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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Worldwide COVID-19 death toll surpasses 3 million
This is just the official death count.
India is under reporting the deaths from COVID, and it is mostly happening in the states ruled by the ruling party BJP since they are experts at tweaking figures to make themselves look good. They did it with GDP growth rates earlier and now it is the COVID death count. The common ways of doing this is logging the deaths of victims with co-morbidities as dying from non-COVID related causes, delaying RTPCR tests on patients so that they can under report the COVID cases if patient gets better and under report the death rate if the patient worsens.
However, unlike China, the media in India is free and some journalists have reported queues outside crematoriums and shortage of funeral pyres at the risk of their careers -
All countries should follow the lead of NZ PM Ardern now and block Indians from coming to their shores because the crisis is much worse than it is made out to be. Maybe this will force the Indian government to own up to their mismanagement of the crisis and also force these NRIs (non resident Indians) who love the Hindu nationalist BJP so much to accept that Modi is not really the messiah of Hindus that he claimed to be.
The Indian double variant has already made its way to the UK and it's starting to scare the bejesus out of some UK experts.
"The Indian double variant has already made its way to the UK and it's starting to scare the bejesus out of some UK experts."
Yes, folks are joking that the UK variant made its way to India so now Indians released their own variant in the UK to get back at their former colonial masters.
Are you claiming that with another president the figure would be much different? On what basis? What exactly should another president have done differently exactly? And can you point to a clear correlation between government policy and Corona death rates in various countries, or are the figures in fact all over the place?
(Not holding my breath for a factual answer, alas...)
Please don’t criticize USA, EU, S American, African and east India deaths on the original virus. It was old age, obesity and underlying health conditions + SARS.
However new variants are nothing to laugh about.
The mutation will now be the Indian double spike, and the next will be a triple spike variant.
the way to survive is exercise, diet, stress release, hygiene, and social distancing. Make your immune system strong. Not everybody dies, as big pharma will lead you to believe.
"big pharma" would be more interested in people not taking too much care and specially trusting their immune systems and not vaccinating. A visit to the ICU and weeks or months of rehabilitation bring them more profit than a thousand doses of vaccine.
That is not a valid conclusion from the reported numbers. A patient can have a predisposing condition that is severely worsened by COVID and die from that condition primarily, so it would be registered as a death "with" COVID, but that would not mean this person would have died anyway without the infection.
Raw Beer
Big pharma will make much more from vaccinating everyone (yearly) than having a very tiny fraction of them visiting the ICU once. Vaccines are extremely lucrative, so no wonder they are pushing them on as many people as they can, the vast majority of which don't need them.....
I'm not going to bother reading that link if it's the DM. This is a tabloid which is full of lies, and made-up nonsense. And don't get me started on all the grammar and spelling mistakes made by the 'journalists'.
That is false, first because until now there have been no evidence whatsoever that a yearly vaccine will be necessary (even if CEOs say it), and because you seriously are understimating what is the money that moves from even one day in the ICU, or for hospitalization, rehabilitation or even house treatment and following.
Vaccines are not as lucrative as treating the disease they prevent. Specially for coronavirus where it is completely possible to develop and test even cheaper versions without any special problem. If simple recombinant antigens are as safe as the current ones new vaccines could be developed even in third world countries for a 100th of the cost. Companies gain much more from the reputation of getting in the market a safe and effective medical intervention than from selling it in the first place. And if their own purpose was economic profit they would not need to develop them in the first place.
Sven Asai
You simply should have denied those mind sick gain-in-function researchers the access to their laboratories or beat them all equipment out of their maniac hands. But I am quite sure they still have it all and also are still high paid and celebrated renowned scientists.
And it's not over yet.
That would have had no meaning in the appearance of the disease, because it is much more likely to have come naturally, same as countless others.
On the other hand since every pathogen laboratory of the world use gain of function research your suggestion would have simply stopped all research done in the field, including the research that let scientist develop safe and effective vaccines for COVID in such a short time.
Xie xie. The world will not forget your gift.
No, that is actually TRUE. Vaccines are the most lucrative investment a pharmaceutical company can make ESPECIALLY if they have no liability through the Emergency Use Authorization. When CEOs of both Pfizer and Moderna have already voiced it you know their intention. Although it may not mean it will happen you know they are pushing to make it happen and knowing Pharma's history...they are putting massive efforts to make sure it comes to fruition.
A Lucrative Investment
"A vaccine is Pfizer's best-selling drug"..."Sales of the vaccine are set to bring in about a fourth of Pfizer's total revenue this year. That would be nearly as much as its three best-selling products combined"
A Product That is Liability Free (100% profitable - once approve it is risk free for the company)
"You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either"
Still false, there is no real profit from vaccines when compared with the literally thousands more profit made even by short hospitalizations. This argument is just imaginary and the favorite excuse of antivaxxer propaganda. Compared with the huge investment of resources to produce vaccines, the much simpler approach of just producing and providing the necessary drugs and other consumables to hospitals is a sure bet, or at least it would be if economic profit was the only thing that mattered. This is sadly product of people that can only think about money, they could not understand anyone, nor a person nor a company, that could take pride in helping others unless it means making as many money as it could be possible.
Also companies obviously still have liability, they can be fined, their license suspended, people prosecuted, etc. etc. The simple fact that immunization with a vaccine can be suspended when under investigation proves this an obvious falsehood, If companies had no liability this could not be even done. So no, it is not 100% profitable, even if you keep copy-pasting the same misleading information it is still false.
Raw Beer
I am well aware of the cost of ICU. But pharmaceutical companies don't get much from them if they use old, safe, and effective drugs like hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, ivermectin,...
They can however make lots if they manage to "convince" regulators to accept new drugs, like Gilead's ineffective and dangerous Remdesivir. That is why essentially all studies showing negative effects of HCQ (and positive effects of Remdesivir) are linked to Gilead. The many remaining studies show positive effects of HCQ.
Nobody can reasonably deny that vaccines are extremely lucrative for big pharma.
Raw Beer
In the case of vaccines, only if they KNOWINGLY falsify or omit information. BTW, something that Pfizer has already been fined billions for....
You seem to have a very strange definition of liability. I'm sure Big Pharma is shaking in their boots that vaccine administration can be temporarily suspended!
Before the special liability protections, pharmaceutical companies had paid billions to people who suffered from adverse effects of vaccines. They now no longer do, and it is not due to safer vaccines...