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© 2014 AFPVietnamese fishing boat rammed, sunk by Chinese ship
Hanoi (AFP)©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2014 AFP
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We are one step away from a full blown crisis. All it will take is the loss of life.
several volleys of fuel air missiles detonating in beijing outta let the chinese know what bullying feels like in case they had forgotten that, in the last 70 years.
Communist China's war if conquest continues. But, as we have seen payback is a mother that repays in spades.
Now, where are the mass defenders of these kinds of thuggish tactics being used by Communist China? In other words, where is the 50-cent party?
Correct as usual.
This speaks volumes about China's rather thin regard for what passes as just and right in international law and relations. They won't be satisfied until someone starts shooting. Quite honestly, I'm starting to think that's precisely what they want. They're playing the Bush Sr. gambit, i.e., find a war to fight somewhere to toughen up a relatively fresh and soft U.S. military that hadn't seen major combat since the Viet Nam War. Enter Saddam Hussein.
China too has an entire generation of untested PLA troops who have never been fired at in anger and are need of a "cause" to toughen them up for the main event, namely going toe-to-toe with other world powers (the U.S.). The problem is, Viet Nam can and will bite back -- and bite hard -- when push comes to shove.
China suffers from what it has suffered for centuries: A crippling inability to stop itself from dwelling in the past. It's trying to prepare for war of Imperialism that all but concluded a century ago.
... and not one of them rescued the fishermen?
? time pass for netsurfers....(?)
Wrong Righter
Nice one sided story.
Don't especially trust the Chinese. Don't trust the Vietnamese either.
I'd rather trust one over the other.
Communist brotherhood in action. Hello friends!
@bicultural : Thanks for your concern, however article clearly says :“The 10 fishermen on board are on land now. They are safe."
Why Chine keeps NK in business. Has trouble getting on with neighbours who aren't in its thrall.
Will this story get airplay in Europe and North America, I wonder,... (the 'nurse shipped as a doll' story has made it to Canada and the UK, without being of any international significance).
I do hope the rest of the world see this.
CGB Spender
Here we go! One step further on the escalation ladder. Countries should start to impose serious sanctions against China now.
Forty on one?
"Hello, Chinese flotilla? I'm calling for a Captain Bang, first name Gan."
"Is dere a Bang here? I'm lookin' fer a Gan Ba--Why you little...!"
In other reports, the Chinese "fishermen" rescued the men. It must have been tense after the so called "rescue".
Wouldn't Chinese "fishermen" be . . . fishing rather than harassing, ramming, and sinking a Vietnamese boat? Why are 40 "fishermen" acting together?
The answer, they aren't fishermen.
House Atreides
Another fine example of China's "peaceful" rise.
Couldn't find this in China Daily, but Xinhua gives the Chinese view of this incident:
Quote: "A Vietnamese fishing boat capsized after harassing and colliding with a Chinese fishing boat in the South China Sea at around 5 p.m. Monday, a source with the Chinese government said on Tuesday.
Crew aboard the boat were saved after their ship jostled a fishing boat from Dongfang City in southern China's Hainan Province and overturned in the waters near China's Xisha Islands, according to the source.
Vietnam has sent a number of ships to obstruct the drilling of Chinese companies in the waters where the collision took place. The Chinese side has taken measures to stop Vietnamese interference and lodged serious representations to the Vietnamese side, asking them to immediately stop the disruptive activities, according to the source."
It will be interesting to see which side turns out to be telling the truth.
Gaijin Desi
OMG !!! Incident happened near Vietnam and Obama went to Afghanistan !!!
The truth or not it is clearly the case of bullying your neighbour to get what you want. Coward, pick on someone is your size and see how you will come out the other side.
Wrong Righter
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Here is the REST OF THE STORY as reported by Reuters:
"...Hanoi said some 40 Chinese fishing boats had surrounded the Vietnamese craft before one of them rammed it and it sank. Vietnamese fishing boats operating nearby rescued the 10 fishermen on board, the government and the coastguard said. China's official Xinhua news agency, citing a government source, said the vessel capsized after "harassing and colliding with" a Chinese fishing boat..."
Additional facts: China positioned its rig 27km off China-controlled Paracel Islands and 241km off the Vietnamese coast. The issue here is whether China can drill near its controlled islands... similar to many other countries drilling near their controlled but disputed islands in South China Sea. Obviously China thinks it can. Ironically, relative to the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute, in this case China is playing the role of Japan... kept on insisting there is no dispute here and does not want to go to international court.
40 vessels encircled the ship before ramming it? Sounds as deliberate as you can get..
There'll probably be some big riots again in Vietnam now..
I suspect utlimately, the Vietnamese will launch an Air Attack on the Oil Rig.... ...seems like the LOGICAL thing to do, and no one else has to go out in boats.
Nhan Thai
inhuman being act to others from china government
WA4TKG, do you happen to know if the rig is already producing? (Have they tapped into the oil bed are they still setting /starting to drill down?)
I'm just wondering how devastating to the enviroment such an air attack or other direct assault on the oil rig would be.
