesn’t change what they are, they are illegal foreign aliens.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Love the false equivalence a being used in an attempt to demonstrate that illegal immigrants is the correct term. Nowhere in the criminal code are the terms "undocumented shopper" or "non-receipt holding patron used." However, in the Immigration and Nationality Act the term "undocumented immigrant" is used, but not "illegal immigrant."

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

...rather than hard working American citizens

That argument is pretty ripe coming from the party which shoved through the Trump tax cuts on reconcilliation with zero Dem support packed with special goodies for the 85%. Let's not pretend the GOP cares for working Americans. Their actions repeatedly and consistently show that they don't.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Funny watching the cons try to pretend that the shutdown was anything less than a failure of the president, even after he himself has said that the shutdown is a failure of the president.

Didn't you guys read the speaking notes today yet?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Stranger: They only got the talking points about the Dems "caving."

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Four times since October and the latest extension is only three weeks.

Glad to see they got something done, but the same thing start up in about a week.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Love the false equivalence a being used in an attempt to demonstrate that illegal immigrants is the correct term. Nowhere in the criminal code are the terms "undocumented shopper" or "non-receipt holding patron used." However, in the Immigration and Nationality Act the term "undocumented immigrant" is used, but not "illegal immigrant.

And if we don’t say it, will you contact the PC police to put us in prison or to put it properly submit us to a “correctional facility to be rehabilitated?” Lol

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

So I am sure trump will take credit for ending this shutdown because he is such a great president. :-/

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I expect conservatives to continue to be incorrect and use the term "illegal immigrant." They don't have the capability to speak accurately.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I expect conservatives to continue to be incorrect and use the term "illegal immigrant." They don't have the capability to speak accurately.

They just don’t want to swallow the Jones Kool-aid. When I came to Japan and When people asked for my ID they referred it as an alien card, I was never offended. I was a legal alien. We are talking about “illegal aliens.”

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The democrats were once again on the wrong side of American history when they chose to support the DREAMers, aka, illegal immigrants, over the American working man and woman. The result: Their Schumer Shutdown Showdown epic fail of a filibuster didn't even last a U.S. three-day holiday weekend.

Now, they are left with nothing to offer to the American voter in the run up to the mid-terms. They can't even campaign on helping to create a robust economy because not one of them voted for the tax bill.

The globalist cheerleaders are left licking their wounds because the world just witnessed that all the U.S. leftists in general and the far-left democrats in particular have is an unexplainable hatred for this country. And they think that that ideology is enough to allow them to get majorities in the House and Senate in November? Good luck with that strategy. . . .

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

When I came to Japan and When people asked for my ID they referred it as an alien card

And even Japan, one of the more un-PC countries, has done away with the term 'alien'.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

That’s Japan, good for them. They can say and do whatever they want and so can we.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

They can say and do whatever they want and so can we.

Why do you use ‘they’? As someone with the right to vote in Japan, I thought that could merit a ‘we’.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

That’s Japan, good for them. They can say and do whatever they want and so can we.

Fair enough. I was just pointing out how even Japan isn't as backwards as the cons in the US.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Did they take Twitter access from Trump again? Seems that once he was set on the side, a deal got done. Probably because he kept contradicting himself.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@ superlib he was probably too busy eating cheeseburgers ,drinking diet cola and catching up with faux news during the shutdown to be bothered.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

JimizoToday  12:27 pm JST

They can say and do whatever they want and so can we.

Why do you use ‘they’? As someone with the right to vote in Japan, I thought that could merit a ‘we’.

He hasn't ever claimed to have Japanese nationality, has he?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Simon: The better question is what hasn't b4f claimed.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

You can take the American out of America, but you can’t take the America out of the American, also, I pay taxes and go back 3 times a year, have properties in both countries, so I guess that qualifies me as being able to discuss American politics as I’m still a citizen.

Fair enough. It's just that I never see you discuss anything on Japan Today other than US politics which just strikes me as odd.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Whoa! Mitch McConnell: "I object." If you haven't seen it, watch the video -- and learn!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

he was probably too busy eating cheeseburgers ,drinking diet cola and catching up with faux news during the shutdown to be bothered.

Sounds like a dream job that me!!! Love it!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Glad to see some cheerleaders admitting Trump is incompetent unless he's downing burgers and coke.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

President Trump offered three different versions to appease the democrats and each time they walked away. At which point he correctly told them, OK, this one is on you. The result: 81-18 To return to work.

PDJT holds, the Schumer Shutdown folds. . . .

