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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Warren accuses Trump of 'creepy' comments about her DNA test
What? Trump has the scientific skills to test someone's DNA?
Or perhaps a more likely possibility: He's welshing on a bet. Typical. And what a coward.
A liar, a coward, and a disgusting individual.
Toasted Heretic
The liar-in-chief has spoken and shown his contempt for women, yet again.
Trump baited Warren again and again about her "fake" heritage claims, and Warren stupidly responded by giving these DNA test results. What do the results prove? That, possibly, Warren had a distant ancestor who may match with that of native Mexicans, Columbians, or Peruvians. At most, she is 1/64 Native American, and it's just as likely that she's 1/1024.
So why was Warren stupid for trying to prove Trump wrong? Because Warren just destroyed the basis of the affirmative action system in the United States. The test means that Warren is between 98.5% and 99.9% white. A typical white American has 0.18% Native American DNA on average. Warren may have as little as half the national average. And yet for decades she claimed Native status to gain preferential career opportunities. No sane person is going to look at that DNA result and agree that Warren was right to claim affirmative action benefits. But if she can legitimately do it, then so can I and so can the vast majority of Americans. The Cherokee Nation has already responded with the request that Warren stop "undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage." This DNA test is only going to make things worse for Warren.
When Trump baits you to do something, don't play his game.
How is a guy that wouldn't rent his buildings to black people, refers to Mexicans as rapists, calls white supremacists "good people", villainizes immigrants at the drop of a hat, uses the "N" word, led the birther movement and maligned a Federal judge solely on the basis of his Hispanic heritage a bigot?
I guess we'll never know.
I do not think much of Warren and less of Trump. In this case she is right. Trump should actually fork over the $1,000,000 to her favorite charity and close his trap
Chip Star
Another person that doesn't understand how genetics works.
Only in conservative La La Land is DNA evidence not credible.
Only in conservative La La Land is someone demonstrating Trump incorrect a cause of embarrassment for that person and not Trump.
I don't think the DNA results are that surprising. She looks (and is) whiter than Ivory Soap! After all, according to the commercials, Ivory is only 99 and 44/100% pure. Warren is something like 99 and 80/100%.
The thing that should sink her is that she exploited her faux ancestry for personal gain. She actually contributed recipes to a cookbook called, of all things, "Pow Wow Chow". A name I personally find offensive and demeaning, but that's not important. What IS important is that she signed the recipes as "Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee". She tried to claim a status to which she is not entitled.
This is drastically hypocritical given that you’ve openly admitted on these forums that you won’t accept anything that you perceive as being from a liberal source - even something as politically neutral as peer reviewed scientific studies.
The old "I don't support it, I just defend it" defense.
Trump shouldn't do it. You know it and I know it. The difference is you are a follower who doesn't speak up for his views.
We are 100% in agreement that you would refuse to rent to certain people based on the color of their skin.
The debate is about your insistence that that isn't racist.
Toasted Heretic
Male entertainers who dress as women and have done for centuries. Women entertainers who dress as men. Samurai who had male and female lovers. Yakuza who claim to be descended from Samurai...
Japan has a long history of mixing it up with gender and identity and seems to be perfectly fine with it.
America is truly on a downward spiral... and Trump is at the bottom waiting to devour whomever falls into his pit.
Trump should stop doing this crap. Calling someone "Pocahontas" is infantile and racist. Especially in front of a mob of rabid Cult 45ers.
Warren shouldn't have stooped to Trump's level by getting a DNA test. It's going to taint her otherwise extremely commendable actions as a senator. She should have let it go.
Since Warren is 1/1024 native American/Peruvian/Inuit/Aztec, then perhaps Trump can donate 1/1024 of the million bucks to her charity. That would be something like $950.
She leveraged her faux identity in the 80s and 90s, gaining favor for status that she did not have. Her employers were also complicit- they were eager to appear diverse so they didn't investigate her claims.
Can you imagine someone who had one great-great-great-great-great-great grandparent who was African using that to claim African-American status? They would be rightfully laughed off the stage.
SHE is the one making this an issue? Not the guy constantly calling her Pocahontas?
Did trump ever cough up the 5 mil for Obama’s birth certificate?
To be fair, that seems to be his followers at rallies.
I wonder if any Trump supporters here would make those noises. If not, I’d be fascinated to know why not.
Trashy behaviour? Brainless behaviour? Offensive?
Irrelevant to the question. Would you make those noises at a Trump rally. If not, why not?
