Japan Today

U.S., South Korea begin war games


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“human shield” around artillery positions The entire southern peninsula was a massive human shield for US garrisons in Korea that stood 60 years!

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Trigger happy North Korea has a history of intimidation and has been appeased by western governments and coddled by China into the malignant monster it is today. N. Korea knows the South has no stomach for war, while the North really has nothing to lose with threatening brinksmanship. In the power vacuum created by anointing the dear leader’s chubby son, the military generals have taken over the country. They are now the real power in N. Korea. In their delusion of communist glory and war rhetoric they will now take the conflict to its inevitable conclusion; war. The time for war games is over.

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North Korea's comments while usually just laughably ridiculous, have no now reached the level of a psychotic murderer blaming everything other than himself for his actions.

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If it comes down to it I'm wondering how many of the UN members will commit to helping South Korea.

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Sending aircraft carrier group is one way of showing to the concerned parties that the US Govt mean "business".. And if they will not take that business message seriously, the US will send another message by sending B-52 nearby.

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If South-Korea starts the war, US and friends would be reluctant to help and China would help the North. The South would loose. If North-Korea starts the war, China would be reluctant and the South would be helped by the US and friends. North-Korea sunk the boat in a disputed area and shelled an island in also a disputed area. US and South-korea drill isn't in the disputed area because it would be seen as an aggression from the South and US on the North and China side.

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NK bombs the island, kills soldiers and civilians and then has the nerve try and use the deaths of the civilians in a poor attempt at propoganda to make themselves look innocent and unwilling participants of this outcome. Damn, do they actually think we're all stupid? I've heard better excuses for bad behaviour from a 5 year old!! NK is being led to its own destruction by a group of morons who don't realise their ego trip within the confines of their armed fortress is all an illusion and their bubble will burst with sad consequences for its people.....as to its leaders, they can all burn in their own "ring of fire" for all I care.

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There appears to be something inherent in the Korean national character that when they squabble amongst themselves, they try to drag as many other countries into their disputes as possible. It's enough to make one long for the days when they were a 'hermit kingdom' in the truest sense of the word.

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I think the situation is serious enough as it is, so I wish the media would stop using the term 'war games'. A war is not a game. North Korea has brought all its labour workers from Russia back and that is not a joke anymore.

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@Foxie, the term 'war games' was not created by the media, it was created by the military.

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Hmm... Brinkmanship leads to mistakes at times. Everyone be extra careful, please.

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I realy dont know how we can be careful..because japanese military do not have enough prevention against NK attack. We simply do not know how to evacuate from attacks!! should we dig a air-raid shelter just in case???

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Sending aircraft carrier group is one way of showing to the concerned parties that the US Govt mean "business".. And if they will not take that business message seriously, the US will send another message by sending B-52 nearby.

And then? Is invading N.Korea really an option? All that is, is one bully trying to threaten another bully. George Carlin called this kind of behaviour rightfully "bigger dick foreign policy".

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Kyoken said ... And then? Is invading N.Korea really an option? All that is, is one bully trying to threaten another bully. George Carlin called this kind of behaviour rightfully "bigger dick foreign policy".

Are you saying that America's "business" includes invading North Korea?... no further discussion then

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Same news, but the BBC headline was something like "North Korea apologizes for Attack on civilians". Very different first impression.

The article reported NK's announcement as above that the civilian deaths were regrettable, but that they were placed like human shields around military facilities.

Sometimes the reporting needs to carry the blame for what eventually happens.

Official NK pronouncements make it very difficult for anyone to have sympathy with their situation. What they say seems deliberately chosen to create enemies.

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... takes a seat and starts munching popcorn ...

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From 46 deaths to only 4 --> that is a staggering improvement on the death rate and SK should be commended. I am also against the eugenics program of using humans as shields for the military. The pawns should always die first then the slaves.

If NK is attacked you could very well see highly populated areas of Japan/SK getting shells lobbed on them. -This doesn't say much of the current politicians/media who seem to want this "war" -so very child-like thinking is going on right now, but if the civilians don't mind being shields I guess i don't have a problem with this fiat banker war either.

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I'm just curious as to why many people feel that NK will suddenly start attacking Japan? I'm sure that Japan will feel a lot of repercussions from a war, but do you really think that NK will start attacking any and all countries that are nearby?

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this is the problem!! why don't the us do that near the Russian border?

