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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S., Russia square off at U.N. over Ukraine
The Avenger
MadBadVlad should ride his horse to the front lines, shirtless, that should inspire his troops.
what’s particularly hypocritical is that Russia did exactly the same with North Korea & north Vietnam
Sh1mon M4sada
It's sad but it's a fact that neither Putin or Biden has intent or capability to de-escalate this horrible conflict that's affecting the whole world through sheer sufferings by the Ukrainian people, unwilling Russian Soldiers or people of the west through inflation and people on the subcontinent through hunger.
The only stakeholder that's capable of fixing the mess are Russian strongmen who can oust Putin.
*will “use all means available to us” to defend itself *if its territory is threatened.
But this exactly what the Russian As..les did!!!
They did not even threaten the Ukraine, they even invade the Ukraine, killing innocent people including women and children, raping young Girls, shooting at a nuclear plant, torturing people, mass-bodie graves....and so on...the list of their horrible insane behaviour of the Russian insane mass murdering Mob is endless.
And additional, the Russians are threatening the rest of the world with their insane behaviour.
And the whole world should also "use all means available to us" to defend itself...
But the rest of the world is much more clever than these Russian As...les, and they know how to us "their weapons" against Russia in a clever way.
Russia....if you don't change your path, your end is near!
Russia's plan for winning in eastern Ukraine is to kill all the Ukrainians there, then have an election. However, most Ukrainians left their homes in that region, so of course only Pro- Russian people remain, plus the people who "upgraded" their homes and lives by stealing the homes of those who fled.
Nobody was threatening Russia. Nobody was planning to invade. Little man-syndrome at work there with Putin.
Once again parroting the Kremlin line.
Bass - actually you can. 14k civilians were not killed. This oft-cited number by pro-Russians is for the total amount killed on both sides of the conflict. Most of these were military on both sides. Facts, not feelings!
I watched live Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov make his speech. I was amazed by his content and somewhat shocked by the propaganda.
April 12, 2014.
The Russia’s invasion began
FSB officer Igor Girkin (Strelkov), crossed the Ukrainian border with a detachment of Russian special forces and seized the towns of Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, and Druzhkivka. Local criminals and Russian proxies in Donetsk and Luhansk were armed and turned into a militia (considered terrorists by Ukrainian and international law).
July 17, 2014.
Passenger flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down by a Russian missile killing all 298 people (citizens of the Netherlands, Malaysia, and 16 other countries).
During Russia's 2014-2021 military operations against Ukraine, 14,500 people died in the Donbas war. Of that 14,000, 3,404 were civilians, 4,400 were Ukrainian servicemen and 6,500 were Russian militants. The figure Putin operates with, is the total number of casualties incurred in the Donbas war by both sides.
No, just voicing the obvious you don’t have to be sympathetic to Russia to see how old this is backfiring
Mr. Putin demonstrates that having a homicidal maniac in charge of the state is not a good idea.
Russia, i.e. Putin again using threats, blackmailing, promising more terror.
A terror regime with a dictator at the top.
Now recruiting minorities to provide more cannon fodder.
And those Russians who don't want to fight are trying to get flights to other countries.
Good luck with that! Ticket fees have increased already.
Cards fan
Yes, you absolutely do. None of that in any way justifies Russia invading Ukraine, and yet that is how pro-invasion folks justify invading Ukraine.
Claiming, "can't argue with that," gives credibility to pro-invasion folks that don't deserve it.
Out of the two countries, only one is the invader and aggressor. Putin is Darth InVader.
Bob Fosse
let me guess. 8 years, 14,000 something something?
Cards fan
Not true, you're clearly trying to defend the Russian invasion.
You're right it didn't just happen. Putin spent years stoking tension, funding and training separatists in eastern Ukraine, so that the only "choice" Russia had was to invade.
Let's. But considering your dismissive attitude towards criticism of Russia's imperialist invasion, it hardly seems you're interested in keeping an "open mind."
Bob Fosse
That is short and frank.
The next 4 paragraphs of your ‘short and frank’ post contradict your initial sentence.
Yugoslavia eh - At least we now know why you have such a hatred of the west
Well, here's the thing. One could say Hitler had his reasons. Japan had her reasons to attack Pearl Harbor.
