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U.S. cuts access to files; Interpol seeks WikiLeaks founder Assange


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If any government is doing things that can embarrass it, perhaps, perhaps they should stop doing those things. This applies to N. Korea, USA, Japan, and all countries equally.

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They might want to look for Assange in Thailand. That's were most perverts and pedohiles go to get their wiki on.

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Without seeing the facts, its my belief that the rape charges are bogus. Its a cheap ploy to bring him down.

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Does it really matter? If Obama has any balls at all he'll be charged with Espionage, and conspiracy, and spend the next 30 years in prison. A rape charge on top of that, disgusting as the crime is, won't merit nearly the punishment.

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I think this wiki guy has done so much that he will be turned over shortly to some authority, wherever he is that country wont be able to afford to let him remain free simple as that, shows just how much power can come to bear & just how free all of ARENT!

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shud be " all of us arent!"

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porter: Without seeing the facts, its my belief that the rape charges are bogus. Its a cheap ploy to bring him down.

Then have him come in, answer the questions, and have the case closed. The longer he lets it drag out the more ammunition he gives his enemies, and the more people will realize this guy wants accountability for everyone but himself.

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perhaps most damaging to the U.S. — that the State Department asked its diplomats to collect DNA samples and other personal information about foreign leaders.

Who cares. What can they do with DNA info?

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I can't believe all the fuss about this. Some of the leaks have been interesting and amusing to the average joe but are we seriously supposed to believe that countries would be surprised if officials at foreign embassies were engaging in slightly nefarious behaviour on the sly, that a corrupt country would be astounded that in private internal documents another country called it shock horror "a corrupt country", that a country for years suspected of developing nuclear weapons had no way! developed weapons.. etc etc... it's ridiculous, a non-story really.

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I put down 100 bucks... they find him dead in 3 months to natural causes.

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“The fact is governments deal with the United States because it’s in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they think we can keep secrets,”

Well for sure they won't be thinking you can keep secrets in the future Mr. Gates. Fact is the US government has only itself to blame for this mess. If you give out so many top secret and secret security clearances (millions) and give access to any low level private, you are asking for trouble. What the hell were they thinking?

Which leads to the obvious question? How do they know Manning, assuming he did it, is not the only one who had the same bright idea? Maybe even somebody with higher level access. It appears they have no way of knowing that. Maybe Putin and Hu Jin Tao have some very entertaining bedtime reading.

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I can't believe all the fuss about this.

Actually I agree. So far, there has been nothing unexpected and the State Department, from what I have seen, comes across pretty well and on top of things. That may change, but it may actually not do them much if any harm in the end.

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Extremely high probability that the rape charges on Assange is false. Common international modus operandi to discredit sources and almost impossible to prove as long as the plantiff keeps to the story especially if it was consensual. It is used primarily in international affairs (example: Cold War). Had a run in w/ it in the mid 1990's. Sexual issues are hard to prove innocence, and the social stigma is lasting even when innocence is determined. It works, and this Wilkileaks issue screams on extreme methods to stop Assange at all costs.

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and the more people will realize this guy wants accountability for everyone but himself.

You hit the nail on the head SuperLib. This guy thinks he's immune to answering for what he did. The alleged rape and the known leak of classified material. But he still hides in his hippy friend's homes in Europe probably getting high and laughing how he stuck it to the US government. Until they catch up with him.

Maybe his lawyer should be held accountable to reveal his location. After all he is a lawyer and has to uphold the law. His client is wanted now and a fugitive. He has to counsel him but how can you do that with a guy on the run? The lawyer should be prosecuted for interfering with an investigation if he refuses to divulge the location of his client.

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I didn't you know you could just pass info like this around. There are no charges agaisnt him for this. So, if I got a bunch of info and threw it on the net, would I be supported like this guy is?

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They should make a sequel to "The Bourne XXX" and call it "Wiki is Bourne". Either that or Assange needs to take some lessons from Bourne on how to keep his ass covered, and his identity invisible.

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While world leaders nearly universally condemned the leak

Of course they do. It shows the corruption and lies within government. Now its out in the open and theyll whip up another alibi to lie to the public and protect themselves.