Isn't this tantamount to an ct of war ???
Sure, the Vietnamese fishermen, while being fished out of the water, had the time and the presence of mind to count the Chinese ships. It wasn't 20, not 30, not 41 or 45, but exactly 40 ships! Anyone here care to think how much space such a flotilla takes up? All that for one fishing boat?
It's alright to doubt and suspect the Chinese. Just don't believe the Vietnamese propaganda either. Take a moment and think.
China needs to pack up and get out of other peoples territory quick smart, or face a slapping by a thousand hands.
The easiest solution would be to share the oil.
It's not that difficult utilzing technology known as surface radars. In case you are not aware, fishing boats had gone high tech these days.
Vietnamese youths just go to shops in Vietnam , grab things made in China and run fast ,paying nothing. No violence.
Between this and the fighters incident China will no longer stop from escalating the situation to a fighting and dying war for China knows that no one will stop them from taking what is not theirs not even the great powers of the world.
No matter which way you slice it, sinking a neighbors boat/ship is an act of war - and China will pay dearly for decades to come. Expect a consumer embargo of anything connected with China.
At this point it looks like, unfortunately, the Chinese are going ahead under the assumption of "Might makes Right."
It is disappointing that China does not take a better leadership role, and unilaterally proclaim that areas that are nearly equidistant from both Vietnam and China will be jointly exploited. The current Chinese leadership does not appear to behave with much vision toward future harmony.
Hoiw would joint exploitation work out?
How much percentage to China and how much to Vietnam, ditto for costs, a 80/20 or a 5050 split?
China - the illegitimate and dysfunctional country.
This is not the first time a Vietnamese fishing boat was sunk by Chinese boats. This type of incidents happened relatively frequent for the past few years ; but the incompetent Vietnamese government always said they are caused by "unknown or unidentified or strange ships" , for "Chinese submarines, or ships".
"frequently testy neighbors Vietnam and China"
They're both communist, they should be getting along quite nicely, what's up with that?
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Japan does not want to go to the ICJ. Japan is a signatory to an agreement that makes recognition of ICJ's jurisdiction and acceptance of ICJ rulings mandatory. Jan can not bring an action against itself. Only China as a claimant can do that. However China refuses to accept ICJ jurisdiction and rulings. The reason is that if China were to do so, it would open the floodgates to actions by many Asian countries against China, cases which they may lose in a court of law. Hence they prefer the bullying and intimidation tactic as evidenced by this and many other recent articles on Asian maritime territorial disputes. Japan's position that there is no dispute has nothing whatsoever to do with the ICJ, as stated Japan has already signed on to be compelled to answer any ICJ action.
And a despicable and cowardly act at that. Well, they need a lot of practice sinking fishing boats before the real deal, sinking gun boats.
Taj: Yes, I was thinking that, of course, but from a MILITARY stand point, which, at THIS point, we have finally arrived, do you think they ( the governments ) really CARE ? If NOTHING is done in the typical RETALIATORY manner, this sort of attitude / incident(s) will simply CONTINUE. The line has been drawn China, prepare for a response.
dumber words have never been spoken.
Be careful China.....for some countries, respect & honor is more important then money.
The Japanese Coast Guard should be grateful to Vietnam as it can rest and recover from watching and chasing China ships from Senkaku water. The oil rig would be in Vietnam's water until around August 15 as announced, and until that time, Vietnam ships will continue to harass the oil rig. I think China would have to think many times before wanting to mess with Vietnam in the future. If China decides to open fire first, my bet is that the oil rig and some navy ships would be sunk in no time.
China is actually helping the rest of us reveal its own stupidity and arrogance. Their blatant disregard for International Law, and respect for other nations in the Pacific shows that China is frankly still living in the 19th century of territorial Imperialism and has a stern lesson to learn from the rest of the world. They will bring it upon themselves and I am glad that it will happen soon. Vietnam can easily beat them and will I predict. Japan is acting with great restraint, and clearly also understands the weakness and the fallacy of China's absurd claims to "own" the entire South China Sea, a patent farce and an absolute lie. I esp liked this post here< very well said:
China too has an entire generation of untested PLA troops who have never been fired at in anger and are need of a "cause" to toughen them up for the main event, namely going toe-to-toe with other world powers (the U.S.). The problem is, Viet Nam can and will bite back -- and bite hard -- when push comes to shove.
China suffers from what it has suffered for centuries: A crippling inability to stop itself from dwelling in the past. It's trying to prepare for war of Imperialism that all but concluded a century ago.
Saul Schimek
long sigh of resignation
Okay, as much of a shock as this might be to to people, technically there is NO international law in the strictest sense, as there are no laws other than what countries have mutually agreed to abide by. There is no overarching enforcement mechanism to enforce the international agreements like you would a national law. National will operate in their own self interest, depending on what they perceive it to be. And what they can get away with. No more no less.
Wrong Righter
@OssanAmerica--I think you made that up. I can find no such rule on the ICJ FAQ page.
