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What is Bodhi Day? And when do Buddhists celebrate it?


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Isn't it when the 100 year storm arrived?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Buddhism is an atheists religion so it is the one religion most aligned with science.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Buddhism is the best religion, unlike Abrahamic religions which have caused so much suffering and misery throughout the world.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

EvilBuddhaToday 06:25 pm JST

Buddhism is the best religion, unlike Abrahamic religions which have caused so much suffering and misery throughout the world.

For once I agree with you. So why EvilBuddha?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

For once I agree with you. So why EvilBuddha?

The Buddha had the vast state of life to accept even the worst murderer into his sangha, because he recognized that even such a person had the potential to attain enlightenment.

The Buddha taught that both good and evil continue to coexist in all lives.

But by revealing the law of cause and effect inherent in the universe, the Buddha showed that Buddhist practice can transform even the worst into the best.

So even EvilBuddha is indebted to the Buddha.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha continues to inspire women and men of good will to live in peace and harmony without any attachment to craving or aversion. Happy Bodhi Day.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Has anyone ever demonstrated that "enlightenment" is a real thing? One can make the argument that Buddhism has historically been less destructive than other religions, but then, how does one explain World War II?

Like other religions, Buddhism asks us to accept on faith that something which cannot be proved is still real.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Has anyone ever demonstrated that "enlightenment" is a real thing?

Yeah, the Buddha did.

how does one explain World War II?

It's upto you to explain why you believe Buddhists supported the war.

Buddhism asks us to accept on faith that something which cannot be proved is still real.

There was a time when it could not be proved that the earth revolved around the sun. Christians persecuted Galileo when he suggested otherwise.

Karma is real, whether you believe it or not. No other religion offers a way of fighting karma.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Different Buddhist traditions and schools may have variations in how they observe Bodhi Day, but the central theme is the celebration of the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment and the inspiration it provides for followers to pursue their spiritual awakening.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Whether it is resurrection and going up to heaven, or enlightenment, are they any more than fairy tales? The story of enlightenment predates the story of resurrection, and may have been the inspiration for it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

EvilBuddhaDec. 8  05:52 pm JST

Buddhism is an atheists religion so it is the one religion most aligned with science.

The original Theravada tradition has no deity. Mahayana worships Gautama as a deity, the only one. Other forms of Buddhism vary in what is a god and what isn't, just like Hinduism does.

'When you make your secret journey, you will be a holy man' - THE POLICE

Apparently Siddhartha Gautama did for many people. Religion or not he was an important philosopher and he made quite an impact on history and culture, at the very least in logic. His own logic is utilized in solving computer science problems today. I have a degree in that and took such classes.

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