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The way to keep this from happening is to stamp "Sony Music" at the bottom of each "Top Secret" document.

You what what can happen if you put any Sony copyright materials on line!

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"In Washington, the State Department severed its computer files from the government’s classified network, officials said, as U.S. and world leaders tried to clean up from the leak that sent America’s sensitive documents onto computer screens around the globe.

By temporarily pulling the plug, the U.S. significantly reduced the number of government employees who can read important diplomatic messages. It was an extraordinary hunkering down, prompted by the disclosure of hundreds of thousands of those messages this week by WikiLeaks, the self-styled whistleblower organization."

I have often been critical of China for their tendency to censor information. I hereby sincerely apologize to China.

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We're watching the making of a major motion picture, but who will get the copyrights to this story. Car chases would be necessary.

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I can't believe all the fuss about this.

Checked a couple of financial websites, and people seem to think the fuss is not about these leaks but what is coming next. Basically the next set of documents are financial and have information that people think could crash some major banks. That is the reason for the sudden rush to get Assange and the much stronger reaction to these leaks than the previous ones. They have to stop the release of the next set, that is what people are speculating. We shall see.

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This is very similar to "Mission Impossible 1" w/ Tom Cruise.

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Assange becomes a famous hero, with whom all women on the planet are ready to fall in love. He symbolizes a strong man who is not afraid of CIA, FBI, a righteous journalist fighting a government by himself to show the truth to the world.

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"Defense Secretary Robert Gates played down the fallout from the leaks, calling them embarrassing and awkward but saying they would not significantly complicate U.S. foreign policy. “The fact is governments deal with the United States because it’s in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they think we can keep secrets,” Gates said Monday."

And I said exactly the same thing yesterday. Nothing will change. Every one of these nations feeding at the trough will talk of outrage, but ring the dinner bell of "arms sales""most favored nation""US aid", etc. and they will all belly up to the trough again for another feast.

And look what the US is doing. Preventing access to Wikleaks just means that SOME people have the truth now, and others don't. Censorship without any purpose or benefit at all. Kind of a Molenir-ish tantrum by an "outed" State Department.

"Had a run in w/ it in the mid 1990's. Sexual issues are hard to prove innocence, and the social stigma is lasting even when innocence is determined"

Well, APEC, do your best to discredit the discreditors. But you probably would have been better off not to bring it up.

"I put down 100 bucks... they find him dead in 3 months to natural causes."

I will put up TKO's BDJA apologist hat and a JT tshirt to see that bet. It could happen, but it won't. I think he will be just fine. In fact, he has people lined up to leak more stuff, you can bet on THAT if you want to as well.

Molenir, I am not really offended, but what do Obama's balls have to do with anything? It's comical. You can't possibly be THAT outraged, can you?

Another thing people should consider is that this guy is being deluged with fake stuff and it is only a matter of time before he gets USED badly by someone. He probably already has. In fact, this manhunt/interpol thing might just be a trick to raise his credibility (or street cred depending on how you roll) to the point where people will not ignore him.

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mikehuntz: This guy thinks he's immune to answering for what he did. The alleged rape and the known leak of classified material.

Like I said before, his whereabouts should be made public. He outed a lot of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and didn't seem to mind. Maybe he should have to go through the same fear that he puts others through. Or the same transparency. Or the same accountability. But nah, that would put him at risk...can't have that. ;)

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To Klein2,

"Well, APEC, do your best to discredit the discreditors. But you probably would have been better off not to bring it up."

I have been where Assange have been, but he is above my work. My work on the Taiwan Strait Crisis, and some other things have thusfar produced a major movie and a TV series. They did not like me, but they still made the shows.

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“Our diplomats are diplomats. Our diplomats are not intelligence assets,”

Yeah, except it is no secret that U.S. intelligence agents often work under the cover of being employed either by the State Department or the Defense Department.

Assange has turned the Internet into the world's biggest middle finger ... and it is not going to go well for him.

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Point to ponder: How is Assange different from Rupert Murdoch?

Murdoch creates jobs, he creates value in society.

Assange is just a weasel.

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If this guy Assange could find sources for the information acting alone, does anybody really believe that a big country (or several of them) with a highly-funded espionage program hasn't already got this kind of info, or much more, and has been constantly doing it for decades? And likewise, the US getting this kind of info from other places? In other words, isn't this just one brief peek at a kind of real status quo for us "normal" folks?

