Japan Today

U.S. House ousts Kevin McCarthy as leader in historic vote

By Moira Warburton, Richard Cowan and David Morgan

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Matt Gaetz: “I want to destroy my own party.”

Democrats: “OK”

22 ( +31 / -9 )

First time in 100 years the speaker is rousted by his own party. McCarthy will not run again. Does not want the job.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Gaetz and a handful of allies criticized McCarthy for relying on Democratic votes

I see, Don't trust those shifty Dems.

eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats to remove McCarthy

Oh, I see, Relying on those Dems is good for the country.

It just doesn't seem to add up though.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

15 votes to get him in. Only 1 to get him out.

What a waste of time he was.

13 ( +19 / -6 )

They should prioritize and keep their promise to their constituents first and foremost.

Pretty sure the GOP just did by voting to keep McCarthy in place. It was the Democrats and the far right that got tossed. Democrats too were doing what their constituents wanted.

Code: capitulate and appease the Democrats

No. It's called compromise. Without it, McCarthy and the GOP would be forced to ignore their constituents and turn hard right. The GOP is a rudderless ship that will only sail in circles if it doesn't compromise with Democrats.

13 ( +17 / -4 )


I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first, Kevin didn’t do that sadly.

The GOP have no intention of putting the country and their constituents first. Instead of trying to get a deal to stop the shutdown last Friday they were looking to conduct a bogus investigation into Joe Biden.

12 ( +21 / -9 )

The Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives. So the Democrats are only going to get legislation through that there is broad consensus on. Accept that and run with it. If you don't win both Houses, that's the way it is. Government by broad consensus is not a bad thing. Presumably that is why the system was designed this way.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

CNN is reporting that McCarthy told GOP House Members that he won't run again.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I covered that already.


12 ( +13 / -1 )

The 216 to 210 vote marked the first time in history that the House removed its leader, driven by a relatively small group of right-wing Republicans.

Shows how the Trump putsch take over of the GOP is a done deal.

Representative Matt Gaetz, a far-right Republican from Florida and McCarthy antagonist who accused the party leader of not doing enough to cut federal spending.

But he loves using socialism for the rich loans to prop up companies he is invested in.


Kleptocracy in action.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Matt Gaetz: “I want to destroy my own party.”

Democrats: “OK”

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first, Kevin didn’t do that sadly.

What a Mega-MAGA-Flip...

Just this week this poster was saying how much he "applauded and respected" McCarthy - all the while his other "hero" Gaetz was throwing a knife in McCarthy's back...and calling him a "lying dog"...

Now once again Gaetz, Boebert, Gosar, et. al. throw in with the hated "Libs" to shiv their own Speaker...

So the Dems sided and helped the MAGA wing over the RINOs....think this poster will acknowledge that fact and praise his hated Libs for their support to his cause?

I wouldn't bet on it...

11 ( +13 / -2 )

The consequences of the $300 billion wasted on Ukraine is coming home to roost

$300 billion? Who told you this? I think you are getting overexcited again.

Best discuss things using facts if you want to ‘influence’ people.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Where are all those MEGA supporters who said this would never happen? The GOP is controlled by a small group of right-wingers.

The US has given Ukraine $100 billion, not $300 billion.

10 ( +18 / -8 )


you posted it wouldn't happen and said "Kevin will be alright".

10 ( +17 / -7 )


Remember when you repeatedly predicted Kevin will be just fine?

I think all sides agree that Kevin is a spineless weasel with no principles at all. A man who just wants the gavel to go with his hair. Unfortunately, there really are no capable candidates out there who can get the votes to step in.

Thus the House GOP meltdown continues.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

The Biden administration wouldn’t even consider exempting the military from getting paid if there was a government shut down, but they made sure Ukraine would receive money. The most disgraceful administration ever!

You do not understand how the US Federal budget works. The Legislative Branch determines who gets appropriations and who doesn't. The Executive Branch has no authority on that matter and is legally prohibited from moving money from one appropriation to another. Mil pay appropriations are only good for one year and the funds die, by law, at the end of the fiscal year they are appropriated. The Military cannot spend FY23 MilPay appropriations to pay their forces in FY24. It is a felony to do so with a significant prison sentence. Once FY24 started they may only pay troops out of FY24 appropriations. Congress has not passed a Defense Appropriations Act for FY24, therefore no pay was possible.

Ukraine funding is a little different in as much as procurement funds are usually good for five years. That means if something is funded with procurement in FY23 you can use that money to buy things out to FY28. But absent an FY24 appropriation once the FY23 funds are expended there is no more money for Ukraine.

All of the rules are detailed in the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

The headline from all of this is "The Libs side with MAGA and stick it to the RINOs"....

The Libs who one poster here said spend government money like "Tony Montana coke addicts"....

And Gaetz and 7 of his cronies just threw-in with these "coke addicts"....

So the MAGA wing of the House couldn't have achieved their goal of ousting McCarthy without "colluding with the enemy"...

And as one poster here said, I'm sure they are doing what their Repub constituents want...partner with Libs, defeat and humiliate their own Repub Speaker, and do it all with no plan on what comes next....

The only conclusion to all of this is that the Repub party is tearing itself apart...and will cease to exist, just as Lindsey Graham predicted in 2016 when Trump was nominated...

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Clearly, we can all see, those who flip and then flop.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

For once, the Republicans did something right. Move out the weakest link. Yet, Matt Gaetz is weak, along with MTG and Lauren Boebert. What an expensive circus on the US tax payers' expense. You vote clowns in, you get a circus.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


I will stick with my opinion.

> ROFL! You go and do that.

I already answered that. Scroll up.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

ThubanToday 06:53 am JST

The consequences of the $300 billion wasted on Ukraine is coming home to roost.