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Glad to see some cheerleaders admitting Trump is incompetent unless he's downing burgers and coke.

Most Gen-i-uses are competent.

Which story is that because sure theres more than one or two who really knows seems to make a whole lot of claims then there is the way he loves to alter facts we could go on and on but whats the point.

I never lied about anything, I’ve always be consistent, now back to the topic.

The Dems walked away after Train-Weeck Trump used his master negotiating skills and did a 180.


For the first time, the Communist News Network got it right, imagine that, we do live in hope.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The Schumer Shutdown did not work this time, it won't work next time as we keep marching closer and closer to the midterms.

Heh, imagine what the democrats up for re-election will be saying to voters on the campaign trail later this year: "We tried our best to sell you out for illegal immigration, but you still trust us, right?"

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Heh, imagine what the democrats up for re-election will be saying to voters on the campaign trail later this year: "We tried our best to sell you out for illegal immigration, but you still trust us, right?"

But do they have a message to run on besides immigration and income redistribution?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Republican Party now treating Trump like the crazy old grandmother kept in the attic.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Republican Party now treating Trump like the crazy old grandmother kept in the attic.

As if Trump cares about the GOP. Lol

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The result: 81-18 To return to work.

For three weeks. Big win!!!

Can kicked down road.

But do they have a message to run on besides immigration and income redistribution?

Immigration reform has been pledged by every GoP and Dem candidate since I can remember, and nothing has ever happened outside of small changes at the executive level.

Steve Miller is one of the weirdest dudes I have ever seen. Right now, I couldn't think of a more extreme out of control nut who isn't a gun toting terrorist, and he is the center of Trump's whole immigration reform.

Income redistribution is the GoP's dirty word for social responsibility.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Steve Miller is one of the weirdest dudes I have ever seen.

Thank God for him.

Right now, I couldn't think of a more extreme out of control nut who isn't a gun toting terrorist, and he is the center of Trump's whole immigration reform.

That's a bad thing?

Income redistribution is the GoP's dirty word for social responsibility.

Not asking or spooning off the government, being self-reliant, that's now a bad word? Opps, oh, my...

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Not asking or spooning off the government, being self-reliant, that's now a bad word? 

Big business spoons off the government plenty.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

TomToday - If America were not Ocean Locked, it would have disappeared a long time ago.

OK, I'll bite, what exactly is meant by the above statement?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sounds like a dream job that me!!! Love it!

When will the cupcake cons stop using the euphemism "president" when referring to Trump? I'm sick of the kumbaya PC MAGA crowd not having the guts to say it like it is.

The democrats were once again on the wrong side of American history when they chose to support the DREAMers, aka, illegal immigrants, over the American working man and woman.

You forgot military. Repeat after me. "Dems support illegal immigrants and MS-13 gang members over our brave military and hardworking Americans."

The cons are glad that Trump is standing up for a narcissistic, ignorant, golf-playing, TV-addicted couch potato over the lives of hard-working young people who have spent most of their lives contributing to their communities and the economy. They'd much sooner see a family broken up than deny millions of red-capped Trumpsters the chance to mend their fragile egos by sticking it to the defenseless. They also prefer to see Steve Mnuchin and his hard-working trophy wife getting an estate tax reprieve over the middle class getting a bigger tax break.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Big business spoons off the government plenty.

But not in the same manner poor people do or government workers. Big business won't give you a house or an EBT card or a free phone guaranteed, but it will give you a shot a chance at the big leagues.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The Regressive Left is unhinged.

They just can not understand why Trump and his agenda keep winning.

That is very good. Excellent.

Keep unhinged, unbalanced, angry. Keep up the hate and the resistance.

Just do not have any new ideas. The hate is better. ;)

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

But not in the same manner poor people do or government workers.

No, big business benefits on a scale that dwarfs the rest. And really, the benefits to the poor are really pork for the likes of farmers.

Sugar, corn, energy sectors, war industry, airlines all benefit from government intervention.

This is not even including the legal monopolies and money printing machines called banks.

No, social responsibility begins with the government legalized monopolies like electric grids and power providers, postal service, internet providers, insurance companies and on and on. These should be monopolies, but they need to be regulated because they are necessary monopolies, which are inherently abusive otherwise. And, the monopolies need to be expanded to include health care. Health care is too big for market forces to regulate.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Unfortunately bass4funk Japan Today site is full of mostly left wing people who only see Trump and republicans as the problem. They will never see the democrats or themselves has having done anything wrong....