And when do we get to see leaked information from other countries? Such as China and Russia? Does anybody think it would be "nicer" than the information just leaked on the US?

Why do we need Assange/WikiLeaks to find out this stuff? Why aren't "real" journalists out there getting this kind of information instead of just sitting back and covering the reaction?

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Why do we need Assange/WikiLeaks to find out this stuff? Why aren't "real" journalists out there getting this kind of information instead of just sitting back and covering the reaction?

Wchich brings us back to Murdoch....

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Assange becomes a famous hero, with whom all women on the planet are ready to fall in love. He symbolizes a strong man who is not afraid of CIA, FBI, a righteous journalist fighting a government by himself to show the truth to the world.

lol. The only way women will be falling for this alleged rapist, is if they're lacking in intelligence, and self respect. Blond jokes aside, the man is no journalist. The best way to describe him, would be a private intelligence operative. His releases are precisely what countries like Russia and China pay large sums of money for.

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant. I say the more that is out in the open, the better. Knowing, for example, how much most every Arab country has been touting military action against Iran could actually contribute to a peaceful solution.

What laws have been broken, if any, remains to be seen, but I certainly hope Wikilinks' fate is not irrevocably tied to Assange. I am so looking forward to that next batch about American banking.

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looks like the knives are out for WikiLeaks. Too bad, they seem to be doing the world a great service, something our journalists used to do. I wouldn't be surprised if the rape charges are just an espionage way to keep him quiet. Didn't work.

Now, if we can know what the Saudi Arabia knows about Peak Oil. currently a state secret, that would really open some doors

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I have been where Assange have been

Interpol was seeking you too?

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Murdoch creates jobs, he creates value in society. Assange is just a weasel.

Wrong. Both have politic motives.

Now you can decide who's weasel according to your opinion.

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It seems there are women everywhere making claims against Assange (the new James Bond) now. Otakus everywhere are claiming to young ladies they have secret information if only they are willing to give up their DNA. The USA has been taking blood samples (DNA) at birth for their Gov database for 40+ years --> this is common knowledge and a basis for their "Police State"

Maybe this is the new journalism and everyone else is behind.

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How do we know that Assange is NOT getting paid by Russia and China for the releases?

How do we know he is not blackmailing the US NOT to release any more?

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While Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, taunted the U.S. from afar on Tuesday, lawyers from across the government were investigating whether it could prosecute him for espionage, a senior defense official said. The official, not authorized to comment publicly, spoke only on condition of anonymity.

There have been suggestions that Assange or others involved in the leaks could be prosecuted under the Espionage Act, but the question could be complicated.

Wouldn't have been a problem if this administration wouldn't have reversed the Bush Administrations decision to let the President determine if this weasel is an "enemy combatant" of the United States an then declare him as such.

Department of Justice Withdraws “Enemy Combatant” Definition for Guantanamo Detainees

In case you don't remember:

In a filing today with the federal District Court for the District of Columbia, the Department of Justice submitted a new standard for the government’s authority to hold detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility. The definition does not rely on the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief independent of Congress’s specific authorization. It draws on the international laws of war to inform the statutory authority conferred by Congress. It provides that individuals who supported al Qaeda or the Taliban are detainable only if the support was substantial. And it does not employ the phrase "enemy combatant."

Maybe good intentions at the time but naive as hell in fighting the war on terrorism and now has just tied our hands on how we really should be dealing with this non-state actor who could care less about how many American lives he endangers or gets killed because of his reckless actions. GITMO was designed for Assange and his ilk and its to bad he isn't on flight there right now.

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Maybe good intentions at the time but naive as hell in fighting the war on terrorism and now has just tied our hands on how we really should be dealing with this non-state actor who could care less about how many American lives he endangers or gets killed because of his reckless actions. GITMO was designed for Assange and his ilk and its to bad he isn't on flight there right now.

Spoken like a true American. Well said, and congratulations for single-handedly confirming what many around the world already suspect about USA.

So Uncle Sam is trying to whip up the legal paperwork to get Assange. If only Americans had the same mindset in going after Saudi financing for global terrorism.