A nonsense statement. Only a few troglodytes in Congress are opposed to Ukraine funding. If this still a democracy, they need to be overruled and ignored.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

100% wrong, the libs are the last people to comment on anything relating to what’s in the best interest for the nation, the Dems want and push for open borders, push for more taxpayer money to go overseas.

Can I play? The GoP want to fondle in crowded theaters, fight each other publicly like children, get nothing done and mainly just get their faces on TV interviews. Oh and lose, lose all the time.

Wheeeeeee! It’s fun! I can see why you do it.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

The MSM is trying to make it like a few Rep did this but in reality it was the Dems that facilitated this and gave the power to these hardliners.

lol It said handful.

Just take the L.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

216 voted to oust him.

That means the majority did!

Why can't the MSM be honest?

It was indeed a minority of Republicans. Only 8 Republican member of the House voted to remove Mr.McCarthy. Most of those 216 votes against Mr. McCarthy were from Democrats.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

What a Mega-MAGA-Flip...

No flip.

Huge flip...see below...

Just this week this poster was saying how much he "applauded and respected" McCarthy -


"Applauds and respects" him...while also saying in this same thread that he "can't be trusted" and "failed to do what his constituents wanted"...

So Bass applauds McCarthy for being untrustworthy and respects him for failing his constituents...

Welcome to MAGA-world....

all the while his other "hero" Gaetz was throwing a knife in McCarthy's back...and calling him a "lying dog"...

He can say whatever in a free society as an American.

Gaetz is your MAGA hero - so according to your posts you respect someone that you also believe is a "lying dog"....

Now once again Gaetz, Boebert, Gosar, et. al. throw in with the hated "Libs" to shiv their own Speaker...

Kevin had a chance unfortunately, sad, but he’s definitely a good man

Good? Gaetz called him a "small, pathetic man"... Is Gaetz lying (like a dog)?

So the Dems sided and helped the MAGA wing over the RINOs....think this poster will acknowledge that fact and praise his hated Libs for their support to his cause?

I covered that already. Doesn’t change my feeling of the Dems.

The daily "scroll up"...the go-to MAGA cop out...

I wouldn't bet on it...

You shouldn’t.

You just proved me right...

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Unless a surprise candidate is suddenly presented that no one in the news or political analyst have thought of the odds are a more hardline speaker will replace McCarthy.

Democrats will most likely vote no for any Republican House Speaker candidate. That means whomever aspires to replace Mr. McCarthy must earn the votes of all but four Republican members of the house. That fact argues against a hard liner winning the spot. The successful candidate is going to have to be a compromise candidate and that will make whomever this is as weak and vulnerable as Mr. McCarthy was.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Watching Kevin now. He comes across as sincere but then tries to defend things like lowering spending amounts after agreeing with Biren. Everyone knows he negotiated a higher amount then voted on a lower amount. Makes no sense to do that.

He's slipperier than snot on a door knob.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The one clear take-away from this Repub internecine warfare is that the two divergent elements in the party hate each other more than they do the "Libs"....

This week we've seen example after example of both sides courting, siding, and cooperating with Dems to insult, humiliate, and defeat the other...

It's crystal clear that Matt Gaetz likes and trusts Nancy Pelosi more than he does his fellow Repub Kevin McCarthy....

And what does this set up for electing a new Speaker? Will the RINOs ever support someone that just mutinied and took down their guy McCarthy? Will the MAGA-maniacs again elect someone from the RINO swamp?

At this point Hakeem Jeffries has to be the leading candidate for the Speakership - he'll get all the Dems and needs just a handful of moderate Repubs - like the 14 in districts that Biden won....

Wouldn't it be poetic justice is all this Repub infighting just resulted in a Dem Speaker....

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first

Laughed and rolling.

Delusional to believe such a being exists, it certainly isn't a MAGA because as Trump has shown over and over he doesn't put the country first, nor his constituents, he puts himself first, which is the blinding issue with his followers.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I would consider them all Republicans, hardliners or not.

So no more Rino's.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

"Kevin McCarthy is a creature of the swamp. He has risen to power by collecting special interest money and redistributing that money in exchange for favors. We are breaking the fever now," Gaetz told reporters after the vote.

And are Gaetz's hands clean? He's had quite a few scandals himself.

sunfunbunToday  10:01 am JST

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first

Laughed and rolling.

Delusional to believe such a being exists, it certainly isn't a MAGA because as Trump has shown over and over he doesn't put the country first, nor his constituents, he puts himself first, which is the blinding issue with his followers.

Judging from what the GOP has in the House and in the POTUS, they have the scrapings of the barrel. And they're turning upon each other just like TrashTrump has done / is doing to them. No honor amongst thieves.

> lincolnmanToday  10:01 am JST

The one clear take-away from this Repub internecine warfare is that the two divergent elements in the party hate each other more than they do the "Libs"....

This week we've seen example after example of both sides courting, siding, and cooperating with Dems to insult, humiliate, and defeat the other...

Now they're playing the 'I'm more GOP than thou' infighting game. Just like Mao did with the CCP in his 'CULTural Revolution' only in this case there is no 'Big Cheese' behind it all. tRump turned on these chumps long ago because he's a narcissist who thinks about himself and phooey on everybody else.

8 ( +9 / -1 )


The consequences of the $300 billion wasted on Ukraine is coming home to roost.

This has nothing to do with that. The majority of the house supports sending aid to Ukraine. And where did you get the $300 billion number from? It's nonsense.

Kevin McCarthy dithered and dithered and let the RINO Trump hardliners rule him when it was clear from the start that he should just get the Democrats on his side to pass the uncontentious Senate CR bill.

If he had been decisive earlier, he may have got some Democrats willing to save hime, but that boat had sailed and this is the result.

7 ( +17 / -10 )

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first, Kevin didn’t do that sadly.

