Japan Today

World awaits WHO mission's report on China COVID origin

By Robin MILLARD and Agnès PEDRERO

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Nothing to see here. The Chinese government have been completely open, trustworthy, accountable, and generous with their tasty banquets.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

I have found the following books to be most informative (and well-written) on the spread and tracking of viral pandemics:

The Devil's Flu - the world's deadliest Influenza epidemic snd the scientific hunt for the virus that caused it 2000

Spillover - animal infections and the next human pandemic 2013

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This report will explain nothing.

The report will be the same as the Virus: Doctored and engineered by China.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Any evidence at all to support your contention that the virus was engineered by China? Any?

My sixth sense!

2 ( +13 / -11 )

What you mean the world doesn't trust a peaceful means, research and data gathering country?

As to respond to P Smith yes there was a research document of SARS2 that proved and was actually posted on ResearchGate but removed by unknown, removed after those of us who actually have a copy of the research it gets removed or immediately is blocked from being uploaded. The research is from the main researcher who disappeared on a long long vacation and no seems to know of her making her out of sight out of mind.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

I wonder whether the report will mention the museum the team had to visit to gain their insights . . . .

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The originality is not really the core focus of inquiry. The CCP mishandling and cover-ups should be highlighted. With all critical materials destroyed without consent prior to the WHO fact-finding mission in Wuhan, we people in the world should take the report very carefully, with a grain of salt. #CCPLiesPeopleDie

8 ( +10 / -2 )

but the mystery at the very heart of the pandemic remains unsolved

That might be valid for you, but definitely not for me. It’s not at all a mystery and although ‘unsolved’, the probabilities are quite clear. Zoonosis theory would require an intermediate vector (the one or some species that are said to have transmitted the virus from the far away bats to the humans in a big city) in this case, but there is or aren’t any. The same or similar for virus transmission by frozen food. Then there must be another species or a transmission chain of them, explaining how the viruses come from the wildlife onto factory packages. Come on, we all know what the reasons were and still are...

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

As to respond to P Smith yes there was a research document of SARS2 that proved and was actually posted on ResearchGate but removed by unknown, removed after those of us who actually have a copy of the research it gets removed or immediately is blocked from being uploaded. The research is from the main researcher who disappeared on a long long vacation and no seems to know of her making her out of sight out of mind.

There is no such thing, there was a badly made attempt of a scientific report that was immediately and heavily criticized for sloppy methods and hiding pertinent information, the only thing that it proved was that the main author considered lying a valid method to manipulate others.



“Widely questionable, spurious, and fraudulent claims are made throughout the paper about the thought-to-be precursor of SARS-2, RaTG13, found in bat caves. The author’s attacks include quotes which have not been referenced, including how this ‘has been disputed and its truthfulness widely questioned. Soon a paper proving that will be submitted.’ She then goes on to attack several genome sequences as fraudulent, ranging from pangolin coronaviruses to bat coronaviruses, again without evidence. The reference she cites for that, in fact, does not make that claim.”

The preprint is easily available on ResearchGate, but it has been so completely debunked by many specialists from all around the world that there is not real value on reading it anymore.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Kai Strittmatter

We Have been Harmonized

News from Ch

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

 Zoonosis theory would require an intermediate vector (the one or some species that are said to have transmitted the virus from the far away bats to the humans in a big city) in this case, but there is or aren’t any. 

First of all, the earliest human cases were NOT in a big city, those were only the first identified cases of a very evident outbreak, it is already well known that previous cases were present in the region before entering the crowded city of Wuhan.

Second, not knowing what is the vector is very different from knowing there is no vector. Those kind of epidemiological studies take years to be completed. If the international pressure have just let a real investigative team begin with the work, it is unrealistic to think they can have the final results by now. It will take a lot of work and data to clarify the actual route of infection, but that doesn't mean this makes any imaginary theory suddenly the most likely.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


News from China is about as believable as news from North Korea

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Nothing to wait for here. What does anyone expect from WHO, who were Chinese puppets in the early days, not declaring a pandemic, when Blind Freddy could see it was already a pandemic, not recommending international travel between countries should be stopped ( in fact encouraging it at the same time China was stopping internal travel so international travellers from Wuhan could spread it worldwide.)

Clearly they will find exactly as China has suggested it came into China from either frozen imported food or from the foreign competitors at a Sports event in Wuhan. Any reason to doubt what China says. Certainly not from the WHO. The lab, working on such viruses, that just happened to be near the market which was a focal spreading point for the virus ( not the origin as everyone now acknowledges) is pure coincidence and had nothing to do it already confirmed by WHO.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

From the beginning and up to now, the Chinese government has not been forthcoming.