My fiver is on Assange to be on the cover of Time as Person of the Year 2010.

Political lying and cheating rooted in protecting corporate interests is the root cause of the problems and turning the guns on the whistle blowers is shabby.

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The possibility that American diplomats pressed for more than “open source” information has drawn criticism at the U.N. and in other diplomatic circles over whether U.S. information-gathering blurred the line between diplomacy and espionage.

I heard a political commentator who is no fan of Hillary comment on this may have been an organized leak by the current administration to take her out of the running in the 2012 election. The breeches of security, and her having to go and apologize around the world makes her look like a failure, thus taking away from her the one strong point that she had against Obama, that she was a strong leader and capable of dealing with people and was more of a moderate.

Funny how the DHS (Depatment of Homeland Security) can shut down torrent websites over the weekend, but can't seem to keep state secrets from getting out.

Not sure I agree with the commentator on all those points, but you have to admit, this will make it harder for Hillary if she decides to run in 2012. I imagine that she will probably resign, not for this issue, but for something else down the road in order for her to try to regain some of her standing in a 2012 run.

Just my thoughts.

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Sailwind, your pastes contrast sharply with your own comments - the former factual statements, the latter mad ramblings. But I suppose that is what those who disregard the rule of law tend towards.

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What if US government left in the file ,on purpose, some really really important informations in order to set traps for its enemies and is making good use of Wikileaks, and then pretends to be angry to make the whole show more credible? Just asking. And about Assange, if he thinks that it is good thing to expose government secrets for all to see then with that mentality he should not have any secret to himself at all. He better just goes straight to the Interpol and give himself up .

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thus taking away from her the one strong point that she had against Obama, that she was a strong leader and capable of dealing with people and was more of a moderate.

But seriously, how do you arrive at the conclusion that HC is a moderate? What are you smoking!?

The biggest worry for her is if the world news organisations now do their job and investigate her. She might have to resign, if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering US diplomats to engage in espionage in the United Nations, in violation of the international covenants to which the US has signed up

Funny how the DHS (Depatment of Homeland Security) can shut down torrent websites over the weekend, but can't seem to keep state secrets from getting out.

Well as far as charging Assange goes there is the practical problem that most of the information published by WikiLeaks wasn't secret. Then there is the debate about whether the documents were properly classified – there are detailed rules in the US about what can and cannot be classified.

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Sailwind, your pastes contrast sharply with your own comments - the former factual statements, the latter mad ramblings. But I suppose that is what those who disregard the rule of law tend towards.

The rule of law says that his partner in crime is Private Manning (US Citizen) and he is facing a 52 year prison sentence for breaking the law. Assange is not a U.S citizen but has broken the very law that Manning is accused of breaking, yet we in that 'horrible U.S' should just say that is ok because your not an American citizen nice 'double standard' we have here now don't we.

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I think this Asange has a good heart, but leaking out state secrets...not exactly the best way to make the world a better place, but he did have some real nice comments about George Washington and not being able to tell a lie after cutting down that cherry tree.

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I take back my 2 cents. Klein2... I switch that bet to 100 yen. I have been looking into this guy and he seems like a good guy, incredible life with billions of people watching him. I was such a wanker for my commie post and I will watch this whole thing in awe. I am sipping beer with a dunce hat on. I agree with the Time Man of The Year....

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Well as far as charging Assange goes there is the practical problem that most of the information published by WikiLeaks wasn't secret. Then there is the debate about whether the documents were properly classified – there are detailed rules in the US about what can and cannot be classified.

@AuntyAmerican just because you may feel tha the items disclosed aren't secret, the fact that someone has classified them is what matters. If they are marked Secret, and stored on the classified webservers, then they are just that. They have to be declassified either by an expiration date or some other authority that has decided to declassify it.

Some have said that Assange at least didn't print any names. Well, if someone can shut down his website, I am sure that they have a way of finding the "unsanitized" copies of information that he has, and someone will be able to sell it to the highest bidder (if he hasn't all ready).

But seriously, how do you arrive at the conclusion that HC is a moderate? What are you smoking!?

