Japan Today

Trump abandons Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions


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Trump is a bully, his track record proves it. He pulled out of the TPP thinking it wouldn't survive without the US, but went on without him. When he realized that he wasn't the center of attention, he quietly dropped the idea that "maybe" the US will come back.

This is the Trump way of "negotiating", he perceives, (imagines? fantasizes?) that there is a problem, and he thinks that without him, nothing will get accomplished. He did it in business, and now he is doing it on a larger world stage, and sadly he has no one around him to control his mouth.

6 ( +27 / -21 )


-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Don't like the man but agree with totally. It was a very bad agreement.

-3 ( +21 / -24 )

This is not "pulling out." This is breaking an agreement. This is breaking the word of the United States. It is a disgrace.

11 ( +31 / -20 )

Trump breaking agreements is Trumpism. Just ask any of his former contractors - or, more pertinently for Mueller, his lenders.

7 ( +23 / -16 )

Hello North Korea? This is how you do business with America. That deal Trump wants to make, it means nothing. Might be better to keep you button close.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

So Trump backs out of the Iran deal and Israel starts sending missiles into Syria. Gada love those peaceful Israelis.

-3 ( +15 / -18 )

Now, if we could JUST reFreeze that $6 BILLION that's now funding God knows WHAT.

Too late.

-20 ( +3 / -23 )

thank you. Iran can not be trusted than goodness the US is not bowing to untrustworthy regimes anymore like the last administration.

-6 ( +15 / -21 )

But Trump complains that the accord, the signature foreign policy achievement of his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, does not address Iran's ballistic missile program, its nuclear activities beyond 2025 or its role in conflicts in Yemen and Syria.

And instead of breaking the deal, and if you are such a great "deal-maker" what in the hell is wrong with calling the Iranian's back to the table and negotiate a separate agreement that covers these issues?

12 ( +20 / -8 )

Another campaign promise kept and ANOTHER Obama disaster struck from the records.

Iran cheated on the deal from day one and had no intention of honoring it when it was signed.

This is good. Can anyone honestly imagine a world with a nuclear Iran?

It could only end in horror.

-27 ( +7 / -34 )

This is not "pulling out." This is breaking an agreement.

If it was so good then why didn’t Obama bring it to congress? Why did he do a quick behind the doors meeting?

This is breaking the word of the United States. It is a disgrace.

it was a treaty which can be ratified at any given time, the only law that was broken was that Obama bypassed congress in a haste to make this terrible treaty.

-28 ( +6 / -34 )

Trump is a man of his word.

" Hello North Korea? This is how you do business with America. That deal Trump wants to make, it means nothing."

No, but bad deals made by Obama and Kerry do mean nothing.

" This is breaking the word of the United States. It is a disgrace."

No, the disgrace was this incredibly bad deal made by Obama and Kerry.

Gutfeld on Trump withdrawing from Iran deal


-32 ( +2 / -34 )

 or its role in conflicts in Yemen and Syria

Totally two different things. Are you going to start proving who's responsible for Yemen?

So you say Iran? You're not going to get away with this.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Why should North Korea believe a single thing the US says when Trump is demonstrating right before their eyes that the US will not keep its word?

24 ( +27 / -3 )

This blows any deal with North Korea - why would they believe anything the US says??

The US has simply given in to the whining Israelis on the Iran agreement. What is it that Israel has over the US?

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Complete madness. The USA is rapidly achieving global pariah status under Trump. Nothing it does or says can be trusted now.

21 ( +27 / -6 )

Not surprised here...he said it during his campaign, so what’s the outrage? Plus it’s a terrible agreement when you know the inspectors are not allowed in military facilities...duh, you would think missiles of all kind are hidden there. President did the world especially the Europeans a huge favor in the long term from preventing Tehran from getting nuclear weapons. Thanks president Trump!!

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Once again Trump is doing exactly what Vladmir Putin wants him to do, crack open NATO and undermine the alliance. This country had better wake up soon to the fact that a traitor is living in the White House and it's not Melania.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Trump is just the great Orange destruction, I'll let a much better man than me explain, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uQvig0KvUaE

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Not surprised here...he said it during his campaign, so what’s the outrage

The fact that for once he has kept his word? And it's extremely bad policy. He hasn't made a single "deal" since he took office, just continuing the con.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Well, it's done. Now the EU should step up to keep the deal intact.

And I guess any negotiation with North Korea is screwed. Kim Jong Un now knows that any deal he makes with the US may be overturned 3 years later.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

ANOTHER Obama disaster struck from the records.

Here we see the true motivation of Trump and his supporters: blind emotional resentment and spite. From Trump's perspective, the decision has nothing to do with logic. He just wants to poop on Obama's legacy. From Bolton's perspective, this will be a good way to get Iran to restart its nuclear program (which Iran has already announced), giving Bolton and his unhinged neocons an excuse to bomb Iran.

The agreement was working. Iran was in compliance, and the U.S. walked out.

Shameful and stupid.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

Why should North Korea believe a single thing the US says when Trump is demonstrating right before their eyes that the US will not keep its word?

As John Bolton once said, “you know, life is hard for dictators.” Kim won’t know what will happen if he doesn’t denuclearize. He should always keep what happened today to Iran, to Saddam and to Gaddafi if he thinks about continuing down this road. Obama should have never rushed this treaty, but like with everything else, he decided to bypass congress again and again. At least Trump had the guts and the understanding of how bad this deal was. Now Obama and Kerry are angry? Give me a break! Kerry should kept his butt at home and not undermine the President behind his back, well, he can now think of his actions and how it didn’t help him at him or Obama’s legacy at all.

-25 ( +1 / -26 )

I guess Trump just had to turn back the clock to the good ole days of Great Satan. Another 80s revival that the rest of us could do without.

All that hard work, all that trust - gone.

Why should anyone trust this man on anything? The deal was working - despite Israel's lies.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Once again Trump is doing exactly what Vladmir Putin wants him to do, crack open NATO and undermine the alliance. This country had better wake up soon to the fact that a traitor is living in the White House and it's not Melania

If Trump didn’t intervene he would have been the biggest traitor in US history.

-25 ( +2 / -27 )

If Trump didn’t intervene he would have been the biggest traitor in US history

I fail to understand how you can blindly follow. Restricting all forms of critical thinking. Baffling.

What is it that Israel has over the US?

Thats the trillion yen question.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

If the "Iranian Deal" was so good, why was it never submitted to the Senate for ratification as a treaty?

If the "Iranian Deal" was so good, why didn't the previous administration and its NWO globalist allies insist that the Iranians sign an agreement agreeing to end its desire to produce nuclear weapons?

