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© 2020 AFPWhat next for Trump? Golf, Twitter and maybe another run?
By Shaun Tandon and Sebastian Smith WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Trump can just shut up and go sulk somewhere. He might want to book a jet to Russia in order to escape justice and pay the penalties for his various crimes.
Bye bye Trump. I'm not gonna miss ya!
Oh, I'm pretty sure he's not going to be able to run again... I sincerely hope him, his family, and his enablers will be forced to explain their blatant corruption and criminality.
Sounds like enough to keep him busy for a while.
He will step down before his term is over and Vice President Pence will give him a full pardon. He will do no time.
jack o helen
Golfing and tweeting. Didn't he also do that during his stay in the WH? What's the difference/
Oh, I doubt that - I think it will be more like indictments, trials, and jail....
Though if he somehow dodges all his legal troubles, I suggest he start a grief counselling service for all his supporters - it's clear they need it...
He can call it "Trump Talk - get it all off your chest"...
First customers; Pence, Rudy, and Hannity...
I take exception to this
I do not think he will wield any control over the Republican Party and I believe the majority are happy to see him go. You could see this during the individual campaigns for the Senate and the House.
Prison time.
During a recent campaign rally, the fraud currently occupying the White House, stated that he would leave the USA if (when) he’s defeated on November 3rd.
One of my questions is: which passport and under what name will he use? It doesn’t really matter where he goes, as long as he leaves for good and takes several hundred or thousand of his enablers and extended family with him
There are several outstanding legal and tax matters to address, and no, he’s not above the law.
The sooner he departs, the better.
Make The USA Sane Again.
What’s next? There’s absolutely every chance he’ll be going to prison. They’ll call him “Camouflage” in the Big House. It’s easier to be parent/guardian today, because telling the truth MATTERS! Because being good MATTERS!
Sven Asai
He’ll be fine between his tower and golf resort. But you will soon beg on your knees crying, that he please, please, bewares you fastest possible from that new majority of Hispanic, African,Arabian, lame ducks nightmare that you chose in total drug-abuse and brain-changing corona virus enforced delirium. lol
He can shift to my country since some people literally worship him over here.
@ Tokyo-Engr
You may not know that the fraud soon, but not quick enough, departing the White House was a registered and contributor of the Democratic Party most of his life, and expressed interest in running for President of the United States of America (POTUS) as a Democrat.
The man doesn’t have a conservative/democratic/religious ounce/gram of blubber in his body.
Like most thing he touched, he has decimated the GOP, and left it in a shambles. These elections don’t reflect it yet, but the cascading effect will be felt as early as 2022.
"I had a nice life. I had the greatest life," Trump said in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in his final campaign rally.
Mm, well, if the US justice system is fit for purpose, and precedent suggests there is room for doubt since there much evidence to the contrary, Trump's "greatest life" might soon take a downturn. As far as running in 2024 is concerned, only if he gets out early for good behavior. The 70 million people who voted for him must be made to understand that any federal crime Trump has committed is a crime against the United States and therefore against "we the people", including those who voted for him. If Trump were to enjoy the kind of impunity now being prepared for Putin, there will be no deterrent for crimes committed by future American presidents.
I can see Trump getting back into mass media in some form. He does have very good instincts for it, as this campaign has shown.
Perhaps a Trump Network on tv, telling the unvarnished truth (as he sees it). Something to rival Fox on the populist side of things- it seems Fox has gone corporate and soft. He will steal Tucker Carlson as his headline star/anchor, and in a shock move will hire Chris Cuomo away from CNN as a counter on the left.
I do hope he stays out of politics. Both parties have an age problem- the biggest people are also the oldest. From Trump to Pelosi to Biden, they all need to let some younger voices rise up. The GOP in particular has a group of Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans in Congress (the Dems do to, to be fair) who can provide patriotic cred while staying conservative. I can see Dan Crenshaw of Texas somewhere on the ticket in 2024.
