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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Vaccine checks beginning at San Francisco eateries, bars
Kaoru Mugen
Why shouldn't you, if you already have your magical vaccine?
El Rata
I hope that they go broke! This is pure fascism! Ironically the only sane places in the States are Texas and Florida, who would've thought it?
OMG you guys I saw this report on this website and it said there's this country and like 145% of all deaths are champion triathletes who got the vaccine and it's like totally true but I forgot where I saw it but if you google it you'll find it and if you disagree you hate triathletes.
More like people put too much faith on people that remove the context of things to mislead others and immediately believe the disinformation. This has been already debunked as disinformation
True they exist, though the number of people in that camp are WAY lower than some seem to think. If you actually care about those people who can't be vaccinated because they are immunocompromised, it is that much more important to get vaccinated for their sake.
Honestly, it sucks but until everyone else gets their act together and actually gets vaccinated people who cannot safely be vaccinated should still not be going out.
Raw Beer
In a recent interview, someone from the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem stated that 85-90% of hospitalized patients were fully vaccinated and 95% of severe patients were vaccinated. People have put way too much faith in these vaccines...
Saw a recent report that in Herzog hospital in Jerusalem 75% of the Corona patients are vaxxed, which is actually more than the vaxxed population in Israel (which is pretty much worlds most vaxxed nation). Looks like we should be a little vary of the vaxxers.
Raw Beer
Yeah, I also imagine such bars and restaurants with healthy people having intelligent conversations....
@Paul If you are curious about what will happen in other countries, look at Israel. They are 2 months further down the road. Vaccines helped but are nowhere near a cure. Cases are exploding, their hospitals will be full in 2 weeks. I understand, you want to blame somebody, we all do but don't think for a second that vaccines do more than offer a little help over the short term. 75% of Israeli's are vaccinated and 74% of the people in hospital are vaccinated. Hopefully their booster shots will help tamp things down again but nobody knows and policy makers need to have a hard look down the road to October and do more than offer knee-jerk reactions.
The only exemptions should be for those with valid medical reasons. No ifs, buts or maybes.
I can see in to the future where there is a subculture of antivaxers with bars and restarants cataring to them as they spread COVID to each other in complete self denial while beating themselves on the chest screaming 'I have right to chose'.
Randy Johnson
This is fascism in America and the sickening thing is some truly love this and get excited about trying to control people's lives.
Horrible. Just terrible.
This is discriminatory.
Not all people can safely be vaccinated.
And how about those people with infections that now have immunity?
Surely, this people do not need to be vaccinated?
Absolutely correct. From the Independent:
Vaccinated people infected with the Delta coronavirus variant may be able to spread it as easily as those who have yet to be immunised, early analysis suggests.
Although the Covid jabs appears to reduce an individual’s overall risk of catching Delta in the first place, if infected there appears to be “limited difference” in the viral load between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, according to new research from Public Health England (PHE).
“Vaccination may not fully stop transmission of Delta variant, early analysis suggests,” 6 August 2021,
Good, hope others globally do the same!
The irony is that the complete science denier religious folks with not a shred of data to stand on are being allowed exemptions. Concerns about the documented deaths from the vaccine: "get it, its science" Believe in tooth ferries: "you get an exemption."
Is "fully vaccinated" 2 or 3 shots? The US is starting to give a third shot to people?
The vaccinated can both get and spread the virus, so can you explain what, in your mind, the difference to the un-vaccinated is? Thank you.
So you want people who don't want an experimental vaccine pumped into their arm to be carted off to concentration camps and worse? Truly sick.
no whats truly sick is when the science and facts dont care about antivaxxer opinions or feeling their delusional conspiracies just get so much worse
Why? The vaccine does not protect against transmission.
wrong again, yes it does to around 90%+ , some vacinated still get covid but their chances of dying or developing long term heath effects are tiny.
about 2% fatality rate for catching covid unvaccinated
about 0.000006% fatality rate if youre vaccinated
stats on CDC website
worldwide covid pandemic to date 208million infected 4.3 million deaths
It's a good idea. If the unvaccinated want to go to a bar or eat out, then they should go to special restaurants or bars which specifically cater to them.
I will be getting my second and final vaccination next week. Why should I be forced to sit next to somebody in a restaurant or bar or wherever who by choice chooses not to get vaccinated? At the same time, why should I be forced to expose and endanger my younger grandchildren who are too young to be vaccinated to these anti-vaxxers? It would be more unfair to force a vaccinated person to sit next to an anti-vaxxer than the other way around.
Get vaccinated!
Happy Day
Why? The vaccine does not protect against transmission.
This is going to have those on the extreme right throwing tantrums.
Great news!
Express sister