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Vaccine passport protests in Europe draw thousands of people


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Rightly so.

Vaccine passports, QR code check ins and such things are a new normal that has been forced upon us and will never go away if we don't reject it now.

Democracy moves closer to communism with rules like this.

6 ( +23 / -17 )

The gilets jaunes yellow vest protests were an amazingly effective mass movement that got the French government to abandon neo-liberal austerity reforms to please the financial markets and showed the strength of workers.

Marches in Paris drew hundreds of demonstrators protesting the introduction from Monday of a new COVID-19 pass.

This gets more attention and is th product of a reactionary funded information bubble. Sad.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Democracy moves closer to communism with rules like this.

Stalin and his fellows and Mao and his along with Xi today have tainted the notion of "Communism' such that the poorly informed confuse 'communism' with 'totalitarianism'. And yet many using 'Communism' as a pejorative are cheering on repressive authoritarian regimes like those currently seen in the Russian Federation and elsewhere.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

Vaccine passports? Excellent idea! They should do it everywhere. Then if everybody was vaccinated Covid-19 would have no host to reside in and we could say goodbye to it.

-14 ( +7 / -21 )

This tiny amount of anti-social protestors should be ignored. The vast majority have done the responsible thing and been vaccinated. Those who choose not to can deal with the consequences they brought upon themselves.

Lock them out.

-13 ( +8 / -21 )

burning bronco bush

Yesterday's "fully vaccinated" are today's "anti-vaxxers"

Only those like yourself that have never supported vaccines are “anti-vaxxers”. If they refuse to get the booster then most are probably not anti-vaxxers. Just suckers for the lies of the anti-vaxxers.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

Sure, while we’re at it, we’ll give cold welcomes to drug overdose patients, people with aids and other stds, battered women who won’t leave their abusers

If the same conservative/reactionary voices who now are protesting against vaccines had their druthers, this would be the case more so than it is today with those individuals. All whom conservatives have targeted in the past.

Thank you for summarizing that mindset "Mr. Noidall".

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Sure, while we’re at it, we’ll give cold welcomes to drug overdose patients, people with aids and other stds, battered women who won’t leave their abusers.

A lot of these people have their children taken away from them too. Maybe the same should apply to anti-vaxxers. You know, since you want to apply the same to everyone.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

I’d say the Covid loyalist/ pro-vaxxers might have their children taken away

The anti-vaccination/mask contingent are the most endangered, marginalized group in societies. Who cares about the homeless, immigrants, the abused?

The empathy of these conservatives seems to end when people are born or want to take measures to ensure the health of themselves and the vulnerable.

Great insight yet again Mr. Noidall.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

People commenting and bashing these protestors should reflect on oneself. You may not agree with everything, but being able to protest is a beautiful thing.

You may disagree with the person, but you should appreciate those who stand up when you may remain silent and reluctantly do as you are told (as may be the case another day).

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Vaccine passports? Excellent idea! They should do it everywhere. Then if everybody was vaccinated Covid-19 would have no host to reside in and we could say goodbye to it.

The vax does not prevent infection. Even the Pfizer CEO admitted this. Vax mandates make no sense, other than being a form of control.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Rightly so. 

Vaccine passports, QR code check ins and such things are a new normal that has been forced upon us and will never go away if we don't reject it now. 

Democracy moves closer to communism with rules like this

100% correct. This is beyond frightening.

Stalin and his fellows and Mao and his along with Xi today have tainted the notion of "Communism' such that the poorly informed confuse 'communism' with 'totalitarianism'.

Obsession, forcing people to do what they don’t want with often severe consequences, heavy government intrusion, seizing more power, civil rights and liberties stripped, getting people to report on each other, yeah, it’s pretty much all under the same umbrella.

And yet many using 'Communism' as a pejorative are cheering on repressive authoritarian regimes like those currently seen in the Russian Federation and elsewhere.

It’s all bad

2 ( +13 / -11 )

As long as politicians are the medical doctors this pandemic will never end…

7 ( +11 / -4 )

There is no reason for a healthy person to refuse a Covid vaccination. All these anti-vaxers are to young and ignorant to know what the world was like before vaccines. Polio, diphtheria,, TB, chicken pox and many other diseases that killed millions were all wiped out through vaccination. If they don’t want to be vaccinated it is their choice, but don’t expect society to accommodate their naive and selfish views.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

But if we’re going to generalize for arguments sake,

you started it.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Did the new laws have reasonable expiration dates? Perhaps 1 yr?

If this is just for an emergency, then they can re-new the needs annually.

Reasonable people understand when extra effort is necessary for public health, but we don't want infinite period laws for a something that shouldn't be needed indefinitely. Just look at the US "Patriot Act" which was intended to be a short-term need. It is effectively destroying the rights of people around the world, not just in the USA.

Europeans are smart. Temporary laws should be temporary.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

No vaccination= potential oxygen thief

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Ah yes -an imposed passport to an unapproved vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of the virus.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Not sure why anyone was demonstrating in London. Vaccines passes are being abolished in the UK for domestic purposes.

Post-Omicron, they will become largely redundant, but may be retained for international travel. We have always had to have assorted vaccinations for international travel, so that's not an issue.

A lot of the comments on here appear to be relevant to past variants. Keep up, everyone.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

"Thousands". How many Europeans? QED.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Myself I am happy to see people standing up for their rights and freedoms.

a vaccine passport means nothing as you can show it, enter somewhere and then still spread COVID anyway.

just a false sense of security.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )


I am healthy. However as a child I had a severe allergic reaction to the measles vaccine and as an adult I had a mild allergic reaction to the flu vaccine. As I am not in an at-risk category for covid I do not want to take the gamble.

I am careful with the people I mix with to not pass on the virus to people at risk and in the last two years I have not been ill and if I did get a fever I would lock myself away for at least five days.

I also have not even considered travelling as personally I think whether vaccinated or not that is what spreads a virus in a pandemic.

As for chicken pox it is not wiped out. Kids get it every year in many many countries.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Just love the under reporting of numbers...Link to Stockholm protest https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1484896070413004801?s=20

0 ( +3 / -3 )

There is no reason for a healthy person to refuse a Covid vaccination. All these anti-vaxers are to young and ignorant to know what the world was like before vaccines. Polio, diphtheria,, TB, chicken pox and many other diseases that killed millions were all wiped out through vaccination. If they don’t want to be vaccinated it is their choice, but don’t expect society to accommodate their naive and selfish views.

@Lindsay Unfortunately none of the diseases you mentioned have been "wiped out" through vaccination! The polio, diptheria, chicken pox vaccines are highly effective but these diseases do still exist in the environment. The TB vaccine is only about 20% effective with about 10 000 000 people a year contracting the disease and about 1.5 million people a year still dying from it. So you can see that not all vaccines are equally effective!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Myself I am happy to see people standing up for their rights and freedoms. 

a vaccine passport means nothing as you can show it, enter somewhere and then still spread COVID anyway. 

just a false sense of security.

Well, that is exactly right. It just boggles the mind how we have stooped so low on this. History is just not going to be kind about this time in history going forward.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Basic rule of thumb when reading MSM reporting the numbers of people at anti-vaxx protests: 'hundreds' = thousands, 'thousands' = hundreds of thousands, 'hundreds of thousands' = millions

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

OK, now you think the vaccine is

I have Zero thoughts. I just won’t take it.

BINGO! the go-to tap-out....

Why tap out??? I said what I have always been saying. So no need to

After reading your comments, is that ever the truth..

Well, you have my quotes statements word for word. Scroll up.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

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