No country can drag another country to the ICJ. Both countries must go on their own, like as part of a joint agreement called a "special agreement". But PM Noda said in 2012: “We are not considering using the ICJ”, and there is no doubt the islands are an integral part of Japanese territory both internationally and historically." Japan has already refused to even think about ICJ arbitration. And I think China is pretty much the same on that score.
And if you doubt any of that, Japan would love to go to the ICJ over Dokdo and has suggested this to South Korea, but South Korea refuses to go. Thus, no ICJ case concerning Dokdo. Again, I think you made this claimant stuff up.
I cannot see that either Vietnam nor China has proposed going to the ICJ. But either could suggest it and it would only happen if both agree.
As a technical discussion, before this controversial exploratory oil rig showed up… under what kind of international rule or law did the other nations set up a few dozen oil rigs (already pumping oil) in the disputed areas of the South China Sea?
@OssanAmerica--I think you made that up. I can find no such rule on the ICJ FAQ page.
"The States parties to the Statute of the Court may "at any time declare that they recognize as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other State accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court" (Art 36, para. 2 of the Statute).
Each State which has recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court has in principle the right to bring any one or more other State which has accepted the same obligation before the Court by filing an application instituting proceedings with the Court, and, conversely, it has undertaken to appear before the Court should proceedings be instituted against it by one or more such other States.
The Declarations Recognizing as Compulsory the Jurisdiction of the Court take the form of a unilateral act of the State concerned and are deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations."
"9 July 2007
I have the honour, by direction of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to declare on behalf of the Government of Japan that, in conformity with paragraph 2 of Article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, Japan recognizes as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other State accepting the same obligation and on condition of reciprocity, the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, over all disputes arising on and after 15 september 1958 with regard to situations or facts subsequent to the same date and being not settled by other means of peaceful settlement.
This declaration does not apply to disputes which the parties thereto have agreed or shall agree to refer for final and binding decision to arbitration or judicial settlement.
This declaration does not apply to any dispute in respect of which any other party to the dispute has accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice only in relation to or for the purpose of the dispute; or where the acceptance of the Court's compulsory jurisdiction on behalf of any other party to the dispute was deposited or notified less than twelve months prior to the filing of the application bringing the dispute before the Court.
This declaration shall remain in force for a period of five years and thereafter until it may be terminated by a written notice.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.
9 July 2007.
(Signed) Kenzo Oshima Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations."
Who will win in a South China Sea conflict? In conflict, there will be a few level of escalation. Each escalation will result in more risk for China. China will most likely win at first but over time Vietnam will give China a nasty "black eye" and most important of all is "lost face" and Chinese will have to run back to China. The fear of losing face is so great that China will not likely go to war with Vietnam. What would Europe, U.S. and the international community think if China cannot contain Vietnam? But Vietnam also wants peace and be a good neighbor with China on equal term. China must respect Vietnam independence and territory and there would not be any talk of war. The only way for China to win subsequent fight is to go for a mass warfare using numerical superiority. China would win over Vietnam but will lose over all. China will be under mass economic attack from the world. Vietnamese don't care if China outnumbers them. Remember the sino-war in 1979, and Chinese got mauled real bad.
Love the way the Communist controlled media spins things. The Vietnamese ship just capsized itself after it collided and harassed those 40 Communist fishing vessels.
But, we all know that a video will come out and when it does we will know which government media will be telling the truth.
China's government has launched solemn representations with Vietnam over the incident, Xinhua said.
Yes, if the Vietnamese should just rollover and allow Communist China to take what they want things like this wouldn't happen.
The word extortion comes to mind whenever I read about Communist China's use of diplomacy.
Let us remember, payback is one mean mother and when she comes to collect she collects in spades.
Communist China is in for a rude awakening and when that day does come it will truly hurt.
Wrong Righter
OssanAmerica you don't understand yourself what you are cut and pasting. No country can drag Japan to the ICJ unless they have the same agreement Japan has.
Further, nothing in there said anything about only a claimant being able to bring a case, or a country not being able to bring a case against itself, but heaven forbid you admit you invented those.
OssanAmericaMay. 27, 2014 - 09:58PM JST You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Japan does not want to go to the ICJ. Japan is a signatory to an agreement that makes recognition of ICJ's jurisdiction and acceptance of ICJ rulings mandatory. Jan can not bring an action against itself. Only China as a claimant can do that. However China refuses to accept ICJ jurisdiction and rulings.
Facts are stances of both countries with regard to the Senkaku/Daioyu Islands are too far apart to be able to bring the problem to a third party, including to the ICJ, for resolution. It would be better to think about how to manage the issue rather than try to resolve it.
Viet Nam Youth
Dear nandakandamanda!: does this sound logical to you ?. Why would a small Vietnamese wooden boat dare to harass 40 steel ships of much larger sizes in this case ?. Other Vietnamese wooden boats rescued the 10 crews while those big Chinese ships were circling the scene. We hear about this kind of harassment from China's ships every week of our poor fishermen. These 10 men are the lucky survival in this case.
China's media are always twisting the facts. May I ask are you a Chinese in any case ?. Most of the educated Chinese would feel embarrass in this case..