If the "Iranian Deal" was so good, why did it allow the Iranians 15 days to refuse international inspections to ensure they were honoring their end of the agreement?

President Trump continues to do what he was voted into office to do: to clean up messes created by previous administrations.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

At least Trump had the guts and the understanding of how bad this deal was.

If you think petty and impetuous grievance constitutes "guts". And if you think complete ignorance equals "understanding".

I will bet you anything that you are not able to articulate why this "deal" was so "bad" without resorting to falsehoods or hyperbolic and meaningless generalizations. Let's see if you can prove me wrong.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

another campaign promise kept. It was a terrible deal to begin with. A feel-good obama deal. Now Barry is fretting about his 'legacy'.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

The agreement was working. Iran was in compliance,

It was? So why would Obama if this crap treaty was so great, then why would Obama bypass Congress?

and the U.S. walked out.


Shameful and stupid.

What was shameful and stupid was that Obama could be sneaky to make a backdoor deal with a country that wants to destroy Israel, the Saudis and the US. Who cares about Europe and whatever business deals that these countries made. Boo, hoo!

-24 ( +0 / -24 )

Now Obama is fretting about his 'legacy'. -- comment

His legacy is Donald Trump.. . . .

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump really likes breaking things, but doesn't know how to fix them. This applies to TPP, Paris Accord, DACA, and lots of other stuff. He doesn't really know how to do stuff. And his supporters find lots of excuses for Trumps failure: Deep State, Rinos, Obama leftovers, Javanka, etc etc etc. And the influence and importance of the US is rapidly being taken over by China. Learn Chinese!

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Iran's smartest move would be to commit to continuing under the plan as a measure of good faith, working out a deal with the remaining countries, essentially ignoring the US on the matter altogether.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

I guess Trump just had to turn back the clock to the good ole days of Great Satan.

Turn the clock, even after this disastrous treaty was signed, they called us the Great Satan.

Another 80s revival that the rest of us could do without.

Like a new Tiffany single?

All that hard work, all that trust - gone.

There was No hard work, just a quick treaty because time was running out for an administration that needed a big international win on something.

Why should anyone trust this man on anything?

As if anyhater trusted him on anything, so....

The deal was working - despite Israel's lies

When it comes to the MSM and the Mossad, I’ll go with Mossad any day of the week, day or year.

-20 ( +0 / -20 )

Turn the clock, even after this disastrous treaty was signed, they called us the Great Satan

Who is they? Rouahni and even Khamenei welcomed the deal, 3 years ago. Be more specific.

Like a new Tiffany single?

Well, I think you're alone now. That's for certain.

There was No hard work, just a quick treaty because time was running out for an administration that needed a big international win on something.

It was the culmination of 12 years of diplomacy, you do realise it wasn't just down to the US administration of the time, right? You've heard of the EU, I presume?

I’ll go with Mossad any day of the week, day or year.

A murderous, shadowy bunch of liars and psychopaths. Who will now put an end to Israel's nuclear programme?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

If the "Iranian Deal" was so good, why didn't the previous administration and its NWO globalist allies insist that the Iranians sign an agreement agreeing to end its desire to produce nuclear weapons?

"NWO globalist allies" - why are you using an anti-semitic conspiracy theory here?


-2 ( +7 / -9 )

And all the liberals also had their “mocking” emails typed up and ready to send if he stayed on the deal. The flip flopping liar! Broke his promise! Blah blah

you guys have a good deal in all this. Complain if he does something and mock if he doesn’t. Luckily Trump cares or what liberals think, it’s America first!

we have taken the responsibility of NKorea. all these EU countries can take Iran if they think the deal is so great.

Oh and and isnt this another decision against Russian interests? Hmmm

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Sends a strong message to Pyongyang. Obama didn’t like Bibi & hopped in bed with the mullahs. Now all that’s being undone. Good job prez Trump...... good job.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Trump’s Israeli master did it again. We, the United States of America, were also convinced by George W (Weapons of Mass Deception) Bush of the need to fight an Israeli proxy war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still fighting it at a huge human and fiscal cost. Israel, the master of disinformation/misinformation is the only winner and the world will pay dearly for this massive miscalculation.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The only country that has used nuclear weapons against a populace, including thousands of civilians, should give up their nuclear weapons and prospects and submit to international inspections to ensure they could never again build such.

P.s. that's the US

I'm all for peace. All countries should, by proportion of nukes owned, reduce in steps.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Setting asides the merits or demerits of the agreement, the message is that a deal involving the US government means nothing. You can sign one deal today and someone will come and break it the next day.

I am sure Little Kim is watching closely as he plans out his next con job.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Who is they? Rouahni and even Khamenei welcomed the deal, 3 years ago. Be more specific

Iran has been calling the US the great Satan since the 70s. Also, it was a treaty which is non-binding and be modified or eliminated at anytime.

Well, I think you're alone now. That's for certain

Exactly! That’s why it was a smart move.

It was the culmination of 12 years of diplomacy, you do realise it wasn't just down to the US administration of the time, right? You've heard of the EU, I presume?

Doesn't matter, it should have gone through Congress, but everything the last administration did, they have been slimy backdoor deals that clearly showed that Obama knew this treaty was going to fly through Congress, especially the Senate. It wasn’t permanent it it could be null and voided at anytime.

A murderous, shadowy bunch of liars and psychopaths.

Yes, that’s why the deal was so bad and got scraped.

Who will now put an end to Israel's nuclear programme?

Israel is not advocating the destruction of Iran or anyone else in the region. You don’t threaten them with annihilation you don’t have to worry about them threatening you. They don’t have a problem with the Saudis, the Jordanians or the Egyptians. So if Iran and the Mullahs can promise to stop pursuing nukes, they don’t have to worry about Israel.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

A poor decision, but the silver lining here is that NK knows it’s in deep, deep trouble now.

They now know from the start that they will have to surrender everything to appease Trump otherwise not only will sanctions be increased and the nation strangled to the point of death, but they will probably have to be eliminated by force.

NK is soiling itself right now I’d say

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Because Trump has never negotiated anything in his life and wouldn't know a deal if it slapped him in his fleshy jowls, he doesn't understand that the goal of negotiation is to find a position that is at least acceptable to both sides, while probably being ideal to neither. So instead of building on the status quo in concert with America's allies, he instead demonstrates to the world that America is not to be trusted. Once again he has given up valuable leverage in exchange for nothing at all. The only reason he was against the deal was because it was an Obama deal. And now the world has to suffer because of his petty childishness.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Iran has been calling the US the great Satan since the 70s.

Who, in Iran, specifically? And why so desperate to revisit yesteryear?

