Japan Today

WHO asks China for more data on respiratory illness

By Ludovic EHRET

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-1 ( +8 / -9 )

repeatedly criticized Chinese authorities for their lack of transparency and cooperation.

'Lack of transparency' is to be expected from China, a country that continues to cover up the killing of who knows how many civilians at Tiannamen Square, even after millions aound the world, including me, watched live TV reports that showed numerous civilians being sluaghtered by Chinese security forces.

And China also refuses to allow outsiders to see what's going on in Xinjian and how the Uyghur people are faring; not too different from what they've done in Tibet., and recently Hong Kong. No wonder many in Taiwan want nothing to do with being controlled by Beijing.

But the westerrn establishment are making too much money off their dealings with China to do anything that might risk some of the trillions they've invested there. And if there's another pandemic originating in China, the super rich have the best medical care to deal with it, and they care nothing about the rest that do not have that medical care.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

The fact that China has never been held accountable for the Covid pandemic suggests that they may very well something again to bring a crisis upon the whole world.

10 ( +18 / -8 )

Good luck trying to get any data out of China. The CCP has demonstrated time and time again that it cares nothing for the people of China, or the world. Instead, it will do anything to maintain "control," and promote its supposedly "superior" ideology at every turn - everyone and everything else be damned.

And with COVID-19 specifically, it also cynically exploited the situation it created -- through its lies and obfuscation -- to increase its political power, with things like vaccine diplomacy (which fell apart as soon as superior Western vaccines arrived), and increased military maneuverings whilst other countries were in the throes of the pandemic.

I read the other day that COVID-19 is the 5th most devastating pandemic in human history (and it's still ongoing, so who knows where it will end up.) Xi could've stopped/slowed this at the source: instead, he chose "control" and personal gain. A pox upon him and the CCP.


7 ( +11 / -4 )

All nations should shut the borders to China until we know 100% what is going on.

Never forget the millions who died due to China's negligence and recklessness.

13 ( +17 / -4 )


-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Cancel all flights to mainland China now!

12 ( +13 / -1 )

What happens when one pack of liars asks for info from another pack of liars?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Close out China. Please!!

There is absolutely no honesty to be found in China. Just close it out.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Boy, doesn't this all sound familiar.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Oh no, not something else escaped from a lab. Well, I wouldn’t put is past them, you see.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

What happens when one pack of liars asks for info from another pack of liars?

If you accuse a world authority to lie, but fail to produce any evidence of that they are still a much better source than you, the WHO routinely presents scientific evidence for their warnings and recommendations, just saying the whole scientific community must be lying is not a credible argument.

Oh no, not something else escaped from a lab. Well, I wouldn’t put is past them, you see.

There is no indication anything escaped from a lab, making up fantastic scenarios is just playing into giving China easy things to disprove, the same happened with covid, when people focused in the disproved theory of laboratory origins of the disease they gave China an easy target to say the criticism was all imaginary, even when perfectly valid criticism about how they managed the beginning of the pandemic is well substantiated.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The fact that China has never been held accountable for the Covid pandemic suggests that they may very well something again to bring a crisis upon the whole world.

I agree that China should be held accountable for creating and releasing that virus, let's not forget that the US also played a major role.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

and still no credible evidence

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You are determined to make the same spurious point again and again without providing any credible evidence.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Evidence is wasted on people not interested in it.

That is not a valid reason for you to ignore the evidence when it is presented. Not having an interest in evidence is not a justification for ignoring it, it is just part of the problem.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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