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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Violence at Trump events continues despite security layers
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As reported: US Presidential Election News, Next Republican Debate:
None scheduled – the previously scheduled debate for March 21st has been canceled due to lack of candidates.
The Republican Tea Party, The Voice of the People.
"Arnette Heintze, a retired senior Secret Service agent who now runs a corporate security firm, said he doesn’t recall seeing such scenes in past campaigns."
"He said there’s surely a more tactful approach Trump could take to protesters than shouting to the crowd and security “get them out.” - article
What's Heintze's complaint? This is the audition for Trump and the GOP/Tea Presidency. This is Trump's idea of 'Representative Government'
What has happened to the legal system in the US, if a US citizen of any colour or ethnicity was holding meetings and was using the some of the rhetoric that Trump has been using, he or she would have been arrested a long time ago and been hit with a number of charges, stemming from racial to incite to riot plus many more. So now you have a political contender for the presidential nomination, and he's not only above the law, but being protected by the law.
If some can gather peacefully and protest, then there'd be no fuss. The "overt acts of threats" by the left are to blame here.
When Trump went to Chicago, the violent atmosphere would have -no doubt- erupted with the Lefts' fury. Through creating fear, intimidation and violence they were able to force Trump to cancel the rally.
After being briefed by law enforcement in Chicago (who Trump respects) Trump agreed with their precautions. So for the safety of Trump supporters, it "had" to be cancelled.
The Republican Tea Party, The Voice of the People.
"Annette Heintze, a retired senior Secret Service agent who now runs a corporate security firm, said he doesn’t recall seeing such scenes in past campaigns."
What does that have to do with anything?
That's one opinion, so how about the protesters get a life and protest outside and respect FREE speech for others. You're FREE speech ends when you try to oppose my Free speech because you don't like what I say think or stand for. By all means, protest, we are a democracy, just don't disrupt any rallies.
Actually, Trump right? How many debates did we have? It's tedious and not necessary anymore, it's just a waste of time.
Donald J. Trump, torture advocate: "he has said he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be “carried out on a stretcher.” - article
In Donald's audition for dictator the People will not be forgotten. There will be so many jobs, as Trump himself has ordained, he 'will the greatest job creator President God ever made.'
Let's have a peek at those fabulous jobs!
"The audience, following instructions from the public address system, routinely pointed out protesters to security officers and cheered their removal.” - article
The American Stasi can be a real asset when dissent is troublesome.
And, with a generous bounty structure, even random unwarranted search and seizure based on suspicion can pay lavish rewards! The Republican/Tea, a little piece of heaven the Founders forgot to include in the United States Constitution.
So who here is voting for Trump? And who here is Republican?
Naw bass. They like everything one-sided.
What kind of logic is: We may disrupt what you have to say at your own political rallies and we don't want to be held accountable for inciting violence and being arrested for disturbing the peace??
"How many debates did we have? It's tedious and not necessary anymore, it's just a waste of time." - comments
Especially when Trump would have to answer questions about 'Islam Hates America' and Trump's demand for rioting.
That would be a real waste of time for the American Citizen and Taxpayer to hear Trump have to put up with questions like that.
Just like George W. Bush, so it's not as if Trump isn't following precedent.
Latest news. Trump's son's life was. Threten. An envelope contains white powder was nailed with a message that stated next will be real. Which side is more dangerous 7????
In theory, he's right. At the same time, how about calling the hounds of protest to act like civilized people and leave other people alone to hold their rallies and not instigate anymore disruptions.
Hopefully better than what Obama was.
Let's have a peek at those fabulous jobs!
How so?
Can't be too carful these days.
Fair enough. So When will Hillary make her speech transcripts public? That doesn't bother you
Actually, most Americans really don't care about the debates anymore, we had too many, enough already.
But both didn't need a teleprompter and they at least spoke from the heart. Our fearless Tyrant can't, doesn't have that God given ability.
The FBI is investigating, so yeah, it's a fact. This is once again, the shiny example of the Looney left that will do anything to usurp a candidate, cray like little babies and resort to nasty ghetto tactics to push an agenda to get what they want. Vile, rude and totally repugnant!
Don't you watch news and political discussion on TV? @kc
I'm voting for trump. Never voted for a republican before, and never will.
Go Trump!
Details on one commenter's conclusion: "Which side is more dangerous 7????"
