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© 2019 AFPU.S. judge deals blow to Trump's border wall plans
By W G Dunlop WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2019 AFP
Trump and his supporters have said all along they want US systems torn down. They want the executive to have greater powers. They attack the judiciary (how soon until a Trump supporter cries 'Obama judge') and congressional leaders. Some GoTrumpers (even some American GoTrumpers) laud Putin and his style of leadership.
On Hannity it was said to be the fault of an ObamaJudge
On my, Donnie is going to have another meltdown when he hears this - I hope they have enough people on the plane for an "intervention" before he lands in Tokyo....
Prepare for more lunatic-like ranting and raving...
He could have spared himself all this humiliation if he would have had Mexico pay for the wall like he promised...
I hope he doesn't say "mark my words, mark my words" to Abe...
Meester Tramp, tear down zat wall!
The US Republic is becoming a dictatorship!
How soon they forget who said this; "Mexico will pay for the wall, mark my words, mark my words"....
No wonder he's lost over $1 Billion and declared bankruptcy six times...
He couldn't build a chicken wire fence a round a 2X2 garden...
And of course they'll all vote the conservative way because the world is black and white - just like Kavaungh sided with the Liberal Justices on his first case or Roberts punted on Obamacare...
The Black and White world - so easy to understand, so different in reality....
And when Nancy stymied him on that, he went and cried some more, then took the money away from our military troops so they won't have the equipment, training or facilities they need.
This guy doesn't know how to do anything but lose, lose, lose....
From the author of "The Art of Losing and Humiliation"...
But, Fox "News"!
2016 - 2018: The Repubs had it all - the White House, both sides of Congress - all the power - and they didn't even bring up the topic of a wall.... What's up with that Trumpers? How come Donne, Mitch, and Paul didn't get your sacred wall funded when it would have been so easy? They didn't need any Democrats - that had majorities in both Houses....just pass an authorization, and the money is there...
But nothing, zilch, nada...
If you're angry your wall isn't built, you can blame these Three Stooges...
The majority of Americans are against the wall. An even biggermajority of Americans are against Trump breaking the rules to get it, too.
If you and the other minorities had more support, you'd have your wall. But since the majority of Americans are unpatriotic, hate security, and want illegals, you lose.
Yep. All the opinion polls about the majority being against Trump's wall is just made up lies by the liberal media, and our agenda is to have less security and more illegals, all driven by our unpatriotic urges.
But we are still winning so who cares if you figured out our diabolical plot.
The law is clear on who gets to spend the money. I'm not sure why some people are claiming there's some radical wing of the judicial system, or that new conservative judges will suddenly rule against clearly written language, or people upholding the law want to see our country overrun by illegals.
There was a vote on funding the wall and you guys lost. No mystery, no "radical" decisions from the bench. Trump had a chance and just didn't get the votes. The end.
Then why no wall?
No they didn't - they could have put forth a funding measure for just the wall - but they didn't - why?
Blame Moe (Mitch), Curly (Paul), and Larry (Trump)....
Another emotional rant against the US system. Your idol the kleptocrat would probably have a judge he didn't like dioxinated. Democracy really scares some GoTrumpers.
The US economy and the US public need infrastructure improvements - bigly. If you're saying Trump 'pulled infrastructure away', you're saying Trump's tantrum trumps the needs of the country.
But then Trump's never cared jack for the country. He in fact brags about taking from it.
Trump's pushing for one of his supporters to be awarded a 'wall' contract.
It will be no surprise to hear he's already pushing for other supporters to be awarded contracts IF infrastructure funding can be agreed to.
But first he needs to stop whining and get back to doing his job.
Trump should simply tweet that Mexico finally came through, and his new INVISIBLE WALL is fully funded and completely built.
His brain damaged supporters will believe it, and we sane American's can continue to exist in reality.
Thanks for admitting Trump's tantrum means no infrastructure for the American people and economy...Dems ready, Donnie crying in his room...what a failure of leadership...
You mean his upside down overall approval at 42%? More people hate him than like him...