There are always ways to narrate any situation, and if you side with being open with Putin on this one, it's difficult to have the information available on Russian aggression in annexing Crimea, and the war on Ukraine to not make the declaration that this is Putin's doing, not Ukraine's actions being the reason it's happening.
You're kidding, right? Believe it that there have been attempts to communicate with Putin and Russia to stop this nonsensical attack on Ukraine by western leaders, of which he has ghosted.
The President of Serbia stated that he has asked all the leaders of Western countries what the difference between the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine is. He claims to have never gotten any kind of coherent answer.
Do you know what the answer is?
Do you know what the answer is?
Ask in a thread about Serbia. We're talking about the invasion of Ukraine thank you.
Cards fan
A good and valid point. That certainly legitimizes Russia's murdering 10s of 1000s of Ukrainians and stealing their land.
I stayed up late to watch this. Some episodic ex:
Lavrov shows up 1.5 hours late, gives his speech, leaves immediately.
Ukraine FM comments "I see Russian diplomats run away as fast as Russian soldiers." I lol-ed in my living room.
Chinese FM shows up, says nothing beyond vanilla milk toast for a good 90 seconds and leaves. So much for a partnership with no limits. In fact it was episodic in that Russia got no support from anyone at all.
Blinkin with the tag line of the debate: "If Russia stops fighting the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting Ukraine ends."
20 points for Gryffindor, Anthony.
Russia should bringing back US,UK,AUS.....war crimes done in Iraq,Afghanistan, Syria.....those days when they spent their nation's efforts in torturing and murdering the people living there!
Don't you believe in democracy? Why can't the local people decide for themselves? After all, the people of Kosovo were fervently supported in doing just that by Western powers. Under the watchful eye of heavily armed NATO scum, I mean soldiers.
Cards fan
Economically backward China is also capitalist. Private owners can buy and sell stakes in businesses there.
I do, which is precisely why I oppose Russia sponsoring shame elections to legitimize their imperialist invasion.
Lol Who died and left Russia in charge of Ukraine?
Or maybe Russia could just stop murdering and torturing people itself?
It is revealing that France insists that the investigation only cover events since Russia became involved, rather than events since the coup.
Wick's pencil
Yes, this is exactly what the west has been doing, for the purpose of weakening Russia. The US planned it:
But they are failing miserably, the west (especially the EU) is weakening, Ukrainians are dying, and Russia is getting stronger.
as good as that was, this was pure gold
and we all know truthful his statements are don’t we
I've read your comment, and am not seeing how they justify Russia invading a sovereign nation and murdering its innocent civilians? I think you'll need to explicitly make that point, as right now you're kind of rambling and your point isn't very clear.
It was interesting just how isolated the Russians were. Like the sex-offender uncle at the family picnic - tolerated but not embraced much less engaged.
Cards fan
Pure copium. If Russia were getting stronger, the Russian government wouldn't be complaining, and Lavrov wouldn't have run away with his tail tucked between his legs.
Russia is being weakened, and it'll only get worse as the Kleptocrats in charge send young Russian men to their deaths in Ukraine.
ok, Russia has lost 10’s of 1000’s of men, 1000’s of pieces of military hardware, they have a huge brain drain problem, their economy is tanking, people are protesting & now most of their men are doing anything they can to escape being drafted.
now which part of Russia is getting stronger ?
The Russian economy will take a decade to return to 2019 GDP.
So there's that talking point harpooned.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with the propaganda the Kremlin is putting out on their state TV.
It should make the families of Russia feel better about sending their children off to die in Ukraine. The ones that haven't managed to escape Russia yet that is.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken saw Putin's remark as particularly menacing given plans for referendums in Russian-controlled parts of eastern and southern Ukraine on whether to become part of Russia.
“That policy means the direct involvement of the West in the conflict,” said Lavrov. He added that Ukraine had become “an anti-Russia staging ground to create threats against Russian security” and his country wouldn't accept it.
These two paragraphs are linked, with frightening consequences, a threat to widen the war beyond the boarders of Ukraine and prise open political divisions within European states to force, leverage a climb down and so capitulate to Moscow's demands.