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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S. running out of money for Ukraine and that could hinder fight against Russia, White House warns
The only way the war can be lost is if Republicans in Congress surrender.
Time to pony up the money, or face the dire consequences of Putin's unchecked imperialism.
Mr Kipling
Meanwhile the head of the Ukraine military is in "private" talks with Russian generals and the mayor of Kiev has spoken openly about ending the conflict as it is unwinnable.
The money and weapons they poured in are gone, the super offensive was a total failure, Ukraine actually lost territory. The war is done, NATO lost. Only thing left is to decide where to draw the lines on the map (pretty close to where they are now) and how many more Russians and Ukrainians get to die.
The war is already lost.
They blew it on the counter offensive and attrited all their trained men.
Giving them more money is completely irrational.
Yeah, a few square meters. Whatever will Ukraine do?
Nope. Countries that lose generations of their citizens like Russia will feel it the hardest.
Some of your compatriots think that Putin will only accept total surrender. If that is true, Russia owes a lot more bodies.
Of course Ukraine should listen to you, who only wants to see them dead.
No, we are spending more money than we are taking in, so much so that if we have to militarily engage China, there won’t be any Federal funding left. Yeah, we can always print more money, but that’s adding more to our already unsustainable debt. Dems just don’t get it, but maybe that’s what should happen, maybe then they’ll get it, not at all surprised by this revelation. Time to cut Ukraine loose.
So, raise taxes on the rich. There, problem solved!
If we have to engage with China because Republicans screwed the pooch on Ukraine, you are going to find out what war time tax rates look like. The spending on Ukraine is minuscule compared to what we would spend against China.
Your country has bonds and reserve currency status. Nothing needs to be printed. The US won't go into default just because of the tiny amount we send to Ukraine.
Sorry, but just because your Orange Hero tells you Ukraine is a liability and surrender is good doesn't make it so. Sometimes a failed businessman is just a failed businessman.
So what will satisfy the radical socialist income redistribution ilk? 50-100%? The upper 50% of taxpayers contribute to 97% of federal income tax, with the top 1% alone responsible for 37.3%. Some argue this is unfair, emphasizing the significant tax contribution from the wealthy to counter wealth inequality criticism. The wealthiest 10% own 70% of the nation's wealth (2018), up from 60% in 1989. The top 1% increased their share from 23% to 32%. Economic shifts, like the 2008 crisis and low-interest rates, fueled wealth accumulation among the rich, while those in lower economic brackets often lost wealth in housing value declines. Without the rich, we would be another Venezuela, you just might want to rethink that crazy position you mentioned.
Because there was no reason for Biden and his Democrat administration to get involved into something that doesn’t concern us or our overall national interests
Absolutely, and that’s not helping Biden as his poll numbers continue to tank, so please send more more there.
We know, we know.
I see, just tap into our currency reserve, the same way we did our oil reserves, so let me ask the left since they’re so smart when it comes to money management, what will we do when that money dries up? Then what?
No, all non-establishment Republicans think this is a huge mistake and I’m glad this is now coming to fruition.
So, raise taxes on the rich. There, problem solved!
It's not radical or socialist, but inequality has risen drastically, so the rich paying more is fine by me.
Well, no you wouldn't. You would have a Japan.
One only has to read the posts from the Putin-boosters and our MAGA-friends to see their unholy alliance, and I do mean unholy...
MAGA-world is ready to raise the white flag on helping Ukraine fight for its democracy, just like they are raising the white flag on democracy in the US...
Authoritarianism and tyranny are what drives MAGA-world now - overthrow free elections, use government to persecute the innocent, support dictators and call them "geniuses"...
The GOP is now the PAC - Putin Adoration Club....
I never saw this happening.
Ha that’s a laugh.
MSM covering for Biden and his warmonger gang.
U.S. running out of money
Warmonger gang? The US isn't in any wars!
