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© 2024 AFPU.S. Supreme Court rules Trump can stay on Colorado primary ballot
By Chris Lefkow WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Absolutely, unequivocally, it isn't the right of a state to throw someone off the ballot. Why? Uh, we'll get back to you on that.
Next month, the Supreme Court will hear Trump's appeal of a lower court's ruling rejecting his claim of immunity from prosecution in a criminal case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith involving Trump's actions to reverse President Biden's 2020 election victory.
Will Trump have “great respect for the Supreme Court” when he likely loses that appeal? Probably not. But Trump’s strategy has always been to delay, delay, delay the outcome of that trial until after the 2024 presidential election results. And he has likely succeeded in that regard.
So far, Trump has been found guilty on ill-gotten gains from fraud, sexual assault, and defamation. Upcoming trials will address his falsifying of records, racketeering (election subversion at a state level (Georgia)), racketeering (election subversion at a federal level (U.S.)), willful retention of national-security information, obstruction of justice, withholding of documents, and false statements.
Is a convicted crook and rapist the best candidate the Republicans can offer?
On January 6th, then President Trump caused a mob to march on the Capital which resulted in the feats of several people.
A man with blood on his hands has been given a green light to do as he pleases.
Feats = Deaths
self correct app again
Trump gets a legal win. Not impressed.
Billionaire money in the US tilts toward conservatives wanting to cut corporate taxes and throttle the liberty of labor and the 99 percent.
Billionaires taking Supreme Court justices out on lavish trips?
Nothing to see here.
Because if each state could just throw a Presidential candidate off the ballot, not only would that be denying people of their political process, where would it end. No state should have that power, it would completely destroy our democracy, if the GOP did this to any Democrat Presidential candidate the left would come unglued and rightfully so, the best way to fight it is, let the people decide. The more the left push and try to get this guy the stronger they make him. It was one of the worst idiotic decisions the left made and thank God all of the justices realized this was bigger than Trump and they ruled unanimously to uphold the constitution and take the politics out of this ruling.
He has no bloods on his hands, and the left know this, come on now. Another domino has fallen in the feeble Dems attempt in trying to take this guy out.
The Supreme Court didn't give a rat's patootie about the consequences of overturning Rowe vs Wade. Not sure why they are so worried about the country now.
You don’t have to be, it’s not about you.
No, the Justices on both sides of the aisle see and realize what these Trump hating obsessed people are trying to do and they’re not having none of it. 9-0 now that was an eye-opener, so that means this stunt will fail with all the other states and that is a good thing.
They are people that also like to eat.
They did, they gave it back to the states and gave the people and each state to vote on the issue, the way it should have always been
They have always been worried about the country, the Dems on the other hand do not care, don’t believe me, look at California and New York.
Nothing to see here, move along.
In Trump's own words, "Lock him up!"
While Trump is an insurrectionist, I haven't seen the judgment, but it what unanimous, so included the Democrat leaning judges too.
But I really don't think anyone seriously believed that Trump isn't going to be standing on November as the republican nominee.
marc laden
As a strong lefftist .. As a democrat.... I can not sleep.... I like the photo of this article ... Please put this sign ' All nine judges are traitors ' that gives me some kind of self satisfaction . ha ...
Why those nine judges unanimously supported Trump ??? They should watch and read the our Medias and based on that they should rule... OTHERWISE we will lose this coming election.... We supported and supporting Nikki but she is not getting any support from republicans.... why?? why ?? we spend millions for her..
After this ruling Trump will get more support.. it may go over 70% US voters ... How can we kick out him..... My peers find a way as we did in 2020... print more mail ballots... try to do some thing... please please .. I am crying crying crying .... hiiiiiiii
Donald Trump has been politically extracting every last drop of blood from this crazy media circus....
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment bars those who engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" after once pledging to support and defend the Constitution from holding public office -- although Trump's lawyers argued the rule does not apply to the presidency.
Donald Trump to quote the guardian......has ..
91 criminal charges, 17 concern election subversion, 40 arise from Trump’s retention of classified information and 34 are related to hush-money payments to an adult film star who claimed an affair.