LoL ah yes, the vast majority of Congress and indeed the GOP needs to step aside and let the far-right wing of GOP caucus control everything. Then and only then are we putting the country first.

I hope Democrats bail him out, extract some concessions from him in the process.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

bass4funkToday  07:10 am JST

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first, Kevin didn’t do that sadly.

Looks like an overwhelming majority of GOP Representatives thought he did do that as more than 200 of them voted for him. Were none of them putting the counry and their constituents first?

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Bass: House Republicans need a speaker that can unify the party

Someone is going to unify Gaetz with his thirst for headlines to become Florida governor and the Republican in a Biden district hoping it doesn't flip?

Good luck. I think we will be without a speaker for the foreseeable future. Republicans are anything but unified and won't be for a long time. They simply cannot work together.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

No, the Democrats wanted to hobble the GOP

Exactly, and Matt Gaetz let them. Genius.

Yeah, only when it benefits the Democrats other than that, they don’t believe in it.

One could say the same about the GOP, but mainstream Republicans need partners, or they'll have to capitulate to the hard right. Then they'll lose next year at the polls.

Well, he didn’t follow the will of their constituents that’s the reason why Kevin is out of a job.

Again, most members of the clown party GOP voted to keep Kevin in place. Democrats booted his butt out as speaker.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Total basket case.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

We the People of the United States of America deserve better.

America get what they vote for. I would argue the Republicken Party of 2023 is an accurate reflection of their voters.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Huge flip...see below...

Zero flip.


"Applauds and respects" him...while also saying in this same thread that he "can't be trusted" and "failed to do what his constituents wanted"...

So Bass applauds McCarthy for being untrustworthy and respects him for failing his constituents...

You can respect a person and criticize them. Something the left could care less about.

The "left" just helped your MAGA heroes can your "respected" Speaker....why aren't you thanking them for their support?

Welcome to MAGA-world....



Gaetz is your MAGA hero -


And just threw a knife in the back of the guy you applaud and respect...by colluding with the "Left"....

so according to your posts you respect someone that you also believe is a "lying dog"....

I never said that.

You said above Gaetz is your "hero" - but now you disagree with your hero?

The flips just keep coming...

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The 216-to-210 vote marked the first time in history that the House removed its leader, with eight Republicans voting with 208 Democrats to remove McCarthy.

So in order to punish someone for cooperating with the Democrats, the GOP hardliners decided to let the Democrats decapitate the GOP leadership in the House?

Not sure I understand the logic of these nutjobs but OK. Well played, Dems.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

So if Axios is right on the list (which is similar as several other lists by other news and analysts) then in the possible running are 5 hard leaning and possibly one moderate!

Oh well, good thing we know how much you trust the MSM:

Why can't the MSM be honest?

I don't really care what Axios reports. The only reason McCarthy got the job is because no one else wanted it.

The overwhelmingly majority of the GOP majority wanted to keep McCarthy, who I'd say is more moderate, yet somehow you think the GOP is now going to make a turn hard right. I don't buy that premise at all. It makes no sense.

How would this help Dems get their budget passed?

Well first off, it leaves the GOP house in disarray. They can't do much until a speaker is chosen, and that could take awhile due to the hard right. Moderate democrats on the other hand could swoop right in and promise votes for a GOP speaker in exchange for concessions.

This would really screw over the hard right, and I'm all for that.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The other huge opportunity for improvement is to get rid of the current health care insurance system that soaks up fully 18% of the US GDP (equal to Federal revenues from all sources !) and replace it with a single payer system. The OECD average cost of health care is 9-10% of GDP with 2/3s of OECD members enjoying longer average lifespans than Americans enjoy and every single OECD member having a lower infant mortality rate than the US. Imaging 9% of the US GDP now spent on medical care being available to spend elsewhere. It would be a huge boost to the US economy.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

No, just an end to a means

uh…that’s means to an end, Bass…

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Bogus to the Democrats, that will eventually happen, but for now the House Republicans need a speaker that they can trust and that can unify the party, and that will work on behalf of the people that put them in Washington, that’s who they need to answer to and who they work for

Who do you think could do this?

Any names in mind?

6 ( +12 / -6 )

McCarthy is live on TV defending himself.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

No, he’s explaining himself. He’s not running again, so no need to defend himself.

I will stick with my opinion.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Prioritizing spending is sound judgment.

Based on tax to GDP ratios, meaning the ratio of government revenues from all sources at all levels of government (national, state and local taxes) as a proportion of GDP the US has the 7th lowest tax burden in the OECD. The OECD average tax burden is 33.5% of GDP. The tax burden for the US is about 26%. Federal tax revenues are 18% of GDP, the rest are state and local revenues. The only nations with lower tax burdens are Costa Rica, Turkey, Ireland, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. Such dynamic economies they have!

I would argue the US would be better off increasing tax revenues rather than cutting public services or the nation's defense. Easy opportunities would be tax capital gains as earned income, eliminate the income cap on Social Security payroll taxes, and restore the tax brackets to what they were in the year 2000 adjusted for inflation.


6 ( +8 / -2 )

Kevin McCarthy is not a very likeable guy.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Bass: regardless if the GOP sided with the Dems.

The GOP didn't side with Democrats. Your hardliners did.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Troy Nehls (R) of Texas is saying he is going to nominate Donald Trump to be Speaker of the House.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The headline from all of this is "The Libs side with MAGA and stick it to the RINOs"....

Changing of the guard.

Thanks to team Gaetz/Pelosi....ROFL...

So the MAGA wing of the House couldn't have achieved their goal of ousting McCarthy without "colluding with the enemy"...

Regardless, libs are crazy, but if a lib works on me in surgery, they helped me, I’m appreciative, thankful but I still don’t trust them.

