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WikiLeaks release gives hit list to al-Qaida, says U.S.


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Lefty wingers providing enemies of civilized democratic society with the means for its elimination ? Perish the thought !

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Oh brother, Google Maps provides way more information on sensitive sites around the world. I was just looking at close-up photos of Chinese nuclear missile sites. Just more persecution of the bravest journalist to date.

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Oh my! I have been bracing for blowback for months now! My arms are getting sore! Is the U.S. government the son of Chicken Little? Well his mother must be a broken record!

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I'm pretty sure al-Qaida already knew most if not everything that was on the list already. Either that or al-Qaida is not the maniacal terrorist group that it was made out to be.

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Doesn't much matter what was known or not.

the theft of government property or receipt of stolen government property.

He published stolen government documents. No matter how you look at it. He's a criminal. Possession of stolen goods is just not legal in most countries except the free anti-democratic states I guess.

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Government documents paid for by taxpayers. They are the people's documents and the people have a right to know about the illegal activities of the government.

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The thing is ,governments and politicians don't want the masses to know what they do.Why do you think all these private enterprises are cutting of his cash lifeline,and an Interpol arrest warrant.Pressure from governments ????. Thats how they work. Freedom of speech and information should apply to all the people of the world. I wonder what all the political prisoners all over the world think of this witch hunt.

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Remember this when the same happens to China and China demands the hand-over of the leaker. One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Anyway, it is all making the US look stupid and petty: stupid, because there is no way to stop the leak of information already out of their hands; and petty, because the US is using its immense power to pressure non-concerned entities to bend to their will.

Let it go, and keep better control of your information in future.

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Assange is an opportunist looking to extend a fast-expiring 15-minutes of fame by any means possible.

When WikiLeaks released footage of the U.S. military gunning down innocent civilians, including Reuters journalists, that was a different thing entirely. Taking stolen diplomatic communiqués and publishing them willy-nilly isn’t responsible journalism. It’s the work of a two-bit hack. If anyone here can tell me how the public interest is better served in knowing that U.S. diplomats believe French president Nicolas Sarkozy parties too hard or that Khadafi has a favorite large-breasted attendant with him always, then I’d love to here that dubious argument.

In the meantime, years of carefully cultivated diplomatic relationships to best ensure a lasting peace between nations DESPITE the human flaws of individuals in positions of power and influence has been effectively thrown out the window by Mr. Assange’s pathetic cry for attention.

And here the public sits rubbing its hands with glee at what amounts to headlines from a season of Jerry Springer episodes, claiming they have a “right” to this information, when the vast majority of the people demanding it scarcely possess the intellect to process even a fraction of what’s contained in the stolen data, much less act on it if the occasion arose.

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the solution is simple...stop meddling

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your last paragraph is insulting and disrespectful to the people who dont agree to your views.You can do betetr.

Anyways,what do u call responsible journalism?Journalism that hides sopme facts?

Assange published those documents abt Sarkosy cos he is not that kind of Journalist who hides info,he spits it all out,whether good OR bad,necessary or Unneccessary.

Assange is the only bold journalist we have and he is paving the way for a new wave of journalism.


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The attitude seen here is the same the world saw of the British when they were on a colonizing spree.

In the words of President George W Bush, 'If you are not with us, you are against us'. I guess the Obama admin is just furthering the same policy.

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Lefty wingers providing enemies of civilized democratic society with the means for its elimination ? Perish the thought !

spot on comment.

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"Government documents paid for by taxpayers. They are the people's documents and the people have a right to know about the illegal activities of the government."

Okay, let’s take the asinine and in no small way insane assertion that all government documents, by virtue of having been paid for by taxpayers, are the property of the People and therefore subject to unfettered scrutiny (yes, People with a capital “P.” If you’re going to have the audacity to bandy about the rights of the People as a magic charm for your argument, then at least show the courtesy of knowing how capitalizing the “p” distinguishes the word from its generic lower-case counterpart).

Does your simple-minded populist argument extend to the launch codes for America’s nuclear arsenal? Bought and paid for by the U.S. taxpayer, right? So by your 6th Grade Civics estimation, Joe the Plumber should have free access to those codes, along with how to use them, right?