I don't have that conclusion, but compared to Obama she is. That is what she would have counted on if she decided to run in 2012, that she wasn't as far out there as Obama. Now that pretty much is taken away, since if she did decide to run, this issue will be brought up. Obama has not been out there making strong statements about this, but you'd better believe that if she ran against him, this story would be brought back up to discredit her.

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I don't have that conclusion, but compared to Obama she is. That is what she would have counted on if she decided to run in 2012, that she wasn't as far out there as Obama.

And here's how 'moderate' Clinton responded to a question of American response to an Iranian attack on Israel:

Well, the question was, if Iran were to launch a nuclear attack on Israel, what would our response be. And I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran. And I want them to understand that, because it does mean that they have to look very carefully at their society, because at whatever stage of development they might be in their nuclear weapons program, in the next 10 years during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel we would be able to totally obliterate them.

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Best thing ever for the turgid state of diplomacy. Really, very refreshing this wind of honesty! Everyone will survive, except perhaps for the divided Korean states. China is just waiting for them to combine again for economic gain. Gotta love it!

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And here's how 'moderate' Clinton responded to a question of American response to an Iranian attack on Israel:

@AuntyAmerican, that just proves my point. You will never hear Obama say anything like that. What the Dems have learned from the 2010 elections is that not all Dems are buying the far left brand of the Democratic party. Hillary was seen as someone that they could work with. Still a leftie but not as much as Obama. Now she has been discredited to leave the Dems to probably only back Obama in the primaries.

Just my speculations.

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My fiver is on Assange to be on the cover of Time as Person of the Year 2010.

I wonder if you would feel the same way if he was publishing your "private e-mails" on the internet also.

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My fiver is on Assange to be on the cover of Time as Person of the Year 2010.

Nah, it'll be Liu Xiaobo or the Google boys! AND I HOPE IT won't be that reckless and lightweight Australian named Julian ASSANGE!

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I wonder if you would feel the same way if he was publishing your "private e-mails" on the internet also.

The major difference here, of course, is that I have never sought to spy on and bug the offices of UN Nations in order to influence their support for illegal invasions.

The USA in a law unto it self.

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AuntyAmerican wrote: The major difference here, of course, is that I have never sought to spy on and bug the offices of UN Nations in order to influence their support for illegal invasions.

I think you're confused, ASSANGE himself was quoted that it was Hillary who encouraged US State Dep't officials to spy on the UN (and he called for Hillary's axing). But you're probably thinking of Iraq-- obviously-- and if I'm not mistaken Colin POWELL was at the helm, at that time, not Hillary.

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I think they should find the people who leaked the information, trial them for treason and hang them. There motivation was no good and any "good" from this is just a byproduct.

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I think you're confused

somewhat, but not totally confused.

In response to a question about my own emails I was just rehashing a few of the things the USA has been caught re-handed trying - and succeeding - to do. One of them was attempting to get the offices of UN members bugged in order to pressure them into going along with their Iraq war aims.

The USA is an empire with imperialistic tendancies. Therefore the only way to oppose them is to resist them. What Wikileaks is doing should be applauded.

Long may it continue.

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One of them was attempting to get the offices of UN members bugged in order to pressure them into going along with their Iraq war aims.

Still, immaterial to the article :(

(Tempted to extend my response but that would be turning the thread about something else)

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Still, immaterial to the article

But is it?

I'm referring to an incident of whistle blowing against American diplomatic activities from a few years ago; this article refers to incidents of whistle blowing against American diplomatic activities from a more recent date.

In both cases the Americans sought to discredit the whistle blower; in both cases the Americans were embarrassed diplomatically.

There are other paralles between the two events if you care to read up on the story of Katherine Gun. Just Google her name, it makes very interesting reading especially the subsequent court case and the subsequent dropping of all charges in spite of her guilty plea.

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Aunty, I think the problem you're having is the same problem Assange is having.....you're trying to keep people focused on the US but the information about other parts of the world is just too fascinating to push aside.

Let's be real....finding out that China was agreeable to a unified Korea with an alliance towards the US is just about mind blowing. And hearing Middle Eastern leaders talk about invading Iran is equally mind blowing. We're talking about changed perceptions overnight. Finding out that there was spying going on at the UN is something everyone already knew, and no one does anything about because everyone does it. So while you might want to single out the US in the same way a racist redneck would single out a black man, you're just going to make yourself more frustrated when you are ignored.

