Japan Today

U.S. President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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I found the following very relevant link on www.hotair.com. It is posted on youtube, but actually originates with www.pajamasmedia.com


Makkun, American should be the nation IT wants to be. And it is time to wake up to the emasculation of America today.

Time to reverse course.

Get down to true Classical Liberal values.

Obama got his Nobel Peace prize for being weak and the world likes a weak America.

Don`t Tread on Me!

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Mr. Obama’s record shows that he was the number one supporter of the barbaric practice of ‘Partial-Birth Abortion’ in The US senate. He has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

And why not, like many advanced protestant societies today, he's only following suit. Time to wake yourself up out of your slumber USA step up and be the nation the world wants you to be. Not what you've been for the last 40 odd years..

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Mr. Obama’s record shows that he was the number one supporter of the barbaric practice of ‘Partial-Birth Abortion’ in The US senate. He has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace is the topic and no matter what he achieves in the future his record will be always tainted by this. I know this isn’t PC but the truth doesn’t have to be. As I said Obama reminds me of the great American quote of the last century every time he opens his mouth: ““Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you've got it made” It possibly originated with Groucho Marx but I’ve always thought of it as a classic Bogart line. The incessant bickering between the Democrats and the Republicans above whiffs somewhat of Tweeledum and Tweedledee. The only American president I would have enjoyed a pint with over the last 40 years was Ronald Reagan. At least he could be genuinely funny.

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Obama deserved it only by being the opposite of Bush and his friends.

And it´s meaningful that in the same week he got the Prize, UNO is officially launching an investigation on Rumsfeld, the loved liar.

The world woke up, Republicans.

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It's important to remember (as some do not) that Obama did not award himself the prize. Neither did he nominate himself or campaign for it -- nobody, in fact, in the White House had any clue that the prize was a real possibility. His demeanor at his press conference struck a balance between faint embarrassment and real respect for the Nobel committee.

The prize does not say anything about Obama. It says volumes, however, about what many in the world -- not just the five-member committee -- think of Obama.

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from zurcronium

"Even here in Japan there was a large turnout. They marched right in front of our apartment."

I have been in Japan a short while, but I have studied the country for years. The turnouts in Japan werent that significant. I feel your immense frustration, but there is no need to lie. Obama's Nobel Prize completely ends the bush loser period for ever; it will help him turn down the generals in Afghanistan, which is one way reason why he was given teh award. The Nobel Committee shares the belief Obama and all true progressives hold,namely,that there is no such thing as American exceptionalism.

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Whenever you think he is not doing good, just remember the man he replaced.

Interesting statement. Comparing Obama to "the man he replaced" Obama does indeed seem like Mother Teresa or Ghandi, and therefore deserving of the Peace Prize!

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I think Dolphingirl said the best. It's not a result of what he has done, but the potential of what he can do. More world leaders agrees today that world without nuclear arms is achievable, than amount of them believed year ago. This fact itself is enough to award him the nobel prize. I believe that he can, and I thank him very much for trying. He is the closest thing to a hope. Whenever you think he is not doing good, just remember the man he replaced.

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there were millions in the US alone. And yes millions elsewhere as well. Even here in Japan there was a large turnout. They marched right in front of our apartment.

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from zurcronium

"Whereas liberals protested in millions in the streets when the phony iraq invasion was rigged while conservatives cheered bush on,"

Actually, millions did protest, but not in America. So be careful , you help make the wingers' argument for them. Peace.

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What we are seeing here is the Obama Derangement Syndrome by the far right wingers of the republican party. Whereas liberals protested in millions in the streets when the phony iraq invasion was rigged while conservatives cheered bush on, radical rightwingers now get upset and protest when Obama wins a prize for his country. Amazing.

There are the sane 70% and then we have in the USA the rest who want their county to fail again.

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"The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided not to inform Obama before the announcement because it didn’t want to wake him up, committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said."

Props to Jagland. I have followed his career for years. For the last decade he has labored mightily on behalf of the Socialist International.Wiki has the info.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorbjørn_Jagland

With the election of Barack Obama he can probably hardly contain his self.

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Obama got ripped off on the Nobel economics prize - they declined to give it to him, even though he has done so much to our economy in so little time.

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"It's a BS award so they couldn't have found a better guy"


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He deserves it. It's a BS award so they couldn't have found a better guy.

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Congratulations Mr. President! Yes, a little too early, but he´ll deserve it.

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How many republicans have gained a Nobel peace prize. Just wondering.

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I cant believe that President Obama won this prize. But then, that other nonentity Al Gore won it also. I think the Nobel Organisation has lost its marbles. Obama has done nothing to deserve this. Nor will he.

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Obama deserves to win this Nobel because he is peaceful, he is black and he is a proud American. And "yes he can". USA! USA!

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Serious no respect for the Nobel prizes after this, just seems like a giant kiss ass, the fact they did not want to wake him confirms it.

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The Nobel Peace Prize seems to be an award for the possibilities and potential accomplishments of the recipient. Perhaps it is intended to put pressure on the person to fulfill his/her promises. I do think that Obama fulfills these requirements since he has provided the world with hope and inspiration. It is the award itself that could be critisized. I feel for Obama...I mean how would you feel if you were awarded the gold medal before you crossed the finish line?

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Sir, The Nobel Peace Prize to Obama is neither seems to be justified nor appropriate. If Obama can be given, then India deserves most, because it is fighting for non-prolifieration of nuclear arms without bowing to the pressures of so called developed countries. Mr.Obama has just taken over the reins of US and needs to prove both within and outside USA. By giving the nobel prize to Obama, the Nobel committee seems to have compromised its principles.