Yea, just ask Kavanaugh and Roberts....
Congress controls the purse. That is clear.
If we look at the numbers of illegal immigrants, most do not enter the country through wilderness locations. They go to a border control point or fly into the USA.
Spending some money to make walls in populated areas makes perfect sense. Most places like that already have walls/fences. These might need some maintenance or replacement. Great. spend congressional approved money there.
Spend more effort on changing laws to make illegal immigrants unable to stay in the USA because they can't get a job. Hold everyone accountable.
Deport anyone inside the USA illegally administratively.
Hold employers accountable for hiring illegal workers. Make it hurt for the company and hold the hiring managers and everyone above them personally responsible. Heavy fines are needed.
If unskilled labor is needed, setup foreign worker visa programs that don't harm American workers or reduce their income. Those programs need to pay for themselves AND for retraining Americans.
And it would be nice if someone gave President Trump a 4th grade book about US Civics that explains how the US Govt works, based on the Constitution. Laws are for everyone.
It’s a good thing past presidents and congress didn’t have the courts to get in their way funding Israelis wall, military, social programs, etc. They had AIPAC.
There was a time in which the USA was the last refuge of the unwanted. Now the USA really should send the Statue of Liberty back to France. The right wing Americans want to make it a "whites only" country. In reality America should belong to the native Americans and Texas and California to the Hispanic peoples.
Yea but a lot of Americans refuse to do "pick and shovel work". The work is beneath them.
Andrew Topolski
This is just pointless posturing by the left wing liberals. This is the US military and the only person authorirized to give orders yo thr military is the commander in chief and that's the President, not some irrelevant judge. This court order and snd will be ignored.
But even there the road to compromise is fraught. Many Republicans have said they will support the bill only if it includes additional funding for border security and greater enforcement of immigration laws within the U.S. Democrats seem tentatively onboard with this, but have drawn the line at Trump’s “border wall” — something he continues to clamor for, even as Democrats insist that allowing it is a non-starter.
The Democrats were NEVER, LET ME REPEAT, NEVER going to support funding for any wall whatsoever.
With 52 Republicans, the party would need eight Democratic senators to break a likely filibuster.
I know, the liberal media is really trying their best to convince you of that. 98% liberal, I get it.
And yet, most Americans do want want border security and an end to the mass open door flow.
No, if Democrats really cared, they would stop catch and release, build a wall, stop birthright citizenship, end the visa lottery program, make it illegal to give any illegal immigrant any form of entitlements. But they’re not willingly to do that, they need these future possible new voters, we get it.
California especially.
Did you notice that this article already starts with an "opinion"..?
The words "deals a blow" instead of just signed an injunction, already is an "opinion".
So we are already starting this discussion with a bias by the writer.
Do people realize that?
Arturo Jamilla
Agreed, and a lot of Europeans, Asians, etc, feel the same way.
But that doesn't mean you open the borders of any country. Doesn't matter if recruiting a CEO or a day laborer. Every country needs people of all skill sets, experience, trades, etc. But each individual country has the right to make its own immigration policies and enforce them.
And just because you WANT to move to country "x" doesn't mean you have the right.
They did, that was always Trump main focus before he even ran.
Yes, they did.
That same aide was slightly more optimistic about bipartisan work on securing a legislative replacement for DACA. “There were good conversations going on in the House and the Senate [before the holidays], and the White House seems interested in working on it,” that person said. One of several parallel efforts is led by Sen. Jeff Flake, the retiring Arizona Republican who says he voted for the tax bill after a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that the “DACA fix” would be a priority in the new year.
But even there the road to compromise is fraught. Many Republicans have said they will support the bill only if it includes additional funding for border security and greater enforcement of immigration laws within the U.S. Democrats seem tentatively onboard with this, but have drawn the line at Trump’s “border wall” — something he continues to clamor for, even as Democrats insist that allowing it is a non-starter.
Donald Trump: The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!
10:16 PM - Dec 29, 2017
No, blame the Democrats for not lending their bipartisan support. I’m just glad I don’t live in California or NYC.