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From 46 deaths to only 4 --> that is a staggering improvement on the death rate and SK should be commended. I am also against the eugenics program of using humans as shields for the military. The pawns should always die first then the slaves.

I am not sure where you are going with this. But Sk didn't put the people there as shields, they were simply minding their own business as they ahve been doing since the war ended.

NK keeps making threats, but I am glad to see tha the US and SK went along with the war games. Having participted in these events, I can tell you that they are not about preparing to invade the north, but center around the defense of the south against north agression. They don't plan on invading the north, only pushing them back.

So for them to go ahead, this actually makes NK look a little weak. In the past, when his father did something, you normally saw the world back down in an attempt to keep the peace, well it looks like this time it didn't work. I guess getting promoted to 4 star general of the NK army is going to be a lot tougher for him.

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they were simply minding their own business as they have been doing since the war ended.

-the "war" never ended.

You would think the two sides would have agreed on a border by now. Obviously they do not want that. Do China/NK have border disputes? =No. The intention of these "games" is to bully NK at a time when leadership is in question. You should always attack the bully logically.

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Who is the only country to be attacked by nuclear weapons in a war? -Logic is not on your side on this one either.

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Naturally you as a ground troop are not going to be instructed in anything but the "this is a defensive maneuver" rhetoric. I've talked to people who served in the ROK military who confirmed the exercises contain an offensive, i.e. attack, element as well.

During the Korean War itself, far beyond mere containment, McArther pushed up way past the 38th parallel, engaged in excessive bombing campaigns with the use of napalm that included attacks on civilians, and did everything in the book to incur the wrath of China, which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of a lot of coalition force members, all so that in the end the 38 parallel boundary could be redrawn.

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-the "war" never ended.

@Badsey, my mistake; the cease fire is still ongoing, you are correct. So technically, if South Korea were to retaliate, they would be well within their rights, and would not have a need to go to the UN. The US would also be justified in helping since that is part of the cease fire agreement.

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How much longer will there be a North Korea?

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How much longer will there be a North Korea?

As long as China wants a North Korea.

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"As long as China wants a North Korea"

Let's hope it's before that.

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When will NK stop this aggressive posturing? Do they enjoy the tensions in their part of the world? Do they realize that surrounding countries are all forced to rearm?

Maybe one day NK will change their attitude and make all these war games unnecessary.

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China calls for talks as Korea tension builds

Th latest news is that China has called for emergency 6-party talks, considering now, China has to contend with a Carrier in it's backyard, since, there is no way, the U.S. will bend over for China's wishes, this time and not play in the Yellow sea. Which by the way, several times earlier in the year, the U.S. gave into China's demands...

But there's no way, that's going to happen these days, not unless China does more than, blame both Korea's, for the North's attack... So having a carrier in your backyard, does get China to act more responsibly... Not too mention, they don't need thousands of N.Korean refugees fleeing over into China, if N.Korea does finally start another war... But I suppose YuriOtani, is just waiting for the chance to join in the Fight against those "Imperialistic Running Dogs of Wall Street..." ha ha ha ha...

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War games sound like so much fun. That and military drills near disputed borders are just the smartest things in the world to do. Then blame the weak guy (that's North Korea in case I have to spell it out for you.)

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peace Talks again? OK that won't work. its beyond Annoying everytime NK does something Dumb they Blame anyone els. US,SK. Human shields? Get Real. they denied the sub attack & Nothing was done about that. im Glad the US & SK are doing Military drills.

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Where was that sub when it was attacked by the way?

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If it was so unfortunate that their games turned to real...Seoul will be shattered into rubbles like Hiroshima before the US?ROK forces could reach Pyonyang! There were overwhelming srtillary and rocket launchers within the north of 38th and the US?ROK,Japan just didnt has enough aircrafts to carry the required sorties to suppress the North's guns!

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how dumb USA and South Korea are, the world needs wisdom but USA and south Korea have non, at least not more than North Korea. the world is on the brink of war because of these 3 countries.

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One small country making fun of the USA. But USA won't dare attack a small country that has nuclear weapons. Hopefully reason will win.

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"the world is on the brink of war because of these 3 countries"

Or, because of just North Korea.

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Is South Korea a U.S. backed aggressor, conducting military drills and sending submarines into known disputed territory?

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It is right time for China to give up NK,China is in a situation to be dragged into war by NK second time,the time is not 60 years ago,it is not worth to protect NK again. China should respect general value.NK is a psychosis,no one can control it,neither can China.

