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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Biden wants to pass the baton to Harris: Here's how that might work
Who will be the VP? If Democrat able to win in November 2024.
As another woman and POC, AOC knows that besides the difficulties with such a late game swap Kamala is setting herself up for many challenges dealing with the MAGA mob and the corporate monies behind them.
That is a big “if.”
Democrat just know how to really re-create 2016 moment.
Bob Fosse
VP Pick will be interesting.
Republicans are going to show their true colours now, it’ll get nastier than usual.
Bob Fosse
“I’m Black, and I’m proud of being Black. I was born Black. I will die Black, and I’m not going to make excuses for anybody because they don’t understand.”
She’s talking to you.
black men won’t be voting for her. If they were, she would have won the primary last time instead of Biden.
Cards fan
uh-huh, sure. I'll predict more black men vote for her than Trump.
Yes, totally. Considering blacks make up 13% of the population, and then black men would be half of that. Great point.
No, just go by her record, that speaks for itself especially when she gets grilled about knowing the condition of her boss and hiding it.
Kamala for less than 1% of the vote. The congressional Black Caucus endorsed…old white guy Joe Biden.
Uhh, what does her race have to do with anything?
So much for the "too old" argument. Nice to see the torch passed to a new generation. Not only is Harris well-qualified, she represents America.
Bob Fosse
Scroll up and ask Blacklabel.
Cards fan
Don't worry, they back Harris too. :)
Really is a shame the GOP has insisted on going with the oldest candidate for president in American history. Sad.
Obama and Pelosi and Schumer have yet to endorse Kamala so still time to put someone else. lol
Desert Tortoise
It will likely be a Democratic governor from a swing state on the East Coast or Midwest.
And doing fantastically well
scroll up and..:read the article. Talking about the risk of whiteys Newsom or Whitmer to deny suddenly black Kamala.
no need to ask me
Electorally, the governor of Pennsylvania would probably be the best choice for Dems.
but Kamala has zero appeal outside of the West Coast and Black females.
Desert Tortoise
Yep. She was elected District Attorney multiple times, served as the California Attorney General and later as California's US Senator. As Californian AG, when all the other states were going to cave in to the savings and loan industry seeking she refused to go along, and pushed to start prosecuting S&Ls and their executives for bank fraud with their liar loans that led to the 2008 Great Recession. She forced a better deal out of the S&L industry than the other state AGs were willing to push for. That took serious determination to go it alone. But when with the threat of prosecution looming the other states and the S&Ls soon came to more favorable terms.
She also gets criticized often for protecting officers accused of misconduct. In a couple cases involving Kern County Sheriffs and Bakersfield PD she probably did protect bad cops. But in another sense that is what is expected of a state AG. Most of her professional life was in law enforcement. It will be interesting to see how the right spins her record. They will, but it will probably be, how to say it, a lot of hooey.
Desert Tortoise
Did anybody ever tell you you don't say bad things about your boss in public? If I said my boss was a decrepit old fool on social media I would be fired immediately and for good reason. Sometimes the best thing to do is keep your trap shut.
A baton or a political poisoned chalice.
Attention will now focus on Harris.......
And the nomination process. Harris could be toxic liability,
View this tense interview, just 3 weeks ago.
Kamala Harris Has Tense Post-Debate Interview With CNN's Anderson Cooper
Harris word are laced with duplicitous, disingenuous, fakery.
Are the US people seriously such simpletons not to suggest Harris was not aware of behind the scenes plotting, leading to the events we are all witnessing today?
Vice President Kamala Harris is shackled to Joe Biden fate.
Democrats could well wipe the slate clean.
Great for Harris! I look forward to seeing her debate a liar with no sense of values, only for himself.
It’s nonsensical.
who will change their vote from Trump to Harris? Zero
who wasn’t going to vote for Biden but will vote for Harris? Zero
who was going to vote Biden and won’t vote Harris? Some percentage of racist Democrats.
Joe is losing. Mathematically how does she do better than him?
If Biden wanted to pass the torch to Harris he could have tried to run for president, win, and then resign.
What does that tell you?
Bob Fosse
That clear it up for you Bass?
Trump has never lied...thats gotta be a plus.
{No, I'm not serious }
“I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,”
that doesn’t sound so supportive lol
Who said that? Harris? The same person who said:
*“My mother, grandparents, aunts and uncle instilled us with pride in our South Asian roots,” Harris wrote in her 2019 autobiography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey.”*
“Watch Kamala Harris sworn in as first Indian-American senator
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden today at a ceremonial swearing-in on Capitol Hill. She became the first Indian-American in the United States Senate.”
Passing the baton to Kamala won’t work-she’ll drop it!
Bob Fosse
That’s correct. She said both things.
It’s interesting to learn about heritage isn’t it?
I hear Joe Manchin wants to run now. There will be many others who will try to interject themselves into this “opportunity”.
most Dems also feel Kamala can’t win either.
Hervé L'Eisa
Why else do you think that the first presidential debate was scheduled SO EARLY, the earliest EVER?
It gave the dems time to swap out the cadaver before the convention. Unless Joe decided to step aside himself (which he stated he would only do if he heard the voice of God Almighty tell him to : so did he hear that voice?), the two legal options are: 1) death of the candidate, or 2) removal by Article 25. Both poison pills for the dems.
Now that the megadonors (including foreign nationals) threatened to pull funding, and mutiny by a cabal of dems, Ole Joe has either heard the voice of God Almighty, or has been otherwise persuaded to step aside.
Now the dilemma is whether to pay any attention to the will of democrat voters.
The campaign money stays with Harris. $30 million was raised in the first five hours after Biden announced to stand down.
Does anyone honestly believe Harris can handle Putin, Xi, Iran, North Korea etc?