During this recent UN investigation, information on the earliest cases was not released, and this could have pointed to a source of the outbreak.

I believe that the source is rather mundane though. It started in the wet markets and spread when the Chinese government lied about it. The Wuhan wet market has been closed, similar to how the Chinese bullet train that crashed was immediately buried before an investigation could be conducted.

The problem is that wet markets are an ongoing risk and will likely continue to operate and put everyone at risk. China will continue to lie about these kind of events and put many at risk again.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Yes, @noriahojanen 3:29p JST - don’t forget the salt - “The original mishandling and cover-ups...with a grain of salt. #CCPLiesPeopleDie”

1 ( +4 / -3 )


I mostly agree, it would take resources , time and not to forget , support and wide allowances from the Chinese state. And there it is, the problem and why I think the probabilities are more and more converging to the lab theories. Alone having those labs there and no current zoonosis vectors... Nearly 1, the probability, don’t you think so? lol

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

And there it is, the problem and why I think the probabilities are more and more converging to the lab theories

That does not make sense, its like having money disappearing from a safe in a bank, the obvious explanation would be that someone took the money, but someone says "It may have been disintegrated with a futuristic weapon". Now, after a whole day of searching for the thief nobody still knows who took the money, does this make the futuristic weapon more likely? obviously not, because there are countless reasons why that explanation is still unbelievable. Thinking that hiding that weapon would require a huge effort from a huge organization is not an explanation either, a thief is still the best theory, precisely because it does not require a huge conspiracy (and because it is the usual reason why the same thing has happened before).

Alone having those labs there and no current zoonosis vectors... Nearly 1, the probability, don’t you think so? lol

There where? in a city that did not had the first cases? that would be the opposite, because it would require that the virus escaped from the lab, managed to avoid causing any outbreaks in a heavily populated city, travel by itself to more rural locations where it caused some few people to be infected (as if it came from nature!) and then went back to the big city and only the second time there produce very obvious outbreaks.

The location works much more as a reason against the artificial origin explanation, because it would require elaborate and highly impossible sequence of things to happen in order to fit the evidence.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

This mission sent to China to investigate the origin of the virus lacks credibility and honesty. Three of these WHO investigators had links with Chinese institutions - Embarak, Daszak, and Koopmans. Isn't it a coincidence? There is a short video on Sky news Australia . Please watch and enjoy this big circus called the WHO while thousands are still dying and getting infected daily. Millions of people worldwide want justice.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Beijin will not release more data because it will shed light on it's actual origin (which pharma and NIH are so desperately trying to cover up):


*"*But more than four years ago, long before this question blew up into an international point of tension between China and the United States, the story started with a simple warning.

*In late 2017, **top health and science officials at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing attended a conference in the Chinese capital. There, they saw a presentation on a new study put out by a group of Chinese scientists, including several from the Wuhan lab, in conjunction with the U.S. National Institutes of Health.*

*Since the 2002 outbreak of SARS—the deadly disease caused by a coronavirus transmitted by bats in China—scientists around the world had been looking for ways to predict and limit future outbreaks of similar diseases. To aid the effort, the NIH had funded a number of projects that involved the WIV scientists, including much of the Wuhan lab’s work with bat coronaviruses. *The new study was entitled “Discovery of a Rich Gene Pool of Bat SARS-Related Coronaviruses Provides New Insights into the Origin of SARS Coronavirus.”

These researchers, the American officials learned, had found a population of bats from caves in Yunnan province that gave them insight into how SARS coronaviruses originated and spread. The researchers boasted that they may have found the cave where the original SARS coronavirus originated. But all the U.S. diplomats cared about was that these scientists had discovered three new viruses that had a unique characteristic: they contained a "spike protein” that was particularly good at grabbing on to a specific receptor in human lung cells known as an ACE2 receptor. That means the viruses were potentially very dangerous for humans—and that these viruses were now in a lab with which they, the U.S. diplomats, were largely unfamiliar."

Let's (US funding China's Wuhan Lab) TEST um...RESEARCH gain-of-function Possibilities of Bat Coronaviruses (that top-level biosafety laboratory (BSL-4) had PROBLEMS from the beginning)

They continued to test and push "gain-of-function" viruses to see if bat coronaviruses would be able to jump to a human host cell and infect it in the name of "research" in the hopes of producing a vaccine to protect against it. Well, well, well...look at what is happening and has happened in the world today.