Hmmm....so you're fine with a "crazy" surgeon operating on you...OK...

And I see you finally "thanked" the Libs for getting rid of McCarthy - the guy you applaud and respect...

And as one poster here said, I'm sure they are doing what their Repub constituents want...

Have a speaker that puts their constituents wishes forth as well as the country

So you respect him but believe he's untrustworthy...

The only conclusion to all of this is that the Repub party is tearing itself apart...

It’s good, spring cleaning, every house needs to get rid of the dirt.

Wow, flips from calling McCarthy "respected" to "dirt"...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Gaetz did this to get back at McCarthy for not stopping the investigation into his possible sexual and drug violations.

Now that he's broken his toys in his temper tantrum ("Can't trust the guy" lol, can anyone trust Gaetz?) he and everyone else actually has to deal with finding a new Speaker and surprise, surprise, nobody else wants to do it after they saw what happened to McCarthy. Not even Kevin or Gaetz want to do it.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It is at central bank level to implement a short-term policy to indirectly target influencing the money supply by adjusting interest rates, through the purchase/sale of government securities.

First off I have degrees in Economics. What I am talking about is long term fiscal policy. I am achingly familiar with the operations of a central bank but they cannot undo decades of the Legislative Branch appropriating more than is collected in tax revenues. Long term the US needs to collect as much revenue as it spends. The US actually accomplished this in 1999 and 2000. In fact there were small surpluses and during the run up to the 2000 elections there were serious discussions regarding how to split future surpluses between paying down the existing debt which stood at 59% of GDP and adding money to the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for retiring Baby Boomers.

Since then there have been two significant reductions in taxes. Those need to be undone and tax rates returned to the levels used in 2000 with adjustments for inflation at the very least. The nation was prosperous and growing with higher taxes. If you look at norther European nations they have 50-75% greater tax burdens than the US yet manage to have higher per capital GDPs and greater hourly productivity among their workers. High taxes and wealthy societies are not mutually exclusive and in fact when you look at low tax societies they are in most cases poorer than the US.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Bass: I would consider them all Republicans

So all Republicans are Republicans. Thanks for the insight and have a good night.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I don’t believe this. 

Dems don’t believe a lot of things. Not surprised.

I wasn’t talking for them. I was giving my opinion. I’m not ‘a Dem’. Told you this a hundred times. Not ‘a lib’ either.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

uh…that’s means to an end, Bass…

No, that's not what I said, I said what I said for a reason, relax.

you mean discrediting the norm that objective reality exists?

yeah, y’all do a lot of that these days. Word is it was an old KGB tactic, though sure it goes back further than that.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

What a load of B.

You should look up the vote before opining, me thinks.

8 Republicans joined 208 Democrats to oust him.


5 ( +8 / -3 )

Who will the next leader be? Nobody wants the job, especially with this MAGA element trying to run things into the ground.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Mr. K. McCarthy barley made it as speaker, and now he is out before he could even warm his seat. unbelievable.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Bass: Doesn't matter, what matters is, the GOP didn’t trust Kevin.

I still don't think you get how the voting turned out. From the article: "with eight Republicans voting with 208 Democrats to remove McCarthy."

You seem to think these 8 votes are some kind of a majority within the GOP and is a good representation of what the party thinks overall.

It's not.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

A handful of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday ousted Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy

The Republican Party of Trump, George Santos, Matt Gaetz, Margie Q Green and Ted Cancun Cruz continue their efforts to do further damage to th US, hoping their convicted sexual predator lord and master will be freed from all charges and can lead them and the wealthiest that support them in the US and around the world to a system that has zero checks on the wealthiest. The RICO's are a political party for a minority and have long shown they care little about the majority, they just want the majority to pay more taxes to subsidize the wealthiest, and continue giving the wealthiest even bigger tax breaks.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Watching Kevin now. He comes across as sincere but then tries to defend things like lowering spending amounts after agreeing with Biren. Everyone knows he negotiated a higher amount then voted on a lower amount. Makes no sense to do that.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Bass: They are Republicans, are they not?

4%. I'd say the other 96% is a better indication of the party as a whole. Feel free to disagree, just be clear.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

To call the GOP a clown show would be a huge insult to clowns.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


He will head back to Bakersfield and discuss his future and possible replacements to represent his district with Mary Abernathy and Western Pacific Research. Shannon Grove will be termed out of the State Senate and likewise Matt Fong will be termed out of the State Legislature. Grove was in the Legislature previously but moved up to the State Senate when Jean Fuller was termed out. Fong will likely follow her footsteps. They are both products of the Abernathy political machine in the San Joaquin Valley. Abernathy will probably run Grove for McCarthy's seat in the House of Representatives.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The republicans look awful bad in this. Willing to shut down, using hawkish speech, and seemingly not caring at all for the consequences. Cooler head must prevail or the right is going down: by the vote, The US's way of expressing the citizens' view of things.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

The Civil War just got bloodier. Nice

I'm just having a laugh watching this.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Yes, but Americans don’t get a lot for their taxes. Things like healthcare even at a reasonable cost, reasonable prescription prices, schools that are functional, starvation level Social Security payments for people who paid in for 40 years, etc.

A flat tax described in a one page pdf solves most problems.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

History in the making

""The Office of Speaker of the House of the United States House of Representatives is herby declared VACANT.""

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Not a real deep bench in Kern County politics if Kevin McCarthy decides to leave Congress at the end of his term as some are speculating. Might see Shannon Grove run for the seat. She is one of the Abernathy / Western Pacific Research gang that supports Mr. McCarthy's campaigns and on her last term in the State Senate. ASSembly member Vince Fong could conceivably move up to the State Senate. He is another Abernathy acolyte. Democrats never run strong in the district except occasionally in local elections.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Well the key thing to remember is that the hard right got none of their policy proposals. They've done all of this for nothing. Less than nothing if you consider that the CR didn't make any cuts at all.