It’s just that many attacking Warren are citing the comments made by some native Americans. There does seem to be some validity in their argument. The Warren claim does come across as a bit sketchy.
So here’s what I’m interested in:
Offending some native Americans as Warren did with her claims = bad
Trump inciting his followers to make stereotyped whooping noises parodying native Americans = ?
Simon Foston
Ewww. How exactly does he propose to do that? Really, some people need to learn not to say something stupid and then make things worse by saying something even more stupid.
notasapToday 12:01 pm JST
You really think he's making much hay with comments like that?
I guess trump didn’t cough up the five million he promised to charity for Obama’s birth certificate.
What a dishonest loser. Welching on a deal is despicable human trait.
His supporters have the exact same attributes, minus the elitist manfant trust-fund....
Trump needs to drop the whole Pocahontas thing. It’s a childish and insulting thing to do to Native Americans. I know you guys love your revenge politics, but honestly, find a different insult.
Most black people are not drug dealers or gangsters. They never have been. That’s why your argument that Trump’s “no blacks allowed” policy isn’t racist is wrong.
It was a racist policy. Trump is a racist.
And anyway, how would you know what NYC was like in the 70s?
So, for the side that likes to cry about cultural appropriation, it is Warren who should be criticized not President Trump.
what Trump stating hed do the DNA test personally, why isnt a HArvard professor who specializes in the field good enough. Does Trump have the credentials to even perform a SCIENTIFIC creditable test or is he just being his misogynistic self again. Just another case of Trump shouting his mouth off again without any crediatable facts or morals attached.
Chip Star
That isn't how genetics work.
When Trump lies or says something repugnant, his self-deceiving supporters always claim it was a joke. Intellectual dishonesty at its finest.
Any cites to back up your assertion regarding European Americans having almost the same amount of Native American DNA? Didn't think so.
Trump is a coward. If he weren't, he wouldn't fawn over Kim and Putin.
Anyone else see the shifting goal posts?
So banning black people from your building is not racist? OK then, I guess if you set the bar that low you could argue that the KKK isn't racist either.
No, that is just retroactively applied gloss intended to make his racist comments seem less racist. He was talking and he was generalizing.
I'm not a Dem, I'm just a guy on a message board, taking issue with comments and actions that have nothing to do with what the Dems say or do. So I think I have some room to hurl rocks (figuratively speaking) at this president. I mean, even the leadership of his own party are on record acknowledging that Trump says racist stuff (Paul Ryan after the remarks about the Federal judge, etc), so deflecting this onto the Dems only gets you so far (ie not far at all).
I can't speak for others, but perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the Democrats aren't actively stoking white supremacists for votes NOW even though yeah, back in the day the Democratic party was pretty racist. Guess most voters care about what politicians are doing today rather than stuff that happened last century.
If it’s justified and credible. If Trump acts ridiculously and stupidly, which is not unknown, it’s open season.
Do you think it’s acceptable for him to get his audience to ridicule Native American people who did nothing to deserve it?
I think that’s uncalled for, low and trash.
Warren should say that Trump's fake hair looks like a dead ferret on his head. Also, he is very fat. BTW, why is this news? The real Trump scandal is the US has record deficits.
If she was smart, she would let this go. Even the Native Americans think she’s full of it. I don’t think that’s a good sign when they’re agreeing with Trump.
C'mon, everyone. We all share everyone's DNA if traced back sufficiently far. Warren's family is from Oklahoma, and the link is an old family legend. Cultural affinity is more important, and Warren's progressive policies are quite in tune with Native American culture.
Absolutely agree she shouldn’t be stooping to Trump’s level.
He’s always been a lowlife so he will beat you every time.
If Warren's family is from Oklahoma, then this DNA test suggests that her family heritage stories are incorrect. Warren claims Cherokee heritage. Cherokees are not native to Oklahoma. They were relocated there from other parts of the U.S. in the 1830s. Warren's European family and Oklahoma Cherokees would not have crossed paths until long after her earliest possible Native American ancestor. Many of Warren's past claims have hinted at a grandparent being 1/4 Native American, which would make her 1/16. This DNA test establishes that any possible Native ancestry is between 6 and 10 generations removed from Warren. At most, one of her grandparents was possibly 1/16 or even as little as 1/256. If her white family intermixed with a Native American, it would have happened long before the Trail of Tears. The DNA doesn't support the family stories that Warren tells.