Exactly! That’s why it was a smart move.

A smart move to isolate yourselves and alienate your allies and possibly ramp up tensions in the reason? How is that "smart"?

Yes, that’s why the deal was so bad and got scraped.

Because I said that Mossad are a murderous, shadowy bunch of liars and psychopaths? This is why the deal was "scraped"?

Israel is not advocating the destruction of Iran or anyone else in the region.

They are advocating war with Iran. Netanyahu's bizarre and out of date presentation the other week, for example.

Time to bring both Israel and the US to international justice. Economic sanctions, boycotts - anything to put the pressure on.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

If the "Iranian Deal" was so good, why was it never submitted to the Senate for ratification as a treaty?

Ask Cocaine Mitch and all the other Republicans who famously said,

our #1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”'

Mitch should have resigned then.

All of Europe agree that the multi party deal was working and stopping the development of Nuclear weapons in the ME. Trump listens to one Jew (under criminal investigation as we read this) and decides he knows better than the rest of the World? All Trump wants to do is undo anything the Black Kenyan did. That's all he is good for. Hint for Trump followers, normally before giving up on a strategy you negotiate a new one. Trump has negotiated nothing. He treats other countries like they were wives.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

They now know from the start that they will have to surrender everything to appease Trump 

No, they now know from the start that any agreement with the US will not be worth the paper it is signed on. Kim would be a fool to trust anything Trump promised or offered him in negotiations. Kim may be many things, but I do not think he is a fool.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Who knows with any degree of certainty which globalist faction Trump represents, while somehow getting his base to believe he’s an American nationalist. 

If further sanctions are placed on Iran, and Iran has greater difficulties trading oil and gas, expect the prices of oil and gas to increase. This will benefit Russia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other oil producing nations, including the US and Canada. Americans with big cars will be hurt, as will the economy. Where's the tax revenue going to come from for the next wars?

While Trump’s running his circus and getting attention from the media for his and his Cabinet’s clown acts, he’s cleverly providing distractions from what he and the Republicans are doing to the country. 

Trump and his fellow Republicans are quietly stripping away environmental protections, consumer protections and workers rights to the benefit of the largest corporations and the .01%. 

Generations X, Y and Z: you’re going to pay bigly for the oligarchy ahead.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Iran is complying with the deal yet the US still imposes sanctions. Why? Trump says Iran is supporting terrorists: so is Saudi Arabia. Where are the sanctions on them?

It's clear that it is a waste of time talking to the US as they will not stick to any agreement and just do whatever they like.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

In my previous post, I intended to say an increase in oil and gas prices will benefit US oil corporations, not the US in general.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Thank goodness. Finally some sanity in American foreign policy. Now if Trump can only restrain himself from selling out to North Korea...

3 ( +14 / -11 )

Excellent decision by President Trump. What a skilled statesman he continues to be.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

Who, in Iran, specifically? And why so desperate to revisit yesteryear?

The Mullahs, all of them. By the way, if you don’t like it, talk to the President, I don’t make diplomacy. I just never liked the treaty of the last administration, always thought it was a huge mistake, but like with NK if they can completely denuclearize, allow all inspectors to investigate every single site, completely and unconstitutionally, the President would reopen talks with the regime.

A smart move to isolate yourselves and alienate your allies and possibly ramp up tensions in the reason? How is that "smart"?

Yup and tensions were already there and thanks to the president, Iran probably just avoided being bombed to pieces by Israel.

Because I said that Mossad are a murderous, shadowy bunch of liars and psychopaths?

Yes, terrorists always claim that. So how are Hamas and Hezbollah doing these days, the real terrorists. Hamas doesn’t recognize the Jewish State, Hezbollah actively have killed Israelis and Americans and purposely undermined any efforts to have peace in the region. So yes, thanks to the Mossad and their unrelenting efforts to expose Iran and this deal for what it always was.

This is why the deal was "scraped"?


They are advocating war with Iran.

No, they are not. They just don’t want Iran to have any possibility whatsoever to make any weapons that would destabilize the region and could pose a danger to the Israelis and the Sunnis as well as us.

Netanyahu's bizarre and out of date presentation the other week, for example.


Time to bring both Israel and the US to international justice. Economic sanctions, boycotts - anything to put the pressure on.

Goo luck, but I don’t think any country want to cut their own throat. They’re not that stupid.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

With only their NWO EU cronies left supporting them, Iran knows they are about to get screwed and their own citizens won’t like it.

This is what happens when you threaten the most powerful economic and military force in the world and we call your bluff. It will now be all about their economy,

Today, our President, Donald J. Trump, once again showed the world what true leadership looks like.


-8 ( +9 / -17 )

No, it’s just tells other countries and groups that any “sweetheart” backdoor deals they got from Obama administration without going through Congress may be in peril.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

the mullahs in terrorist-sponsor Iran continue their march towards the bomb, yet liberals are so ideologically invested in seeing President Trump fail that they will allow it.

Obama clearly wanted his name attached to any deal possible, and sold out the security of the West to do so.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Citing anything from the Israeli regime about Iran is like citing Mad Mike Hughes about the shape of the solar system. Citing Netanyahu about Iran is like citing Mad Mike Hughes about the formation of the universe.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Trump just reconfirmed that the US can't be trusted. The US is rapidly becoming irrelevant.

Iran's growing military and political power in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq worries the United States, Israel and U.S. Arab allies such as Saudi Arabia.

Yes, Iran worries the 3 most murderous regimes in the region. Iran should be applauded.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The United States Of Trumpland is getting closer to reality. Shortly there will be no USA, just a dictator like the countries trumpy hates the most.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Hellyeah, America's back baby, with a real man and patriot in charge, and he's kicking backsides and taking names. No one dares challenge America's military and economic might becuase we can BURY YOU in a New York minute. Watch NK, Iran and Euro lefties soil their pants now!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Still not tired of all the winning. President Trump is rolling back the disastrous legacy of the Obama years and his re-election in 2020 is getting more and more likely with every passing day.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

No one dares challenge America's military and economic might

It's amazing how keyboard toughguys seem so eager for the US to get sucked into another middle eastern military adventure. You'd think after the Iraq fiasco they could keep their chest thumping indoors.

Let's see whose pants get soiled when Iran starts building nukes.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

What an absolutely outstanding, in-your-face presentation by our president. Unlike what happened today, past presidents never dared to call out the mullahs of Iran for what they are: The architects of state sponsored terrorism.

Bravo, PDJT, for keeping yet another campaign promise. . . . .

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Yet another blunder by Trump, and one that has no support -- even from within the right-wing radicals. In November a flood of new Democrats will take over the House and Senate.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Let's see whose pants get soiled when Iran starts building nukes.

