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© 2021 AFPU.S. appeals court suspends Biden vaccine mandate for businesses
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© 2021 AFP
Pretty clear that the US president cannot overrule the Constitution.
No, not destined.
You just want the United States to self-destruct. That is called projection.
As usual, when the dark forces of evil tyranny gather strength, it is America that the world looks to. Including you.
This vax pushing fear propaganda might have worked 18 months ago.
unconstitutional. Courts just have to resolve this. It’s why the actual mandate was not released for months.
Florida as well.
Even Tulsi Gabbard once the lefts darling is sending a strong message to her former party. Bill Maher, Van Jones and Kames Carville know this is a losing and destructive issue for the Dems. Maybe if they would advise and allow us to ultimately make that decision for us there would be less resistance to this vaccine.
I don't know what's sarcasm and what isn't anymore.
The Democratic Party self-destructing before our eyes.
A very large percentage of blacks vote liberal and they’re the largest ethnic group that either don’t want it or don’t trust it and the more this administration tries to force it on these people, the less willing they will take the shot. It’s about history, distrust of government and not about Republicans. The only thing conservatives and blacks and other minorities want is to allow them to make the decision and stop trying to force them, not conservative position, an American position.
No, it’s not. Why won’t the media chase after them.
Yes and the largest ethnic group refusing the shot are blacks and again, the media knows this, Dr. Fauci know this, and yet, the media and big tech refuse to touch the issue with a 10 ft pole.
Well, some cities have and that’s why you’re seeing more and more people leaving their jobs and even careers to protest this personal intrusion.
Come again?
Biden and the Squad wanted to and still want to pack the Supreme Court, that’s acceptable??
To and for the US that is true, globally, this President cares more about what our allies think, most Americans don’t care, they care about their rights and health to be respected.
So why should we be energy dependent when we were energy independent for the first time the last 4 years?
Trump has really nothing to do with this, but his agenda and the upcoming Republicans that are running on it is pushing the nation to side with the right to decide what drugs they will put in their bodies as far as oligarchy is concerned, that would go to the people that are benefiting from this by silencing any curiosity, hesitancy or reluctancy when it comes to vaccine.
If you think so, the citizens of Texas think different.
We said the same thing about the SC until Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett were appointed to the bench. Now you guys get it. Nothing wrong with having constitutionalists on the bench.
Like I said, there is a red wave coming and the Dems for some reason don’t care or are completely oblivious to what’s around the corner awaiting them.
I’m already curious what the response will be for all who were fired or forced to quit. Back pay and job restored?
how about lawsuits from people who were forced to get vaccinated under threat of losing job?
going to be a nightmare for government and companies stupid enough to follow Biden before a court had ruled.
at least real Americans will get paid not illegals. “Garbage” report, right Joe Biden?
Unconstitutional? The measure was voted on and widely approved
You have them in every State.
Ok, that great for Wall St. and their investors, but that has nothing to do with Biden’s so-called mandates, pushing people to get the shot, people (skilled people) walking away from their jobs, the border crisis, rising cost of living, cost of gas, education, these are the issues that voters care about and the Dems need to be careful because if they lose the parents and the GOP become the party of parents and education, the Democrat party is finished. Again, liberals and Democrats need to listen to Carville, Jones and Maher. These men are rational and levelheaded liberals that see the writing on the wall for their party. It’s 2010 all over again. It is projected that the Dems could lose up to 63 seats now giving the GOP a super majority, don’t want that listen to the people.
They already lost half of their police force and now many have a stay and we shall see. If they want crime to continue to rise, continue to push these people, go ahead.
Thank you, that’s all I’m asking.
Not really.
Republican John Lujan reclaimed the special election runoff for Texas House District 118. The district is Democrat leaning on the south side of San Antonio with a large amount of Latino voters.
In 2020, Biden won the district by 14 points. Lujan flipped the seat by 300 votes.
So Texas and Florida are not in play at all for the Dems and VA is also out as well as Ohio. The madness needs to stop. They are more focused with this infrastructure bill than what the people want. There is no price on freedom. Give people all the information and let them decide and talk it over with their healthcare physician. I’m all for responsible vaccinations, I just want the government to stay out of this-period.
Yeah and in 2010 the left were dismissing the wins as well and then what happened in 2011 and 2014. When the GOP retake the House the Biden agenda is pretty much dead going forward and what you will see are tons of executive orders headed his way. Again, listen to James Carville, a very smart man, can’t say that enough.
Haaa Nemui
No, it isn’t. In fact, it should be evenly split 50/50, and any stalemate that happens should be decided with a game of jan ken pon.
This is where the gap is and people are dying because they put their political affiliations above their lives.
And the result is
William Bjornson
"As usual, when the dark forces of evil tyranny gather strength, it is America that the world looks to. Including you."
Bob, those dark forces, today, are America. Do you think the German People saw themselves as dark forces in 1939? And isn't evil tyranny almost defined by a constant stepping on disobedient weaker people who do not submit to Power, to essentially armed robbery, such as any People America has dropped bombs on in the last 75 years? And "dark forces" is a bit over the top for the most common behaviors in all of collective Human history.
This is the actual data and as you can see generalizations are a tactic to hide reality. The fact is minorities are getting vaccinated in large numbers under the current administration and the gap is narrowing!!!
Sounds like an epitaph on the headstone of a right wing radio host...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr thanks you for your confidence in him instead of Trump...
McAuliffe thought he knew so as well.
And yet, you are suggesting the SC should rule on emotion and not the facts….ok
People working hard to ensure that Herd Immunity will never be reached.
Thanks for nothing.
Biden’s mandates are designed to save lives and get the country moving again. Abbott and Paxton’s lawsuits are designed to score political points with MAGA voters and their big boss man.
The Avenger
Conservatives claim they will fight a civil war - but they're afraid of a vaccination.
The Fifth Circuit is one of the most conservative Appeals Court in the nation. It is likely that other Appeal Courts will rule differently. It will be up to the U.S. Supreme Court to reconcile the differing Appeal Court opinions.
Petitioners include five strongly Republican states -- Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Utah and Mississippi -- as well as several private companies and religious groups.
But some people don't want to cooperate. Because liberals.
Republican and Republicans in congress, backed (fronted) by the uber-establishment 'Federalist Society" stacked the courts, so expect their far right courts to continue making decisions beneficial to the US and global establishment. Expect the court's worker, consumer and environmental decisions to further benefit the fossil establishment, at home and abroad. The Trump Republican establishment will do whatever they can to push the US even closer to becoming an oligarchy as they continue weakening the remaining democratic principles built into the US Constitution.
This is a racist narrative pushed by racists, so please don’t spread disinformation.
That's a different issue. The largest number of holdouts is among white conservatives in red states. For them it is ideological.
They haven't been forced up to now. They've been able to make the choice freely, and they've chosen to keep the pandemic going another couple of years.