As for cultural affinity or being politically in tune with Native American culture, please read the Cherokee Nation's response to Warren's DNA test. The tribe regards her actions and words as an illegitimate mockery. Cultural affinity can be manufactured where there is no biological connection, so whatever affinity Warren may feel is irrelevant. The Cherokee Nation is a self-defining people. Warren has tried to make herself part of that tribe by using colonist definitions of heritage rather than tribal definitions. The Cherokee argument that Warren is undermining and hurting the tribe is echoed by many Native American scholars and leaders. On this, her politics are decidedly out-of-tune. Warren is a colonizer who stole benefits intended for Indians to advance her career. If that's not stereotypical white culture, I don't know what is.
I have to agree that calling Warren "Pocahontas" is something I would have expected to hear from my kids when they were in elementary school long ago. It is not becoming of a President.....and I do not care much for Ms. Warren...
bass4funk: "How is he a bigot?"
Hahaha... you're joking again. Okay, I get it. Although, I should have just used "racist" instead of "bigot", so as not to confuse you too much. We all know you believed him when he said, "I never said that," which he did about the $1M he'd donate, and we all know you support him when he admitted he said it, but then shifted the goal posts. And of course we all know you support the continued lies when he further gas-lighted and blamed Warren for his own words. Now, let's hear you say, "Trump is a liar," because if you can't, well, you're not a genuine media person interested in the truth, are you?
Senator Warren took her DNA test......she's right, you're wrong about her heritage........
Your turn now Mr President.......America should know just who it is running the country.......
OK, forget the DNA - how about sharing those mysterious tax returns......We'll settle for that......
Warren clearly has no regard for the Cherokee Nation beyond the milage she thinks she can squeeze out of misrepresenting the facts about herself.
Just make sure he donates his own money and doesn't siphon the cash from another charity.
Right, so you think inciting your audience into childish parodies of Native Americans is okay.
Thanks for the honesty.
Toasted Heretic
Trump made this a thing with his usual odious and tactless comments. So, she did the test. This won't stop the woman-hater-in-chief so on and on it will go.
Easier said than done but Warren should just have ignored the trolling ignoramus.
Tbh, i think it's pretty ridiculous to undergo genetic testing so that you can brag about being 1/64, 1/128 (or less) Indian (or French, English, Swedish etc). What's the point really?
Except the intent of Warren was not to brag. She could already do that by finessing a teaching job at Harvard, which she got in the first place by suddenly claiming to be Native American.
Looks like Trump supporters have no time for Warren’s claims. A defensible position. Particularly as some native Americans object to these claims.
Is it okay for Trump to incite his crowd into making childish parodies of Native Americans?
Is that a defensible position?
Is this one of those cases where it’s just better to say nothing about it?
Pay up, Trump! "Promises made. Promises BROKEN."
Warren is a fake.
I'm glad she did this and threw it right back in Trump's face - and of course he will try to deflect and deny whatever she comes up with - that's the shameful playbook he used with President Obama. I wished she had gone of one of the nighttime shows and revealed it there - so everyone could laugh at Trump.
Her identifying as someone with native American heritage? Ask Trump to explain who "John Barron", "John Miller" and "David Dennison" are...
bass4funk: "if she thinks this will put this to rest, she's kidding herself, this is going to hound her for the rest of her career,"
Particularly when the man you support likes making "Indian war cries", being the bigot he is, and you guys laugh and love him more for it.
“ Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is prove. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr.Miyam_Musashi
New report:
Quote: For at least six straight years during Elizabeth Warren’s tenure, Harvard University reported in federally mandated diversity statistics that it had a Native American woman in its senior ranks at the law school. According to both Harvard officials and federal guidelines, those statistics are almost always based on the way employees describe themselves.
In addition, both Harvard’s guidelines and federal regulations for the statistics lay out a specific definition of Native American that Warren does not meet. Unquote.
Thank you Mr. President for not being political correct and having the courage to point out to America another obvious, despicable fraud by the far left.
Vote RED on Nov 6!
NCIS Reruns
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength, and Trump has a Brain.
Trump may be a big mouthed buffoon, but publicly handing her a swab and a test tube is hardly 'creepy'.
All Warren has done is proven that she doesn't even have enough Native American heritage to be part of a tribe. So if the actual Native Americans wouldn't accept her as one of their own, how would she be able to claim she has Native American heritage?
The funniest thing I've read so far this week!
Even CNN is trying to bury the embarrassing story of her actually being - what is it? - 1/1024th 'native american'.
