Japan Today

U.S. closes part of Texas border; begins flying Haitians home


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Controlling the influx on the border without the fear and hysteria of the former administration is refreshing.

Bet all that money the former guy spent through his cronies on the wall came to no use, and Mexico didn’t pay!!!

-8 ( +11 / -19 )

More than 1.5 million immigrants have been detained since the start of the US fiscal year.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

So much for the “Biden is for open boarders” BS .

7 ( +18 / -11 )

Well it’s a good thing the VP “fixed” this. I see Biden closed off the airspace around these Haitians to keep news drones out.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

The Racial angle brought to you by the same Know-nothings that thought Larry Elder was going to win and defended the “Very fine people on both sides” remark.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Mr. NoidallToday  07:45 am JST

Controlling the influx on the border without the fear and hysteria of the former administration is refreshing.

I admit it too that CNN has taken a radically different approach to the current administration than they did with the former.

Wonderful analysis sir, I am glad you watch CNN and can update on what they are reporting, I only watch the gospel channel fox.

One could easily argue the same about the current guy and walk away a winner.

Yes you are right sir, the current guy is a winner, he beat the former guy with a record margin.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Sure. I can admit that the “migrants” are a vital component to the US economy; however, they compete directly with and box out working-class Americans—many of whom are minorities struggling for equity.

Sir, I cannot believe our former president would pass over deserving Americans over cheap labor from illegals.

Considering he has admitted to employing illegals at his resort, I am sure he had the best of motives. His benevolence is widely known all over the world!!!

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

I see Biden closed off the airspace around these Haitians to keep news drones out.

That's the talking point going around the right-wing echo chamber. Not the narrative going around the rest of the world.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

The Racial angle brought to you by the same Know-nothings that thought Larry Elder was going to win and defended the “Very fine people on both sides” remark.

The same people who are still bringing the "the 2020 election was fraudulent, so Trump should be made president" line.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

If you’re black, please go back. If you’re brown, welcome to town

Sadly, this administration can’t claim now that’s it’s colorblind. This administration lost that debate.

US could not defeat the Afghan people in 20 years much less could with a whole horde of immigrants with a desire to survive,

Which was never our problem to resolve in the first place.

the United States is condemned to be the eternally false illusion of the poor immigrant..

No, but you enter into any sovereign nation legally.

> Without them, the fragile US economy fell to the ground. Mexican immigrants are the ones who sustain this whole "Mexico 2.0."..

Thanks to the incompetency of this administration, true.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

The Biden playbook:

Step 1: inherit a crisis from the ffg, with absolutely no plan of any kind.

Step 2: handle said crisis more or less efficiently.

Step 3: stand back as the cult of Cheeto-Jesus ignores the obvious logical inconsistencies and rails about (by this point I’ve stopped listening, so insert whatever whack-job bs claim you’d like. Nothing is too loonie for these deluded idiots.)

Step 4: repeat (because no former POTUS was as content to watch the country burn since James Buchanan in 1860. There will ALWAYS be a next time.)

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

America keeps banking on Democratic presidents come in and fix the complete and utter messes the Republican presidents leave the country in each time. One of these election cycles, the Republicans will win, and not only will the previous mess not be cleaned up, they'll just keep adding to it, until the country rots.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Why doesn't Japan or China or Brazil or Russia or South Africa or Israel or France or Australia or New Zealand or Germany or Italy or Colombia or Argentina or Mexico take these people in?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Why doesn't Japan or China or Brazil or Russia or South Africa or Israel or France or Australia or New Zealand or Germany or Italy or Colombia or Argentina or Mexico take these people in?

Not a chance and you know why.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Lots of American are catching hell,i see it on a daily basis, we could easily absorbed these people in the US, if you not fluent in English and Spanish, you will have hard time in America, most Spanish speaking people, would feel right at home in Texas, and could fake being in America illegally

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Not a chance and you know why.

I do, but it can't said.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

“In Haiti, there is no security,” said Fabricio Jean, a 38-year-old Haitian who arrived in Texas with his wife and two daughters. “The country is in a political crisis.”

Texas ain’t much better.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Sadly, this administration can’t claim now that’s it’s colorblind. This administration lost that debate.

Which debate dear sir?

Thanks to the incompetency of this administration, true.

Do you mean the last administration was busing the migrants straight to Mar a lago? Is that competence?

What a refreshing thought!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Ted Cruz, Haitian children need your help!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Well it’s a good thing the VP “fixed” this. I see Biden closed off the airspace around these Haitians to keep news drones out.

I thought you were spewing bs. Turns out it's true.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Why does the Biden-Harris administration discriminate against Haitians like this??

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Why does the Biden-Harris administration discriminate against Haitians like this??

And now Blacklabel is for open-borders.

Is there any issue that the right feel strongly enough about that they won't flip the second it benefits them politically?

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Finish the wall. And apply the law

4 ( +9 / -5 )

And now Blacklabel is for open-borders.

I am not. I am against racial discrimination from Biden deciding who can stay. Is everyone being sent back or just Haitians?

5 ( +12 / -7 )

America needs a political revolution or America as we know it will be over.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

America needs a political revolution or America as we know it will be over.

America as you know it was always going to be over, it’s called change. Happens a lot, ask the Karankawa.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

I am not. I am against racial discrimination from Biden deciding who can stay. Is everyone being sent back or just Haitians?

So you are against racial discrimination towards non Americans but when it comes to Americans you are fine with it.

Is there a name for such an approach??

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

America needs a political revolution or America as we know it will be over.

If you mean a revolution for turning America into a dictatorship, it was tried on Jan 6th.

And in case you didn’t hear about it, it failed miserably. They are rounding up the traitors and sending them away!!!

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Who said I’m fine with any racism at all? I am obviously not.

the usual suspects trying to deflect from the racist and discriminatory policy of Biden to only remove Haitians sure are struggling today.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

We need to take our country back, protect our way of life, make our country great again, rise up and fight, your children will be next etc etc.

The same rhetoric used to hoodwink the weak minded throughout history.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

So is the new right wing slogan, keep out the Latin Americans, bring in the Haitians ?

I have a feeling it is discriminatory!!!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The open border policy is for one thing and one thing only. Future potential votes! Cubans and Haitians have a tendency to vote conservative. You can deduce from that info. You can’t run a campaign on weak policies, so they play the race card incessantly to make one hate the other so much that you won’t vote for them even when common sense and facts say otherwise. All these new immigrants, once they’ve been “processed” they are shipping them into conservative states and cities. What’s that all about? BTW without any concern for COVID or other diseases. This admin. is not ideal, to say it nicely. You are more screened and scrutinized when you come in legally and try to get your green card. Facts from my Japanese wife. The interviews, the money paid, medical examinations, forced inoculations, treated like second class citizens at the immigration offices, etc.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

You are wrong. Read this.


Did you just link SNOPES as a source???

0 ( +2 / -2 )

No Haitians should be sent back to a country where the President was assassinated in July and a devastating earthquake last month.

dems have so many reasons that they don’t deport people back to the other countries.,

where is the empathy for Haiti?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

So much for the “Biden is for open boarders” BS .

thinking the same thing, seems like Biden is better at border security than Trump ever was and he didnt need a $20billion wall to do it

3 ( +7 / -4 )

No Haitians should be sent back to a country where the President was assassinated in July and a devastating earthquake last month.

say what!?, the maga crowd were screaming that the brown people should be stopped at all cost , now theyre finally found some empathy and say they shouldnt be sent back to their shitehole (Trumps words) countries!?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

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