Add to this the multimillion-dollar civil fines,
Yet Trump has been gifted unprecedented free publicity, allowing him to portray himself as a "prisoner of conscience" at the hands of sleepy Joe Biden.
It's all so nonsensical, foolish, unnecessary.
Should have had the confidence to leave it to the US electorate at the ballot box.
There was no insurrection and all of our institutions remained intact at the end of that day, that’s why he wasn’t charged.
Unless someone shoots him, he will be the Republican front runner nominee.
Disappointing but not unexpected.
Far from a massive victory for the Insurrectionist in Chief, SCOTUS punted the issue to the legislative branch where it will die a quiet death.
Notably, nothing in any of the ruling or concurring opinions to an iota of issue with the findings of the Colorado Court which found that Trump is an insurrectionist.
So add Insurrection, to fraud, and rape of things he’s now been found liable for in a court of law. He can add multiple felony convictions to that soon.
Actually, what the SCOTUS ruled was that states don't have the power to remove candidates from their ballots. Related to the 14th amendment, only Congress has the power.
SCOTUS side-stepped many questions. Those people are smart for CYA.
It do not matter,even in Colorado,if you win the Colorado popular vote,and lose the national vote,you still lose Google Colorado Winner Takes All Vote
While the ruling wasn’t unexpected, the rationale was garbage. The textual it’s didn’t provide and constitutional underpinnings for their reasoning. Amy 3-names’ 2 paragraph concurrence was a word salad of jibberish that basically said “We’re too scared to look at the law because we don’t want to be unpopular.”
Some spine…
Conservative and Federalist Society member in good-standing George Conway calls the ruling “garbage”.
I agree.
To uphold democracy?
Ahhh, no, they just could foresee where this was headed and even the liberal Justices have had enough this crap and it was good to see that the justices all voted in one voice, big moment for the nation. Federal elections intact, and that is a magnificent thing.
No one elected Conway to anything.
9-0. Next!
Again, the Dems continue to try and they will continue to fail. Best thing to do and to solve the issue of all this and to put it all to rest, turn it over to the voters, they will decide in the end, we don’t need the administration or local state officials that hate a candidate to decide for the nation.
9-0. that’s massive.
Justice Served,
Go Trump Go, the man is innocent till PROVEN GUILTY.
I don’t need to, just calling out the lefts failure at getting him.
What??? Oh, boy….
Trump still needs to deal with four criminal court cases.
Was he convicted of this? Surely something so grievous would lead to a conviction, no?
Kurumazaka 2
Disappointed, but can’t argue with unanimous…
much less egregious than their decision to help 45 run the clock out
Kurumazaka 2
you might want to remind your party that this is a states rights issue.
they sure seem to have forgotten that
Kurumazaka 2
To put it another way, Bass, the religious right with political power does not do live and let live.
ask Josh Hawley, who rejects the concept of freedom of thought
What's the phrase? Hell freezes over? Must be if Trump won something in a court...
This Loser has been on a string of consecutive court loses since 2020 - I'm surprised he hasn't printed up a fake Guinness world record certificate for "Most Loses in Court Ever"...
This really doesn't matter in the larger scheme - he's still facing two "slam-dunk" criminal cases according to two conservative legal experts, one being his own handpicked AG. The Idiot will be in a cell in Nov watching Fox again go ballistic reporting Biden's win over "Nancy"....
He'll likely go out today and thank his "two favorite Justices"; Justice Ginsberg and Justice Rehnquist....
You mean, tell YOUR party that this is a states rights issue.
they definitely seem to have forgotten that.
You can make the same argument about the progressive radical left.
Ask Tea Squad the same question.
Quo Primum
Another Democrat attempt to engage in election interference has been foiled.
Justice served.
Kurumazaka 2
wish I shared your confidence, Lincolman. The Leonard Leo Court appears hell bent on making sure those slam dunk cases never see the inside of a courtroom.
guess we can take a tiny amount of satisfaction seeing RINO Mitch reap what he has sown
Trump has been proven guilty: sexual assault, defamation, ill-gotten gains from fraud.