WikiLeaks went from an organization that actually did the journalistic legwork one would expect to uncover legitimate illegal activities by governments to an organization that threw out 251, 287 U.S. diplomatic cables willy-nilly, with a virtual post-it note attached to the international community reading, “Haven’t had time to look through these. Let me know if you find anything.” That’s not responsible, hard-hitting journalism. That’s self-serving opportunism bolstered by no small amount of abject laziness.

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The scandal is the leak, not the messenger. What the leaks expose is that the vast majority of our leaders neither possess the intellect nor the moral fabric to govern in a democracy.

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"your last paragraph is insulting and disrespectful to the people who dont agree to your views."

No more insulting or disrespectful than having to be lumped in with a pitchfork-waving mob cheering on the release of info that has less to do with any illegal activities on the part of the U.S. government and more to do with Assange providing tabloid gossip for a bored public just because he can.

If anyone feels insulted that I've called their kneejerk appause of the irresponsible dumping of 251,000 diplomatic communiques on the Internet stupid, then great. My work is done. Just as governments should be rightfully called to task for illegal activites, so too should stupid people be called out for doing things that are, well, stupid.

BTW, why would you even be applauding Assange? None of his activities would be acceptable under your rationalizations regarding how China treats political mavericks. By your estimation, a government has every right to imprison or murder someone like Assange for daring to challenge the status quo, even if it is peacefully. Make up your mind.

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you are on a different thread.

He is just been that bold and responsible journalist.what many phrase as ,without fear or favor.

If there is nothing illegal abt the US docs,why r n the state Dept fuming with rage.?

Also,remember his leaks not only US documents.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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And again,I respect the sovereignty of states.In America is abt free speech ,so it will be unacceptable for the US to act against what it believes in.

On the contrary,in China they dont entertain free speech.So it would have been unacceptable to tolerate free speech.

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"The skandal is the leak, not the messenger. What the leaks expose is that the vast majority of our leaders neither possess the intellect nor the moral fabric to govern in a democracy."

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Assange should be punished in any way for what he’s done. As has been made clear in many other forums, the unfettered liberty of the press is the lifeblood of any healthy government, and even people like Assange have their place. And there was a time when he did good work.

But a common thread I see with how people define freedom is that far too many of them seem to believe that its an exercise free of responsibility. Freedom of the press does not come without some demonstration of mature decision-making when it comes to determining what should and should not be released to the public.

Just as the identity and address of a child victim of sexual assault should not be published in the press just because it’s available, so too should Assange have exercise greater responsibility before he dumped – DUMPED - tens of thousand of diplomatic cables on the world. Even he doesn’t know entirely what’s contained into those messages. No one does. At least not yet. But they will, as time goes on and people are allowed to pour over them.

And what happens when the equivalent of the name and of a child victim of rape is uncovered? Who takes responsibility for the damage the will inevitably come to that child? That child’s family? That child’s community? Assange? Not hardly. “I was serving the public interest,” will be his defense. You? “I didn’t release it. I just read it,” would be your defense.

I use the sexually assaulted child as more readily identifiable example to those of us who don’t operate in the arena of international politics, but the purpose is to show that what happens in the case of a small-town child abuse story is multiplied considerably on the international stage. People can and probably will die as a result of what’s contained in those cables. And the sad part is that the ones who will most assuredly will not be the vast majority of leaders who neither possess the intellect nor the moral fabric to govern in a democracy.

So again, how has the public interest been served here? I just don’t see it.

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"And again,I respect the sovereignty of states.In America is abt free speech ,so it will be unacceptable for the US to act against what it believes in."

But Assange isn't an American. He's Australian. And the rule of law in the U.S. that you claim to respect is that Assange can and should be tried for espionage. So, do you think he should be tried for espionage? Or are you simply going to let your argument organically morph with the changing tides of the discussion, as seems to to be the case?

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Even if you believe that the list isn't that big of a deal you'd still be left explaining why it's relevant and why it should have been released in the first place. Was there a crime committed? A difference between public and private agendas? Transparency in government? If anyone can link any of Assange's stated goals to this information then please do so. It's situations like this where Assange supporters really need to ask themselves if he is the man he claims to be.

LFRAgain: WikiLeaks went from an organization that actually did the journalistic legwork one would expect to uncover legitimate illegal activities by governments to an organization that threw out 251, 287 U.S. diplomatic cables willy-nilly, with a virtual post-it note attached to the international community reading, “Haven’t had time to look through these. Let me know if you find anything.” That’s not responsible, hard-hitting journalism. That’s self-serving opportunism bolstered by no small amount of abject laziness.