I'm assuming this wasn't their goal. It shows just how bad they are at this game.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


I should have been clearer.

The MSM is trying to make it like a few Rep did this but in reality it was the Dems that facilitated this and gave the power to these hardliners.

No it wasn't. 8 Republicans went over to vote with the Dems to oust McCarthy.

Not sure what the Dems are thinking but if they think they are suddenly going to get a more Dem friendly Rep speaker they are smoking some really strong stuff!

It makes no difference, the GOP have the majority, so the Dems can't really do anything in the house. If the RINO Trump caucus want to pass anything hard right, the Senate or Biden will block it.

These few Rep had no power without the Dems helping them and now if a hardline speaker gets in the only ones to blame are the Dems themselves.

They don't care because it makes no difference.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

First time in US history this has happened. He broke records getting the votes for the job, made a new record on the way out. Say what you will about Kevin, he’s made his mark on history.

He’ll ‘never walk away from a fight’. Well, except this one.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

He absolutely does, he doesn’t have to go through this, he had a great life before he got into politics, doesn’t have to get involved and has more than enough money, but he chose to put that all aside and serve his country

I don’t believe this. I think he saw the campaign as a great brand opportunity. He didn’t actually expect or want to win. It was all just a vehicle for his narcissism, still is.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Thanks to team Gaetz/Pelosi....ROFL...

Main thing is, he’s gone.

Thanks to Matt, Nancy, and Schiff...your new heroes...

Hmmm....so you're fine with a "crazy" surgeon operating on you...OK...

Just words

Your words...

And I see you finally "thanked" the Libs for getting rid of McCarthy - the guy you applaud and respect...

Yes, I respect him.

But think he's untrustworthy and deserved to be canned...by colluding with Libs...

So you respect him but believe he's untrustworthy...


So you respect untrustworthiness... BINGO! Thy name is Republican...

Wow, flips from calling McCarthy "respected" to "dirt"..

Not the man, his way of doing politics.

So he's "dirty" but not "dirt" - the self-contradictions just keep coming....ROFL...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

lol you think 45 would get the votes? Really?

Oh, absolutely!

There’s more chance of him becoming President again. At least that has happened once before, 130 years ago.

How many times has a non elected representative become House speaker?

Sure, dream a little dream.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Eight Republicans made this happen. Just 8. With no plan for what to do next. How does this serve their districts? McCarthy got what he deserved and made history in the process. First party to vote their own out of Speakership

I guess Trump will be nominated Speaker.

Lol! The Dems will win in a landslide in the next few national elections.

Do the Dems have enough votes to make Hakeem the speaker?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

uh…that’s means to an end, Bass…

No, that's not what I said, I said what I said for a reason, relax.

Bass: "No, just an end to a means"

As a poster has already pointed out, the correct phrase is "means to an end"... You sure you're a former journalist?

Yes, not the former.


But still applaud and respect him...


Applaud and respect his "untrustworthiness"....OK...

But you said his "way of doing politics" was "dirty"...

Not the man, his way of doing politics.

So he "does dirty" but isn't dirt?

Not dirty, but you need to get dirty with Dems if it calls for that, kind of like sausage making.

Read that one again; "Not dirty, but you need to get dirty"... So if you get dirty, you're not dirty... Keep digging...but don't get dirty....ROFL...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

There is no obvious successor to Mr. McCarthy who in all likelihood will try to win the speakership back.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Randy DaytonaToday 08:24 am JST

. If this still a democracy, they need to be overruled and ignored.

Is America a real democracy ?

As much as any FPTP country.

Are the states united ?

Are you also outraged that your quarter pounder is not a quarter pound?

Ignoring isn't very democratic now is it !

It is when it is an extreme minority.

Americans lmfao

What a joke

Yes it is much better to have an orderly Xi Jinping state. Until you happen to go missing I guess.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The GOP are certainly setting some new records these days. To bad they are not good ones.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The U. S House of Irresponsibles, formerly known as the U.S. House of Representatives, is a disgrace.

We the People of the United States of America deserve better.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

McCarthy is hurt by his dismal especially because of fellow Republicans.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

they just announced Steve Scalise or even Donald Trump as interim speaking for the time being, that would be fantastic!

lol you think 45 would get the votes? Really?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Gotta admit I thought Jeffries was going to give more conservative leaning Dems the green light to bail Kevin out. Hell, maybe he did and they voted to dump him anyway. It’s not like he would have honored any agreements he made for their help. Gaetz is right about Kevin on that one.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

lol you think 45 would get the votes? Really?

> Oh, absolutely!

So the house speaker should be an unelected person?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine

Fact sheet - Bureau of political-military affairs - September 21, 2023

Break down. the size of US peoples contribution must not be underestimated.

It is vital.


The 216-to-210 vote marked the first time in history that the House removed its leader, with eight Republicans voting with 208 Democrats to remove McCarthy.

The rebellion was led by Representative Matt Gaetz, a far-right Republican from Florida and McCarthy antagonist who accused the party leader of not doing enough to cut federal spending or to stand up to Democratic President Joe Biden.

The republicans must refrain from infighting. If Donald Trump is on course to secure the/his 2nd presidency.

Then its the here and now to show leadership.

The democrats can and will take full advantage of republican internal discord, dissension, disunity.

Its is the difference between a populist and a statemen.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Desert Tortoise,

It is at central bank level to implement a short-term policy to indirectly target influencing the money supply by adjusting interest rates, through the purchase/sale of government securities.

I agree, governments influence the economy through the levels, types of taxes, to an extent/composition of spending that influence the degrees/form of borrowing.

I personally believe that influence the way resources are distributed in an economy.

