Japan Today

Biden solidifies U.S. election win; Trump says 'time will tell' if he stays in power

By Simon Lewis and Steve Holland

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"He told me he's a realist. He told me he would do the right thing," Rivera said in an interview with Fox. "I got no impression that he was plotting the overthrow of the elected government. He just wants a fair fight."

Of course Trump has the right to contest the results. There just doesn't seem to be much point.

27 ( +30 / -3 )

Trump continues to be a threat to national security right up to the end.

28 ( +35 / -7 )

Seems like the Silent Majority spoke up.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

The only defense Trump supporters have is that alt right whine 'the media don't decide'. However, the media have NOT decided; US voters have.

Trump wins Electoral College and popular votes by a large margin. Trump's a LOSER!

24 ( +25 / -1 )

The Arizona and Michigan lawsuits were thrown out. The Michigan judge refused to delay certification of the vote saying it would unfairly and adversely affect confidence in elections.

Penn. cases are also falling, and his attorneys are bailing.

Meanwhile, his press secretary is waiving a stack of blank papers asserting that they are notarized affidavits from witnesses alleging fraud. The fraud is obvious.

Can't wait for some semblance of normalcy.

24 ( +27 / -3 )

Trump = Jimmy Carter


6 ( +11 / -5 )

Trump got “Jimmied” is the best way to describe it.

10 ( +14 / -4 )


Now media outlets on a weekend claim Biden won, its all done? Not by a long shot.


Make America Great Again!

President-Elect ByeDon 2020:

We Just Did!


19 ( +20 / -1 )

Theatre of the absurd is over.

306-232. 74 electoral votes is a greater relative margin than the 5 million plus total votes for Biden over the former president, the worst president ever.


18 ( +20 / -2 )

List of presidents since the 20th century who were elected and lost re-election:




G.W.H. Bush


Four out of the five were in the Republican Panty.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

It's official: Biden has won significantly. No crazy and unfounded claims of fraud will disprove it.

But hey, I actually get amused at some of the ludicrous claims I hear from Fox News and the Republicans. Take for instance the claim that people saw vans with 'Biden/Kamala Harris' written on the side take ballots, rip them open and fill them out. I mean, who in their right mind would do a crime with their name emblazoned on a van, and would do it outside of the van (not inside)? Unless of course, it was a set-up by the far right.

Or the claims that they saw dead people filling out ballots. The only dead person I saw was Rudy Guilliani.

Or the attempts of Fox News to bring on random people to state their claims, even though when you listen to them, it sounds like they are reading from some script, or trying to remember their lines of what to say.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

The wartime president, har!

All those jabs about sleepy Joe hiding in his basement. Well, who’s hiding in the bunker now? His most fervent supporters are doing the same. Can’t blame them, terribly embarrassing.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

> sourpussToday  07:33 am JST

Trump got “Jimmied” is the best way to describe it.

So Trump's getting his jimmies rustled?

Couldn't happen to an oranger guy.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Trump = Jimmy Carter


Apart from the fact they were one term presidents the two men could are alike as an elephant and an ant.  Carter was, and continues to be, a very decent and highly respected man.  Since retiring from politics he has been involved in building homes for the homeless.  He has been called on by presidents to represent the US in extremely complex and delicate situations around the world.  Can you see DT doing anything for anyone other than himself into the future?  Can you imagine any future president calling on Trump to handle a complex and delicate international issue?

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Or the claims that they saw dead people filling out ballots. The only dead person I saw was Rudy Guilliani.

Witty.  Very witty.  :)

9 ( +11 / -2 )

finalizing the electoral vote tally at 306 for Biden to 232 for Trump.

Crystal clear.

10 ( +11 / -1 )


Biden was ahead by more than 5.3 million votes, or 3.4 percentage points. His share of the popular vote, at 50.8%, was slightly higher than Ronald Reagan's share of the vote in 1980 when he defeated Jimmy Carter.

Perhaps you are unaware of the ridicule that Republicans enjoy heaping on Carter. Well, now the shoe is on the other foot.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Trump and the GOP have every right to make sure this was a free and fair election, but they don't have the right to claim fraud without producing evidence.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

"finalizing the electoral vote tally at 306 for Biden to 232 for Trump."

Uh... NO... most states have not been verified! In fact, currently, the results in NV, AZ, GA, PA, MI and WI are still up in the air. The ACTUAL results as of now is Biden at 227 and Trump at 232.

