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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.China warns U.S. of retaliation for law backing Hong Kong protesters
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Gravely troubling rhetoric from a country who did buildups for peaceful and research purposes, yet with the same breath threatens its neighbors who only want peace and business transactions. China seems to be the only country in Asia that is looking for war and taking the steps in that direction.
Whatever anyone thinks of Trump, this is a good thing.
The freedom loving populace of Hong Kong needs all of the support they can get!! And if that includes a U.S. law signed by Trump, so be it!!
Meanwhile, the jackboot thugs (aka, the Hong Kong "police") are searching the Poly campus today. I am sure they will beat up and pepper spray anyone they will find.
no comments at all from the usual Trump haters.
nobody is doubting that HK deserves its democracy, but Trump has to decide if it wants an enemy in China or a future trading partner, NK, trade wars, intellectual property etc all look far out of reach. whether you like China or not America just has to come to realise that China wont be bullied like it once was. Chinese communist government , bar a civil war is there forever, Trumps only there until the next POTUS comes in and decides a different approach that actually might work is needed.
Bart Fargo
Read this somewhere else...
There is no indication however that Trump intends to enact any of the powers in the act anytime soon, and in a statement, the White House said it would only enforce parts of the law because "certain provisions of the Act would interfere with the exercise of the President's constitutional authority to state the foreign policy of the United States."
It's good for the U.S. to support human rights, but, under president Trump, who knows what Trump will do if China does agree to a U.S.-China trade deal. It'll be like the Kurds in Syria all over again. The Hong Kongers, sad to say, are expendable to Trump just as the Kurds were. Brace yourselves Hong Kong and put zero faith in what this president does or says. He's using you as a prod to annoy your rulers in Beijing.
What the hell! A self proclaimed dictator (I'm the leader for life) opposes freedom and is incessened that people actually have the Gaul to say NO.
I have an appendage that matches his head. So the right to refuse is no longer valid?
I really doubt that Trump has any idea what is happening in Hong Kong. The stable genius just signs anything that is put in front of him as long as KFC is promised to him.
Well, I guess Xi finally came up with some bogus dirt on Biden...better check and see of Crazy Rudy made any trips to Beijing over the past couple weeks...or if the Ambassador was fired...
Trump couldn't handle the thought of an override of a veto, so he caved. Expect the trade war to get uglier.
We need to sport these people. China is committing ethnic cleansing, genocide and oppression on multiple fronts. They need to be isolated and confronted.
Retaliate!! Do it!!
Xi wants to get back at Trump? Release his taxes, show his ties to Russian corruption.
Bart Fargo
Well golly gee, he signed it.
Guess the "wonderful letter" didn't arrive.
Thought he would pocket veto it.
This, plus making animal abuse a felony...I'm feeling mixed emotions towards him now.
that mid-range nuclear forces treaty that the Russians were violating.
yep and now Russia is upgrading its ballistic missiles and developing hypersonic ICBMs yep the world is such a safer place since Trump came in
Not sure if anyone would care if they did or not. But if they did, I don't see the U.S. announcing how it would take "firm counter measures".
Toasted Heretic
Interesting move, if genuine. But he still values trade over everything else, so I'll withhold judgement for now.
No one here predicted that. You seem confused.
Don't worry. Donnie's daughter has factories in China and besides, Donnie's buddy Kim or Master Vladimir will keep things from going too far.
^ And, HK people are celebrating this.
This law is an amendment to the 1992's US HK policy Act which is based on the promised that HK as a separate entity from mainland China even after 1997. And, guess who eroded that status and broke that agreement by stating the 1997 signed and registered agreement as 'historical document'?
Charlie Sommers
"So liberals will be anti HK protestors now? no comments at all from the usual Trump haters."
Even a broken watch shows the correct time twice a day. One or two correct actions don't atone for a multitude of mistakes, horrible decisions, and outright lies.
Time for China to sponsor riots and a secession movement in (say) California.
Well, nothing better than a reality check. Making wrong predictions is the best indicator of being wrong about a topic.
well he did now hes going to reap the rewards ,
no deal with NK , trade war continuing until next year US farmers will continue to lose market share to Brazil Argentina Australia etc etc. possibly all the way up to the 2020 election. Meanwhile Tesla and other big American corporations continue to invest and build factories in China for the Chinese market well because its far cheaper to build them there without tariffs and cheaper Chinese labour
Trump couldn't handle the thought of an override of a veto, so he caved. Expect the trade war to get uglier.
And if he hadn't signed it, you'd be criticizing him for not supporting Hong Kong. Laughable.
And if the trade war gets uglier, it's China that's gonna be taking the brunt of that.
Chip Star
Agreed. Language such as taking "form countermeasures" is straight from nominally communist countries' scripts.
This bill sounds like it would affect Hong Kong more than anyone else.
The bill dictates a review done every year on Hong Kong freedom to keep giving them special trading previlage.
Who will be affected by this the most Hong Kong people?
Sh1mon M4sada
you have a short memory....almost all your posts previously were denigrating protesters and pro government.