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"There is no worse mistake in public leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away." Winston S. Churchill

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I remember when Carter got teh Nobel Prize, after the horrible nixon, who was the bush of his day.

You were born when?


Honestly, now anti-american are the republicans going to become now that there is a black President.

Oh yeah, Republicans never opposed far-Left Marixists who were white. Hahahaha! What a joke of an argument you brought to the table. Can't you do better?

Here's the list of people the Nobel Committee passed over so they could give the award to Obama:


After reading that article, Obama's dog-washers, do you still want to defend the stupidity of awarding Obama the NPP? Or should we change the name to NBP?

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For starters he has done much to repair America's standing in the world.

Well, he's tried to "alter" America's standing in the world but the rest of the world isn't fooled -- nor is America (nor are her legal immigrants).

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Incredibly astute analysis from hehehohohaha.

I remember when Carter got teh Nobel Prize, after the horrible nixon, who was the bush of his day. The world rallied behind Carter I'm pretty sure, and everyone loved us. It was a great time to be an American.

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What has Obama done? For starters he has done much to repair America's standing in the world. Why is this important? Simply put, nations are more likely to co-operate when they have confidence in American leadership.

Bush's failure to rally America's allies for war against Iraq was a result of the lack of confidence many allies had in Bush's leadership. The charge into Afghanistan did not lack support because the cause was clear and had popular support of many nations worldwide. The loss of confidence in American leadership has cost blood and treasure in America and many other countries. The regaining of that confidence is vital to America's security interests and by extension the interests of its friends and allies.

The awarding of the Peace Prize is a vote of confidence for America and Obama is correct in framing the prize in that way. Congratulations America!

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betcha obama's gunna be time's person of the year 2009.

December 17, 2008

Time has featured Obama on its cover 14 times since Jan. 1. Newsweek was close behind, featuring the now-president-elect on 12 of its issues. Time has had 52 issues in 2008, so Obama has been featured on more than one-in-four of its covers, or about 27% of the time.

That number, though, goes even higher if you include how many times Obama has appeared in the "skybox" -- 11 times.

That means Obama's face or name has somehow made it onto the cover of Time just about half of the time this year (25 out of 52 issues -- 48%)

Newsweek has had 49 issues this year so far (through Dec. 22), so Obama has been featured on about a quarter of its covers as well.

The MSM will eventually take away -- or diminish -- President Obama's prize.

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just heard this. a group of afghanis were watching tv airing the obama peace prize. what did they do? easy, they took their shoes off, and obama! shoes on tv.

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nothing touches obama except the highest endorsements and commendations. he's too popular by default. he's a placebo, or an analgesic of some sort. got a headache, a sniffling/runny nose, fever, chest pains? no problem. just get obama. problem solved, for now.

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what's next? sainthood, a knighting, honorary degrees from all over?

i wish i had it this goof, i meant good. betcha obama's gunna be time's person of the year 2009. of course, he's an obama.

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Obama, if you take time to think about it, is an excellent choice for the Nobel Peace Prize.

If one thinks about the meaning of the prize itself, why, I couldn't agree more.

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Isn't it amazing. After 8 of the most disastrous years in the USs foreign policy history - they finally have a leader who inspires hope and goodwill in people from all over the world.... then the same morons who voted for the last bozo just cannot handle that they were wrong and backed a loser.

Obama, if you take time to think about it, is an excellent choice for the Nobel Peace Prize. he is just the kind of statesman that both the US and world need right now.

Good luck to him in a country that can spurn the likes of a Sean Hannity or a Rush Lindbergh

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"It's called democracy, and it's one of the things the Nobel Peace Prize selection committee looks for in selecting its award recipients."

Again, props to you USAFdude. I was practically blue in the face from telling the repubs in my office that Arafat was all about democracy.He just never got around to holding elections.

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Nope, President Obama was elected by the American people. It's called democracy, and it's one of the things the Nobel Peace Prize selection committee looks for in selecting its award recipients.

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The worldwide organization of orgasmic frothing Obamaniacs have anointed him far beyond his ability to deliver. As a result, he has nowhere to go but down.

The media made President Obama. They can (and eventually will) break him. It is just a matter of time now. (See Cynthia Shee'an.)

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It isn't "rich"; it's true.

Get that cough looked at, boy; you seem to be choking on your own words.

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The worldwide organization of orgasmic frothing Obamaniacs have anointed him far beyond his ability to deliver. As a result, he has nowhere to go but down.

As he bumbles his way through a failing war and puts the last nail in the coffin of a bankrupt country by the twilights last gleaming, we can all least show our support by joining in a chorus of "Obama loves the little children".

As the drone blasts bursting in air, give proof through the night, that Obama's true intentions in the middle east is to ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.... Oh, it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over!

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Meet the People Who Were Passed Over for Obama


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Anything I can do to help you get over your irrational hatred of America and our President!

That's rich. Notice how The Left accuses the opposition of doing what they do?

I think we should write yet another praise for President Obama and have some children sing it on broadcast TV. (cough)

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Barack Obama has won another popularity contest!

What a leader!

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When Gore got the Nobel "Peace" Prize for his global warming jihad I thought the Nobel Committee had gone over to the looney side. Incredibly, they have outdone themselves this time. President Obama actually received the Nobel Peace Prize based on 11 days in office! So Obama isn't actually up to God's standards as it took him only 7 days. When people joke that Obama is the messiah I don't think the people on the Nobel Committee laugh.

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At least now we have a President who gets prizes thrown at him instead of shoes!

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"the peace prize is given out by a 5-member committee elected by the Norweigian Parliament. Like the Parliament, the committee has a leftist slant"

Ya don't say.

