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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.U.S. Embassy tops list of unpaid London traffic toll fees
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I'm so happy I know about this now.
Isn't the U.S. owing the most in U.N. fees too ? Americans love debt.
If they don't pay the fines, aren't they exempt from prosecution under diplomatic immunity? So why try to collect when there is no way to enforce it?
These diplomats think they are above the law. Pretty disgusting and undiplomatic.
Actually, they kind of are above the law...heh.
I am seriously trying to remember where I first read this.... it was years ago and the problem is still there.
@stealth one Yeah the US owes tens of millions to the UN.I think @djuice hits the nail on the head.They will not pay because they know they can get away with it. Their reputation is so shot around the world anyway so they no longer have to worry about that
SuperLib might be thinking of the parking violation issue in New York. Diplomats are famous for parking their cars anywhere they please and throwing the tickets away.
Seems like a pretty small amount. Best to forget about it and not get worked up over nothing.
This is the typical American Arrogance mentality. They think they can do anything in the foreign countries. Because they still believe the illusion of the "American surpremacy".
Diplomats have immunity and diplomatic cars are covered by the same immunity. The first cannot be arrested the second cannot be impounded. But the British do have license plate recognition systems all over the UK and most especially in London. So, simple solution that doesn’t break the diplomatic rules. Ban any car that has outstanding charges against it from entering London. Once the diplomats find that they have to get out and take a taxi or bus (a bus! No way) then maybe the charges will get paid.
Diplomatic immunity for parking tickets is lame. Pay the tickets.
And I'm sure you'll find this occurring in more counties than the U.S. and England.
hmmmm.... damn Vienna Convention....
Did anybody read the article?
13 comments and everyone thinks that the dispute is about parking tickets?
In London, it might be called a congestion fee, but it is a local tax. It is a tax. The policy was conceived as a tax to serve a policy goal, not as a fee for some service. It is intended to deter people from driving, not to allay costs for their driving. It is also not levied nationally, but only in London.
It is a local tax.
So the US and other countries are correct. London has to suck it up and quit trying to collect.
If you read the article, it says that TRAFFIC TICKETS are such a minor issue that Kazakhstan is number one, with 220 thousand and change.
Klein2 at 11:18 PM JST - 29th June
“Did anybody read the article? 13 comments and everyone thinks that the dispute is about parking tickets?”
Did you read all the posts? I never said a word abut parking tickets because I read the article. I wanted the cars impounded at the gates to London. And it is not a tax, it is a charge for being allowed to drive in central London, much like a toll charge, or do the Americans not pay those either?
As I drive through every speed camera in France as fast as I can on my "diplomatic plates" I have to laugh at the Sarkozette(s) that are paid to bin all the photo's of drivers with foreign plates.
London's congestion system is clearly not managed the same way as the rest of the gazillion's of fixed cameras throughout Britain's fine Police State, as I know for a fact my French registered car that resides in the UK has never once come back to bite me.
Imagine how much these crooks are making from making the motorist a criminal. It's an outrage.
I think diplomats should be immune to the toll. The US Embassy argued since day one and the Londoners simply said 'too bad mate'. Since then nothing has been done about that. They should've worked something out. For example limit the amount of diplomat vehicles in and out of central London or have the embassies pay a monthly flat rate which includes giving them vouchers for public transportation.
The government of England, as well as every other nation, has agreed that foreign Embassies, diplomats and their vehicles are beyond the jurisdiction of local authorities. Embassies are considered foreign soil. Local authorities can not stop a diplomatic vehicle for any reason other than national security.
If diplomats flaunt the laws of a host country, the host country can request that the diplomat be recalled or if it's serious enough, expel them. They can't arrest or detain them. Or tax them or charge them for driving in a city.
If London has a problem, they need to take it up with their own government.
Deadbeat scofflaws.
cptMendoza: It is a tax. You say it is a "charge" but no service is provided that does not already exist.
Don't believe me. If London were correct, the US and others would pay.
I apologize for painting you with my wide brush of illiteracy. If you read the article, you appear to be the only one of 13.
Oh, yes, I am quick to apologize and be conciliatory, but... be fair, CptMendoza, you nattered on quite a bit about "immunity", which would apply to criminal behavior, not exemption from taxes. Pardon me for calling you a duck, but you were doing some quacking there...
The city of London doesn't have the authority to take foreign governments to court. They would have to make their case to the English (British) government. Assuming they have done that during the last 7 years, the British government doesn't seem interested in creating a international incident with their trading partners, Russia, Japan, U.S. etc. Is it possible that British Embassy personel also have claims against them from foreign cities?
Well I was going to joke that the US could just try to transfer the debt it's owed by UN members and their parking tickets in New York....but my guess is that the UK wouldn't be interested in that...heh.