 Costs pertaining to public safety, roads and transport, primary education. Etc

The question you rightly, can I say insist, is to cut or to tax, but more importantly from a political perspective is what section of society foots the burden?

I suggest, is why U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, at least appears to putting it mildly a billy no mates

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I'm actually worried about this: whatever emerges from the pit of snakes that is the House GOP is going be even less pleasant to work with than McCarthy. Jeffries should have extracted Ukraine aid in exchange for 12 Democrats to vote present. TBH I thought McCarthy would keep running votes until this happened, but surprisingly he chickened out.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Thanks to Matt, Nancy, and Schiff...your new heroes...

No, just an end to a means

As a poster has already pointed out, the correct phrase is "means to an end"... You sure you're a former journalist?

But think he's untrustworthy and deserved to be canned.

Sadly, yes

But still applaud and respect him... Why do you applaud untrustworthiness?

So you respect untrustworthiness... BINGO! Thy name is Republican...

I already answered that question.

The Bass meme....

So he's "dirty"

I don’t think so

But you said his "way of doing politics" was "dirty"...

Not the man, his way of doing politics.

So he "does dirty" but isn't dirt?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

On a side note (although part of the article):

Representative Nancy Mace told reporters she voted to remove McCarthy as speaker because he broke promises to her on improving access to birth control and supporting a bill she wrote on rape kits.

A woman who cares about women's reproductive rights, and she joins the Republicans? Not too bright.


Kevin McCarthy is not a very likeable guy.

Wait until you see who they come up with next!! He was one of the relatively sane ones. Spineless, self-serving, but relatively sane.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

No it wasn't. 8 Republicans went over to vote with the Dems to oust McCarthy.

This is just plain wrong. The Democrats in the House were not out to oust Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership. It was small minority of the Republican Party that wanted Mr. McCarthy out. They forced the matter, not the Democrats. To expect the Democrats to vote for a Republican speaker is silly and makes no sense. The Republicans have a majority in the House and it is up to them to protect their speaker.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Bogus to the Democrats, that will eventually happen, but for now the House Republicans need a speaker that they can trust and that can unify the party, and that will work on behalf of the people that put them in Washington, that’s who they need to answer to and who they work for

Who do you think could do this?

Any names in mind?

Hakeem Jeffries?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

If Gaetz was working with the Democrats and Trump was working with Gaetz...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Bass: "No, just an end to a means"


What end and what means?

Applaud and respect


His untrustworthiness...

Read that one again; "Not dirty, but you need to get dirty"... So if you get dirty, you're not dirty... Keep digging...but don't get dirty....ROFL...

I think it's the other way around.

Of course, that makes the third flip just on this thread...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The Civil War just got bloodier. Nice

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Why does the US government need to shut down? Why doesn't the government of Japan or China ever shut down?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

How much has the U.S. government spent this year?


Scroll down to .....

The Difference Between Mandatory, Discretionary, and Supplemental Spending

The need to bring spending under control is paramount, along with a medium to long term tax and growth policy,

Tax and spend will not solve the failure of governments, past and present to run up debt.

Prioritizing spending is sound judgment.

Pretty please read, devoid of pollical game playing, and the dangers of a possible Government of China economic fiscal collapse, US needs stable secure government.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Nehls has nominated Donald J Trump for Speaker.

That would be interesting.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I wasn’t talking for them. I was giving my opinion. I’m not ‘a Dem’. Told you this a hundred times. Not ‘a lib’ either.

The way you rail on about conservatives, I would never guess it. You may not be, but you're definitely not a conservative so that just narrows it down.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Desert Tortoise I am not in anyway questioning your knowledge.

Just offering a different review of implementation. An alternative opinion to secure public revenue to offer a productive growth model to finance investments in capital/public expenditure.

The careful sculpturing out a policy to encourage private-sector investment in economic long term sustainability. to encourage investment in sustainability.

The appropriate tax policies needed to successfully price those incentives in.

I am not sure, or may I say, convinced that taxation strategies that focus on levelling up or redistributing wealth are the answer to securing social justice presently

It hints that making the rich poor will somehow filler down to create an more equal society.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

uh…that’s means to an end, Bass…

No, that's not what I said, I said what I said for a reason, relax.

As a poster has already pointed out, the correct phrase is "means to an end"... You sure you're a former journalist?

Yes, not the former.

But still applaud and respect him...


But you said his "way of doing politics" was "dirty"...

Not the man, his way of doing politics.

So he "does dirty" but isn't dirt?

Not dirty, but you need to get dirty with Dems if it calls for that, kind of like sausage making.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What does U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ousting really represent?

Will this action  prevent a future catastrophic default on U.S. debt of $31.4 trillion and a partial government shutdown.

Can government any government guarantee so?

Desert Tortoise, my degree, I used to hold up as a shield a means to polish my ego, has offered me little or nothing in the scheme of the day to day financial institutions.

The traders/brokers always held the aces against my quant numbers orientated kings.

You will think I am bonkers, I found three of my best J developers from employees I recruited from convenience stores, yes Lawson, 7-Eleven, women over 50 with god gifted abilities to naturally understand a hierarchical coding system.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Before the vote Axios put together a list of possible Reps for the speaker position if the vote went the way it did.

They listed 8 people, 3 moderate 5 hardline leaning.

2 of those "moderates" made it clear before and again after the vote they are not interested and the 3rd said before the vote he wasn't interested but has remained silent since the vote!

So if Axios is right on the list (which is similar as several other lists by other news and analysts) then in the possible running are 5 hard leaning and possibly one moderate!

How would this help Dems get their budget passed?

Unless a surprise candidate is suddenly presented that no one in the news or political analyst have thought of the odds are a more hardline speaker will replace McCarthy.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

I don’t believe this.

Dems don’t believe a lot of things. Not surprised.