When will you stop making excuses for him? Trump’s a crook and those that follow him are his suckers.
The US Supreme court was right to rule that a State Supreme Court does not have the jurisdiction to prevent a candidate running for federal office from being on e ballot. And that all his ruling was. It is no victory for the Trump fans.
Clearly it will be up the US Supreme Court to actually address Trump's obvious responsibility in the Jan 6th insurrection and rule in a manner that will save the nation.
I agree with this ruling and am glad to see it was 9-0. Just beat him at the ballot box again.
Translation: the Dems once again have nothing.
The riot will been seen as an overreach when the final verdict comes in. This too, shall pass.
Kurumazaka 2
you mean the Court that refused to hear the case when Smith brought it to them but now that Trump argues he can kill his opposition if his followers control the Legislative branch they will hear it and push it to the end of the session? man, I hope to eat crow on this, but sure looks like Leo’s people have decided that the ends justify the means.
thanks Mitch. Remember that speech he gave about our system of Justice after he let 45 off a second time? May that haunt him to his last breath.
Kurumazaka 2
in which case 45 should welcome a speedy trial where he could prove its all a witch hunt.
funny, that’s not his strategy now, is it?
Kurumazaka 2
Remember this, Mitch. It wasn’t Schumer or Biden or Obama or Pelosi who ruined your life. It was the guy you let go, twice, being aided by people you put on the Court. Two by utterly nefarious means. May you drown in your disgrace.
its your fault. You created this reality. You personally
Long live Democracy!! What a great middle finger to Joe and his minions. The Supreme Court is not DNC's water boy/girls like that yellow cab driver in New York.
9-0. That biased MAGA court!
Totally irrelevant as this SC decision does nothing to change these facts;
Trump embraced and Implemented a coup strategy its author openly admitted "violated federal statute"...
Trump refused to comply with a subpoena, even after his attorney told him that was "illegal"...
Trump conspired to break into a secure Georgia polling facility with the intent to tamper with voting machines...
Trump directed his employees to hide documents that were required to be returned under court order, then directed them to destroy the evidence of that...
Ain't getting around those facts...
Bye-Don, Hello Leavenworth...
You could make the same argument about Bill Clinton. Why on Earth would the GOP ever go after their own, the Dems wouldn’t go after Biden, so….
We feel that way about Pelosi, so I get the feeling.
The left started this or should I say. Harry Reid actually.
Kurumazaka 2
he most certainly does, and it would appear he intends to have a lot more.
you do understand that insurrection act on day1 means he intends to set the military on the non MAGA population, right? That’s what it means. It’s not going to be Jan 6 where one rioter gets shot after repeatedly ignoring police commands. It’s going to be what Jan 6 would have been had BLM done the attacking, just nation wide.
and you’re perfectly cool with that
Kurumazaka 2
Just a quick reminder Bass that invoking the insurrection act is not part of the Dem platform.
thats Team Freedom. Your people.
NotThe One
The Supreme Court had been become a wing of the Republican party. Not surprising since all the conservative justices lied under oath to get on the court.
They sped up the trials that questions Trump's eligibility to run for office, but postpone important trials like whether a president has full immunity for any act while in office which would solve all the issues in the courts.
States can enforce abortion and pretty much any criminal law but not insurrection against federal officers. Section 3 does say 2/3 Congress approval but it is to remove such disability. Meaning after the fact? Does not say states can't ban a person from a ballot in their state. I think the SC gave Trump a freebee alright. So much for whose side they are on. Not on side of justice and most definitely not enforcing the Constitution. Many legal experts would agree. It was expected from the GOP justices but I think the 3 democrats decided based on a state can't have that authority.
Trump is 1-1 in court today...
Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty on Monday to perjury charges, the Manhattan District Attorney's office said. His guilty plea caps several weeks of talks with Manhattan prosecutors after Weisselberg gave false testimony during former President Trump's civil fraud trial last fall.