The Cherokee Naation has responded with the following statement: Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is innapropriate and wrong.
Warren 2020! I can't wait.
"Interesting apologist thread, btw."
Warren should apologize for passing herself off as a Native American when she isn't one.
The funny part is that not only did Trump get her to take a DNA test he got her to release it as proof that her 1/64-1/1000th result justifies her illogical claiming of the heritage of others.
Sorry nishikat, when Republicans are in charge, in the words of Dick Cheney, “deficits don’t matter”.*
*Please note that when Democrats are in charge and get left with record deficits suddenly deficits become the most important thing ever.
Its more creepy that she actually did a DNA test and is only 1/64 Native American. That means she is only the PO in Pocahontas.Shameful that she did this so close to the elections.....
Concerned Citizen
The DNA test proves that she is no more native American than almost any U.S. citizen and that she lied when claiming so in order to advance her career.
However that was in the 80's and 90's. I don't think we should judge her too harshly for something stupid and unethical she did so long ago. I'd rather judge her on what she says and does recently.
Unfortunately she is digging her own grave even more by insisting on her claimed heritage in spite of she herself producing the evidence that it's not true!
She would gain more credibility and admiration if she owned up to the error by saying something like 'While I do have very distant native American heritage, it is not significant enough to claim it as my ethnicity. Therefore I should not have done so......etc. I'm sorry.'
I think the swing voters (the ones who matter) will forgive her for it if she does.
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength, and Trump has a Brain.
Trump is Trump that in itself is an oxymoron
Tbh, i think it's pretty ridiculous to undergo genetic testing so that you can brag about being 1/64, 1/128 (or less) Indian (or French, English, Swedish etc). What's the point really?
I think it's a very 'new world' thing to do, i.e some insecure yanks (or aussies, kiwis etc) need a sense of belonging, i mean to a 'proper' group - don't get me wrong, i think americans & australians are 'groups', but for some it's simply 'not enough'. Have met quite a few aussies like that.
I remember watching a program (Insight, sbs, oz tv) where a white woman claimed she was 1/64 aboriginal; a black aboriginal man put her in her place: "you don't get rejected by taxis, I do. That's what being aboriginal means in today's oz" (or something like that).
What does racial heritage have to do with being a Senator, especially when the only tie is genetics at 1/32nd or less? NOTHING. It is purely an attempt to highlight race by this Senator. No other purpose.
DNA samples are taken by scrapping the inside of a cheek (mouth). Creepy? Eh. Useless comment from POTUS, certainly. He shouldn't bother commenting on what every ant does in his yard.
I have ZERO native American blood, not that it matters and I wouldn't expect anyone to care, unless I lived with other native Americans or had grown up with that culture.
Wallace Fred
I have a question. Why do people still call them Indians in the 21st century? Is it a subconscious denial of the fact that they are actually natives to the land and everyone else was an invader? One wonders.
Elizabeth Warren has blown it.
But I look forward to the shrill opportunist she is running in 2020.
When asked if he knew about the results of Warren's DNA test, Trump replied,
"No, I don't know. Who cares?"
Not according to the Cherokee nation, they would know as....Native Americans.
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said DNA tests are useless to determine tribal citizenship and don't distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America.
"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong," he said Monday. "Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
He continued: “It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven.
Donald J. Trump.
At this point it doesn’t matter what Trump says, the Cherokee completely and outright reject her results fully and unequivocally.
Yes, if they get in the gutter and attack him, he should be able to as well. That’s the problem with the right, for too, too long they always turned the other cheek and thank God for Trump he decided to play the lefts game. Good.
Had Warren Not jumped on Trump and slander him with accusations that she knew nothing of, I would say, he overstepped, but as we know, this President is NOT going to take insults by anyone, if he does, expect a quick response. One thing I really like about this President.
The left just proved they don't know at all, imagine if she claimed she was Black.
To liberals nothing is credible except if it comes from another liberal
A White man, who probably has Native American Blood in him calling another White woman who has Native American racist for some reason doesn't luster as much.
No Warren had to do it because she was getting a lot of pressure from the Cherokee nation to shut up about it or prove it and still the Cherokee nation is not convinced, if anyone is racist, it's Warren for taking advantage of a proud Native American tribe just so that she can get into a good college, disgraceful.
Devon Braithwaite
I love how people think the DNA test vindicates her when it does exactly the opposite. The woman is such a joke even Trump looks good by comparison.
I think this is completely the right move. Very good idea.