"Law enforcement officials said the letter contained a white powder. Preliminary tests on the substance in the envelope indicated it was not hazardous. Officials were not authorized to disclose details of the threat. The handwritten letter was postmarked March 5 from Boston " MSM, 18 March 2016
Operatives, and the Tea Party website, are replete with wild conclusions. The international reader is far more sophisticated than the American bigot believers. Critical information: March 5 post date, it does not take thirteen days for US Post to deliver a letter 250 miles. Second, immediate conclusion on Tea Party site, conviction based on suspicion. Very GOP/Tea.
@Fizz: Trump supporters increase as opposition elements concentrate on lies every day.
You think so?
And once again the liberal media think tank is diving in the tinfoil of the land of confusion and deception. Not at all surprised. When they can't get what they want, there's always the act of terrorism and intimidation tactics.
Such intellectual rigour. The Left is doomed!
And now . . . back to reality.
"Through the end of January, his campaign reported paying about $170,000 for security, according to Federal Election Commission filings." - article
Not bad, eight monthes of Donald J. Trump's security $170,000, or $21,250 per month, approx. $700 per day. The real world operates on facts. The Trump Planet spins. $700 per day? That's Trump change.
See. The international reader also want america to become like the rest of the world too.
And rightfully so. In today's problematic america (where we're being target by radical islam.) Criticized by the Pope, and illegal immigrants- who have NO right to be in the US n' the 1st place- there are lots of possibilities for "wild conclusions."
Imagine the unprecedented shockwaves felt if say, Michelle Obama (back n' '08), was to receive such a threat. Yeah, everybody would be singing an entirely different tune. You guys are soooo one-sided.
@bass4: aren't you international? and ain't I international? I think Hillary vs Trump in Nov. Every candidates are in Arizona now.
Obviously, you have never done security.
Associated Press: "Violence at Trump Events Continues" - title
"Trump denies that he contributes to the violence at campaign events around the country, even though he has said he wished he could punch a protester in the face" - article
America has spent the past ten years, and seven Trillion, cleaning up George W. Bush's mess.
How long are American's willing to clean up Donald J. Trump's mess, at what cost, and a mess that is clearly already under way? (It is a delight that some think the international is as stupid as the American GOP/Tea.)
"Full Steam Ahead, That not a waterfall! That's Reality!"
Don't like Trump bombastic approach and protectionist trade policy, but that's just mine personal preference. However, the Republican establishment is not fair to him. He is a highly qualified Republican front-runner candidate and should be accorded the proper respect and treatment. Likewise, protestors have every right to protest, but OUTSIDE the premises he is speaking, not inside and disrupt his speeches. And definitely no violence. The small group of protestors that disrupted the rallies, are rude and not respecting candidates right to speech, regardless of Left or Right orientation.
These Libs are well organized and have a lot of money backing them. =Expect the hate and chaos to continue until their demands are met or US enters into a "police state" (communism).
Good. Perhaps they can discuss illegal immigration and crime.
Oh tell me about it. I made some pretty pennies too. Doing security side-gigs a NASCAR events or a few major concerts working backstage at large venues. It was the first easiest hard-cash I've ever earned in me life.
Freedom of speech! No one has the right to disrupt any type of rally. Republican or Democrat!
Security for candidates ''' special agents do. Not one person. In Nevada when a Casino is used for political meeting, (no rally in Vegas) FBI men stay at entrance and check inside of cars and Trunk. scary as they all are armed. Campaigner does not pay.
"Obviously, you have never done security." - comments
Obviously Journalists are a tricky bunch. Fault: AP/CALDWELL, read and critique.
"Even before federal security protection, private security surrounded Trump during campaign events. Through the end of January, his campaign reported paying about $170,000 for security, according to Federal Election Commission filings."
The international reads 170K USD, eight monthes Trump security. Math reads, 700USD/day. Common sense reads: Three Security Personnel at 700USD is 233USD/per.
One note: Planet Trump doesn't burn reality as fuel. If Trump was under any real threat, analyzed by cost at three rent-a-thugs at 233USD/per, the conclusion is pretty easy. Donald J. Trump's, and his bigots claim anyone cares about his lies is undone by Math.
Have you ever heard him speaks? He is very provocative. He has been promoting HATE and division in US.