Arturo Jamilla
Never understand the thought process behind the people who think everyone has the inherent right to enter, live, work in the USA if they want to. Do you routinely go on vacation to a foreign country and leave your passport at home? You argue with the immigration agent that they should let you in? You bring your child with you and decide you're gonna work illegally, put your child in school? You go to the hospital, get treatment(s), and don't worry about paying?
They do want it, but Democrat Congress don’t want to help this President, but it’s ok, if LA, wants to expand their homeless rate and ballon their entitlement hand outs, they’re choice, good luck to them.
If Americans really wanted a wall it would have been built already!
That's like saying if Britons really wanted Brexit they would have had it already. See, in both cases ya got politicians ignoring voters' wishes.
Because there is.
They might. Funny how so far mostly Obama appointed Judges ruled almost on every ruling initiative move he tries to make, its so ironic as if the stars just aligned themselves and the coincidences are just so
Ok, you can believe that, many of us are not buying that junk.
Once the socialists take over it will be. Look at California and NYC they’re already getting a taste of it.
Andrew Crisp
Goes to prove that its no more than Left Wing Socialist Groups are using any means to stop a common sense agenda.
When a so called environmental group wants to stop building a wall that will stop the USA from being over run by millions of migrants - they have confirmed its not environmental issues they are concerned with, its the pushing of Cultural Marxism and its open border policies.
Then Trump did a magnificent uppercut and told her she needs an intervention and pulled infrastructure away from her and the Dems stunned, got played...again.
Yeah, every Dem running for office go after the President and his 57% approval on the economy. He tweets, but the economy...he cheated on his wife, but we’re making money...he lies....but the country is making money, more money, more people traveling than on record....good luck with that, but they’re good at making a sluggish 1.6% GDP those mean booming times for liberals. ROFL!
Without the Supreme Court, the Dems can’t win at all,
Arturo Jamilla
The same Americans who believe it's the right of people to walk across the US border with no questions asked will travel to a foreign country and have no issue with waiting in line at immigration and having to provide a passport, pass security, etc. Why does the US need to be border free?
Arturo Jamilla
Lots of countries around the world - including ones where whites are not the majority - have an immigration policy based on a points system or similar. People have to have education, experience, and/or skills that are in demand or will in some way contribute to the betterment of the country (and the people living there). That's not racist, it's common sense.
I could care less your color, but if you want to let 100,000 people come into any country every year who have no education, no skills, not experienced at anything - what will they do when they arrive?
It’s really ok.trump said he would build a wall but is now being prevented from doing so. So any problems or murders or drugs are now the fault of the activist groups and activist judge preventing the wall funding.
guarantees a 2020 Trump re-election now. Liberals can’t said he lied about building a wall, they have to own preventing it.
Still need a wall but we also need a president trump until 2024 and more senate and House seats. then this can happen the easier way.
But that’s what liberals want, but the great thing is Trump and McConnell appointed record number of judges, so the Republicans will have their share of payback when they ever get into power again and more conservative judges will be apportioned this year as well, so the Dems better get ready for hat will be a big payback in the future. In the meanwhile, the liberals can deal with all the illegals in their States, let them shower them with entitlements and socialism.
As of May 16, 107 of President Trump’s nominees have been confirmed, including 40 appeals court nominees. In March, a federal appeals court flipped to a majority of Republican appointees for the first time under Trump.
They also got rid of that dreaded mandate, don’t forget that.
Just with the lower courts, in the future, McConnell is a Godsend.
Yeah and unlike California, they’re paying a price for it.
This judge needs to be forced to go to the border and help border patrol deal with the crisis we have there... no, strike that, he probably isn't interested in helping with border security, just fire his ass.
It's laughable that so many people seem to think it's a good idea to allow millions of people to pour into a country illegally. Mexico is a literal narco state. The depravity of these gangs is appalling. What they do is pure EVIL. Even all the resort areas Americans visit year after year for Spring break are run by the cartels.