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Badsey:"Who is the only country to be attacked by nuclear weapons in a war?"

Major OT what the hell does this have to do with Korea? Again when the pro-NK, pro-China, anti-USA have no real argument they fall back on WW2 and what you wrote, pitiful!

Badsey:"-the "war" never ended." "You would think the two sides would have agreed on a border by now. Obviously they do not want that."

They had an agreement that NK unilaterally pulled out of recently but that China still recognizes, SO now who is at fault?!

Badsey:"Do China/NK have border disputes? =No."

Check your information again! The answer is YES they still have a few areas that are not completely settled yet!

@Badsey,@The_True and @lesgrande

I have pointed out to 2 of you my next question on previous postings but you have conveniently chosen to ignore it and I'm guessing because you have no real answer, so here it is again.

Why is it provocation if SK and the USA hold these types of drills on the SK side of the cease fire line but it is not provocation when NK does the same (and they do it all the time) on their side of the line as well as they fire missiles over other countries territory, NK recently held a large war maneuver right at the DMZ and in the sea of Japan just within their side of the cease fire line, and last year held one in the yellow sea in the same area on thier side of the line.

So stop dodging the question and let us all know what is the difference between SK, SK/USA and NK having these sort of maneuvers?

Why is it ok for NK to do this sort of thing in plain view of SK but not the other way around!

Again Hypocrisy at its finest.

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Some useful background info, lesgrande. Thanks.

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i was going to say if the u.s. can reassure china their security interests wont be infringed with an overthrow of the north korean govt, that china should help the u.s. out. but it only takes one wmd-type incident to give cause to invade china and reinstate a protaiwanese govt.

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So this is why this precarious situation still exists today.

It exists today because China indulges its communist crybaby dinosaur sibling and allows it to get away with murder, because the status quo has always served Beijing until now.

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North Korea is a poverty stricken economic wasteland because of its military first (songun) policy. When the only tool you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails. War threats and intimidation have worked to get them food, oil and medicine, while they assemble back yard nukes. North Korea is a pariah of its own self prophetic victimhood status in the world. If it get spanked when it acts like a spoiled child, it just reinforces its victim status all the more. They want/need to stir the pot because it gets them results. Only this time, the communist hammer may have put the last nail in their own coffin.

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Haha listen to all the Americans who are quite happy for their country to carpet bomb NK. And they think they'd 'win' any conflict, too.

How very typically arrogant.

They couldn't even win against a rag tag bunch of Taliban with nothing but grenades and AK47. So what will you do, Uncle Sam? Flatten Pyongyang with B52s then send in your boys (or more likely someone else's boys).

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i was going to say if the u.s. can reassure china their security interests wont be infringed with an overthrow of the north korean govt, that china should help the u.s. out.

Why should/would they? Do you honestly believe China would be happy having US forces right on it's border? Furthermore, although it may be difficult for you to comprehend this, not every nation in the world shares the US world view and corresponding gunboat diplomatic strategy.

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N.Korea sinks a SK corvette with impunity and then they launch an artillery salvo against SK killing four. What attack will be next to cement the rule of the new babyface Kim? With foam dripping from their mouth, they may just feel emboldened enough now to attack an American ship or fire missles at Japan. God knows they are rabid enough. China, behold your son.

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Oops, 4 am, I meant South KOREANS are happy and free, no offense to the Muslim Koran ok? KOREANS in the South happy, happy.

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lesgrande - seems like you guys think you know more about how the whole thing got started from the Russian side, so why don't you fill us all in, with REAL INFORMATION?

Russian troops controlled the Korean peninsula north of the 38th parallel after WWII and formed a government there in 1948. The Korean "War" began in 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea and an armistice was signed in 1953. The "war" never ended.

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The funny thing about North Korea is that if you happen to HATE North Korea you'd want the Kim regime taken out. And, if you happen to LOVE North Korea, you'd also want the Kim regime taken out. This leaves these Kim regime supporting posters as a mystery in terms of their actual agenda.

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If Kim goes who do you replace him with? There is a good chance the replacement is far worse than what they have now. What happens when you take a god away from a people? These are scary thoughts.

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you'd want the Kim regime taken out

What gives? Why is this the prevailing response by the USA?

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Why is this the prevailing response by the USA?

You would know the answer to this question if you knew and have met people from North Korea who have fled the country after losing family members to starvation or the gulag. I speak from firsthand knowledge.

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