He is blaming everyone else but himself. He is everything what we are not. . He needs to go down to trash bin!
America is looking at this as an upcoming election. The world is looking at this as an upcoming American IQ test. Voting Trump is going to confirm what a lot of people already believe about America.
@global: it seems he yell but Clinton ton was yelling louder with clear voice. So my guess is She will outdo in Nov.
"Have you ever heard him speaks? " - comments
Analysis of Donald J. Trump's speech is fairly conclusive.
Trump uses three word phrase repetition. This pattern is a practiced form of sound bite propaganda. George W, Bush used these three word phrase blurts as reference.
Analysis showed the GOP/Tea strategy was based on the mental capacity to recall and repeat. Donald J. Trump is doing exactly what he has practiced for the past four decades.
Unsurprisingly, many of his most ardent fans have a good grasp of the same level of expression. Inspired by Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he", speech analysis also provides insight to the techniques of Trump's propaganda. It is the same as George W. Bush's with a more fluent level of contempt. That's the New York thing.
As the Associated Press points up in this: "Violence at Trump Events Continues" "he has said he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be “carried out on a stretcher.”
As Americans will have to consider in November of 2016, how much of what Trump says shows him unfit for complex thought, as complex as the world is, and how much are they willing to hear another blurt that sends them to another war based on blurts and lies?
I think so. He definitely is for sure.
Naw! Obama has already done that and had a 7 year start at it.
Obama and Hillary do the exact same thing, so what's different?
A lot of us have been saying the same thing force last 7 years!
Most Americans could care less what the world thinks and especially during this election.
Most Americans gave up of how we are viewed by the rest of the world for over 300 years now.
Seems about right. Some make more and some make less, depends on who the client is, organization or company etc.
How are they thugs? Please explain?
But how is he a bigot, you never seem to able to answer it.
@dead I am international therestre I am intellectual so believe me. Tea Party members organized strongest anti Trump function in NGC.
I know! And that shows their IQ. America does not live in a vacuum, and needs to interact with the rest of the world. Of course, those with a low IQ cannot see that and understand the consequences of not working with the world. Hence the IQ test.
its just outrageous..
What kind of mad world do we live in..
Right now, Cruz just said voting Trump is same as voting Hillary Original of this, Rubio that was voting to Hillary is same as voting to Trump and Cruz amended, I guess we will hear more of this kind of talks as Rubio is not helping Cruz right now.
"The campaign doesn’t include the nearly $78,000 paid to Trump’s personal security chief, Keith Schiller. The campaign reports the majority of that money as “pre-paid payroll.” - article
Mr. Sanders' 10K USD/mo is appropriate and not reported to Federal Election Commission filings. The point of the analysis of security is a specific measure of Threat vs. Prevention.
Like ordinary insurance, a low premium, like Donald J. Trump spending 700USD/day with Sanders 'off-book' on FEC filings, shows exactly the real and propagandized threat presented by Trump.
Examine Trump Camp Claims of "poor Donald is so dangerous to 'the establishment'" is proved nonsense. Serious threat requires far more than the previous 233USD/ day for three goons, goons are cheap, hence rent-a-thug.
For readers who look at the cost benefit ratio, Trump 'cheap' security shows there has been no significant threat to Trump. For further reference, in the States, security with concealed weapon per diem pick-ups are almost right in line with the Math at 233USD/day.
Conclusion: Trump never did face any real threat from anyone during the entire eight monthes of hate mongering.
Obviously his house of cards lunacy isn't important enough for Trump to protect with anything more than perfunctory three man team coverage.
As the article examines security and Math shows the quality and nature of that security, the real world journalist and investigator work shows not just what a duplicitous bigot reports as his propaganda po'boy protection, but asks if the numbers add up.
Here they don't. Make believe journalists will parrot whatever Papi say. Serious and well paid shamus can prove easily Donald J. Trump's fears are propaganda.
Trump is marketing, not campaigning, and there is a world of difference between the two. Case closed.
Voting for "change" was smart?? Says who? A bunch of lib westerners who hate american anyways.
Seems like the rest of the world is trying to interact / interfere with our domestic issues. Like that big-mouth Pope and the president of Mexico. Even the mullahs of Iran are watching the 2016 presidential race closely too.
Everyone knows the smartest scholars / professors from the elite higher learning institutions are liberal thinkers. But it takes both brains and balls run a superpower country.