And Israel will be right there to bomb the crap out of it. Makes better targeting practice for them.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

if you don’t like it, talk to the President, I don’t make diplomacy. I just never liked the treaty of the last administration, always thought it was a huge mistake,

Talked to him, did you?

Yes, terrorists always claim that. So how are Hamas and Hezbollah doing these days, the real terrorists. Hamas doesn’t recognize the Jewish State, Hezbollah actively have killed Israelis and Americans and purposely undermined any efforts to have peace in the region. So yes, thanks to the Mossad and their unrelenting efforts to expose Iran and this deal for what it always was.

Could you answer the initial question, please? Are you saying that the deal was "scraped" because Mossad are a shadowy bunch of murderous psychopaths who operate unhindered with the Israeli state's blessing?

The only country who has been exposed is yours, I'm afraid. The US, under Trump, has welched on a deal. The only thing accomplished is that Trump has made America the Great Satan again.

Hardly progress. And you've atogonised European allies but let me guess, you "could care less", right?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The architects of state sponsored terrorism.

Wait! Remind me. who's waging anwar in Yemen?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Does Trump have some inside alien future ball? Last time I checked, Israel is the only nation in the region with nukes. Does anyone think they wont blast off their nukes to save themselves?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

the US and Israel proving once again that the only way to deal with terrorists is to stand up to them.

Europe could often be counted on to fall in line, but with the rising tide of anti Semitism the continent suffers from (I wonder why...)

not so much anymore

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

No one dares challenge America's military and economic might becuase we can BURY YOU in a New York minute.

Threatening people with violence isn't going to make allies. Right wing Americans need to learn how to do diplomacy and decorum.

I assume you're sending up such extremists, yes?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Threatening people with violence isn't going to make allies.

you didn’t take this view in the weeks after President Trump’s election , did you?

quite the opposite, I seem to recall....

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

the US and Israel proving once again that the only way to deal with terrorists is to stand up to them.

Missed all the gush and cute little jigs when Trump met the Saudis, did you?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, jimizo

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

How appropriate. President Trump reinstates American leadership on the anniversary on VE Day.

POTUS 45: No better friend. No worse enemy. . . .

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Wow, expat! Is that what the Guardian thinks?

Wow! Very surprising for a leftist rag that would make Vladimir Lenin blush

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Should it mean anything that a lot of liberals here and on the internet are pushing the talking points of the Iranian government in an attempt to attack Trump?


Rouhani: Trump is not loyal to commitments

Trump IS loyal. to HIS commitments, not Obama and John Kerry's.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Toasted Heretic, I'll take the mossad over the mullahs ANY day of the week.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I also would like to know why liberals are trying to use this to somehow "warn" North Korea away from our desired agreement with them. LIberal media is screaming in the direction of NKorea, cant trust the US! dont make any agreements!

Really? whose side are you guys on exactly?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

if I was NK I wouldnt give up my nukes for anything, America will just change the any agreement whenever they please, once NK gives up its nukes itll be much harder to get them back if America decides to change the terms of any agreement reached.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Really? whose side are you guys on exactly? should ask your self the same question, if America decides it want to change any agreement thats been reached whenever they feel whats the point of even negotiating with the US, better to just make deals with other countries that are more trustworthy.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

WaPo Jennifer Rubin articles:

Nov 11, 2015: “Iran is not honoring the deal, so why should we”

May 8, 2018: “5 consequences of Trumps Iran blunder”

interesting how perspectives change when Trump is the one doing what liberals used to want.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

the US and Israel proving once again that the only way to deal with terrorists is to stand up to them. theyve been trying to do that in Afghanistan and Iraq for the last 20yrs, see what a mountain of poo thats turned into. Iran wont be any better

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Could you answer the initial question, please? Are you saying that the deal was "scraped" because Mossad are a shadowy bunch of murderous psychopaths who operate unhindered with the Israeli state's blessing?

I already did. Oh, and by the way, because of Iran’s history with lying, Israel is not and will never take a chance, so they have to do whatever they have to to survive.

The only country who has been exposed is yours, I'm afraid. The US, under Trump, has welched on a deal.

That was bad for the US and bad for Israel and bad for the Sunnis. Again, if Obama thought this was a great deal which could benefit the US and our allies in the Mideast, he should have brought it to congress, but he didn’t because he knew it was a bad deal and the Senate would have never gone along with it, never especially in its current outline.

The only thing accomplished is that Trump has made America the Great Satan again.

We always were in the eyes of the Iranians since the revolution and always will be, so nothing is changed, whether they said aloud or behind our backs.

Anyway, I’m not worried about it. Just happy that the entire thing was scraped.

Hardly progress. And you've atogonised European allies but let me guess, you "could care less", right?

“Boo, hoo.” What do you think?

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

google the 3 billionaire Israeli donors to trumps decision and you will understand why he did it. also he stole bush's speech he made before invading iraq and killing 500,000 people and basically destroying it.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

the US and Israel proving once again that the only way to deal with terrorists is to stand up to them. 


theyve been trying to do that in Afghanistan and Iraq for the last 20yrs, see what a mountain of poo thats turned into. Iran wont be any better.

Yes, but Israel is next door to Iran, so if anyone has a bigger stake in this, it’s Israel and they will never live with or tolerate a nuclear Iran, that is a promise.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

The biggest loser in all of this is North Korea. Their game is up now that they know they won't get a single inch of leeway with Trump. Game over for them

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Iran said if this deal was cancelled they will”enrich uranium more than before in the next weeks”.

How is that possible if they were actually abiding by this agreement to begin with?

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Before: zero enrichment. Later: some enrichment (maybe). 'Some' is more than 'zero'.

Simple really

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"Iran's smartest move would be to commit to continuing under the plan as a measure of good faith, working out a deal with the remaining countries, essentially ignoring the US on the matter altogether."...accept that trump threatened sanctions on any country that doesn't follow his toughest ever sanctions. that will be interesting if it is France, UK or Germany.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Iran said if this deal was cancelled they will”enrich uranium more than before in the next weeks”.

How is that possible if they were actually abiding by this agreement to begin with?

The deal stipulate Iran could enrich uranium up to 3.67%, the necessary level for use in nuclear power plants, but no more.