Serrano, excellent point!
Mikeylikesit, Fritz, well said.
Blacklabel, yes!
Oprah - Warren 2020!
Most likely not since he was at med school at the time.
You people? Yes, but those laws still don’t protect you if you are a gangster or a drug dealer.
Trump should really follow through and make the donation anyway in his own name instead of hers. As he is just as much a Native American as she is.
How is he wrong about her heritage? Libs are so desperate for her to not be a liar. Found to be no more than 1/32 of a racial group but you support calling yourself a member so you can benefit from it? No shame in taking what was meant for others?
Texas A&M Aggie
The Cherokee Nation has announced it does not accept her claim to heritage. Chalk up yet another win for President Trump.
I can’t wait for her or Avenatti to be the nominee.
Meanwhile Trump should take a DNA test. Would probably get the same amount of Native American as she did or even more.
Kenji Fujimori
As stated above if you read carefully, DNA tests are not accurate, hence why people generally take DNA tests with DIFFERENT companies, second time round and are often different results, google it.
He said he would donate the money if she took a test that proved she is Native American. Her test proves she isn’t if you have to go back 6-10 GENERATIONS to find someone who might have been half Indian.
How is he a bigot? That’s as weak as the statement that liberals were making that Kavanaugh a White man is racist against a woman who was...wait....White that had to be cross examined by......wait...old White guys need to really stop holding on to the race card, it’s as dull as an unsharpened 30 year old knife.
No, I find it sad, sad that Warren would take advantage and use race and of course a Native American tribe in order to further her political career. If you want to make the argument Trump should taunt her like that, then you can make the same argument she shouldn’t have used a proud Native American tribe to further her career, these people are calling her out, so yes, I believe the Cherokee nation over Warren without a doubt!
I agree, but during the reign of FranK Lucas there were.
No, back then it wasn’t, I know how NY was in 1978 and it wasn’t a fun place that’s for sure.
Not buying that for a second.
He doesn't, but this is just a joke. Even the Democrats are wondering why she would do this before the midterms, if she thinks this will put this to rest, she's kidding herself, this is going to hound her for the rest of her career, not that she would ever make it to the presidency anyway.
He's not a coward, I think if she's serious, really serious (the left don't trust other sources but their own and that can go both ways) let the President make it public and get real detailed facts because as it stands, most original European Americans have almost the same about of Native American DNA. If she were half or a quarter and Trump did what he did, I get it, but this...come on!
Texas A&M Aggie
President Trump said IF she got the democrat party nomination and they met in a presidential debate, he would hand her a swab and ask to submit a DNA sample on live TV for all us American voters to witness. He would also choose the sampling company to perform the test. If she has nothing to hide, she should have no problem doing that. If the results prove her decades-long claim, President Trump will donate $1 million to a charity of her choice.
What works for Trump won’t work for others, look at Kathy Griffin and Alec Baldwin.
Thomas Bickel
Four more years!
Given the climate in NYC in the 70’s I get it, the drug epidemic was mostly controlled by blacks and supervised by the mob, that’s not racist, it was protecting his interests.
He wasn’t talking or generalizing, he was talking about the crime states according to ICE.
The Dems idol was Senator Byrd a former Klan Grand Wizard who Hillary called her mentor.
There is absolutely No proof he said that.
Look, the point is, the left have absolutely ZERO room to hurl rocks at this President when they’ve done and said things they are accusing him of. The man is not perfect, but it’s just outrageous that the left repeatedly attack this man and the very party they look up to has done a lot worst. Warren was harsh in her attacks on the President and unlike other lame and slow Republicans, this one fought back and threw it back into her face by bringing her ethnicity up which was in question long before the President attacked her.
Kenji Fujimori
At best she is 1/34 and could be as low as 1/1,024. This a lower threshold than most Americans have and her link could be from an ancestor who came from South America 8 to 10 generations ago. Not to mention that most "Native" tribes require great grandparents, i.e. 1/16 or as high as 25% to claim tribal identity. This whole thing is due to her using her "native" identity for personal gain. She was called Harvard Law School's first woman of "color" for these claims. She benefited from pushing this for her own gain. So, for the side that likes to cry about cultural appropriation, it is Warren who should be criticized not President Trump. He's just making hay from her poor judgment as well as her lack of morals and ethics.
Exactly the point. The more she makes this an issue, the more she looks bad and the more she just keeps embarrassing herself. I think now more than ever she's brought even more scrutiny and less doubt on her at this point.