Bongo! False dichotomy extraordinaire!
Can you prove it?
But how is he not a bigot? You never seem able to answer it?
@Wc But it takes both brains and balls run a superpower country.
And sheer stupidity to drag it down.
@kc: Is it only 78000 $? Not in Vegas. His business own high rise hotel casino
. . . Ohh, you must mean the illegal immigrants committing crime. The generations of families living in ghettos and on welfare. The gangs. The radical muslims. The LGBT thing. The "si se puede" marches etc. The obama admin failing to provide for veterans. But of course -you must mean all of these things.
The whole "Monroe Doctrine" thing was to snub-out the rest of the world and do things "the American way" and to keep it that way.
This is also why we DO NOT use the metric system. This is why we DO NOT drive on the Left side of the road. We DIDN'T want to be like the rest of the world.
Trump rally is in Utah and local police are busy controlling anti Trump crowds. It will begin very soon.
Kuya 808
As clear an example of Affected Sophistication Syndrome as you could ever find.
If this is an example of cons' reasoning, I agree with your earlier statement that liberals are the smartest scholars.
Only you. The party of angry white racists is slowly being destroyed on its own garbage.
Check back. Comment aw you will find kc wrote that to insult me. The rally in Utah has people who indicate they equate Trump as Hitler. but some are saluting hail Hitler and wrong Nazi sign. Wish. They did some research.
Right! Just ask Yeehaw Bush!
"Balls" broke not just America, but the whole planet. The Obama brains that came after have finally started to fix it.
What's the con? Liberals are among the top scholars. Admirals, Generals are prob only 3/4 as intelligent as those "elite" scholars, but their balls make up for more than enough of the remaining quarter.
As a republican voter & Trump supporter, I'd prefer the latter.
Well stated-
TRUMP 2016
Trump is not a bigot nor a racist. As a matter of fact, he's gonna clean up Gotham DC like bleach eats away black mold spreading from the corner of the shower. HE IS.........Trumpman! Lol
I agree except for the parts about not being a bigot or a racist.
"The Secret Service has made clear its responsibility is not to rein Trump in."
After Hillary is sworn in, as there is no way she can lose the Electoral College vote, we'll have to do our best to rein her in.
Gotham DC. LoL!! (I just slapped my knee) . . . . & remembering when politicians like Jimmy Carter, B. Clinton and (the crack-smoking, former DC mayor) Marion Barry Jr. disgraced the place. Good riddance!!
In Arizona, Cruz is having rally. For change, he has carly explaining how he will behave. Maybe we win ll miss his lies. Carly may help Cruz fooor business idea. but Cruz's immigration idea sounded copy of Trump's wall,etc.
Prove it.
Yes, he seems to appeal to those who believe in the notion of a super-savior, those who believe the country can be born again if they follow the self-proclaimed ubermensch around. His anti-immigrant authoritarian nationalism must be appealing to those WASP's who've not been able to be very successful in their lives, even with all of the white privileges they were born to. Maybe if they earn a degree from his college they can - give him more money to invest in his brand? Could be that some of that money could trickle down so he can buy more foreign servants to work at his Florida palace.
The law abiding citizens of AZ are fed up by illegal immigration. Sad to think a few years back, when law enforcement were just doing their jobs checking the legal status of suspected illegal immigrants and were called -racists.
As a foreigner in Japan, Japanese police can check me every single time I go out in Tokyo, no hard feelings. No biggy. Just doing their job.
Oh PT, I kinda feel sorry for you, so stuck in the MSM whirlpool of hate. You should at least try to admit to your "hatred" since that's what you and many others try so hard to glue that label on. Like trying to use wood glue on metal to metal. It just doesn't work.
But keep trying! As the rest of America leaves you in the dust for a new day of less corporate, more local control. Less wars, more infrustructure and rebuilding. Less Sunni Muslim proxy support, to a more balanced Middle East.
If not? There are always more rainbows and unicorns to believe in.
MSM = CNN MSNBC FOX CBS NBC ABC BCC, exzedera, exzedera, exzedera.......
If you need the corporate board room connections to all the OTHER corporate scumbags just email Mitt Romney.
Well when you use such a broad meaningless term like MSM, it's going to cause confusion. That's why MSM is such a ridiculous term. As far as I'm concerned it only refers to Fox "News", because when people use the term, it almost always refers to hatred, and that's Fox "News" to a T.