That shouldn't be overlooked. They're is no way that the entire body of evidence will ever get a fair trial since it will be based entirely on hit-and-run, titillating releases that are chosen because they will be the biggest headlines. I'm betting that I'll go my entire life meeting supporters of Assange who haven't even read a single page of the actual releases, yet will spend the rest of their lives telling me how they had to have that information to function.

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Thanks for the clarification. I totally agree that at the least the name of informers should be blanked and that the information should be made public according to its relevance. But it is the reaction of our intellectually and democratically challenged leaders who make Assange into a folk hero.

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U have continuosly used the word WESTERNERS in most of ur posts.I think Australia is a western country and thus u all share the same Ideology(the so called Free press) and worldview.

However,he is an Australian and ur espionage laws does not apply to him.It applies to the guy who leaked it.

Anyway,dont u think Assange's works are a plus to the western world and your Ideology?He is just demonstrating what u believe.

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I think the terrorists already know this stuff...that is why they are terrorists.

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LFRAgain is a talented writer. S/he swayed my opinion.

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I think this was a silly list to be released...first of all, it has no real meaning for the average citizen and doesn't seem to be showing any signs of hidden agenda's or govenment cover-ups. Also, by releasing this list, it does make it easier for people to target these places; be it forein or dometic terrorist. I get the real reason that I don't like it being out there in public domain is that a dam that is near my hometown has been listed and I would have liked to think that it could remain off of the terrorist radar for being such an obsure place (Mica dam, Revelstoke, B.C. Canada)

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Some say Assange is MK Ultra.

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I think this was a silly list to be released...first of all, it has no real meaning for the average citizen and doesn't seem to be showing any signs of hidden agenda's or govenment cover-ups. Also, by releasing this list, it does make it easier for people to target these places; be it forein or dometic terrorist" or just a simple person with a grudge....

Anyway,dont u think Assange's works are a plus to the western world and your Ideology?He is just demonstrating what u believe." we have a freedom of speech which is why we were supposed to make certain things secret unlike a great many other countries, countries which many here support, govern their people in secrecy. Big Difference.

What's next, he's already given out names of translators (practically a death sentence).

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Mr. Assange is taking all the media attention, but there is a real question about Pfc. Manning. If this disclosure involves others, would the US Govt. allow Pfc. Manning to be "tortured?" I have been informed the US Constitution has been suspended, and the US society is strange, so anything is possible? This event really highlights the issue of "what does the US stand for, if not the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? I fear I know the answer.

Finally, Mr. Assange is acting on the prevailing principle that the US DOES stand for open govt. as idealized in the US Constitution. I guess history will sort this out.

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Wikileaks is still very much in the news. I hope more people will soon realize that Wikileaks and al-Qaida are both tools used to further the agenda of whoever is controlling the US.

I have the feeling they might use Wikileaks to impose strict controls of the internet.

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U.S. officials said the leak amounts to giving a hit list to terrorists.

And in the last 20 years, terrorists have attacked the kinds of places in this hit list how many times? Terrorists have attacked trains, buses, planes, embassies, theaters, office buildings, hotels, and restaurants. They don't seem to have shown any interest in attacking things "critical to national security". Is that because they don't know about them, they are too difficult to attack, or they just don't care about them? And why would they care, they are not trying to get political or territorial control, or overthrow the USA. They don't need to attack them to meet their objectives, and the softer targets are all they need.

You have to wonder if some people actually understand the war they are fighting.

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I have the feeling they might use Wikileaks to impose strict controls of the internet." I hope you are not offended with such an adversary as me, but I agree with you on that and when you think about it, aren't they right now try to push some kind of control on the net?

GJD: that's a good point above on the softer targets, but the leaks I hear show companies and business that are dealing with US security entities and some of them are in "enemy" countries. That's getting a bit personal.

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The media loves to stir up the FEAR!! A good point said earlier, "Terrorist know where they want to hit already, since they are terrorists." Too funny that this Australian idiot is being called treasonous. Doesn't he have to be American for that? If anything sabwabi has a good point about using this to impose harsher regulations on the web.

Careful out there people.

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They are after the wrong person, Assagne did not steal the documents in question, he published them.

This is typical American behaviour of going after the wrong culprit for something someone else did.

Same as the U.S. going after Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11, blaming them for 9/11.