With no deal, there would be no limit to the level of enrichment, therefore they could go to 90% which is weapon grade.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

liberals are trying to use this to somehow "warn" North Korea away from our desired agreement with them

No one is 'warning' NK about anything. They're perfectly capable of perusing the news and coming their own conclusions.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

...coming to their own conclusions.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Funny. I don't hear a lot of Iranians complaining. Could it be the MSM is trying to dictate another pro Isreali Saudi Arabia meme? Oops. I meant petrodollar.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Trump and his cronies want war. It's good for business, good for Biddy in Israel, and good for trying to unite a very fractured nation against a separate enemy (since Trump is the US biggest enemy at the moment). Funny to watch those scream "Hillary with start WWIII" shift course again and brag about Trump's actions, which are pushing the world ever closer.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Trump and his cronies want war. It's good for business, good for Biddy in Israel, and good for trying to unite a very fractured nation against a separate enemy (since Trump is the US biggest enemy at the moment). Funny to watch those scream "Hillary with start WWIII" shift course again and brag about Trump's actions, which are pushing the world ever closer.

Same “America wants war!!” BS that the constantly outraged spewed when President Trump got tough on North Korea. And look what happened

Thank god the President ignores these quivering bowls of jelly

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Why did Trump break the treaty?

He didn't.

It wasn't a treaty.

Treaties require the approval of Congress.

The agreement has specific language allowing for any country to leave, language that Trump is following.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

And WHERE are May, Macron and Merkel?

sitting in a corner like 10 year olds who were caught cheating on a test.

President Trump has made them look like the fools they are.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Yes, but Israel is next door to Iran

It is? Maps not your thing I guess. Let's not put you in charge of logistics for the time being shall we eh Bass.

Thank god the President ignores these quivering bowls of jelly

Cadet Bone spurs was one himself back in his draft dodging days.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

How embarrassing. Resign or get impeached, Mr. Bone Spurs.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

25 Democrats and every Republican in the house voted against this. Yet the last guy did it anyway on his own. Not a good idea unless you need it for your “legacy”.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

President Trump got tough on North Korea. And look what happened, what nothing has happened yet, NK can now clearly see that Trump can easily go back on any agreement reached. NK and China will just play hardball now on any future agreement, especially if America can change it any time it sees fit.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

now clearly see that Trump can easily go back on any agreement reached.

Kind of like a cell phone contract.

Haven't seen this much triggering since the election. I guess the lefties have a lot of bent up frustration because of the NK thingy.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

What is Trump going to do when Iran makes the nukes?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

*President Trump got tough on North Korea. And look what happened,  **what nothing has happened yet, NK can now clearly see that Trump can easily go back on any agreement reached.*

No, he won’t as long as NK does what they say they’re going to do and that is unconditional denuclearization, anything else is unacceptable.

NK and China will just play hardball now on any future agreement, especially if America can change it any time it sees fit.

They can at their own peril.

What is Trump going to do when Iran makes the nukes?

Trump doesn’t have to worry, Israel will just wipe them off the map.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Israel will just wipe them off the map.

Like what GWB did in Iraq? What if Israel fails and Iran still builds the nukes?

They can at their own peril.

Can you be more specific?

as long as NK does what they say

And what if they don't?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

What if Israel fails and Iran still builds the nukes?

That’s like saying what if Obama could serve 2 more terms.

And what if they don't?

Well, then looks like we might be roasting marshmallows over the skies of NK.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

What is Trump going to do when Iran makes the nukes?

They were well on their way to making one courtesy of the disastrous "deal".

The Iranian regime will have a much more difficult time now that their feet are being held to the fire, as well as Trump going over the heads of the mullahs in appealing to the young, pro-American Iranian population.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Well, then looks like we might be roasting marshmallows over the skies of NK.

What will happen to SK? And how many US solder deaths can we expect from this?

That’s like saying what if Obama could serve 2 more terms.

Look what happened in Iraq? Trillions of dollars and thousands of US lives. What if the US invades Iran? How much US tax money and how many US lives?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Look what happened in Iraq? Trillions of dollars and thousands of US lives. What if the US invades Iran? How much US tax money and how many US lives?

Shhhhh. Common sense and logic is not permitted here. Only blind obedience is required. Stop it please.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

They were well on their way to making one courtesy of the disastrous "deal".

If that's true then they are coming even faster now. Thanks Trump. Because of you we can expected a nuked up Iran. What is Trump going to do when Iran builds the nukes?

as long as NK

As long as??? You don't sound so sure.

Israel will just wipe them off the map.

(1) Iran's population is about 2x that of Iraq (2) the US spent trillions and cost the lives of thousands of US troops in Iraq (half the size of Iran). And Israel is going to wipe Iran off the map? Israel will lose. And when Israel loses against Iran (and Iran has the nukes) what is Trump going to do?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If that's true then they are coming even faster now. Thanks Trump. Because of you we can expected a nuked up Iran. What is Trump going to do when Iran builds the nukes

Israel will handle it, they have nukes and theirs works...accurately.

As long as??? You don't sound so sure.

Depending on what they want to do, live or go up in a pile of smoke.

1) Iran's population is about 2x that of Iraq (2) the US spent trillions and cost the lives of thousands of US troops in Iraq (half the size of Iran). And Israel is going to wipe Iran off the map? Israel will lose.

They wouldn’t, every Arab country has tried for 70 years and failed miserably.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Israel the US and Saudi Arabia are all allied together. Petrodollar and central banks anyone?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

nostromo: "This blows any deal with North Korea"

No, but it does re-affirm that Trump is the not the gullible president Obama was.

Oh my...

Exclusive: John Bolton on Iran deal exit, North Korea


Gorka, Bongino on US exit from Iran deal


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Israel will handle it, they have nukes and theirs works...accurately.

Israel will launch nukes to Iran? They are going to launch nuclear weapons to Iran and blow up the entire country? Please confirm.

and failed miserably.

The invasion of Iraq failed miserably with trillions in dollars and thousands in lives. When Trump invades NK and Iran how many US lives and how many trillions of dollars can we expect to be wasted?

They wouldn’t

No, this is different. If Israel tries to invade Iran they will lose. Look at what happened when the US invaded Iraq (with a population half that of Iran) in the 2000s. GHWB did not invade Iraq for this reason. He just kicked them out of Kuwait.

go up in a pile of smoke.

With nuclear weapons? Launched by which country?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Bass: allow all inspectors to investigate every single site, completely and unconstitutionally

So your position is that the US have access to every site in Iran 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Do you realize how naive that is?

And I’m not hearing any evidence that Iran wasn’t complying, just empty talking points about “backdoor deals” that’s obviously on the most recent memo.

Clamenza: The Iranian regime will have a much more difficult time now that their feet are being held to the fire

More difficult time doing what? Continuing to abide by the deal?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"What is Trump going to do when Iran makes the nukes?"

Iran is not going to make the nukes.

Oh my...

Hannity: President Trump puts Iran on notice


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Iran is not going to make the nukes.