Your enemy has gone for the play of his century to reform the Soviet Union and you don't realize this concerns our national security interests? The world isn't so big we can just ignore what goes on next to our allies. Our allies and enemies are watching and making their plans based on whether Republicans surrender yet again.
You should know that 100 billion, the amount the US has spent so far, is minuscule compared to a $27 trillion economy. That's every year, 27 trillion is generated.
It's not an actual reserve. It is the fact that the US government borrows at close to zero interest rates:
I see. A student at an Indian university might not be the most objective source in the world. Here is the only printing that happened, and while it did go up, you can also see it is going back down:
Lending is done by banks, and while they did screw up in 2008 with mortgages, there is no indication that there is a similar set of mistakes going on today. You can thank Dodd-Frank for that.
There are lot of misinformed people that don't realize they will own surrender in Ukraine forever, this is true.
You never saw Republicans being useful idiots of Russian foreign policy? I guess I never saw it coming either, but the demonization of McCain was the first warning sign that there were no principles in the party anymore.
Doesn’t matter what we do, this administration has already lost all credibility with our allies and enemies, they don’t fear Biden in any capacity, take your pick, we can outline in detail at how many time our advisors dissed this administration.
See, that alone is the reason why the Dems are not capable of handling the purse, when you think $100 billion is minuscule with the debt we have you’re not qualified to hold any funds whatsoever.
It is and this administration could care less if the dollar is devalued and it’s coming to that.
At least they can count, but we have CNBC and Forbes, Bloomberg, take your pick.
Two Dems….why am I not surprised?
Yeah, the left can keep telling themselves until they’re blue in the face, it won’t help the dwindling support for Ukraine.
Nope sorry. Imagining things and using Russian talking points is not actual weakness. It was Trump's surrender plan in Afghanistan and had no relevance to Ukraine.
Well I outlined why perspective matters, and if you say perspective doesn't matter, I don't know how you argue with that. The US government probably spends billions on bathroom tissue, so you can be outraged at that, too.
I'm glad you like Moodys so much. Maybe listen to them next time you play chicken with the US government credit rating.
I highly doubt you even read what you posted except for the garbage essay.
Yes, they fixed your problem and kept us running towards prosperity. You're welcome.
I'm sure you have many decades left in you that I can remind you of what your party did. I will pace myself.
Zelenskyy will be imprisoned in the US? I think it is more likely he will be feted as the man who killed the most Russians after Stalin.
Btw, the invasion of Panama cost the US 23 trooper's lives. Are you telling me Russia is 1000x more incapable of executing its mission than the US?
Dear USA..
Stop wasting American's money in a LOST war at the other side of the world..
Instead of that, use your money in order to fix your OWN people's problems..
And you have a LOT of them..
Well, Trump will fix that..
We just relocate our money, problem solved.
You can call it whatever you like, doesn’t mean you’ll get my money. I pay my share and that’s it, nothing more.
I disagree..
That’s not a good thing to strive for.
So you are saying that tax cheats are the cause of the US deficit?
I thought Republicans were concerned about the deficit. I guess not.
The answer to that is to up the funding to the IRS to catch tax cheats.
That bill never passed the senate.
Good luck doing anything from a prison cell.
Spending is the main cause. We Spend more than we take in...
You should be asking that to the Democrats. If know blank checks make them smile, but they are running out of other peoples money.
They are rewriting the bill. Republicans learned a lot how corrupt the agency is after 2012.
Bass - taxes don’t fund spending. Taxes take money out of circulation.
Sorry, defeats are measured in lives lost. How many vietnams is Russia going for for its scraps? How is that Crimean base working out for you at the moment?
I know, but I pay more than enough of my fair share of taxes, really, and the Dems think it’s not enough? As in the infamous two words of Elon Musk….
No, I'm only proposing to tax rich people more, so you will be unaffected... ;-)
It won't help.
You don't have to tell us you are rooting for your country's failure. We knew that already.
Why is it my country’s failure to run out of money to give to Ukraine?