USA has not interferred in any demonstration. USA is saying, if the HK government is hell bent ion anarchy, police brutality, continuous escalation and down right suppression, despite the Basic Laws guaranteeing freedom, then HK won't receive soecial trade treatment that it traditionally received.
BTW, do you expect protesters to stand there whikst police inflict brutality on them? Remember poluce were the first to escalate, firing tear gas on the elderly, women, and children peacefully marching.
Also, do you expect USA to continue to grant trade concession to a brutal suppressive, unrespected government?
Sh1mon M4sada
Trump has signed it, but will it be fully enforced on China, and will it lead to associated sanctions on Chinese businesses and government? Don't forget the tear gas were soyrced from USA.
We wait...
Sh1mon M4sada
It's going to be interesting to see how USA respond to Beijing's threat and attempt at suppressing USA's values.
I would have thought USA has absolute rights to carry values and upholds them in all aspects of its dealings with the world, especially trade.
The watering down of values started with Obama and how he favours pragmatism over American values, perhaps the world, especially the authoritarian world has gotten used to the idea USA will capitulate?
This law does NOTHING, unless human rights are violated in Hong Kong. Then, it just removes favored trading with the USA.
China is free to do whatever they want, but the US doesn't continue trading with human right's violators.
I wish the law wasn't specific to Hong Kong. It should apply to any country that violates UN human rights blatantly - but not as determined by the joke UN Human Rights Council - which often has the worst violators as members. Cameroon, Somalia, Philippines, for example.
Hello Kitty 321
While I support the protesters in HK (apart from the violence) what right does the US think it has to interfere in demonstrations within China. What would they think if China passed a law in support of the Black Lives Matter movement?
Well you know, he just signed this to distract from (enter false narrative of the day)!
Chip Star
"A bipartisan group of United States Senators and Congress"
Obama would never have signed it, there's only one president in 4 decades to stand up to China.
I like how all these democrats are screaming bloody murder that Trump is the most corrupt president ever...
Really....? I remember a few years ago when George Dubya (who couldn't have did it without support of -- You guessed it Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi) Started an ILLEGAL war by attacking & invading a country for oil... 500k people killed... People are still still dying today.... What a mess!!!
You're crazy....!
Trump's talking about pulling troops out -- all over the world! -- Peace!!
Err, what? I thought in your worldview, Trump WANTS "dirt on Biden", in which case he should be grateful to Winnie Puh, sorry XI, and not do something that Xi hates.
Did you get messages crossed while thinking of something to bash Trump for?
It obviously affects mainland China, because once China breaks the 50-year agreement by fully integrating HK and then STILL can benefit from the special treatment of HK, it would mean the Peking dictators can have their cake and eat it.
The bill, from what I see, looks like common sense to me. The special treatment of HK was based on the assumption that China respects the special status. Once China breaks that promise, of course the special HK excemptions should also end.
Nice excuse for the clear demonstration that several Trump haters here are clearly wrong about an issue when they confidently predicted that Trump would never sign the bill.
Lets keep those predictions (aka reality checks) coming!
wtfjapan, the USA needs to take care of its own problems first before pointing the finger at China.
You can think about pointing fingers what you want, but a government has to make decisions as to how to deal with China. Accept communist Chinas aggression and cheating without response.... yes or no. Fingerpointing is not the issue, political decisions are.
Zaphod, what about American aggression? Hint how many wars is China involved in? Hint how many wars is the USA involved in?
Trump had to sign it. He is a big part of it.
Let's try to keep things intellectually honest, mmkay?
I remember several of our anti-Trump contributors here predicted confidently that Trump would not sign the bill, because "Donny" does not have the guts to do so or is in the pockets of Putin etc etc.
Well, nothing better than a reality check. Making wrong predictions is the best indicator of being wrong about a topic.
I can say with certainly. Former President Obama would not have signed off on this. I praise President Trump for supporting Hong Kong and the protestors mission at hand.
Hong Kong’s fervent young protesters have turned to harassment or even assault against those who disagree with them, an even more extreme form of the behavior the former president recently criticized among American progressives recently.
Well Mr. President. Revolutions are never pretty.
We have gone well and far beyond Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) movement.
This is fight for Democracy! Go ahead China go on then. Do your worst.
Chip Star
To whom he does not listen.
Multiple TVs on.
so liberals will be anti HK protestors now?
no comments at all from the usual Trump haters.
You guys are reeeally stretching it, huh? Lol
He has advisors, the Pentagon to get up to the minute updates and a TV so I would disagree.
Donnie's buddy Kim or Master Vladimir will keep things from going too far.
I don't think starpunk is ever gonna admit that the Mueller investigation couldn't come up with any Trump-Russia collusion.
What do the Democrats have to say about this retaliation by China? They're the ones who came up with this legislation.
The stable genius just signs anything that is put in front of him as long as KFC is promised to him.
He didn't sign off on that awful NAFTA that even Hillary was eventually against, or the Paris Climate BS or, get this, that mid-range nuclear forces treaty that the Russians were violating.
He did however lie when he said we would get tired of winning. We're not. 5 more years, Baby!