"it should be seen as a kick in the leg to the Bush administration"

The administration which removed the awful Taliban from power and provided the conditions for free elections and a situation where girls can go to school in Afghanistan again?

Lech Walesa: "Too early. He has no contribution so far."

Yeah, but so far he hasn't started a war based on lies, lol.

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I'm so delighted that you found value in my post. Anything I can do to help you get over your irrational hatred of America and our President!

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If this award is based on HOPE I will not be surprised anymore when in future someone receive it through his/her IDEA for peace in invented computer game. Enough said,that's it.

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Say...this is a surprise...especially since Obama hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy yet...

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Americans should be glad an American won one. Many other Americans (and other parts of the world) in many disciplines strive to receive such an award. The Nobel Prizes are worldwide - not just what one has done in America. So even if Americans feel not enough has been done for Americans, if the rest of the worlders feel enough has been done for them, then the weight shifts to whichever has more votes.

I guess Obama could just turn down the award, though he did say he feels undeserving, but that still doesn't change the reality that he was awarded it, so don't know if that's gonna change anything. I think he's the 3rd sitting US president to be awarded (after Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson), but the main difference is he's awarded for hope in the future, not fighting wars in the past.

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Mr. Bush and his wife, Laura, deserve the Peace Prize for their efforts in fighting AIDS, malaria and poverty in Africa.

...and his efforts to rid the world of Islamic terrorists, which, unlike nuclear weapons, are actually being used...


That's it... Nobel Peace Prize is now a useless and meaningless thing...

Whaddya mean now?!? It was useless when they gave it to Arafat. It was useless when they gave to Al Gore for an inaccurate movie, instead of giving it to a woman who smuggled Jewish babies and children to safety during the Holocaust. It was useless when they gave it to Jimmy Carter for providing the meeting room for Begin and Sadat (and it only cost Sadat his life), and overseeing the corrupted "election" of Chavez (among others). It was useless when they gave it to Kofi Annan, period. It was useless when it they gave it to Gorbachev for waking up one day to find his empire had dissolved, especially when it was not given to Reagan for forcing the Soviet empire into dissolution.

I would like to see the collection of useless Leftist idiots that decides who gets the NBP.

The irony now is that this award shines the spotlight on Obama's promises, his accomplishments, and the huge gap between them.

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Aren't the leftists even a bit embarrassed by their schoolgirl giddiness about Obama receiving this award?

Absolutely not! What you hatefully call "schoolgirl giddiness" we rightlfully call "American Pride". Refer to my 12:55 am post.

That's it... Nobel Peace Prize is now a useless and meaningless thing...

ROTFLMAO! That's like calling the Super Bowl a useless and meaningless thing simply because your team lost! Would you like me to pass you a Kleenex? xD

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Obama's efforts to garner world peace won him the unanimous decision of the Nobel board to award him the Prize

You are right, AFdude, that Obama getting the Peace Prize is a ringing endorsement that the rest of the world leaders are either not for peace or are so insignificant that all we Americans have to do is show up somewhere and give a speech.

we could see ourselves as the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, as a country.

Roger that, dude: Obama winning the Peace Prize proves once and for all that we are far superior to everyone else on the planet. Your fellow global liberals undoubtedly agree with you. Thanks for pointing that out.

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They give the Peace Prize to the guy who's escalating the war in Afghanistan? This should come as no surprise considering this is the same group who gave it to Al Gore for making a movie.

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All you wingers please do not be discouraged by this incredible award for Obama.

Don't worry. This award is a worthless joke no matter which political party receives it. Aren't the leftists even a bit embarrassed by their schoolgirl giddiness about Obama receiving this award?

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That's it... Nobel Peace Prize is now a useless and meaningless thing...

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The award appeared to be a slap at Bush

Mr. Bush and his wife, Laura, deserve the Peace Prize for their efforts in fighting AIDS, malaria and poverty in Africa.

But to the NPP committee, style trumps substance.

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Please refer to my 12:55 am post.

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Mods, may I suggest the next Japan Today Poll question?

Do you feel that President Barack Obama should have been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize?



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USAFdude, it's interesting to thing that the US won the prize collectively but I would still suggest that, in terms of results, nothing has changed much. I can't say that it won't in the future. Until then the London Times is quite correct. Right now it looks like the NPP committee is just rewarding vaporware. I would rather see some leadership first.

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Bush should have been awarded the Prize anyway. Iraq is at peace and no longer a threat to INVADE her neighbors (IRAN, KUWAIT) in the Middle East anymore thanks to him.

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USAFdude - I would disagree only in that I think Jimmy Carter was the worst president we ever had. And that's aside from his later house building and all the other crap espoused. He was still a really, really really lousy president.

But I agree with you that so was Bush. No denials here, and I'm not saying folks don't have a right to bash him. I'm a great supporter of free speach, so have at it. My point is that it's not an acceptable argument or justification of everything that occurs in the world. Every time someone knocks President Obama, the immediate knee-jerk reaction on here is to post up a defense stating how horrible it was under the previous administration. It's not a valid arugment in most instances as the subject doesn't always involve anything to do with the previous prez. Like now - saying 'President Obama should get the NPP becuase he was better than the last president' is a stupid argument, a meaningless argument and demeaning to our current President.

It's like the same tired lines have to be dragged out each time to remind us how horrible the Bush Presidency was - even if its reference serves no purpose. I fully realize it can't be 'gone and forgotten' because of the legacy. It's like that idiot in Iran denying the holocaust. But it's simply used here to remind us that you guy hate Bush. Like this one:

Sure, again, he HAS promoted international relations and open dialogue to an extent that radically changed countries' stances towards the US (as opposed to GWB radically plunging the US into warfare and the number one rank of most hated country in the world -- and GWB IS the worst US president in terms of international relations), but still.