I think he saw the campaign as a great brand opportunity.

I disagree

He didn’t actually expect or want to win. It was all just a vehicle for his narcissism, still is.

Again, I disagree vehemently.

So no more Rino's.

Oh, you do have Washington establishment Republicans, their first priority is Washington so while they are in theory Republicans they’re not real conservatives, they’re more of the typical Washington swamp rats.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Bass: "No, just an end to a means"


Applaud and respect


Read that one again; "Not dirty, but you need to get dirty"... So if you get dirty, you're not dirty... Keep digging...but don't get dirty....ROFL...

I think it's the other way around.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I will stick with my opinion.

ROFL! You go and do that.

I still don't think you get how the voting turned out. From the article: "with eight Republicans voting with 208 Democrats to remove McCarthy."

You seem to think these 8 votes are some kind of a majority within the GOP and is a good representation of what the party thinks overall.

It's not.

Well, 8 Republicans while they don’t have a majority they did and were instrumental in getting removing Kevin, regardless if the GOP sided with the Dems. Do I think it’s a good representation, depends, in this case, it probably was, but I think it was.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Huge flip...see below...

Zero flip.

"Applauds and respects" him...while also saying in this same thread that he "can't be trusted" and "failed to do what his constituents wanted"...

So Bass applauds McCarthy for being untrustworthy and respects him for failing his constituents...

You can respect a person and criticize them. Something the left could care less about.

Welcome to MAGA-world....


Gaetz is your MAGA hero -


so according to your posts you respect someone that you also believe is a "lying dog"....

I never said that.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

The Republican Party of Trump, George Santos,


Matt Gaetz, Margie Q Green and Ted Cancun Cruz continue their efforts to do further damage to th US,

Trying to cut spending is damaging the US? Well, please continue

hoping their convicted sexual predator lord and master will be freed from all charges

He wasn’t convicted and Dems usually excuse any kind of sexual impropriety, now they move the goalposts

and can lead them and the wealthiest that support them in the US and around the world to a system that has zero checks on the wealthiest.

Soros doesn’t support Republican causes, don’t worry.

The RICO's are a political party for a minority and have long shown they care little about the majority, they just want the majority to pay more taxes to subsidize the wealthiest, and continue giving the wealthiest even bigger tax breaks

Democrats, well spoken!

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

And are Gaetz's hands clean? He's had quite a few scandals himself.


Judging from what the GOP has in the House and in the POTUS, they have the scrapings of the barrel.

Now how on earth would you know what have or don’t have? Lol

*And they're turning upon each other just like TrashTrump has done / is doing to them. *No honor amongst thieves.

Well, unlike the Dems that are not allowed free will, they just follow each other like blind lemmings.

*Now they're playing the 'I'm more GOP than thou' infighting game. Just like Mao did with the CCP in his 'CULTural Revolution' only in this case there is no 'Big Cheese' behind it all. tRump turned on these chumps long ago because he's a narcissist who thinks about himself and phooey on everybody else.*

Not sure what all that whatever meant, but the GOP need a strong leader, Kevin (nice guy) just wasn’t up to task, they just announced Steve Scalise or even Donald Trump as interim speaking for the time being, that would be fantastic!

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

lol you think 45 would get the votes? Really?

Oh, absolutely!

Thanks to Matt, Nancy, and Schiff...your new heroes...

No, just an end to a means

But think he's untrustworthy and deserved to be canned.

Sadly, yes

So you respect untrustworthiness... BINGO! Thy name is Republican...

I already answered that question.

So he's "dirty"

I don’t think so

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

What end and what means? 

I was clear.

His trustworthiness...

I never said that.

Of course, that makes the third flip just on this thread...

No flip, straight and concise

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The question is what are the chances that the Dems are going to get enough Rep votes to elect a more moderate or Dem leaning speaker?

This is the question that the Dems in their enthusiasm to vote McCarthy out didn't think long enough about.

I know the down voters here for some inexplicable reason think a more moderate can be elected but the reality is that it is far more likely a much more hardline speaker will be next!

How does that help the Dems position?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Thanks to team Gaetz/Pelosi....ROFL...

Main thing is, he’s gone.

Hmmm....so you're fine with a "crazy" surgeon operating on you...OK...

Just words

And I see you finally "thanked" the Libs for getting rid of McCarthy - the guy you applaud and respect...

Yes, I respect him.

So you respect him but believe he's untrustworthy...


Wow, flips from calling McCarthy "respected" to "dirt"..

Not the man, his way of doing politics.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Remember when you repeatedly predicted Kevin will be just fine?

He will be fine, he can always throw his hat back in for the speakers position.

I think all sides agree that Kevin is a spineless weasel with no principles at all. A man who just wants the gavel to go with his hair.

His hair? Anyway, I think Kevin did a good job overall, but he definitely could have done a better job, not passing any of the appropriations bills and capitulating and appeasing the Democrats wasn’t the smartest move.

Unfortunately, there really are no capable candidates out there who can get the votes to step in. 

Not sure about that, Scalise would be a good choice, Chip Roy would be another one I would love to see, but they’ll figure it out, not too worried.

Thus the House GOP meltdown continues.

At least they understand a house needs to be kept tidy.

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

McCarthy is live on TV defending himself.

No, he’s explaining himself. He’s not running again, so no need to defend himself.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

The headline from all of this is "The Libs side with MAGA and stick it to the RINOs"....

Changing of the guard.

So the MAGA wing of the House couldn't have achieved their goal of ousting McCarthy without "colluding with the enemy"...

Regardless, libs are crazy, but if a lib works on me in surgery, they helped me, I’m appreciative, thankful but I still don’t trust them.

And as one poster here said, I'm sure they are doing what their Repub constituents want...