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Problem? I'm not being ignored since you seem to love responding to my posts so thanks for listening.

Conversely it is far too easy to try and hide behind what other countries have been up to in an attempt to divert attention from American activity.

The Americans are in the process of attempting to exert influnce and control across the entire globe.

What the USA do around the world is of major significance, partly due to the fact that they have set themselves up as leaders of the free world and upholders of peace, smiter of evil, etc, etc, and so on.

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Interpol placed Julian Assange on its most-wanted list after Sweden issued an arrest warrant against him as part of a drawn-out rape probe

Is it common practice for Interpol to put alleged rapists on their most-wanted list?

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Every country tries to exert influence. Japan and China tend to use aid and business deals. Of course China likes to throw it's weight around the Spratley Islands and the like. NK lobs whatever explosives they find interesting. Everybody in the EU does it. So I'm not surprised that the US does. The US also has one of the more open democracies and a pretty good standard of living. After bailing Europe out on two occaisions, etc., it might not be a surprise that some US citizens are smug. There is always going to be evil done under the guise of "national interests," banana republics and the like. This kind of thing should be stopped. But just publishing a lot of embarrassing emails and such; what good is that except to poke a stick in a hornets nest? Everybody knows Kenya is corrupt, most of Africa is. The real damage might be if NK gets more paranoid (is that possible?) and does something stupid. But that's another story.

Suffice to say Assange has had his 15 minutes, has proven he's presidential material (pity he can't run against Hillary in the primary); at least on par with the last two. The only open question is, "did Assange fall for a "honey trap" or is he truly a rapist?" Sort of like Bill Clinton then: close, but no cigar.

Does that make him as smart as the last three presidents?

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Well he's'smart enough not be found, something i find extremely difficult to.believe in this day and age.

Obviously the conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that the timing of the alledged sex crimes, and the obvious ease of the frame makes it all stink to high heaven.

I really can't understand what Assange himself is expecting to recolt from the classified and stolen material he personally deems fit for the public domain.

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gonemad - Is it common practice for Interpol to put alleged rapists on their most-wanted list?

Yes. Any nation can do so. Sweden requested that INTERPOL issue a red alert. INTERPOL accepted their request and issued the red alert. Now there are 188 Nations waiting to arrest the alleged rapist on sight.

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I have to say I'm really enjoying watching the right-wing of American society froth at the mouth over this. Makes the wait for the next episode of Desperate Housewives much easier to endure.

And, Lest we forget:


Naturally, since Karl is part of the Barking Mad Beyond Goebbels Establishment, he is not being held for such charges, nor, apparently are any being considered.

Justice in America is simply NOT justice -- it's a system of dual standards. If one is Barking Mad, one gets the benefit of either an insanity plea (understandable) or an "oversight" by law enforcement (not reasonable).

Either way, I would expect Mr. Assange's Defense Counsel to bring up this little tidbit, should the need arise.

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AntiMerican: The USA is an empire with imperialistic tendancies. Therefore the only way to oppose them is to resist them.

AntiMerican: The Americans are in the process of attempting to exert influnce and control across the entire globe.

I guess they got these imperialistic tendencies trying to exert their influence and control across the globe came from their roots as the 13 colonies of a failed empire. After whooping that empire's butt out of N. America that failed empire has always been so jealous. I think that the loyalists to it, like the Australians are having a hard time accepting the fact that it is another country that is now the superpower. This may explain their constant whining about what America does. Wikileaks is just another attempt at the whining using modern day technology. It's obvious that these people hold double standards as they don't ask the same transparency of their own governments.

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I have to say I'm really enjoying watching the right-wing of American society froth at the mouth over this. Makes the wait for the next episode of Desperate Housewives much easier to endure.

Personally, I'm enjoying how pathetic and weak this makes Obama look. Seeing his inept response, and the left trying to defend him on it is hysterically funny, even while its sad.