Pointing out that Bush was lousy in this instance doesn't really add to the argument of why the President might deserve a Peace Prize. If you said something like:

I think giving President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize is a good choice. The committee is trying to make a statement with this choice that they, and indeed the whole world, have high hopes that the President's committment, determination, intelligence and forward sightedness will serve as a beacon in bringing peace to and embattled world that so seeks it. It is a vote of confidence, and not perhaps a vote of progress to date. Often intent can be a harbigner to success, and promoting this intent with a vote of confidence can hopefully bring it into being.

That could be a decent argument. Saying 'well, Bush was such a crappy president that just because he isn't Bush means he deserves it' is just plain idiotic. My point is simply to formulate an argument in discussion rather than just throwing mud at the past when it doesn't really further your current cause but simply brings light to your political leanings and vitriol. That's all I'm sayin.

Moderator: Readers, President Bush is not relevant to this discussion.

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"Look at this way, gang. Instead of seeing Obama as the winner for freeing America from bush and insuring McCain never puts his finger on the "big red button", we could see ourselves as the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, as a country."

Props to you, USaFdude.As a progressive, I never thought I'd be saying that to a warmonger-member of the armed forces , but that just shows that Obama really is a lightworker.

Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize and it totally changed the country of Palestine, and thereafter they sought peace.To this day they are all about peace.

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The London Times says it best:

"The committee said today that he had “captured the world’s attention”. It is certainly true that his energy and aspirations have dazzled many of his supporters. Sadly, it seems they have so bedazzled the Norwegians that they can no longer separate hopes from achievement. The achievements of all previous winners have been diminished."


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Look at this way, gang. Instead of seeing Obama as the winner for freeing America from bush and insuring McCain never puts his finger on the "big red button", we could see ourselves as the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, as a country. This old world is finally starting to recognize the achievement of the vast majority of Americans throwing off the yoke of the bush reich and duly electing a President who's actually interested in world peace.

And to the right-wingnut naysayers, I say cheer up; winning isn't everything, be it an election or a Nobel Peace Prize. But it sure is nice! xD

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Barack joins Jimmy Carter and Yasser Arafat as one of the true champions of Peace. I'm so proud.

40, 000 additional troops to Afghanistan? Gen. McChrystal's timing couldnt have been worse.

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Our perception of history tends to start from the day we are born.

And it continues through many years of experience and wisdom.

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the Washington Post reports a spokesman from the Nobel committee as saying that they wanted to "encourage Obama." To me this is like paying the gardener up front to weed the garden. So far there is a lot of talk and little to show for it. My mother-in-law talks a lot too. I would perfer results.

From Twitter and the editorials on CNN, the Post, etc. it would seem that just about everybody (except some fanboi) is flabbergasted that the prize went to Obama. One guy has suggested that it will make his success even more difficult by rallying opposition. I think the committee has stuck both feed firmly in it this time. It was a really stupid, uninformed, and politically naive decision.

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With the prize comes $1 million.

This is a democrat's dream: Getting money for doing nothing.

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winger humor:

“How do you say ‘jumped the shark’ in Norwegian?”

Yeah. Real funny. Even glenn beck gets it.

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he's the worst "president" in American history

Our perception of history tends to start from the day we are born.

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Excellent acceptance speech from President Obama.

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I reckon BHO's done a good job so far, but this is like giving the Medicine prize to some guy just starting his PhD for possibly curing cancer in the future.

The US still has more nukes than anyone, dammit.

Way, way, way too early. At least wait until the end of his first term.

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PAPER: This makes mockery of peace prize... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6867711.ece

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In the meantime, keep eating those sour grapes, right-tighties!

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Tigermoth You could not possibly be more wrong. george w bush is far more than just a "whipping boy"; he's the worst "president" in American history, who succeeded in doing nothing but making the US the most execrated nation on this planet. By contrast, President Obama's efforts to garner world peace won him the unanimous decision of the Nobel board to award him the Prize. Steering us away from the precipice towards which the bush regime inarguably was driving America is enough to justify this award, for which I and any good American wholeheartedly congratulate him.

No, I won't stop bashing bush and his crimes; there's no reason to stop and every reason to not forget the horrors of his reign. We can't afford to let someone like bush anywhere near the White House ever again. To that end, I won't forget him, nor will I let my children forget him.

Moderator: Yes, you will stop bashing Bush on this thread. He is not relevant to this discussion.

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Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. Considering its use in military applications after he invented it I feel the whole award is a sham to begin with.

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The NPP committee has officially jumped the shark.

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SOURCE: Obama will accept award on 'behalf of Americans and America's values'... Developing...


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The fact that today he is already receiving the Nobel Prize, is like a marathon runner who has just completed the first mile getting a medal. The situation in Iraq is still fragile, in Afghanistan it has deteriorated. Despite massive efforts to create the U.S. administration to strike a balance in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians, nothing seems to move much. The Iranian regime is playing with the West its atomic games on a diplomatic stage and drags home one dissident after another. The nuclear-armed Pakistan is in danger of falling apart, in North Korea, Dr. Strangelove is stroking his bomb. Just who has taken Obama's outstretched hand? Ahmadinejad? The Taliban? Kim Jong Il? Putin or Medvedev? Netanyahu or Abbas? Nobody. No success in sight, anywhere.

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Lech Walesa: 'Too early. He has no contribution so far'...

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White House Aide: 'It's Not April 1st, Is It?'...

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The deadline for nominations was Feb 1. So, in essence, Obama was given the Peace Prize based on his presidential campaign. Amazing.

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easychord2: More like giving the Super Bowl trophy to a team during pre-season.

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Obama should respectfully decline the award. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by declining it.