Create the Virus (may have accidentally leaked) Create the Vaccine with ZERO Liability Instill Fear Through Media Inject 80% of the world for "Herd Absurdity" $$ Save Humanity $$

They are more than eager to cover this up and dismiss it as conspiracy theory but sure they just LOVE to research bat coronaviruses don't they? And Dr. Anthony Fauci....bless his heart. What an angel? Him and Bill Gates are some of the main players behind much of this suffering and benefitting from it for years to come.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

This WHO "investigation" was a joke, this is like if the police comes to investigate the murder after 1 year .... WHO has no credibility anymore.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

What investigation? Wuhan, China is the origin of the pandemic. China and WHO are both responsible for its rapid spread all around the world. Every country which didn’t trust to China and didn’t listen to WHO’s ‘relax and wash your hands’, but sealed their borders very early, didn’t suffer that much.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

China is also responsible for a more than a month delay before they shared the details about the virus, which delayed the vaccines, which caused more deaths around the world.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

World awaits China-sponsored WHO mission's cover up on China COVID origin

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Beijin will not release more data because it will shed light on it's actual origin (which pharma and NIH are so desperately trying to cover up):

Is there any conspiracy theory you don't believe in?

Your story seems realistic, but only as long as the people don't understand the topic, everybody that actually have an idea knows it is pure nonsense, a simple phylogenetic analysis is enough to understand the isolates from 2017 are not related directly to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and a little attention to detail lets anybody discover that the spike protein in particular uses a very different sequence to acquire the ability to increase its binding to human ACE2 receptors.


Nobody is covering anything up, the sequences are open for anybody to analyze, the problem is that it is terribly obvious that the isolates are at much the equivalent to distant cousins, not the parental strain that conspiracy fanatics try to misrepresent. Every expert in coronavirus in the world knows about this and also know the absolute nonsense the conspiracy is trying to disguise as logical conclusions.

Once again I urge you to get better sources for all the misinformation that you keep copy-pasting here, Josh Rogin has been found repeatedly misrepresenting information to fit his views


Tellingly, when the full diplomatic cable referenced by Rogin was released in July, the Post itself concluded, “The full cable does not strengthen the claim that an accident at the lab caused the virus to escape.” Any reading of the cable makes clear it says nothing like Rogin’s interpretation. Instead, it makes clear that a shortage of qualified staff had precluded the lab from operating at full capacity and importing highly contagious diseases.

And again, as the last time that you copy-pasted this conspiracy theory without corroboration, the simple fact that the disease did NOT began in the city of Wuhan is enough to prove it makes no sense, the conspiracy doesn't even try to explain how the virus escaped from the whole city without causing even a single outbreak, then infected people in much less crowded areas and then went back to the city, exactly as expected if it began from contacts in the wild.

The last time you gave up without trying to explain this contradiction, meaning that you understood it proves this theory as false, but here you paste it again as if it was not disqualified completely, why is that? do you think repeating false information is a valid way to make other people think like you?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

We the public will never know the truth .

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If we needed to protect the truth from getting out we would use our control of the media and massive funding to hire assistance to run interference and insist that anything deviating from the 'mainstream narrative' would be a 'conspiracy theory'.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

We the public will never know the truth

Sadly, even if people do know the truth, the powers that be, whether China, US or Big Pharma will make sure to use all their vast resources to make sure it is minimized or censored. There is just way too much money and investment involved to let this 'pandemic' go to waste. After all we are doing this to help 'save lives' for the 'greater good' right?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I've pointed it out before, and I'll point it out again - anyone ever notice how the morons who criticize the WHO as Chinese puppets never have an answer as to how the WHO should have fulfilled it's mandate to look after the health of the world, while getting itself kicked out of China (losing access to 1/5 the world's population) by becoming political?

Losers criticize. Smarter people provide answers. The smartest are able to see when there isn't a clean answer.

Lots of losers criticizing the WHO.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Why is it ok to call the strains South Africa Covid-19 and COVID-UK, but not call the original the Chinese-COVID?

We should be following the science, not outlandish stories and claims for 0.0005% possible scenarios.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The longer the wait for the report the higher the bribes the officials at WHO will extract from the CCP.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Why is it ok to call the strains South Africa Covid-19 and COVID-UK, but not call the original the Chinese-COVID?

In the end, because Asian people faced a lot of public racism as a result. If white people were facing the same in Japan because Japan referred to the UK-flu or the SA flu, I'd call for ending usage of these terms as well.

Even if the intent of the speaker is not to cause racist behaviors, it cannot be denied that the end result has become that. So while I don't criticize anyone who may have used the term before it became a problem, I have a problem with anyone who knows about the anti-Asian racism that's resulted from use of the term, yet still continues to use it. It shows a lack of respect for the ethnicity of those facing criticism. If there's anything that proves it to be a problem, it's that the result wasn't just anti-Chinese racism (who were from the country of origin), but indeed East and South East Asians in general.