This is Weisselberg's second guilty plea in a criminal case involving his work with the Trump Organization. He pleaded guilty in a tax fraud case in 2022 and was sentenced to serve five months. Weisselberg was charged with five counts of perjury and ultimately pleaded guilty to two counts on Monday. The two felony counts of perjury were related to Weisselberg's 2020 interview with the New York attorney general's office in the lead up to the civil fraud case. As part of Monday's plea, Weisselberg admitted that he "committed the conduct underlying the three additional counts of perjury," per the release.
So Weisselberg was caught TWICE lying under oath trying to protect his boss...
There goes that appeal - Trump better get busy selling more Chinese-made gold sneakers to pay off that $364 million judgment...
It’s a fair ruling in a weak case. I didn’t agree with plaintiffs and this ruling doesn’t surprise me at all.
Trump will not be so fortunate in his case pleading absolute presidential immunity. It’s a preposterous claim that’s already been obliterated in court. The ruling will come too late and will delay the Chutkin trial (foot dragging by the SCOTUS conservatives no doubt), but Trump will lose by at least 7-2. Thomas and Alito very well might do their masters’ bidding.
Based on legal arguments the "U.S. Supreme Court rules Trump can stay on Colorado primary ballot."
Great news to see we still have enough good men and women at the Supreme Court. Viva Viva democracia !
Legal arguments = 10
Emotional hot air outburst=0
Next case please!!!
Kurumazaka 2
This is who you call a leftist, Bass. In other words, you define anyone non MAGA as leftist, and your president makes no bones about where they will stand in his America
Yes, no need to get emotional and hysterical.
Three exclamation marks cones across as emotional and hysterical.
Best base this on legal arguments and leave the partisanship aside.
In a sense, he will be very fortunate, otherwise Dark Brandon could just have him killed.
Then again, he might.
Not the Supreme Court
Or win 8-1
Dunno, Jackson is looking Constitutionally sensible and rational these days
...but only until his term ends in January.
Never liked Trump, (go back read things I wrote about him when he was elected) but I cannot stop laughing at the hysteria, the mental gymnastics, the comments by so many Democrats regarding a 9 - 0 let's spell that out nine to zero decision!
Comments by Democrat leaning news and pundits shows what some really think of democracy when they don't like it:
And many others have said or come very close to saying the same things.
In my view Trump isn't the only danger to the USA democracy, both sides look quite ready and willing to take power or at the very least remove anyone or anything they don't like or that disagrees with them in order to get and keep power!
The majority, yes.
Yes, fight crime, seal the border, tackle illegal immigrants…restore our democracy and sovereignty.
Kurumazaka 2
oh, he’s said a fair bit more than that…
So explain who are the 9 judges that are republicans?
Shocking undemocratic plot by the 'democrats'.
Express sister
For the good of the country, like when they told Nixon that he had lost the confidence of the party and that if he didn’t jump, he’d be pushed.
But the GOP stopped caring about the country, or honor, or dignity a long time ago.
I‘m all in.
Kurumazaka 2
Perhaps Bass you could point us to another presidential candidate who’s had to say I’ve never even read Mein Kampf!
have to wonder why he would need to clarify that…
we should all take solace knowing they’re his own original ideas?
The intelligence and bias of the members of Scotus need not be wondered at after their ridiculous answers to the arguments put forth by the state of Colorado in demanding the scofflaw Trump be removed from their ballot and now after their unanimous ruling that allows him to run again. If the Supremes had considered whether an insurrection had taken place and if Trump had been responsible for it, a hot potato they pointedly avoided, the justification for letting Trump loose on the electorate would have been much more acceptable. What we are now seeing are the dire consequences of Biden's DOJ's failure to go after and prosecute Trump immediately after January 6 instead of giving him free reign to sow mischief and mayhem in the country for 4 more years. The lesson and warning from history should be how the kid-glove treatment given to Hitler by the right-wing authorities in Germany after his attempted insurrection let the evil genie out of the bottle. Jack Smith and what remains of America's justice league hurry to the rescue of the Republic before it's too late!