USNinJapan2, the President will speak live in about 10 minutes. If he did as you said, it probably would be a shrewd move by him, but also it will be seen by his detractors as another ploy to improve his numbers in the US. By showing that he is "humble" and not just an "internationalist" as many on the far right have accused him by going to Denmark and lobbying for the 2016 games.

I think in this case, he should just say thanks for the award, and not go to accept it but try to broker a deal between Israel and Iran. But that will probably never happen.

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Wow, this is like giving the Super Bowl trophy to the Dallas Cowboys in week 5 of the regular season.

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Reminds me of a great line, "One does not applaud the tenor for clearing his throat..."


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The Nobel Committee didn't give the Peace Prize to Mahatma Gandhi, but they gave one to Obama? What a farce.

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I see that a lot from the left seem to be attempting to justify the award by dumping on their old whipping boy GWB. Yes, we know - you hate him and he was an awful president. Okay, understood....GOT IT. You can stop beating the proverbial dead horse now. So you get the Nobel Peace Prize now because you followed a bad President??

Right, wrong, good, bad, premature - whatever. Stop dragging the previous adminsitration into every argument to justify it. It's a really lame way to argue a point. It's like you cannot think of anything else so you have to bring it up. For the record, I though he sucked too, but dragging it up to justify everything that ever happens just to mention that you hate the guy is getting old. Move on. You're clever people - think up some new arguments and justifications to prove your points. Certainly everthing doesn't have to go to 'yeah, but it's better than the previous administration...'.

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Reminds me of a great line, "One does not applaud the tenor for clearing his throat..."

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Obama should respectfully decline the award. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by declining it. It would demonstrate humility and honesty on his part and support his agenda by showing the world that the work has only just begun. It would also appeal greatly to his political opponents.

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lunchmeat: "This is a wonderful gobbet for President Obama. I guess the nuts really don't fall too far from the tree"

You speaking from experience or something? Otherwise this makes no sense at all. As said, though, funny to watch you guys screaming about this and insulting the president in any way you can.

Hehehahahoho has said it best. "That an American leader has been honored, thus adding some of the prestige and respect that has been lost, should be applauded by everyone, even if it seems a bit early in his term." He later went on to say that Obama should politely decline until he has done something extraordinary. There's none of the whining and misdirected anger that make the ultra-Rightists on this site look so silly.

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flatearther: "I may just be more jaded than you are, but I can't think of a single more deserving human being who gets as much attention as he does who could have been awarded this prize."

I think we're more or less in agreement on every point except that he deserved it more than anyone. More widespread recognition does not necessarily imply one is more deserving of something than another. I don't think your opinion on this matter makes you more 'jaded', either.

"Ask your average American 30 or under about the mayor of Hiroshima some time. If you're lucky, they MIGHT know that there was a nuclear bomb dropped there."

I'm willing to bet a good number more than you give credit for know about the bombing. Problem is, as you said, no one cares about what the mayor or the victims have to say because opinion differs as to whether the bombing was 'right' (just) or not. Listening to what the victims have to say or want to sell would be, to people who believe the bombing was just, akin to opening up the possibility it is not. Another topic, but hey.

Anyway, one troller on here sarcastically referred to the Dalai Lama as someone possibly more deserving as a person pushing for peace (and who has, for his entire life). Anyway, as another poster pointed out earlier, it's just near impossible to attribute the man as aiming for peace until he accomplishes more of it -- ie. is not presiding over two wars and the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Give it a bit more time.

Now... all that being said, since it's been announced, I say again congrats. And, as Taka pointed ou

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"That aint right." The award I mean.

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Obama is a pretty awesome president but this does seem kind of early. Certainly the world respects the US more now they have a strong president (and therefore the US is less likely to be attacked) but that's no reason for handing out Nobel Peace Prizes. I don't think anyone expected this, least of all Obama.

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This is a wonderful gobbet for President Obama. I guess the nuts really don't fall too far from the tree.

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I like the new President....and I think he has the ability to achieve great things for his nation and the world at large, in time...but a Nobel right now is nothing more than premature adulation! I don't think the man himself would feel worthy of such an award so early!

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At least it has been confirmed that any of the Nobel Prizes now have no meaning. First, to the Global warming fraud specialist Al Gore, and now to the Global saviour. All you have to be is a socialist and you are a winner. Reminds me of the days of the Soviet Union.

The world has gone mad cheering for a hack from the Chicago political machine while Americans are realizing what they are going to be getting from the egotistical occupant of the White House. Don't worry about the neo-cons that supported Bush or McCain they are nothing but a slightly different shade of the same failure.

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No Offense J.T.... I should have said Jimmy Carter could point with pride his achievement with the Camp David Accords...he EARNED his NOBEL PRIZE.

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It hardly seems deserved to me


but boy oh boy does it have the neo-cons' undies in a bunch.

YA THINK? You just stated why in your first HARDLY SEEMS DESERVED from a fine Liberal such as yourself.

Imagine my surprise.

Imagine my disgust....At least Jimmy Carter could point with pride the damn Camp David accords.

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Too soon for this kind of award. I would have like to see what it would be like a year from now. Maybe with this award, he can quiet down the Pashtuns in Afg.

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It hardly seems deserved to me but boy oh boy does it have the neo-cons' undies in a bunch.

The "Progressives" are orgasmic, so much more relaxed. Ho, hum...

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It hardly seems deserved to me but boy oh boy does it have the neo-cons' undies in a bunch.

Imagine my surprise.


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I am so happy for him, congratulations, dear Mr President!

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After the failed and discredited regime of Bush and Cheney,the Committee was touched by the willingness to engage in dialogue by Obama.But will he stand the test of time in his course ?