And please dont argue that innocent lives were lost because, they have taken 10 times as many innocent lives. and these documents prove that.

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GJDailleult: Just because these places haven't been attacked yet doesn't mean that they won't in the future...especially if there is an easy list like this out there. I don't know how well gaurded many hydro dams are, but I am going to guess that they aren't gaurded like other places of national importance. Such places like that would be a terrorist dream because they would be able to obtain multiple goals at once.

As for free speech, I'm all for it. But one must also understand the impact they may have with their voice. In this case the list seems to really have no reason to be stated to average citizens and therefore not really needed to be released. Wikilinks would be better off releasing leaks that do have a major impact on the public...ar at least that is my opinion.

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"U have continuosly used the word WESTERNERS in most of ur posts.I think Australia is a western country and thus u all share the same Ideology(the so called Free press) and worldview."

Wh-wh-Whaaaat?! Are you seriously trying to say just because the U.S. and Australia share similar political philosophies, that their laws must be one and the same? My heavens, you really do play fast and loose with the facts, don't you? So much for your so-called respect of the sovereignty of states.

“However,he is an Australian and ur espionage laws does not apply to him.It applies to the guy who leaked it.”

By willfully, knowingly, and systematically disseminating stolen classified information, Assange becomes an accessory to the crime of espionage, regardless of his nationality. His actions are willfully against the United States, and if someday caught by agents of the U.S., he can and most probably will be tried in a court of law for espionage, if for no other reason than to make his day at least as miserable as he’s made it for countless others with his recklessness

Also, as a known computer hacker maintaining a website that advertises the availability of secrets obtained “anonymously,” he’s going to have a hard time proving he isn’t the original thief. Or at least that’s how the justice departments of a number of countries are likely to approach the prosecuting him.

“Anyway,dont u think Assange's works are a plus to the western world and your Ideology?He is just demonstrating what u believe.”

No, I don’t think so, and no, he’s not demonstrating anything I believe. He’s demonstrating irresponsible recklessness with what many in the West (since you insist on lumping us all together) consider the sanctity of freedom and liberty. Assange’s actions speak in no way whatsoever to what I believe freedom should entail.

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Did the terrorists manage to find the word trade center all by themselves or did they rely on wikileaks?

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Just out of curiosity, how many defenders of this guy think;

It would have been alright to publish the plans to "Operation Overlord" in 1944 if they had been made available through a security leak before the invasion.

It would have been OK to publish the secret negotiations between Washington and Moscow in 1962 that defused the Cuban missle crisis.

It would have been fine to disclose that there were secret negotiation going on in Oslo between the PLO and Israel that eventually led to the Oslo Accord (now failed).
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“And please dont argue that innocent lives were lost because, they have taken 10 times as many innocent lives. and these documents prove that.”

How interesting. So, are you trying to say that because 10 times as many innocent lives have been lost in the past, a few more dying because of this documents is a good thing?


Forgive me if I still can’t see how the public is better served by the release of this info.

Incidentally, your logic is very similar to the rationalizations some Coalition officials used to defend civilian deaths in both the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars: “Yes, some civilians were killed, but when looking at the bigger picture . . . “

Again, how interesting.

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Publishing stolen documents and enabling easier identification of targets could add charges of aiding the enemy and subverting a nation. I hope Julian is doing well in his underground life on the run. He is also a big hypocrite as he has contributed to this software development:

Starting around 1997, he co-invented the Rubberhose deniable encryption system, a cryptographic concept made into a software package for Linux designed to provide plausible deniability against rubber-hose cryptanalysis; he originally intended the system to be used "as a tool for human rights workers who needed to protect sensitive data in the field."

Well I guess what's good for the goose is not always good for the gander in his opinion. Yes a hypocrite supreme. Good luck on getting off on charges of publishing stolen documents. No plausible deniability there Julian boy.

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Same as the U.S. going after Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11, blaming them for 9/11.

Presidential candidate George Bush spelled out his administration's plans to effect regime change in Iraq waaaay back in 2000, during the campaign debates. I guess the media in your country was too ignorant, or too preoccupied with the Spice Girls, to even care.

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Does anyone have new info on Pfc. Manning - this is the guy who released classified info way beyond his rank. This is the guy the CIA? is questioning as we speak? If this is a conspiracy, more leaks will continue after this Assange episode.