Stranger, the MSM is a control mechanism. My gosh, I'm guessing you've read Lord of the Rings or 1984 or saw Ferienhieght 451 at some point in your life. Why such a nieve question?
Gosh. Sorry you feel that way. I sometimes check-out CNN to get the other scoop. BTW, Info Wars show lots of "Love" too. Check out this brave Black Trump supporter in the face of BLM. Why is the BML guy wearing a mask??
Well, Fox "News" is definitely a brainwashing mechanism.
I didn't ask any questions.
The "violence" (it's not much, believe me) is happening because groups from the Left (mainly Clinton supporters) are acting outrageously at Trump rallies. If the roles were reversed security would be opening fire. Just further proof that Trump has got them all of afraid; there's a fair-to-good chance he could win in November if given the nomination.
It's just so odd listening to Trump supporters on here.
ghoneim mohamed
For sure Trump is not responsible for violence,nor his supporters,others are trouble makers,they started violence and troubles.For sure they are Hillary supporters acting outrageously at Trump rallies,they lost their minds because of Trump success and progress.They are neither liberals nor democrats.
& likewise its odd listening to the hispanics in Utah shouting anti-Trump chants in Spanish. Are they even legal?
The other protesters bum-rushing the riot police barriers, trying to storm into Trumps rally. Deliberately provoking Trump supporters, middle fingers n' all, trying to incite violence. That's not odd?
Never before have the american people seen this behavior.
@Wc626. Thanks for the link. Absolutely fantastic video!
Ohh, you mean that brave Black American Man who believes in honest work, dignity, responsibility, his future and America.
Me too. Now if through some kind of osmosis, I wish he were able to convince those Black protesters to drop the slave mentality.
ghoneim mohamed
Whats happening with Trump never ever happened before,its a war!I wonder,does Hillary care about Americans who lost jobs,and suffer badly because of illegal immigrants?How on earth can be 11 millions of illegal immigrants in USA?Whats against Trump,if he wanna deport them?What is he supposed to do?Hillary is dishonest,she cares most about Wall street lobby,but Trump dont bother a clue about Wall street but about those who suffer a lot,but no one bother to listen to them,let alone helping,thats why they trust and support Trump.
Frank Newell
To the Japanese readers, I apologize that our politicos are running rampant here. The same kind of thing is happening in every other media critical of Trump. His Internet defenders make up in zeal what they lack in numbers or diversity. There's a reason for this though it's not a pretty one. It's the same reason many supported Bernie Sanders and that there was a rash of support for a joke candidate named "Deez Nuts" early in the campaign. Due to extremes in divisiveness, lack of confidence in our government, lack of meaningful options to repair our broken government and a deep divide that's spilt this country against itself ideologically.. Well, any candidate that plans to tear it all down and start over will find some popularity. It's looking a lot like Germany Pre-WW2 and there's a huge uptick in searches for how to move to another country. Slowly but surely we keep following the trajectory of the Roman Empire.
The Drumpfster and Sheriff Joe are like two peas in a pod. (Arpaio) (sp?)
Tick-tock, tick-tock. Your time is almost up on the world stage.
Danny Bloom
fizzbit i am also voting trump. he is the real america. business as usual stinks. trump is real. i hope he wins.
Correction: "The campaign doesn’t include the nearly $78,000 paid to Trump’s personal security chief, Keith Schiller."
Previous post with correction should have read: "Mr. Schiller's 10K USD/mo is appropriate and not reported to Federal Election Commission filings. The point of the analysis of security is a specific measure of Threat vs. Prevention."
"Like ordinary insurance, a low premium, like Donald J. Trump spending 700USD/day with Schiller's 'off-book' on FEC filings, shows exactly the real and propagandized threat presented by Trump."
Poor composition and editing are forgivable, poor reasoning, irresponsibility and plain ignorance is the standard of Trump's Neo-Nazi followers.
Trump's security picture is not about a candidate under significant threat. As shown, his rent-a-thugs pick-up per diem 233USD with no benefits.
Mr. Schiller's FEC unreported, 78,000USD/10k per month is for a "personal security chief". As such, Schiller hired and vetted any goon on Trump's day labor thug squad of three gun toters. While the impression of poor Mr. Trump, why do they distain his ignorance, is useful, it just doesn't stand scrutiny.