Also you can count out all the antisemitic left wing, her husband is a Jew.
Harris is a good campaigner when working from prepared statements but as soon as she goes off script or has to address questions she starts throwing out word salad.
Then there's the border czar record.
Strange explanation for the campaign money.
It isn't complicated.
The $91 million is only for Biden Harris.
The only choice is return it or create a super PAC under Biden Harris control.
And seeing they pushed Biden out and if they push Harris out also, I am not sure they will be very kind with their super PAC money to the presidential candidate.
The top Biden-Harris donors will support Harris.
Cards fan
Certainly isn't a dilemma for rightists.
Well Trump certainly can't - he wants to be friends with them.
It’s interesting to learn about heritage isn’t it..
Well in her political realm she does not identify as Asian Indian, she identifies herself as black, which she is not, and that's the opportunist split person right there, now if she identifies herself as Asian Indian American only.. than she will be much stronger candidate..
Kamala Harris is a competent administration prosecutor.
Which mystifies as to Kamala Harris performance in office, a tendency to be a walking gaffe-o-thon.
Gibberish coated with layer upon layer of absurd fallacious drivel.
Kamala Harris is an 'embarrassment': Judge Jeanine
VP Kamala Harris' Embarrassing, Racial Speeches Reach New Low, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus
I know a Fox favourite, even so are difficult to simply ignore also Megyn Kelly is spiteful, however Kamala Harris "Ferguson" moment is grossly race baiting inappropriate.
"Generation after generation, on the fields of Gettysburg, in the schools of Little Rock, on the grounds of this state house, on the streets of Ferguson, and on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives, we the people have always fought to make the promise of freedom real,"
Fox is propaganda for children. They’ve been caught red-handed lying to youngsters.
Very easy to ignore.
There are valid criticisms of Harris but grotesque rightwing versions Big Bird and Cookie Monster aren’t the best place to find them.
The immediate burden is on Harris to solidify support across almost 4,000 delegates from the states,
The Border Tsar!!!
It's always satisfying to educate non-US citizens about US political related stories.
Kind of nice to be taught by a real person instead of relying on headline news, huh?
Cards fan
Fox is to news what democracy is to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
I am not a fan of Fox news either, Jimizo,
All possible candidates must step up, Michelle Obama, I have been avidly reading up on other democrat party hopefuls.
It is very difficult to form a valid opinion when I have not even visited the US.
I keep on promising to do so, but never make to the airport. I have been invited time and again.
My business friends colleague's insist I cannot truly understand "Uncle Sam" until you have looked him in the eye
A wonderful country. Great people.
Don’t judge them on spammers claiming to be American on social media.
In 2016 it was a woman (HRC) who won the popular vote by a large margin. And she's white. But the electoral college was hacked that very night by Russian cyberpunks working for Putin, and his quisling puppet trump was placed in the WH for his Reign of Terror.
Before that we had two terms with the diplomatic and intelligent Obama. He won by a large margin by popular and electoral vote in 2008 and 2012. And he's a 'POC', the first Black American President.
But some butt heads couldn't accept that, no no. Obama had to take a lot of crap from some (but not all) Congress members (and not all Republicans gave him trouble, Boehner and McCain worked with him just fine) but there was this 'birther' crap and the wildest conspiracy theories galore that only the most uninitiated and the most uncultured would ever believe, but some did.
You know who was behind some of those lies and doo-doo slinging? Diaper Don the Gaddafy of America and the eternally-flapping motormouth Pac-men at Faux News run by the gossip-mongering sleazebag Rupert Murdoch, as well as the Sinclair Communications Corp.
I've even heard it from my trumpanzee little sister in 2021 that Kamala was a 'token Black for demented Joe'. These MAGA cultists don't even know WTH they're sassing off about, it's all spoon-fed by a screaming fascist geek.
But I have faith in Kamala, she has shown from the start her capability and smarts. And if Joe is truly in such a shape that he can't fulfill his duties for another term as POTUS, she can pick up the slack. Either way, she'd be better than that antichrist treasonous quisling who is a convicted felon and rapist and has a mental age of 6.
Could you explain how it is that you think you know more about her racial heritage than she does herself. I’d really like to know.
So Kamala is half ethnic India (first name shows that, and that technically falls under the Caucasian race - but not white), and half Jamaican (Black race). I didn't even know that until I read it, and her appearance doesn't really 'show' that.
What difference does it make, anyway? Should it? Pres. Jimmy Carter has a Black American 5th cousin, there's rumors are that Warren G. Harding had some African Black in him too. A few American Presidents had some Native American in them. I do myself.
Of course, before the Traitor we had Obama.
Either you have the cred, qualifications and track record, or you don't.
Race or ethnicity or 'mixture' shouldn't even be an issue here. Kamala was a good pick to be Joe's VP and she has shown her cred during the past few years. The majority of Americans overwhelming voted for Joe because trump is the worst excuse of a human being on planet Earth. And his gross immaturity showed even further on J6, with his screaming violent rhetoric and what he did to that limo driver.
And we all know that if a POTUS is unable to fulfill the duties then the VP takes over. That happened when Nixon resigned 50 years ago, Ford took over. JFK got killed, LBJ took over. When Reagan went 'under the knife' he made George Bush 'Acting President', Beings RR was already in the first stages of Alzheimer's, there may be more to that than we know.
You get what you truly VOTE for, POTUS and VP. Mature and knowledgeable Americans know this.
Don’t watch them. You could be right.
Can’t say. Never read it. Never saw the films.
I couldn’t care less what she says.
I was replying to a post about Fox News - a network caught red-handed lying to children.
A Black female president and a female VP.
Color doesn’t matter when it comes to the Presidency, Kamala won’t make it, but she should run if that is what she wants, why not?