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Good that a foreign country decides to invade another sovereign country in advance.

shd we all be happy that Alqeeda also has such plans to destroy America.

Back on topic,reports say mirror websites of wikileaks has started.And I fear,it cant be contained anymore whether he is arrested or not.

Assange shd go to Nigeria,he will be safe there.

Free Speech will previal in the land of the Free.

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To Bigmouth,

You're kidding, right? The talk of treason, assassination, execution applies to Pfc. Manning. If he did leak this, he has a reason. I would like to hear his reasons.

Mr. Assange is the messenger, just like the Washington Post or the NY Times. Wikileaks doesn't have the wherewithal to protect itself like the major media networks.

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Oh yeah, just the American Taliban inciting more fear. Heaven forbid the truth ever be told to anyone or any voter. They might as well shut down the free press then.

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Oh yeah, just the American Taliban inciting more fear.

No one does that maudlin adult emo hyperbole quite like a non-American reader of Daily Kos.

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All things in good measure. I have to admit that some aspects of the leaks have been refreshing.

But if we are presented with either all or nothing, then nothing has to be a safer bet with some of these agenda-possessed/obsessed nutcases on the loose.

I would have preferred a middle road with Assanage using some common sense and understanding.

Unfortunately everything that has happened to date suggests he has been threatening the US for huge sums of money. I would be interested to see any information to the contrary.

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Has blowback happened yet, or do we still have fraidy cat folks still crying that we need to bend over for the government to make sure it does not happen?

American chickens won't have freedom or security if they keep backing the government no matter what. Prepare the red carpet for the SSA, the Stalinist States of America, that is if its not pre-empted by a coup and a dictatator who will be referred to as "The Protector" by American chickens running in fear of the truth.

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As usual excellent posts.

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We have a right to know some things, but others are too sensitive or classified. Wikileaks is not discerning either = bad.

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I would not want to be seated proximate to Mr. Assange in a restaurant when the drone with his name on it descends from the clouds...

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LFR: "His actions are willfully against the United States,"

That's a good point. We are clearly his enemy; he's decided that.

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I'm not sure what Wikileaks objective is, but even though many of the releases have been interesting, I fail to see why they should be published. They threaten to undermine the practice of diplomacy and this latest batch seems particularly irresponsible.

Assange seems to have some idealised notion that openness in and of itself is a good thing. I'm increasingly skeptical and am slightly worried about the implications of all these leaks - especially if countries are no longer able to trust or work with each other.

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Oh,America u disgraced us.

Assange,pls release the next,

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The time to plug the WikiLeak with a Predator Hellfire is near! I have friends who's lives are now in danger from this piece of sh$t so I have no problem endorsing his assassination! I had access to classified information for 20 years and upheld the trust my government put in me. To this day I hold that responsibility near and dear. Mr Assange is a traitor and deserves the punishment a traitor should receive!

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The clearance level that Wikileaks is releasing is very high - much higher that what a Pfc. military analyst would have a need to see. Would that question be answered publicly if it involves higher ranks?

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In times of war, you must give up some freedom, to not let your enemies get any kind of unwanted advantage over you, the USA etc..is fighting agains AQ and this kind of stupid wikileaks homepage is just what AQ etc...want and need. America is not a chicken, it is fighting in horrible places many other countries do not want to send their boys and girls to fight, this idiot Australian bastard should be sent to Guantanamo, Cuba and there have a lovely time with like minded individuals, all behind bars.

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They threaten to undermine the practice of diplomacy and this latest batch seems particularly irresponsible." This is a clear cut and dry case of a guy who just simply hates the US and he is using us against us.. Hope he likes what may replace the US because I firmly believe that he and his followers want us to fall. Good Luck Dudes

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maybe we shd fill Guantanamo with those mexican murderers first.

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Yes,we like what will replace the US.

Wikileaks will succeed

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its that not what u have been wishing China n countries that does not accept ur values.

u championed free press,lets see it prevail

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you know, you guys crack me up. First you imperilize the world. Then you create a capitalist where you guys just destroyed the heck out of us, you want to change when we are finally getting somewhere.

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Free press, free speech, heck freedom itself comes with responsibility. Just as one cannot fraudly shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater causing a deadly stampede, just because one is free to say something does not mean one is free from the responsibility of what was said. As per Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility - the more powerful one becomes, the more responsible one has to be.

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