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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S. pays $2 mil a month to protect Pompeo, aide from Iran threat
That just made no sense whatsoever.
Not really compared to what Washington spends a month, a drop in the bucket.
The Avenger
$2million a month? Who do they have watching him, John Wick?
Put them into witless protection and let them disappear to some small city away from the coasts.
Seems like it would be more practical or ... just miss 1 threat for a few days to solve the expense. Pompeo caused great harm to the US. A little payback, though I'd prefer it NOT to come from Iran. On that, he was correct.
No, he didn’t, but what he did do was unapologetically help orchestrate the deaths of two extremely dangerous and violent individuals Soleimani and El Baghdadi and did the world and the US a favor and good on him for doing that and this is what strength does, it puts fear in the heart of the enemy and this is why they want him dead, the same goes for Zelenskyy. As Long as people like them are taking a breath they will always be an obstacle for these tyrants.
Pompeo caused great harm to the US and the world. He was on the call when Trump tried to extort Ukraine's president by withholding needed defense aid, lied about it afterwards, consistently supported Trump's lies about this corrupt fiasco, all of which undoubtedly delighted Putin and other tyrants around the world. He threw his own ambassador to Ukraine under the bus, thus besmirching his office and his oath, just to please his demented boss. Even in recent weeks he has praised Putin. None of this made the US or the world safer. Whatever benefits he is getting from the US taxpayer are too much.
By eliminating some of the most vile and evil terrorists that were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans in Iraq and Syria, that’s a great thing. Soleimani and El Baghdadi got what they deserved, if that makes Pompeo a terrorist, so be it.
No, he didn’t lie, but in fact and rightfully asking the Ukrainians to weed out corruption which the country is known for and to since our tax dollars were part of that equation, I think it would have been irresponsible for Pompeo to NOT hold them accountable.
and yet, they feared him because they knew he was unpredictable. And now with this administration none of these tyrants will even take a phone call from this President.
When he tried to undermine and go against him, if you don’t like your boss, resign going against him never works out in the end.
No, he said what a lot of people are saying. No one likes Putin. But look who has the upper hand in this conflict, it’s not the US and it’s not NATO and it’s not Europe, the sanctions are not stopping him or slowing him down so yes, he did outsmart the West especially when it comes to taking Ukraine.
But it’s safer now? With an out of control North Korea, a crazy madman in Russia, a growing China and a scheming Iran and wait until they all come together, so in one year all of these forces are coming together, so it’s not a safer world and it won’t be for a while
Geez, I bet his BFF's in the Taliban would do it for a bit less....
Maybe he needs to consider visiting the vacuum sales guy who can get him a new identity as a Cinnabon Manager in Omaha...
Pompeo is by far not the most expensive politician to protect. Pelosi, former Presidents, Supreme Court justices all cost a ton more of money to protect.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Waste of money !
And why so expensive ?
You can make that same argument about the last 3 Presidents as well.
Typical art and trait of a businessman.
Pompeo wasn't President - and I bet Roger Stone would do it for $50K, and 10% of Pompeo's book deal...
Who bankrupted six companies, to include a casino. You have to be a special kind of incompetent failure to run a casino into the ground...
But he helped kill two of the greatest terrorists in recent memory, good enough for me and good enough for the families that these people killed and did so unapologetically., now That’s a warrior.
And negotiating the worst surrender in US history, giving the Taliban everything they asked for AND releasing 5K Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda terrorists from jail....
Not much of a warrior for that...
well, not really according to the Ayatollah and remember, Trump wasn’t President last year. The 13 Families of those dead soldiers know this
Why don't they give us a dollar by dollar breakdown of exactly how it is $2 million / month. Seems quite extreme to me.
It’s three times as much for former presidents, so 2 million is kind of a sweet bargain
Naw, the Dems just get over trying to punch this guy and he’s just focusing on November, let the left carry on about the past.
You're friends with the Ayatollah?
Well stated. Perhaps you should talk to him and see if you convince him of that....
I doubt if they authorized you to speak for them...
This admin. is
Focus on November
Look it up and watch every single interview, their words
bass4funk: But he helped kill two of the greatest terrorists in recent memory, good enough for me and good enough for the families that these people killed and did so unapologetically., now That’s a warrior.
Since Obama took out Bin Laden you'll no doubt be consistent with your lavish praise for the man who gave the order vs Pompeo who was not in the chain of command and simply basked in the glow of his boss.
That would be, hIs boss who still cherishes the 'love letters' he received from your North Korean threat, and who took the side of your 'crazy madman in Russia' over the unanimous assessments of his own intel people. The same intel people who found Bin Laden. You're all over the map.
Look, I was glad 44 took out OBL that was obvious, but that’s not what I was talking about. I mean, Bush essentially had Saddam killed technically.
bass4funk: You praise Pompeo, a man who served as the most loyal cabinet officer of the most destructive president the US has had in over a century. Pompeo supported the trashing of our alliances and the weakening of NATO, undermined our diplomats and intel services, and silently acquiesced in Trump's despicable groveling and hero worshipping of dangerous dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin. All this led to where we are today. Putin was getting everything he wanted out of Trump, including tacit support for his takeover of Ukraine. Pompeo supported Trump in this. Thank God the US has a 'normal' president again, who has managed to reunify its allies to oppose tyranny. No thanks to Mike Pompeo.
Destructive??? 4 years and not a single war and by the way how is the world doing under this administration. Russia, Iran, China and now North Korea? Watch the news recently?
How is NATO doing now? Ask Zelenskyy what he thinks of NATO now and this administration.
Ok, so we shouldn’t have a dialogue with our enemies? Maybe that’s one reason why they at least respected Trump because he would at least talk to them and acknowledge them which this administration won’t. Never snub your enemy it could blow back in your face like it is now.
All this led to where we are today.
Well, as I said…..
A Benz?
Funny, not one person is saying or believing that in that country and yet, Biden’s name comes up every hour on the news from the Ukrainian press. Even CNN have to admit what a mess this administration has made.
Open borders
Rising gas prices
Rising food costs
Rising Crime
Rising homelessness
Continued deteriorating race relations
Increased inflation
Thank God????
Well, thank God in a few months that will change. Pompeo must be smiling as he should, as all conservatives are
The admin didn't reference him and post what he thinks - you did. So, you friends?
Good advice for Trump - why is he not listening?
No reference...typical....
If Pompeo is smiling it's because he's watching Eric, Weisselberg, all his fellow Trump cronies plead the 5th 500 times...wonder what he'll do when he's subpoenaed?
And yet, these people feared him, that’s strength.
More importantly, why aren’t the Dems listening??
Tons, but being angry won’t help the Dems
More like because the case looks flimsy and more so with each passing day.
2 mill a month?!
when the government can create money with a push of a button they really don’t care anymore.
In another story
So no one is immune to corruption. It’s always the poor who suffer the most.
In addition to Putin, you're now praising the Ayatollah....says a lot about who you admire...
You said Biden was President - yet Trump continues to deny that and say he is President, i.e., looking behind, which you say is wrong. So why isn't he listening to you?
Uh-huh....No reference again...very telling....
Hmmmm....if that was true, then why did Eric take the 5th 500 times? You know, like "the mob"?