Wow, are people still pushing this lie? Does anyone with even a shred of intelligence, even believe it? Theres the obvious first problem, with it being Karl Rove, and then the second problem that while she did in fact work for the CIA, she was in no way covert. Its about like outing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. When you have business cards that say CIA agent on them, and give them to all your friends and neighbors, the fact that you work for the CIA, isn't exactly a secret. Still, the lefts hateful agenda is no surprise to anyone. Guess it must really bother them, that the only person convicted in this, was Scooter Libby, who was convicted, not of outing Plame, but rather of lying to investigators. The trouble with this is, that there is no evidence he did.

We are getting a bit off topic here though, so bringing it back. My personal hope, is that finally, 6 months further along then it should have happened, Obama, Holder, and the US will finally find their balls, and actually go after these people who are at the very least guilty of committing espionage as well as conspiracy to commit espionage against the United States.

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Oh, from my previous post, it was Cheney, not Rove who was the supposed "Mastermind" behind the "outing" of Plame.

Back on topic again. I found a particularly well written article on this subject, that details why this latest leak is as bad as people on the right are saying, and how it undercuts everything the people on the left, actually want.

w w w. tnr. com/article/politics/79531/the-irony-wikileaks-american-diplomacy-hard-left

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Personally, I'm enjoying how pathetic and weak this makes Obama look. Seeing his inept response, and the left trying to defend him on it is hysterically funny, even while its sad.

Has he reacted? I think you may have fallen into the trap of believing that doing nothing is always the wrong answer, even when its the right answer. Maybe you should curtail your need to "see some action"? There is precious little out there I feel my government needs to move on. In fact, I feel a lot more secure when they are sitting down and shutting up. Had they not been so active doing what they shouldn't, then so active trying to cover it up when they shouldn't do that either, there would have been no embarrassing leak.

You yell at Obama for not picking up the shovel, then accuse him of digging the hole deeper!

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AuntyAmerican: What the USA do around the world is of major significance, partly due to the fact that they have set themselves up as leaders of the free world and upholders of peace, smiter of evil, etc, etc, and so on.

Well maybe the today's BBCnews.com lead story will change that. The current headline is: "Russia 'mafia state' - Wikileaks." heh Yesterday the lead story was about snow storms, then under that they had information about Pakistan and concerns that everyone has over their nuclear material. Not much in the way of anger over "image" issues.

So what does a man like you do when the outrage isn't in line with your racism? Post messages about Karl Rove, I suppose.... :)

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Madverts: Obviously the conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that the timing of the alledged sex crimes, and the obvious ease of the frame makes it all stink to high heaven.

Well you should also think more about the timing of this release. He's had the information for quite some time but didn't release it. It's being released now, right after he's been charged with rape. You also might notice that he's been giving interviews but there have been 0 questions about the rape accusations which would lead one to believe that he's only granting access to reporters who will not ask him about it, or they're choosing not to ask which would be pretty absurd.

I really can't understand what Assange himself is expecting to recolt from the classified and stolen material he personally deems fit for the public domain.

That's what I've been wondering, but I think it probably ties in to the above. It's strange because his statements just don't really seem to match up well with the information that's been released. He's talking about Gitmo prisoners and UN spying and yadda yadda yadda, but wouldn't it be pretty obvious that people would be more interested in the stories from the Middle East and Asia? And now the BBC is talking about the Russian mafia and government being tied together. Did he really think that the big news would include the US offering millions to a smaller nation to take Gitmo prisoners? It's like he's missing the boat on his own documents or something which is very strange to me. He only talks about the US but so far the biggest news stories don't really involve us.

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"It's like he's missing the boat on his own documents or something which is very strange to me."

I sorta understand Assange, if he is pursuing this on principle. He is releasing the info based on the amount of heat it will produce. He may be focused on the US because that is where the major info is and he is planning to release it at a designated period. The US Govt. behaves as if they really don't know what info Assange has yet, but is slowly realizing that the security clearances is much higher than previously thought, thus the intervention of Interpol. This is conjecture at this point.

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AuntyAmerican - Either way, I would expect Mr. Assange's Defense Counsel to bring up this little tidbit, should the need arise.

I'm sure that the two women who filed charges that Assange raped them will be happy to hear that.


The prosecutor and the judge won't care.

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"...but is slowly realizing that the security clearances are much higher than previously thought,..."

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