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There's the clue. Simply by taking office, he kept 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran' McCain's finger off the red button.

Otherwise, wot some14some said.

Golly Goshers Cloe, that a pretty high standard for being awarded a Nobel Prize.

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Twitter is going crazy about this.My thought is "What will happen if he actually says what he is going to do?" Guess this award shows how much people ,even the wise old owls in Europe who make these awards,cling to blind hope and totally disregard actions

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Nominations were due on Feb 1st - that's 11 days after taking office ???????????

Not to shabby given that it took God 7 days to create the heavens and the earth.......

4 years from now he may be deserving of the prize - but for the time being it's just an insult to the multitude of worthy nominees who have actually done something already...

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Let me soak this in and get the facts... but jesus, am stunned. I do like Barack... but the peanut gallery and facts and war issues.... note to self.... sleep on it... gets back to you..

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"Simply by taking office, he kept "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran McCain's finger off the red button"

It's "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," and you're implying that McCain would have ordered the use of nuclear weapons.

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He should politely decline. He has the most powerful seat on earth, of course he is expected to do more than most. When he does something extraordinary, then perhaps an award.

I like Obama, but not now when there is so much unresolved. A bit like tempting fate by giving the award so early.

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Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb 1 nomination

There's the clue. Simply by taking office, he kept 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran' McCain's finger off the red button.

Otherwise, wot some14some said.

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A lot more people have done a lot more for a hell of a lot longer.

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"Who, Obama? So fast? Too fast -- he hasn't had the time to do anything yet," -1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa told reporters in Warsaw. Exactly, exactly.

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Who were the other nominees? Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Kim Il Jong?

Why didnt you list bush? He fits right in with those three guys?

Just like the landslide election in the USA of Obama this peace prize is a total repudiation of the failure that was the bush idiot administration. bush did more to set back the prospects of peace than any President ever in the history of the USA. Obama has done more for peace in his few months in office now by contrast than could be imagined before he was elected. And he has seven more years of office left to undo the incredible damage of the bush neocon idiots.

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The 2009 prize appeared intended to support initiatives that have yet to bear fruit: reducing the world stock of nuclear arms, easing American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthening the U.S. role in combating climate change.

The prize clearly is deserved, especially in the light of the previous eight years. Talk about Obama being a walking antithesis of his predecessor, and the whole world recognizing that fact. Congratulations Mr. President.

Yes, you did!

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Reminds me of women's ice skating competitions. Always in-depth discussions as to why someone won or lost. lol

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I also thought it was too early to give it to Obama. Well, at least they did not give it to GW or his name even on the list; otherwise, the Nobel committee would have totally dis-credit themselves.

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I can see why elementary schoolteachers across America, on their own initiative and not at the union's demand, have their students literally singing Obama's praises.looks like it will go world wide after this.Props to the people in Oslo.The "long march through the institutions" has borne fruit at last.

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Previous generations tried to build nukes to achieve peace, now Obama tries to zero nuke to achieve peace,completely the opposite. This theory is totally untested, totally unproven...that is why the peace prize must need much more time before if and when it is awarded to Obama.

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Sarge at 08:49 PM JST - 9th October "his soldiers continue to shed innocent blood in Iraq and Afghanistan" Exactly, exactly!

And this was about Bush you would claim media bias. Exactly, exactly, indeed.

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Obama probably nominated himself.

And who seconded him? Michelle?

Despite holding some expectations that Obama will be a good, if not great President at sometime in the future, there is no way I can approve of this award, which stinks of being little more than the manifestation of a cult of personality. Surely there are more deserving people in the world. What about Burma? Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize once. What about giving it to her again as a means by which to pressure the clowns of the so-called Myanmar junta. Again, surely there must be more rewarding people than Barack Obama at this point in time. Who else was on the short list? If it were only Dick Cheney, Osama Bin Laden, Rummy and Obama, then I could support Mr. Obama winning by default, however, I would assume that this is not the case.

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Some of the 205 that did not win: Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe Chinese dissident Hu Jia Colombian peace-broker Piedad Cordoba. French-Colombian activist and former hostage Ingrid Betancourt Afghan rights activist Sima Samar Jordanian interfaith dialogue advocate Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad.

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If Obama is untested and therefore undeserving, as some here seem to think, you need to consider that what you are saying:that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee selected to be the worldwide spokesman for peace a politician who was virtually unknown as recently as a year and a half ago because of an implicit trust or belief in the American system that produced him.Hard to swallow. especially for those of us who have had to try and live the progressive message in that country.I would believe anything before that, even that Obama got the prize simply for NOT being bush.

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Obama probably nominated himself.

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I guess it's a good thing he got it, but they should have at least waited until he actually did something before they gave him an award.

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Obama closed Gitmo, he declared the war in Iraq over, he promised a hardfought peace in Afghanistan, he promised a world without nukes, and he let Iran and Russia know that he was not a winger or a warmonger.

You're being sarcastic, right? Gitmo is still open and no end in sight. Ditto for the war in Iraq. Afganistan is a mess of civilians trying to tell the military how to do it's job. Iran is proceeding toward a nuke free world quite nicely. China is bringing NK back to the table, not the US. Some Israeli official declared that there could be no peace with the Palistinians "for years" just yesterday.

Anywhere that an US president might have some impact there has been none. I think the Nobel Prize committee is engaging is some wishful thinking. Hate to tell them this but it's the results that count.

But maybe the peace prize is a consolation prize for loosing the olympics?

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Although I think Obama was the President that the US had to have, especially considering the mental dwarfism of his predecessor and the lack of a serious opponent being thrown up by the GOP (John McCain would have been a better option back in 2000), I don't think handing him the World's premier international prize is warranted at this point in time. Indeed, it stinks of a cult of personality.