I find the use of 'Chinese flu' or 'Kung-flu' to be as distasteful as someone who still uses 'gay' as a pejorative against something, even though they aren't referring to homosexuals. Sure, you may not be referring to homosexuals, but nevertheless, it's damn rude to people who are homosexual.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Why is it ok to call the strains South Africa Covid-19 and COVID-UK, but not call the original the Chinese-COVID?

The 1918-19 virus, which was estimated to have killed between 50 and 100 MILLION people (primitive reporting) was called "Spanish Flu" albeit having arisen on the hog farms of the central United States and spread into the entire world by the U.S. Army but was never called the "American Virus", "American Plague", or, ruefully, "American Foreign Policy". Attribution is a tricky thing. Some want it, some don't. Some deserve it, some don't. But playing politics with a plague is a much deeper, much more salient symptom of malignant mentality when something that affects us ALL and requires our most sincere co-operation is used to try to alienate us from each other. The movie "Independence Day" would have had a completely different ending if the REAL Humanity we see operating today were the Humanity that had been portrayed in the movie. This is a SHARED THREAT folks and pointing fingers and inciting hostility to co-operation just helps to kill more people. And as for WHO, make their funding secure and safe from pathological political pretenders and maybe they would not be full-nelsoned into making statements they are not ready, it is too early, to make and damaging their own credibility. I suspect that managing a world wide disaster for the first time in anyone's lifetime might take a little time to look 'experienced'. It would be MUCH WORSE without WHO. The saddest thing here is the obvious fantasy Humanity seems to have that a collective threat might 'bring us together'. Time for this one...B'wah hahaha...sob.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Why is it ok to call the strains South Africa Covid-19 and COVID-UK, but not call the original the Chinese-COVID?

News item:

"American observers have determined that the asteroid about to hit the Earth is a CHINESE asteroid and the U.N. is sending a mission to investigate the origin of the..." The most disappointing thing about being Human is Humanity itself.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Ooooh, the suspense.

Judging by the comments, the vast majority know where it came from and how it started. We don't need a political organization to tell us the facts of life.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Sadly, even if people do know the truth, the powers that be, whether China, US or Big Pharma will make sure to use all their vast resources to make sure it is minimized or censored. There is just way too much money and investment involved to let this 'pandemic' go to waste. After all we are doing this to help 'save lives' for the 'greater good' right?

And you can prove this with... nothing.

Science can prove with data that you are wrong. So your excuse is that the whole world is in a conspiracy to hide and censor the truth and replace it with fake science that makes perfect sense, and the only person that says the truth is someone that was not censored in any way and even sells books about it, and he is completely trustworthy even if he has been found lying repeatedly.

Sure, makes sense.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Here's some more eye opening insight on China's cover up from Jamie Metzl when he was last interviewed on Joe Rogan:


In 2019, he was appointed to the World Health Organization expert advisory committee on human genome editing. Jamie previously served in the U.S. National Security Council, State Department, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia.

"So um...we know. We have a long history of these pathogenic outbreaks and they tend to happen in more tropical parts of of China and Southeast Asia and just tropical parts of the world. So when SARS...when this outbreak began for me I had a little bit of background.

One of the reasons why I started to get suspicious very early on is I recently before then been in Wuhan and I knew Wuhan wasn't a place where a bunch of yokels are eating bats. Wuhan is a really sophisticated city. It's their Chicago and I knew that they didn't have horseshoe bats in Wuhan. As a matter of fact when the outbreak happened it was winter there and so there weren't bats there and I knew early on that this whole story of the wet market was a lie and as the Chinese government knew and they for many many months pushed that story even knowing it wasn't true."

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Here's some more eye opening insight on China's cover up from Jamie Metzl when he was last interviewed on Joe Rogan:

Well duh! the problem is not that the first cases were identified in Wuhan, the problem is in assuming those were the first human cases, something that has been already proven mistaken.

The reality is that the first infections were in the region, but not in the big, crowded city, it was only after weeks of limited transmission in less populated areas where finally an outbreak happened in Wuhan. The strange thing is not that there were no wild life in a big city, the strange thing is to assume the first human infections were there, when every epidemiologist worth his salt knows that a disease that can be asymptomatic or simulate a simple cold could have been transmitted around for a long time before. Another mistake is to irrationally assume the disease could only spread directly from bats to humans, when the previous cases have made it clear there is frequently a intermediate host animal(camels, civets). It is not rational to expect bats present in the place of the first human cases.

By the way, this is exactly the reason why the supposed artificial origin of the virus can be discarded. Because it can be corroborated that the infection did not originate in the city of Wuhan, so it makes no sense that a virus could escape not only a lab, but the whole city without causing very visible outbreaks.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

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