Again, as suggested before, let these bums and lunatics with their forgotten unemployed cry baby angry racists meet in peace.
Let Trump's own words consistently show what an empty suit and would be dictator he is.
Trump has already decided to shut down public examination of his record of racism when he quit the March 21st debate.
As before, why would Trump stand on a stage and answer questions about his proclamations for rioting and 'Islam hates America'? (Trump is claiming an entire religion has a single opinion, that's called prejudice, and that's what makes Trump a dangerous bigot urging his zombie thugs to violence.)
These questions would require an answer. That's why Trump quit the debates. Trump doesn't answer questions because Americans are, in Trump's words, Losers and don't merit any respect or accountability from Donald J. Trump for his wild claims, serial deceptions and promotion of violence.
Romney is on his own anti Trump Movement preparing for anti Trump convention . Trump convention Trump is questioning Romney is really Mormon in Utah last election, after he won against Gingrich he was Jewish in Nevada
LoL. Whatever do you mean? What are the republican voters going to do? Toss the expensive golf bags and golf clubs around at each other?
Guess what SuperLib, if Trump loses, he loses. Ohwell ......
Strange the condemnation on Trump is so great, who is braggish, worked very hard but has not killed anyone, yet the condemnation on people like IS and terrorists who actually killed, bombed and beheaded people are not as great from MSM, liberals and conservatives. Criminals are more feared and sometimes justified than condemned. Illegal migrants are also loud and demanding. People on food stamps are also demanding. It's a strange, strange world we live in master Jack.
ISIS has recently killed an American soldier on the ground, rocket fire. Let's see what Trump says about this casualty. Like a good republican, he supports the military.
@mr-job This is just my guess. I think Trump may invite Kasich in his group to his group. to strengthen his economic and governing ability. Despite of Kasich's past accomplishment, Kasich has been ignored because he does not have enough delegate counts.
"Like a good republican, he supports the military." How so, exactly?
Last summer Trump's employees had protest at his Las Vegas STRIP BLVD HOGEL. The restaurants workers wanted Tonkin culinary union because they only earn $68000 a year. Union wanted. Table game dealers because Union can collect more membership money but talks failed. $78000 a year income? you can not get a lease in Vegas.
Todd Topolski
Tough to work out this ridiculous logic but according to the trump haters out there, Trump is magically responsible for causing anti trump protesters to become violent? These so called protesters are not responsible for their own violent and unnecessary actions? How does this work, Trump is stating to anti trump protesters, come to his rally, start anti trump riots, violently attack pro trump supporters? When exactly did trump give these messages? Again, messages to attack him?
And when did americans become dumb enough to consider legitimate the actions of violent miscreants, violent rioters, generally people who use violence to promote their cause? It used to be a general belief those who resort to violence are generally wrong. Especially when it comes to being for or against ideas or speech.
Bottom line anti trumpers, if you have to resort to assaulting others, rock throwing and being idiots as "proof" trump is a bad choice, then it is you who rely on violence who are wrong.
"This is true. & those guys are wrong for that confrontation with feds." Yes, proof is the serious prison time they will face. They are under arrest unlike Hillary who will never face arrest.
How does Trump support the troops? Obama supports the troops quite well and there is proof that he does so much better than the previous president. Trump and other Conservatives have even confirmed this and it shows Obama is a great president.
Some of your last post made sense, right until there...
Trump hasn't shown respect for anyone, Least of all his "fellow" Republicans. He's pretty clever at promoting himself, but I guess that's the assurance of self-importance one would expect to have inheriting a 200 million dollar (8 billion adjusted) fortune.
Trumpists can live in Denial all they want in regards to the hate and division this man has created in his presidential run, The bottom line is the violence commenced with his rallies. The buck stops there. His radical "contribution" to the electoral process, buoyed on by "make America great again" hats he had made in China....
The security detail around Trump always reminds me of the time I took my daughter then aged 8 to London, and we stood at the barrier to Downing Street. She asked me why all the police, and I said "Because the Prime Minister lives here, and the police are here to protect him." A policeman nearby leaned forward and said "Excuse me ma'am, but that's not actually accurate. My salary in real terms has declined 25% since he came to power. We are keeping him in to protect the public from him. If you want to break through this barrier and go get him, be my guest!"