Let's have a look at Obama's distinguished record. In the 11 days of his Presidency before nominations closed, what major conflicts did he resolve? Sure he made some noises about getting the US out of Iraq and focusing on the real war - the one in Afghanistan, but does such really warrant a Nobel Peace Prize. Then again, Obama has tried to bring the US back into the international fold, not just flipping off the UN like GW. But really, such actions don't warrant a Nobel Peace Prize.

On the other hand, however, perhaps Mr. Obama is the Messiah. If this is the case, you could understand his magnificence if you consider that his father (GOD) only took seven days to create the earth. Considered in this light, 11 days for a Nobel Peace Prize is fully understandable (gag).

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This is just silly. I have no problem with President Obama winning this down the road after he's made tangible progress towards the things he's talked about and promised but now? Before he's accomplished anything measurable? I hate to say it but I'm a little dissappointed with the Nobel Committee...

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"his soldiers continue to shed innocent blood in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Exactly, exactly!

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I agree that the mayor of Hiroshima and the victims do deserve it more, they are some of the most vocal and determined activists out there. The trouble is that so few people know or care about their work. Obama has high visibility and uses/used it to bring attention to these issues, which is one of the factors to account for when evaluating a candidate. For that matter, what about the millions of people who work for peace? There are people who would be better candidates out there, absolutely. As you pointed out, they have no reach and no media to bring attention to them. Factoring in that criteria, Obama was the best candidate.

I may just be more jaded than you are, but I can't think of a single more deserving human being who gets as much attention as he does who could have been awarded this prize. That's a sad thought, but it's true. Ask your average American 30 or under about the mayor of Hiroshima some time. If you're lucky, they MIGHT know that there was a nuclear bomb dropped there. Visibility like that does not earn prizes, but I don't really think he cares about that.

Let Obama have his prize, but let's raise the bar a little. Obama, come to Japan and meet the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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The Peace Prize was given to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin in 1994 based on the progress made up to that point. No one could foresee the tragic events that would follow with Rabin's assassination. Had Rabin not been killed and the plan they agreed to followed, then the inclusion of Arafat may not seem so incongruent with the aims of the Peace Prize.

However, other instances make sense because the peace held. The Peace Prize was given to Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk in 1993 and South Africa has continued to grow as a democracy. In 1998 it was John Hume and David Trimble as Northern Ireland stumbled into peace.

Obama is clearly not an Arafat and such comparisons are pitiful. That an American leader has been honored, thus adding some of the prestige and respect that has been lost, should be applauded by everyone, even if it seems a bit early in his term.

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SmithInJapan: You setting out to prove you have less crdibility than ever?"

Heck, at least Ahmadinejad is not presiding over thousands of nukes like Obama is.

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This part of the committee's statement made me embarrassed.I like my Europeans telling me we need to follow THEM, and not the other way around!

"For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman."

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I was worried that certain incidents would color the Nobel Committee's decision negatively and make them think Obama hasnt always acted with peace in mind.. The drone attacks that killed innocent villagers in Afghanistan and Pakistan are examples. But I guess Obama had to authorize those, in order to placate the rabid right wingers in Congress. When Obama ordered the head shot assassinations on those poor Somali kids (who were all but forced to be pirates) is a bit more troubling.

Yeah, sure, The Dalai Lama has some interesting ideas about peace.

But he is not as cool as Obama.

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While I agree that it is a bit premature, but I will say, Congratulation Mr. Obama.

At least it is better than what they pulled in 2008, giving the prize to Luc Montagnier and left Robert Gallo out.

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it's even worse than it seems : The nomination deadline is eight months before the announcement, with a strictly enforced deadline of Feb. 1. this means he was just in office 11 days . they must have judged it on all the peace he brokered between the gangs in chicago.

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Nobel committee must have mixed up with Nelson Mandela. Wake up swedish folks, Obama was not imprisonned before being elected !

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sarge: "What about Ahmadinejad?"

You setting out to prove you have less credibility than ever? haha.

flatearther: "I really enjoy Smith's posts and was just wondering if he (or anyone) could throw out some names here."

How about the mayor of Hiroshima? or victims of the bombings who tell their stories (and have since before Obama was born) and push for peace? Hell, anyone marching around the WH with anti-war signs. :) The thing is, they don't have the reach Obama does. He's promised a whole lot, which is good, and set about things in motion in terms of promises with Russian leaders and in general strengthening ties with the US that GWB destroyed, but it's far too early for any of that to warrant this kind of recognition. In this respect I agree with Hehehohohaha... the award is political, and if not given to him now -- assuming things continue to erode the way they are in Afghanistan (not by any fault of his own, mind you) -- they couldn't possibly award it to him later. A couple of years down the road if things DO improve in the ME? sure. Time's MOTY? absolutely.

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As a side note to those who don't already know - Alfred Nobel is the man who invented dynamite (the derivatives of which would be used in bombs, nukes, etc). Once he realized the destruction and death his invention would cause, he created the NOBEL Peace prize.

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The award shows these prizes are political, not governed by the principles of credibility, values and morals. Why should Obama be given a peace prize while his country owns the largest nuclear arsenal on earth and his soldiers continue to shed innocent blood in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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SuperLib - do I have to spell it out for you? Obama had less than two weeks in office before the date he was submitted as a contender. Nominations had to be submitted by Feb 1st. That means whatever he did to "deserve" the prize had to happen between the time he became president in January, and the nomination due date of Feb 1st. Therefore, he had less than two weeks to perform prize-worthy acts. It doesn't matter when they CHOSE the winner.

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"Were there any better candidates?"

What about Ahmadinejad?

