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U.S. bands blast use of their music in Gitmo interrogations


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Wow Pearl Jam, R.E.M., and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, all with new albums out! Way to promote guy!

Britney Spears, the Bee Gees, Marilyn Manson and many other groups. The Meow mix cat food jingle, the Barney theme song and an assortment of Sesame Street tunes also were pumped into detainee cells.

Now this is torture!

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Could you imagine listing to meow meow meow meow meow meow about 1 trillion times for hours on end. You can find the full list online. I am surprised they didn't have Jay-z. They most of the other top selling rappers. I get why these artists are angry, I would be too. But what everyone needs to remember, this is, at least was war against a group of people who indiscriminately kill who ever they want. We don't go out of way to kill children and blow up temples. That is exactly what some of these people aimed to do. Our soldiers goals were to stop more of that happening. Im not pro bush, and I am not really for this war, at least the one in Iraq. But SOMETHING has to be done about terrorists, if Barney can help, then by all means. Terrorists are literally half the reason I refuse to bring children into this world. Blowing up Sky scrappers and trains and temples and markets that belong to your own country men is no laughing matter. If a few songs from some of my favorite artists can stop that... well.

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jPop would have been worse.

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The headline makes claims not supported by the text. No one is quoted nor mentioned as saying they "blast the use of their music."

Moderator: Expressing outrage is the same thing as blasting, we think.

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Streaming live Japanese TV into their cells would definitely break them and reveal the location of Osama Bin Laden, Nazi gold, the whereabouts of Ho Chi Minh, and Colonel Sanders secret recipe.

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Torture designed to cause mental distress is still torture. Bush and all those in the decision making line should be tried for war crimes and imprisoned.

The bands are right to resist this. But where have they been for so long? We've known about the music for years.

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I bet they were feeding them McDonalds also. -pure torture after the first day.

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Its like casting pearls at swines....

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They should play them the Bic Camera song.

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anything by kenny g. would be effective. phil collins, ouch, that is worse.

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Did the US government pay publishing and broadcasting rights to do that? Note on all CD's "public performance and broadcasting prohibited".

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I wonder if they can make playlist requests. I'd personally enjoy a mix of 40's hits, maybe the Andrews Sisters and Glen Miller with some swing and bebop thrown in.

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jPop would have been worse.

Streaming live Japanese TV into their cells would definitely break them

I bet they were feeding them McDonalds also. -pure torture after the first day

They should play them the Bic Camera song.

anything by kenny g. would be effective. phil collins, ouch, that is worse.

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LOL, Altria.

I personally hate the word 'outraged'. Almost nobody ever gets genuinely outraged. And instead of making people outraged, it is the outraged person who chooses to become outraged (their personality is the problem). Saying these musicians 'expressed outrage' demeans them, unless that's what they stated themselves.

Was it NIN's earlier or later work, BTW? Their recent stuff is certainly a bit torturous.

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Did the US government pay publishing and broadcasting rights to do that? Note on all CD's "public performance and broadcasting prohibited".

The CIA vs the MPAA - Talk about your clash of the titans

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Just love the altruistic idiots of the world. Next thing you know the Nobel family will be suing terrorists for their unauthorized use of explosives against civilians and the Kalishikov group will be doing the same for their use of AK47's. Just how far can one stick ones arse up ones backside?

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Music is haram in Islam. That's what's really,really funny here.These self-absorbed prima donnas like REM's Michael Stipe and the other various drughead MTV icons don't even know all the relevant information in this 'issue.' Stipe is also gay as a football bat, but probably blissfully unaware of what even moderate Muslims believe should be the punishment for his lifestyle.

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Any court case resulting from this might be rather interesting. Indeed, I wonder if royalties need to be paid. Also, I am inclined to believe that Britney and a couple of others represent a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

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music is forbidden

In some cases it should be like SMAP. If they really wanted to drive them nuts they should have played SMAP. Bin Laden would have been hog tied and delivered on a spit by now if SMAP was feed into the caves on the Khyber pass and into Cells at Gitmo.

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Just force the government to use Apple products when torturing. After hours of converting files and updating iTunes they'll probably just give up. If you're going to torture using Apple products, you're gonna have to torture the way Apple tells you to...

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I'd feel pretty bad on a number of levels if I found out my music was used to torture. First of all, I oppose torture. Secondly, I know I would find myself wondering, "Is it really THAT bad?!?"

Definitely a blow to the ego of the songwriter to have their work considered as a "torture aid."


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Well, country music was the solution in Mars Attacks.

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"They should play them the Bic Camera song"

How about the Don Quihote song?

"anything by kenny g. would be effective. phil collins, ouch that is worse"

How about Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits?

"I'd feel pretty bad on a number of levels if I found out my music was used to torture. First of all, I oppose torture"

So, you support our efforts to capture, hold and get information from the scumbags at Gitmo who would torture and kill you without hesitation or remorse, right?

"Secondly, I know I would find myself wondering, "Is it really THAT bad?!"


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zurc - What's wong with Barracuda? Heck, that was in a Charlie Angel's scene too!

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Saw Heart last Summer, they can still rock hard.

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Sesame Street tunes

I wonder if they played the rubber ducky song, just before the prisoners were waterboarded?

Rubber Duckie, you're the one, you make bathtime lots of fun.

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I heard that Guns and Roses was not on the playlist. I would think that "My Michelle" at 11 would surely make an islamic funide spill the beans. Great song by the way. Ac/Dc, NIN, REM, Marilyn Manson, Pearl Jam, even the Beegees but I would tell you anything you wanted if you blasted Brittney Spears.

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Actually, most what these bands produce is torture, I´d have to agree there. Still, even I wouldn´t say that it is comparable to beheading people on TV while shouting God is great or flying airplanes into buildings.

But there you go... for the Hollywood crowd mass murder is preferrable to loud music.

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A day late and a dollar short, I think. This is old news and they are just getting around to being upset? Oh, the outrage!

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Think the reason they are upset is the truth. Their music is painful to listen to and is in fact a form of torture! Another reason could be they do not have a life being music otaku.

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I would reason that having to listen to any of the above mentioned even at infrequent intervals and low volume as being torture. Not that I’m feeling any great pangs of sympathy for the Gitmo crazies.

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The text mentions AC/DC, Britney Spears, the Bee Gees, Marilyn Manson and Barney as being played at Gitmo, but none of those singers was quoted or mentioned as being outraged. Since the headline read, "U.S. bands blast use of their music in Gitmo interrogations" perhaps the text could show a specific band which sold recorded music and is now unhappy that their music is being played at Gitmo.

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No wonder people have comitted suicide. Just one moaning rendition from REM could temp me...

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