It is fascinating to see how the media has declared their favourite president, while election process is going on. The "red mirage" scammery in the 6 democrat states will be challenged and decided in the courts. I dont know what they decide, but that the media acts as propaganda arm of the DNC is just shameful.
Meaning pre COVID...Trumps economy was predicted to surpass 2019 record #s
Unlikely. Judging by the number of lawsuits awaiting him as soon as he is out of office he's going to be a busy man.
Au contraire - he somewhat invigorated the GOP. Probably not as much a Biden/Harris will over the next four years, but a good start.
I agree. He does seem to have a lot of legal problems but if he can beat these, he’s certainly good at focusing attention on himself and winding a crowd up.
A tabloid platform similar to Fox News would be an undoubted success. An Infowars like approach would be even bigger.
He would be 78 at that time, and unlike Biden he has enough common sense to see that that is just too old for the job.
I agree he will probably be active in the media, maybe starting a Twitter/Fakebook alternative. I dont think he will just play golf.
It's already been reported that as soon as he looses his presidential privileges, Twitter will be much less tolerant of the "alternative facts" he churns out.
He probably won’t, and until January he is still President and liberals forget that there are still lawsuits going on and if elections laws were broken and they have the evidence they said, Biden and his.....VP won’t be happy.
Twitter will kick trump out on Jan 20, he even won’t have that left.
I suspect Mar a Lago will go bankrupt in 6 months.
I feel sorry for this guy, I really do!!!
Next stop for Trump after January 20 will be a trip to New York Criminal Court located at 100 Centre Street in New York. After that, he'll get to spend some quality time at Riker's Island.
The press conference at the Four Seasons landscaping wasn’t a mistake, it is how dire things are for the trump camp.
I encourage his support contribute, they should at least be able to find a decent venue for holding Rudy briefings.
Maybe that is the ultimate last season twist in the Trump saga. He was a double agent whose sole purpose was to wreck the legitimacy of the Republican party once before he rides off into the sunset. And in that one respect I can say he performed a remarkably good job.
No, the GOP establishment needs to die a slow death, the Trump party will endure and expand for a number of reasons, for one thing they’re not beholden to an all right wing ideology, there are moderates, Obama voters that were disappointed by a bag of goods they were sold (as well as Biden soon to be disappointed voters if Biden even gets that far in his first term or even if there is a Biden first term) LGBT community growing number of blacks and Hispanics and what liberals fail to understand is that if Trump is truly out, it doesn’t mean support for him is out, it might be a very good thing and he can probably build up even more of a coalition bigger and stronger than before. Because as we have seen before in California and every blue state liberals in governing don’t go well after a long extended period of time, it never does.
That’s not going to happen, unless the Dems want to try and do what they do best, hijack the system, then it would be possible.
Oh, it's quite possible as well as probable--and "the Dems" won't have anything to do with it. It's a matter of New York State law. Right now, Cyrus Vance Jr, the District Attorney of New York County (which consists mostly of Manhattan and Marble Hill) already has several cases he will most likely pursue against him, and Vance could indict him as early as the first quarter of 2021. Oh, and pardons don't work for state law convictions, so don't even think about trying to pull that out of the magic get out of jail hat.
Toasted Heretic
Never going to happen.
He'll try and relaunch his telly career and fail at that, too.
Business deals, casinos, universities, paying correct taxes, protecting Americans from the pandemic, showing empathy, being PotUS... he's failed at all of these.
What a loser.
Graham DeShazo
Most likely indictments (NY State charges can’t be pardoned), law suits, bankruptcies, loss of his properties, prison and disgrace.
Oh, that is a safe prediction. Jack Dorsey will drop all restraints from censoring him.
The Big Tech censorship on social media is really one of the big issues of the time. The people celebrating it (because right now it goes their way) will come to regret this.
Exactly, they can, but they’ve been after Trump a long time, since I can remember, if they had more than enough to stage Trump it would have already happened, if they can’t get him on phony impeachment or a fake Russia hope, the guy will never see the inside of a prison presence, he’s a clean as this entire election process.
Democrats, go on...