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

They just can not understand why Trump and his agenda keep winning.

Keep winning?

Trump won once with the help of Putin, and that was only the electoral college and not the popular vote.

Tax cut, the jury is still out on that one. Wait until the states start to feel the heat, corporations will end up paying more money to the states.

Stock market gains? Always a huge lag on attribution to policy.

Gorsich? The GoP handed that to Trump before he was even elected.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

But not in the same manner poor people do or government workers. 

In exactly the same manner, but on a much, much larger scale than poor folks.

For example Bass: Big pharma can make minor, cosmetic changes to drugs and keep renewing the patent pretty much indefinitely.

This means no generics do not come to market; averages folks get stuck paying outrageous prices for these scripts.

Now not only do they game the IP system, now they get a fat tax cut and get to keep even more money which will then be plowed right back into lobbying.

Why don't you see a problem with that? Private companies game the system to make even more money from average people- that's smart business. Citizens get a bit of help from the government and that theft and wealth distribution. Did I get the score wrong here?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Exactly! 100% Spot on.

Trump won once with the help of Putin, and that was only the electoral college and not the popular vote.

You guys keep going on about that, it’s over, give it up, the people choose and voted and the EC is our system arguing and the lefts continued whining all day won’t change anything.

Tax cut, the jury is still out on that one.

No, if you look at the stock market, it’s a raging inferno now, on the other hand California wants to raise taxes to offset the tax cuts in one of the highest taxed States in the union with the highest property taxes and housing costs , gas tax and corporate tax, the Democrats have shown once again, they are inept and mathematically incapable of doing anything that deals with money.

Wait until the states start to feel the heat, corporations will end up paying more money to the states.

California, New York and the other coastal States that are governed by liberal loons.

Stock market gains? Always a huge lag on attribution to policy.


Gorsich? The GoP handed that to Trump before he was even elected.

No, that was Trump’s leading choice. The left wanted a Center left leaning conservative, Garland to be appointed. Trump may be a lot of things, but an idiot not at all.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

“Problems start from the top, and they have to get solved from the top, and the President’s the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room, and he’s got to lead. And he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t like doing that, that’s not his strength. And that’s why you have this horrible situation going on in Washington. It’s a very, very bad thing and it’s very embarrassing worldwide.”

-- Donald Trump, Sept 2013 on Fox & Friends about government shutdown

"Well, very simply, you have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He’s got to get [the Speaker of the House] and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice, and be angry, and be wild, and cajole, and do all sorts of things. But you have to get a deal."

-- Donald Trump, Oct 2013 on Fox News

"Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible."

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2013
-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I see lostrune2 proves my point.....

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

To the point of being a leader he has but you can not force people to accept it. Such as you can lead a horse to water but can not make it drink..

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

They will never see the democrats or themselves has having done anything wrong.... starts at the top with the "Deal-maker in Chief" has been proven wrong many many times but would never admit it. For a man thats been quoted numerous times as being an excellent deal-maker cant seem to bring everybody together to get the deal done.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I never lied about anything, I’ve always be consistent, now back to the topic. using alternate facts from unproven / unreliable sources, under the defense of fake news by the opposition. LOL

2 ( +3 / -1 )

USA budget includes helping Puerto Rico. and natural disaster damaged states and territories. DaaACA and no order Wall have too wait.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They will never see the democrats or themselves has having done anything wrong....  starts at the top with the "Deal-maker in Chief" has been proven wrong many many times but would never admit it. For a man thats been quoted numerous times as being an excellent deal-maker cant seem to bring everybody together to get the deal done.

True, but not this time, the Dems went full head-on in basically saying, Americans screw you, the DACA kids are more important. Bad move and even the most liberal news sites know it. They just weakened their position.

I never lied about anything, I’ve always be consistent, now back to the topic.  using alternate facts from unproven / unreliable sources, under the defense of fake news by the opposition. LOL

Yes, liberals always say that when they can’t make accurate counterpoints to disprove the facts, especially when it comes from an opposing viewpoint and not the Koop-aid drank.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

the Dems went full head-on in basically saying, Americans screw you, the DACA kids are more important.

The cons went full head-on in basically saying, kids who grew up in America screw you, the rabid Trump base is more important.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The cons went full head-on in basically saying, kids who grew up in America screw you, the rabid Trump base is more important.

Theyre not legal, so it makes a difference.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

A certain conservative poster incorrectly claimed that Train-Wreck Donny wasn't sidelined so the competent adults could work out a deal. Well,here's your proof that he was:


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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