Then why did he tear up the deal? He hated Obama because Obama tapped Trump's phones? What if they make the nukes anyway?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Israel will launch nukes to Iran?

Yes, they did it before to to Iraq in 1981 so they’ll do it again with better and more update weapons.

When Trump invades NK and Iran how many US lives 

No one said anything about boots on the ground, No one. Air and sea is good enough.

No, this is different. If Israel tries to invade Iran they will lose

No, they wouldn’t, they would have us, the Saudis and most of the Sunni Muslims backing them.

With nuclear weapons? 

Depends on what would happen if they went down that road. Whatever works.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The conservative viewpoint:


Three things: The sunset clause, ballistic missiles, and some fuzzy point that the deal was supposed to make Iran a good neighbor to the world?

We’ve been over the sunset clause. Telling me the danger that Iran will adide for 10 years then suddenly race for nukes in 2025 is dumb. We can add the sanctions back in again at that time if it happens, just as they are trying to do now. Nothing stops that.

The ballistic missile testing can be handled separately. It was never intended to be a part of this deal as there were a million other things that weren’t part of it.

The last point is just silly. Somethng about Obama promising tha Iran would suddenly stop meddling in other countries? Or that Iran would end all bad behavior?

I really only see one line in the sand. Those who pulled out of the deal did so because they want to force regime change in Iran. It wasn’t about the deal itself (shown by their flimsy logic) but about saying there will never be any agreement between us. Trump’s conditions could only be met by an invasion and taking over of the Iranian government.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So your position is that the US have access to every site in Iran 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Do you realize how naive that is? 

No, I never said that, but the Israelis know a lot of them and there is no way the Jewish nation is going to sit back and wait for Iran to get the chance to use nukes on them, never will happen as I would never become the POTUS.

And I’m not hearing any evidence that Iran wasn’t complying, just empty talking points about “backdoor deals” that’s obviously on the most recent memo.


-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Well then what was the problem with the current inspections if you don’t require 24/7 access to all Iranian sites?

Sorry, I don’t get my news from YouTube. Can you link to some newspapers instead?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

bass4funk: "Trump doesn’t have to worry, Israel will just wipe them off the map."

So, now you're PRO war, when you were literally crying about it when Hillary was running? There we go with the flip-flopping again. Not quite "straight as an arrow" so much as "straight as a ball spinning around".

Look, you agree with Trump's logic, right? Having an expiry date on how long Iran must wait until they can make a bomb is stupid, right? So, your answer is -- to eliminate the limit altogether and allow them to do it NOW instead. Moronic thinking, and if you really believe that, since Trump is going to one day not be president, why not have him just quit today? No? It's exactly the same line of thinking, so if you agree that the "sunset policy" is stupid, you also think Trump waiting out the rest of his time (won't be long anyway) is also stupid because he'll be done eventually. Why not end it now? Hell, he's going to die some day, too, right? so...

You guys really don't think at all, and Trump has proven that not only since becoming president, but in the past few weeks more than ever (especially with Giuliani and both of their flip-flopping).

Also, all Trump's proven is that he is incapable of living up to US promises, and shown NK why they should never enter a deal with Trump.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I really only see one line in the sand. Those who pulled out of the deal did so because they want to force regime change in Iran.

No, because the treaty was not binding and as if Iran, the country that can’t stand the very existence of the Jewish people let alone the Jewish nation had every liberal in the world played like a fiddle until the Israelis and Mossad exposed this treaty for what it was and if Obama was so sure of it, then why didn’t he bring it before congress? Because he knew how bad it was and the Senate would have never approved this garbage.

It wasn’t about the deal itself (shown by their flimsy logic)

Lol, I trust the Mossad any day over any liberal, especially when it comes to the very existence of the Jewish state.

but about saying there will never be any agreement between us. Trump’s conditions could only be met by an invasion and taking over of the Iranian government.

Yeah, Yeah, when Obama went into Afghanistan, not a word from the partisan left and now, every lib is once again whining and crying that a disastrous Obama failed treaty was thankfully abolished. No one is going to a war unless either Iran or NK would strike first. So let’s hope they cool their jets. The gal is in their court.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

bass4funkToday  08:21 am JST

Why should North Korea believe a single thing the US says when Trump is demonstrating right before their eyes that the US will not keep its word?

As John Bolton once said

Because when we discuss Iran and North Korea, the best guy to go to for advice is of course the massive neocon who helped orchestrate the lie that Iraq had WMDs and helped orchestrate one of the biggest blunderwars of American history, the war that eventually created ISIS.

Yes, let's consider what America's biggest post-Vietnam mistake thinks about all this. His opinion really matters.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Somehow no liberal will feel that way about changing Trump’s policies the day a Dem gets back in there in 2024 or later.

You guys try to change his policies now the same day he makes them.

Just mad cause that Hawaii judge can’t make an order to block us from leaving the Iran deal/TPP/climate agreement?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

BlacklabelToday  07:42 pm JST

Somehow no liberal will feel that way about changing Trump’s policies the day a Dem gets back in there in 2024 or later.

Miss the point much?

The issue is not and has never been Trump changing US policy in the abstract. The issue is and always has been Trump breaking an agreement with a strategic rival in a way that increases the danger Americans face in the world and increases the likelihood that innocent people will be killed in a war the US doesn't need to fight.

When Trump actually makes an agreement with a foreign power that protects US lives, you can start worrying about if his successor will break it. But that hasn't even happened yet.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Oh so you are going to change the things he agrees between now and 2020 if you get in there? Move the embassy back out of Jerusalem? Send the hostages back to North Korea?

Kinda ruins your whole argument about the next person undoing the “promises” made by the previous guy.

So maybe we like Saudi and Israel more then Iran? They not burning our flag in their parliament and chanting death to America.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

ah I see now. So I guess you even more mad that Trump broke Obama’s agreement with strategic rival N Korea to ignore them while they built up nuclear weapons. You know, that “strategic patience”that was....protecting US lives?

Oh wait never mind. Yep just mad about obama’s so called Legacy.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

seriously it’s now the problem of UK, Germany and France. And Russia and China too. They can handle it without the USA for once.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Spoken like a true American hawk and rightwing extremist-nationalist.

I’m not an extremist.

How many countries has America invaded since the end of WW2?

How many countries has America saved, given money to? Nation building, taking in refugees has more immigrants that come to its shores than anywhere else?

We went over that just two weeks ago, go back and find out what I said about, I’m not going to debate that again, I already told you.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Because when we discuss Iran and North Korea, the best guy to go to for advice is of course the massive neocon who helped orchestrate the lie that Iraq had WMDs and helped orchestrate one of the biggest blunderwars of American history, the war that eventually created ISIS. 