Yeah, but thank God he has some of the best defense lawyers so he’s not big thing.
Indeed, in 2024 I think he'll find it difficult to run an effective campaign for election from a prison cell.
Actually, it might blow away FOX ratings, so that should be great, liberals heads will explode.
Sounds like all the socialist policies that continue to fail.
Give it time, liberal policies always burst like a balloon, this will be fun to watch.
Liberals will be disappointed again when that endeavor fails.
Trump can go to China, he has a bank account there and pays more than 750 dollars in taxes. Maybe open up a Trump Hotel in Wuhan.
It will be pretty hard for Trump to run again in 2024 from behind bars where he should/will be. So happy Biden/Harris pulled off this win. They can start repairing all the damage Trump has done at home and abroad. It was nice to already hear speeches that weren't just rambling rants about nothing and everything. Trump! You're fired! A one-term, impeached POTUS and rightly so. Looking forward to new and positive things and it seems Biden/Harris have learned a lot about how dangerous someone like Trump can be.
Got news for you, this election was a referendum by the American people on impeachment and the not fake Russia investigation. The Senate and Trump's Republican enablers in the House might have looked away and gave him a pass on these crimes, but the American people did not. Same thing is going to happen after Trump faces justice for his crimes in New York.
I'm not quite sure what that sentence means, but his defense lawyers will not be able to keep him out of jail--even on appeal. That's New York State law.
Trump is a malignant narcissist already on the verge of dementia, and what worries me is what is going to happen over the coming days, weeks, and months after the narcissistic rage has fully set in.
Not 120 million supporters though.
It was fake, even Mueller couldn’t find anything on Trump. Absolutely nothing.
No, the Senate did they’re duty and allowed the Dems to bring their
and still there wasn’t enough to prove that there was an impeachable crime...darn i!
They can try, but they’ll fail again, this is why I love the appeals process, ace in the hole for Trump..
I feel the same when liberals start talking about anything legal. It’s all fuzzy math.
Here are some of the lawsuits and criminal probes that may haunt Trump as he leaves office.
Trump goes to play golf while the pandemic is taking its toll (over 1000 people are dying in America daily). This man's utter lack of empathy and compassion! I cannot think of one single positive aspect to his personality. I think he should charter a plane and move to Russia and spend his retirement with his good friend Putin. He must be one of the most hated presidents America has ever had.
Black Sabbath
Trump is an amoral sociopath and the greatest used-car salesman write large in the past 100 years. That is, he is the greatest con-man in American history of some time (challengers Ponzi?, and before that Joseph Smith?) , and because America is, well, America, the greatest con-man in the world going on over 100 -plus years. Bar none, but for, perhaps Rasputin. Or perhaps Gerry Fallwell?
I think we have not seen the last of this Bad Orange Man. As I sees it, there are two paths forward for Trumpty:
Stolen Election Now. Stolen Election Forever!!In this scenario, Trump sticks to his it-ain't-just-a-river-in-Egpyt. "I've been robbed." Babble, giber, render of garments and gnashing of teeth and all that. In this scenario, Trump demands the Republican party, Fox et. al.
DENY THE RESULTS OF TH ELECTION. -- Biden is not the President.
Stolen Election - weaker version path one. Wine, Gripe, and Moan -- Biden is not really the legitimate President. Y'know, what they tried with that Kenyan.Scenario 1 is bat poop-crazy and doomed to shatter the Republican party. Scenario 2 is par for the course for most in the Republican party.
I think fTrump is gonna pull an American Independant Party a la George Wallace.
And that will shatter the Republican party.
I may be wrong. But, schucks, after all these years I guess I'm just the eternal optimist...
Oh, with a following of over 120 million, he should, he really should.
Jail time next.
If he has over 120M followers why did on 70M vote for him? Are you/he claiming the other 50+M were stolen?
I guess Mike Pence is in hiding. Like the toady AG.
The insane Republican party's rubber spine is surely going to have to try and stand straight and some point soon, even if only to abandon ship.
His final words: I’ll be back.