Have a speaker that puts their constituents wishes forth as well as the country

The only conclusion to all of this is that the Repub party is tearing itself apart...

It’s good, spring cleaning, every house needs to get rid of the dirt.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Great to know the GOP is actually alive, compared to a dysfunctional disabled Democratic Party.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

A handful of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday ousted Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy,

What a load of B.

If the vote was 216 to 210 it mean 216 ousted him!

The MSM would like to make people think a tiny minority did it but that is impossible!

216 voted to oust him.

That means the majority did!

Why can't the MSM be honest?

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

LoL ah yes, the vast majority of Congress and indeed the GOP needs to step aside and let the far-right wing of GOP caucus control everything.

They should prioritize and keep their promise to their constituents first and foremost.

Then and only then are we putting the country first. 

Code: capitulate and appease the Democrats

I hope Democrats bail him out, extract some concessions from him in the process.

Well, that would be temporary, nothing long term.

The GOP have no intention of putting the country and their constituents first.

100% wrong, the libs are the last people to comment on anything relating to what’s in the best interest for the nation, the Dems want and push for open borders, push for more taxpayer money to go overseas.

Instead of trying to get a deal to stop the shutdown last Friday they were looking to conduct a bogus investigation into Joe Biden.

Bogus to the Democrats, that will eventually happen, but for now the House Republicans need a speaker that they can trust and that can unify the party, and that will work on behalf of the people that put them in Washington, that’s who they need to answer to and who they work for.

-14 ( +9 / -23 )

Looks like an overwhelming majority of GOP Representatives thought he did do that

He didn’t sadly.

as more than 200 of them voted for him. Were none of them putting the counry and their constituents first?

Many of those Republicans were worried about who could be a possible replacement. You need a captain you can trust. That is important to the base and to the constituents, let’s see what happens next.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

The GOP didn't side with Democrats. Your hardliners did.

They are Republicans, are they not?

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

4%. I'd say the other 96% is a better indication of the party as a whole. Feel free to disagree, just be clear.

I would consider them all Republicans, hardliners or not.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Someone is going to unify Gaetz with his thirst for headlines to become Florida governor and the Republican in a Biden district hoping it doesn't flip?

It won’t flip.

Good luck. I think we will be without a speaker for the foreseeable future.

Won’t be too long

Republicans are anything but unified and won't be for a long time. They simply cannot work together.

They will given the right leadership.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Pretty sure the GOP just did by voting to keep McCarthy in place. It was the Democrats and the far right that got tossed.

Doesn't matter, what matters is, the GOP didn’t trust Kevin.

Democrats too were doing what their constituents wanted. 

No, the Democrats wanted to hobble the GOP

No. It's called compromise.

Yeah, only when it benefits the Democrats other than that, they don’t believe in it.

Without it, McCarthy and the GOP would be forced to ignore their constituents and turn hard right.

Well, he didn’t follow the will of their constituents that’s the reason why Kevin is out of a job.

The GOP is a rudderless ship that will only sail in circles if it doesn't compromise with Democrats.

That goes both ways, but the good thing is, when it comes to the House Speaker it is just a temporary fluke.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Exactly, and Matt Gaetz let them. Genius.

No, when you have Democrat President and control the Senate it’s a bit more difficult to get anything through, but at the very least you want a stronger leader that best represents your body and their constituents to stop the out of control spending.

One could say the same about the GOP, but mainstream Republicans need partners, or they'll have to capitulate to the hard right. Then they'll lose next year at the polls.

Doesn't seem so given the fact that the majority of Americans know the Dems are not for spending cuts whatsoever.

Again, most members of the clown party GOP voted to keep Kevin in place. Democrats booted his butt out as speaker.

Not quite, they do have a slim majority, so it can’t be helped, but in the end, it was always the Republicans decision to remove Kevin and no one else’s, but the vast majority of Republicans were dissatisfied with Kevin and not being aggressive enough with this president, I like Kevin, but we need a change.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Delusional to believe such a being exists, it certainly isn't a MAGA

You wouldn’t know a thing about it.

because as Trump has shown over and over he doesn't put the country first,

He absolutely does, he doesn’t have to go through this, he had a great life before he got into politics, doesn’t have to get involved and has more than enough money, but he chose to put that all aside and serve his country

nor his constituents, he puts himself first,

If he did that, he wouldn’t be where he’s at today.

which is the blinding issue with his followers

No, it’s the hatred that’s possessing his haters with dripping vitriol.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Matt Gaetz: “I want to destroy my own party.”

Democrats: “OK”

I like Kevin, but the GOP need someone that they can trust and someone that will toe the line and put the country and their constituents first, Kevin didn’t do that sadly.

-16 ( +10 / -26 )

What a Mega-MAGA-Flip...

No flip.

Just this week this poster was saying how much he "applauded and respected" McCarthy -


all the while his other "hero" Gaetz was throwing a knife in McCarthy's back...and calling him a "lying dog"...

He can say whatever in a free society as an American.

Now once again Gaetz, Boebert, Gosar, et. al. throw in with the hated "Libs" to shiv their own Speaker...

Kevin had a chance unfortunately, sad, but he’s definitely a good man

So the Dems sided and helped the MAGA wing over the RINOs....think this poster will acknowledge that fact and praise his hated Libs for their support to his cause?

I covered that already. Doesn’t change my feeling of the Dems.

I wouldn't bet on it...

You shouldn’t.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

I should have been clearer.

The MSM is trying to make it like a few Rep did this but in reality it was the Dems that facilitated this and gave the power to these hardliners.

Not sure what the Dems are thinking but if they think they are suddenly going to get a more Dem friendly Rep speaker they are smoking some really strong stuff!

These few Rep had no power without the Dems helping them and now if a hardline speaker gets in the only ones to blame are the Dems themselves.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

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