You mean when Obama pulled out of Iraq and didn’t establish a SOFA agreement, thanks Barack.

Yes, let's consider what America's biggest post-Vietnam mistake thinks about all this. His opinion really matters.

It does after all, he’s Secretary of State.

Somehow no liberal will feel that way about changing Trump’s policies the day a Dem gets back in there in 2020.

Not if the Dems keep acting like whiny kids, be careful. Also, it does help to have some sort of policy to campaign on, impeachment probably won’t do it anymore, get creative.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Well we will just have to wait for that “better deal” to come along from Trump.

And while we’re at it, what’s the progress on the “better deal” for DACA? The better deal for NAFTA? The better deal for the TPP? The better deal for Onamacare? The better deal for the Paris Accords?

It’s starting to seem like Trump promises a better deal when he pulls out, but never delivers.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The agreement can survive, but Trump should have at least had a plan... the duffus.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Looking at the history, I'm ashamed and sad to say. it has been America which has invaded the most countries in the past 70 years,

As Bass pointes out, how many countries and people has the US saved? Remember that little incident called WW2?

The US is the world's policeman, and does a thankless job. But when you hate America and everything it stands for, who's counting, right?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

As Bass pointes out...

Trump followers want Iran to be hit with nuclear weapons.

How many countries has America saved, given money to? Nation building

Iraq? Are you kidding me? And it is on Trump's Muslim ban

seriously it’s now the problem of UK, Germany and France. And Russia and China too. They can handle it without the USA for once.

Iran is free to build nuclear weapons then.

while they built up nuclear weapons

under Trump


Trump is thinking about going back

4 ( +4 / -0 )

So many misinformed people here. I'm not a fan of Trump nor how he does things. But Iran has to be put under sanctions until the Khamenei (and crew) stops acting like NK's regime.

When Obama removed sanctions and unlocked the money that goes to Iran, normal Iranians said things got worse for them, not better. The money did not go to Iranian's that needed it, nor towards the betterment of the country, it went into the Khamenei and cronies pockets, and then it was used for what Iran's government of religious zealot's and corrupt kleptocrats always do.

Support terrorism, put 80,000 Iranian soldiers in Syria (now why on earth would Iran do that I wonder?) , and then as if there wasn't enough proof of Iran's hypocrisy, when the Iranian people asked their "leaders" why there was no money for the country, they were told, "The US still has sanctions against us, it's all their fault. We don't have a dime to take care of you". The people have no jobs, no medications in their hospitals, losing doctors left and right, and the biggest sign of not taking care of your people properly, they had to stifl a fairly recent rebellion against government corruption because the people were unhappy because their government wasn't taking care of them.

The Iraqi's aren't happy, because the Iranian government wants to control Iraq, they also want to control Syria, they also want power. Iran's president is nothing but a facade, he holds no power only the Khamenei (supreme leader) does.

This is a situation where the EU needs to get it's head out of it's butt, and start paying attention to HOW the Iranian government USES the money released by it's sanctions and understand what they're doing with it is not in the best interest of a peaceful future for the region.

You'd be surprised at how many "well connected" Iranian relatives to the people in power have billions and hundreds of millions of cash in their own private accounts while the average Iranian is miserable as hell. It's a simple "follow the money" case. If they truly followed the money they'd see any "deal" with Iran's regime is not beneficial for anyone, not even the Iranians. Look up rich Iranians. You'll see how many are spoiled children of corrupt Iranian officials.

I have a friend that is Iranian and he is very concerned about this situation. He keeps in touch with his relatives at home constantly, and because he knows I pay attention to world politics, I get some pretty interesting input from him about his home country and what he goes through. Iranians don't want to live in Iran because there is nothing of value to stay there for. He can't do his annual visit due to the problems going on in Iran, and he is very close to his family because it's part of his cultural values.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

How is that possible if they were actually abiding by this agreement to begin with? easy they stopped enriching , theyll start up again, they only stopped enriching Uranium, they didnt give up the know how on doing it. Iran isnt another NK , theyve got far more resources and wealth to counter any sanctions Trump throws at them. If NK could manage to do it Iran will accomplish it far easier.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@wtfjapan, don't focus on the nukes, focus on the other things the Iranian government is doing to cause instability in the region. Oh, and the cronies are too busy hoarding all the money to enrich themselves to focus on nukes. Remember Saudi Arabia and a few other nations in the region said if Iran made nukes, so would they. There is only one thing that Iran tries to distract it's most gullible religious followers.... "Destroy Israel".

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Oh, and the cronies are too busy hoarding all the money

Erm, you described America very well there. An increasing amount of billionaires and a mass of uneducated, unskilled, angry poor,

There is only one thing that Iran tries to distract it's most gullible religious followers.... "Destroy Israel".

Israel has refused to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, refused to allow the IAEA to inspect it's nuclear facilities (unlike Iran), and has several hundred real warheads. Don't you think Iranians fear a first strike as much as Israelis do? They perhaps fear it even more, as Israel can act with relative impunity under the protection of the US. It's hard to persuade the Iranian people they can't have nukes when Israel has them.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So iran can't afford to fly any reliable passenger planes and they will on their knees to Trump? Good guessing!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

don't focus on the nukes, focus on the other things the Iranian government is doing to cause instability in the region.

The focus was on the nukes because thats what the deal was for. If you want a broader deal to handle other issues, then go for it, there's nothing stopping us from putting new sanctions on Iran for their missile program. We just took a step back by pulling out is all, so now we have yet another unresolved issue to tackle again.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump followers want Iran to be hit with nuclear weapons

No, Obama wanted Israel, the US and the Saudis, Egyptians and Jordanians as well as all Sunnis.

Iraq? Are you kidding me? And it is on Trump's Muslim ban

Germany, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, France Georgia, most of Latin America, Afghanistan etc,

Iran is free to build nuclear weapons then

They can, makes them easier targets for the Israelis to knock them out.

under Trump

As well as Under the last 3 Presidents.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If Trump hadn't decided to cancel the deal then the media most likely would have continued with the sex scandal, lawyers, Russia's but making this huge announcement and the release of the hostages will keep the media occupied for weeks.

Well, that’s good news. Finally the media will be doing something they have not done in one time and that is actually, working

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

No surprise here.  By the terms of the deal, Trump had to decide every three months whether the U.S. should remain on board or not. Six months ago, he blustered about Congress toughening up the deal, and they did nothing. Three months ago, he gave them one last chance, and they did nothing. The next deadline was Saturday, so Trump either had to admit he was bluffing, or he had to pull the plug. 

So he pulled the plug.