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The handle is sarcasm, thanks for being the first and only so far to get it, but I can't think of anyone else this year who does deserve it more. I really enjoy Smith's posts and was just wondering if he (or anyone) could throw out some names here. Granted, I think giving him a Nobel is a little premature, TIME's Man of the Year prize was a little more reasonable, IMO. Were there any better candidates,though? I respect him as a president and like him as a person, but he essentially won by default in this instance.

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sarge: "I can't believe SmithInJapan doesn't think President Obama deserves this year's Nobel Peace Prize."

Please don't take my comment as justification for irrational fear and hatred of Obama -- it's not. I simply think there are others more deserving of the prize than he. As for flatearther's comments... dude... look at his handle, and read his comment again. Sounds like sarcasm to me.

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SmithInJapan: a WHOLE LOT of people deserve it before Obama"

FlatEarther: "I really can't of anyone who deserved it more"

I believe we need more debate between SmithInJapan and FlatEarther.

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Well, I'm happy Mr. Obama got it. I suppose the reason is the same reason he got the Nobel Prize: A lot of people are putting a lot of hopes on that man. If he accomplish half of his perestroika of the US is will be a major feat.

It is expected that the right-wing ding bats wish vent sours grapes out their behinds. But this is our night. I opened a rare wine in Obama's honor.

Yeah, I still like the guy in spite of a few things like Afghanistan. He sort of grows on you in ways no president I can remember has.

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He's been working on nuclear proliferation issues for YEARS. At least do some research before you insult the man. I think the committee did a good job this year, I can't really think of anyone who deserved it more. If anyone would care to enlighten me on exactly who did deserve it more, please go ahead.

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"What a JOKE!! I mean what exactly has he done other than give a bunch of speeches"

Why, he's given approval to the drone attacks in Afghanistan which have killed innocent civilians.

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Now Obama can restart the sabre-rattling and conquer of Afghanistan and Iran.

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I can't believe SmithInJapan doesn't think President Obama deserves this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

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What a JOKE!! I mean what exactly has he done other than give a bunch of speeches, which by the way he can't do without a teleprompter? Of course it's not like this award has any credibility after the Yasser Arafat debacle.

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While the man is far more for peace than his predecessor the 'war president', that doesn't mean he deserves it. I don't know what the Nobel people were thinking, but a WHOLE LOT of people deserve it before Obama.

Sure, again, he HAS promoted international relations and open dialogue to an extent that radically changed countries' stances towards the US (as opposed to GWB radically plunging the US into warfare and the number one rank of most hated country in the world -- and GWB IS the worst US president in terms of international relations), but still.

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"Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons"

If Obama can actually get the Russians and the Chinese to give up their nukes, as well as eliminate the U.S. arsenal, then I'll be impressed.

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The Perestroika change ,President Obama get Nobel Prize,like Gorbachev did. This is push by for more perestroika peace work via President Obama

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...but ...but, he hasn't done anything yet! I mean, he could potentially work wonders, but he hasn't yet. Shouldn't we wait and see how things turn out after he's had his 4-8 years?

I agree with Kaus: Accepting this would be bad; it would solidify the Right's view of Obama as being deified by the Left for his "potential" rather than any actual acheivement. On the otherhand, if he turns it down he looks like a total rock star. He gets all the benefits of recieving the prize, while looking down to earth and honest at the same time.

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Never mind. Mr. Hatoyama will get it next year now that we have peace with Korea and China and Afghanistan and that only after hardly one month in office. Congratulations Mr. Obama.

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Giving the Peace Prize to a reader and not a leader further cheapens the award.

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Looks like the nobel prize doesnt mean much.

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Looks like killing a fly on TV earns you a Nobel Peace Prize

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The same organization that "honored" Arafat. (rolleyes).

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sensei258: Somebody's kissing somebody's butt, or somebody paid off somebody. How the hell could ANYONE do enough in less than two weeks to deserve this auspicious award? Bullsh_t.

That was the deadline for the nonination, not when they chose the winner.

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Obama gets rewarded for traveling around the globe on the U.S. taxpayers' dime to say America is a cancer on the world. What a crock.

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"The stunning choice ... shocked Nobel observers because Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb 1 nomination deadline."

Stunning? Umm, Hello, "stunning" doesnt begin to describe those ten days in January after Obama took office.Maybe the so-called Nobel observers forgot but the rest of us sure didnt. January was when:

Obama closed Gitmo, he declared the war in Iraq over, he promised a hardfought peace in Afghanistan, he promised a world without nukes, and he let Iran and Russia know that he was not a winger or a warmonger like bush,Clinton,bush sr, reagan,Carter,ford, nixon,LBJ, Kennedy,eisenhower,FDR and the rest.

Yeah. How ya likin them unicorn jokes now huh? Not so so funny anymore are they.

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Who were the other nominees? Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Kim Il Jong?

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"Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb 1 nomination deadline." Somebody's kissing somebody's butt, or somebody paid off somebody. How the hell could ANYONE do enough in less than two weeks to deserve this auspicious award? Bullsh_t.

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Wow! Stunning indeed.

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I can see the Repubs going nuts.....

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Zenzen wakaranai. Is it the case of too much ,too fast ,too soon? No I am not against Obama ,just totally surprised.

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I'm glad to hear that. A little bit early, but a real good decision, congratulation... All these ultra-liberal, ultra-conservative and ultra-rightwingers must be shocked, GREAT!

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If Gore can get a Nobel for fake global warming, I guess Obama can get one for fake political promises.

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What a joke. This nomination will only take attention away from the real Nobel prizes.

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Rock on Prez Obama!

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Congratulations Mr. President. Until peace prevails on earth. Yes we can!

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