"Trump denies that he contributes to the violence at campaign events around the country, even though he has said he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be “carried out on a stretcher.” - article
Some are claiming Trump's racism is their choice, this ignored the laws regarding racist discrimination and hate speech.
Some are claiming Trump's religious prejudice is their choice, this ignores the US Constitution.
Some are claiming Trump's demands for violence is their choice because peace loving Neo-Nazis, American Nazi Party Members, Ku Klux Klan Holocaust Deniers have every right to cheer when Trump tells them he will make America hate again.
Arizona just closed their highways to Trump's bigots. Hardly surprising. The culture of Arizona is a blended culture of Mexican and Americans who love their country, The United States of America. Trump and his racists aren't America and never will be.
Trump has had his run. Multiple Corporations have 'Dumped Trump' branded goods eight months ago because Trump iniatied his campaign of hate declaring Mexicans rapists.
Donald J. Trump has, by his words and deeds declared himself the leader of a band of racists and ignorant bigots.
Protesters at Arizona are doing what the Republicans were too afraid to do.
Send Trump and his Nazi followers packing. The American People have spoken.
The Message is *"Trump Take YOUR Hate and Go Back to YOUR Gated Community"
America just closed another city to Trump and his ignornt racists and no one is surprised except the Republican Tea Party dummies who thought their time for racism had a second coming under the wings of their Messiah of Hate, Doanld J. Trump.
(Previous cities closed to Trump's racists, Chicago IL and Cleveland OH, expect more in days to come. America is rejecting Trump's bigots and the chief bigot, Donald J. Trump)
Trump for president! Time to stop the idiotic establishment control
Trump's campaign isn't about the leadership of the Republican Party. Trump's campaign is about racism. Security has been required because all real Americans refuse to accept Trump's racism in their name.
From the aticel: "The Secret Service has declined to say how many agents have been assigned to protect Trump, citing security concerns."
The "establishment" is spending taxpayer dollars to protect Trump's speech. The very establisment Trump claims is stopping his Freedom of Speech?
Did not obama say "Hunger Games" b4 the race even started. Look at the respect he's shown to Carson and Rubio?
Besides, thats just Trump racking up the publicity. Being the "buffoon" you guys say he is.
"Trump racking up the publicity. Being the "buffoon"" -comments
The word was racist, bigot, mysogynist, religious prejudice, hate monger and torture advocate. Buffoon was the nice way of suggesting Trump is just crackers.
All seems to match the profile of Trump's target audience, The Republican Tea Party. Trump. what a business genius. Packaging himself a The GOP/Tea President of Bigots.
The retired Secret Service Agent quoted in the article said it best: "He said there’s surely a more tactful approach Trump could take to protesters than shouting to the crowd and security “get them out.”" If that's buffoonery no one's laughing.
To have an opinion and to be self-thinking or trying to keep the spotlight on Hillary and these dirty lying politicians and remind people not to drink the Kool aid? Yeah, it's true.
And still you have no proof that he's any of these things. But I do agree on the enhanced interrogation methods.
"And still you have no proof that he's any of these things." More publican healthcare, more taxes, and more immigration
"Well, Fox "News" is definitely a brainwashing mechanism."
"To have an opinion and to be self-thinking or trying to keep the spotlight on Hillary and these dirty lying politicians"
It's part of the Murdoch empire. What about dirty, lying, phone-hacking journalists? Don't ever put any noble idea with anything associated with this man.
You said Sanders can be equated with Stalin. Your 'proof'? They are 'socialists'. Your standard of 'proof' is pretty low. Why do you insist on so much more from others?
Late violence report.. protesters kicked and punched Trump supporters. The reporters did not forget to. mention his campaign manager did not attack to let us recall he threw a lady supporter reporter and injured her both arms.
The Secret Service has been assigned to presidential candidate Trump to prevent the democrat protesters from harming Candidate Trump, not to prevent the democrat protesters from repeatedly trying to harm Trump supporters.
The KKK are Republican and support Donald Trump.
According to history, the KKK was created by the Democrats who controlled the former Confederate states after the U.S. Civil War.
Tiny BoyCool ( my video on Donald Trump ) At first I was just shocked that people where even paying attention to him.... Now I fear that he might actually become president. Hard to believe that the President could end up being someone so extreme.
Then why do they want Trump?