Why did Trump do this?: That;s easy, what choice did he have? Much of his political program is essentially "Obama and Hillary are bad." Much of his presidency is undoing Obama's legacy. Obamacare, Iran Deal, everthing must be rooted out like the Michelle Obama's Veg Garden at the White House (health and to liberal. and Michelle too black) If you don't get that, you don't get Trump's base. If they could, they would literally erase the Obama years from school textbooks.

But of course, tearing down and replace with.....?

Well, that is the $64,000 question.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It's hilarious here to watch the same people who protested vociferously against being accused of supporting the disastrous US adventurism in Iraq, who cast shade on the whole US intelligence apparatus because of its support for that war, who go apoplectic if they even think you've implied them to be a neocon, tying themselves into knots to defend the US's biggest neocon as he tries to orchestrate the exact same kind of war under false pretenses on Iran.

Imagine, being so filled with hate that you would sell out your own principles in a heartbeat just to anger democrats. Well, that and bomb innocent Muslims.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Imagine, being so filled with hate that you would sell out your own principles in a heartbeat just to anger democrats.

They should know, they did exactly that and now that it’s to going their way or that what was done wrong is being rectified, but now the left claim it as hate? Yeah, ok.

Well, that and bomb innocent Muslims.

Not if they don’t bomb us or allies or innocent people.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

bass4funkToday  08:32 am JST

Imagine, being so filled with hate that you would sell out your own principles in a heartbeat just to anger democrats.

They should know, they did exactly that 

This reply doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to say the Democrats sold out their principles just to anger democrats? Pure fantasy.

Well, that and bomb innocent Muslims.

Not if they don’t bomb us or allies or innocent people.

That's not how bombs work. The set of people who die in a bombing never exactly matches the set of people who took action to provoke that bombing. The only way to square that circle is to declare that all Muslims are collectively guilty of anything any other Muslim did.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


He has no principles. He hasn't read any of the agreement. Michael Cohen's been exposed by Michael Avenatti and Trump just wants to change the headlines. He is an unprincipled oaf. That is all.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If peopleremember, even CNN

reported at the time of Obamas 'deal' that the mullahs and Iran military were laughing and belittling the US for the obvious show of weakness.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

HonestDictater, thanks for a glimpse of the reality.

Obama made the moves to satisfy the delusions of the lib-left. Of course it wasnt based on reality and he didnt even solidify it by taking it before congress. He made a useless house of cards.

i think one of the things that the libs find objectionable about Trump is that he doesnt do the play acting expected - ie, hes not what we've been duped into thinking is 'presidential'.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Keep up the "faith" that Iran's government is going to be nice with the agreement still in if the US stayed. But if anyone truly pays attention to what Iran's government was doing while the agreement was in affect. I pay attention to the very real actions in countries, which determines if they're going to do better or worse further down the line because of what they currently act. Where is all the money going when the sanctions were lifted? Why are there Iranian troops in Syria? Why are Iranian citizens saying things are WORSE instead of better? Get with the reality, Iran isn't going to change unless the regime CHOOSES to change itself.

@clippityclop, At least in the US we have a chance to fix things. Many other countries don't have this opportunity. Americans have a VOICE, and the ability to take ACTION to right wrongs. And yes, the poor are angry and the people that have been taking from them are going to feel the consequences very soon. Not all the poor are uneducated, nor ignorant.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This is the message the USA sent to the Iranian people yesterday. Give us your oil and we will give you peace.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is the message the USA sent to the Iranian people yesterday. Give us your oil and we will give you peace.

Scapegoating again? How many decades has the "leadership" in Iran stated what their entire goal in life has been?

I'm no fan of Israel either, and I can 't stand religious fanaticism on either end. Iran is more aligned with it than Israel at least in many aspects.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is not "pulling out." This is breaking an agreement. This is breaking the word of the United States. It is a disgrace.

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t. It was an agreement and not a treaty which would have required approval by the US Senate per the constitution - Obama knew the Senate would not have approved so he deliberately bypassed the constitution.

No, because “the word of the United States” wasn’t Obama’s to give.

And finally, no. It’s good sense.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


The majority of Israeli's don't support Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran deal.

Your source, please.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


So safe to save the Majority of the people in Israel don't support Trump's withdrawal from the Iranian Deal.

I think you’re the person I need to talk to to get my dream job of “Democratic Party Pollster” as you’ve got their technique down pat.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

 Well, that and bomb innocent Muslims. well it may even come to that as Iran stated today that they are seriously considering starting to enrich Uranium again, so Trump has basically , maybe stopped NK from making bombs and handed the reins over to Iran instead, a far more wealth and resource rich country.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Not sure what to believe here. Though from what's being reported, it seems that under the old deal :

(a) Inspectors can only inspect a small number of locations

(b) Iran can continue its Missile program

(c) the deal has a fixed timeframe, after which nothing has been arranged

And Trump is saying that:

(a) is not inclusive enough, Iran can develop Nuclear Weapons at any site it chooses, and prevent Inspectors going there.

(b) Iran can develop Nuclear capable Missiles between now, and the end of the current deal

(c) once the deal end date comes by, there's nothing to stop Iran finalizing Nukes, and putting them atop of the missiles they've developed in (b), and by doing so, everyone in the region will then pursue Nuclear Weapons as a Defense against Iran

I may not have all the details, but is the above correct ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"I should get the Noble Peace Prize." Or maybe the anti-Peace Prize?

"I am a man of my word!" Just ask all of my ex-wives.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There's the bully, standing there in his 'Jesus Christ' pose again. He's scrapping the Iran deal because it has anything to do with during OBAMA's 2 terms in office. That's traitor Trump's racial bigotry in action and it's to appease his Nazi supporters in America. He's also jumping around like a rabbit everywhere because he's embarrassed that Stormy D revealed that he called her 'mama' and looooves to get SPANKED. He's the rotten kid that no one wants to sit next to during lunch time. No one likes him because he's a brat. The whole world should turn their backs on this douchebag and refuse to even talk to him - completely ignore him! He's not worth the time or effort to talk to because he's got a concrete skull. He is a total sociopath and too immature with work with. He's not even fit to be described in the same breathe as pervious Presidents - good, bad or ugly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Saw Republican Representative Duncan Hunter on TV saying that one of the things wrong with the Obama treaty with Iran was that it gave $150 billion of American taxpayers' money to Iran. That is not even close to correct. That money was from Iranian assets that were frozen by the USA back in the 1970s. It belonged to American taxpayers only if one accepts the right of American taxpayers to steal anything they want from foreign powers. Now I want to know, are Trump and his defenders blatantly lying, as per their norm, or are they blatantly ignorant, as is also normal?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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