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Trump hints at leaving White House ???

Like he has a choice or just might decide to stay. He's done. He's toast. It's over.

Time to move on to your new TV show with Fox & Friends so your fans can listen to you whine some more there.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Trump is like the whiny kid in little league who was always a sore loser, cry baby and blaming everyone from the ump to the the kid on his own team who was the last out.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Oh look who decided to show his face again. Temper tantrum over? Or at least under control?

Ready to go back to a life of ripping people off in the private sector now that your little venture into the sphere of public service has ended in a disaster of your own making?

Well, that is good then. From January 20 you’ll be free again, and so will the world.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

The numbers gave Biden, a Democrat, a resounding defeat over Trump in the Electoral College, equal to the 306 votes Trump, a Republican, won to defeat Hillary Clinton, a 2016 victory that Trump called a "landslide."

LOL! You win on a "landslide", and you are BIG LOSER of a landslide. How fitting?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

It looks like Trump would not leave the White House even if Biden comes in as president. Trump says "I'm still president of USA and forever." No doubt he would be very fretful like child.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

What an idiot!!!!

Trump Takes Credit For 'Most Secure Election Ever' But Says It Was 'Rigged'


20 ( +20 / -0 )

Carter's personal "decency" cannot be compared to Trump's pathological character, but his foreign policy was to offer succor and support to (non-communist) dictators, thus contributing to the deaths and suffering of millions in El Salvador, Guatemala, East Timor, Angola, Zaire etc. whereas Trump's foreign policy has been notable only for its absence. Trump's domestic policy has, however, been responsible for the deaths of many more American citizens. I suppose the religious Carter has been making a great effort to assuage his guilt through good works. It's hard to imagine Trump taking the same "Road to Damascus" after he is released.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Trump is not only finished, the electoral college is a humiliation for him. He's finished and everyone knows it. Including him.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

He is a LOSER despite an electoral college that is RIGGED in favor of the Republicans.

Now THAT is a LOSER!

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Somebody tell him he's not really wearing any clothes. He's like a black hole - he's sucking in all his sycophants and minions with him. They're all acting like delusional hypocritical fools. Nothing will stop the inauguration. And then Trump can look forward to jail.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Donald Trump is pursuing a fools errand in contesting the result.

Donald Trump should focus on the USPS (US Postal Services) criminal incompetence/neglect.

USPS reports another drop in on-time movement of mail ballots two days before Election Day


The Colorado and Wyoming district sank to the lowest in the nation, moving only 43% of ballots on time Saturday. Almost all Coloradans vote by mail because the state sends every voter there a ballot through the mail.

The whole mail in ballot process is calling out needs a full congressional inquiry.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Reverse 'landslide.' Joe did the right thing by biden his time until this sore loser, his classless family and those puppets in his Graceless Old Party come to the realization that he got destroyed. Hopefully no pardon for you but Happy early Thanksgiving, turkey.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Cater may have been a one term president, mostly because of the geopolitical situation/ oil crisis at the time among others. But he’s a decent man who since leaving office has dedicated his life to helping his country, the world and the underprivileged. I can’t imagine Trump caring about anything other than himself and his vested interests. Heck, Regan looks like a liberal compared to this maniac

13 ( +13 / -0 )


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump and his acolytes are being forced to accept something the rest of us with half a brain knew four years ago: Trump is a Loser. With a capital L, because he didn't just lose something, he lost the biggest contest there is, twice. (Obama on the other hand won twice. And Hillary would have been infinitely better)

8 ( +12 / -4 )

The deluded will continue with their delusion as their cult leader spins out more deluded fantasies...

Trump knows he's lost - this current act is about two things;

To postpone as long as possible his indictments for the illegal Stormy payoff and tax fraud...

To keep his followers enthralled as he tries some new business venture - media, entertainment, etc...

It's just all one last con-job...

10 ( +10 / -0 )

List of presidents since the 20th century who were elected and lost re-election:




G.W.H. Bush


Four out of the five were in the Republican Panty.

Trump is the only president ever to lose the popular vote for his one-term, not be re-elected for his second, and get impeached during that one term.

Worst president ever - a complete Loser.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Yes, a loser, in all senses of the word. How on earth can anyone make THREE casinos go bankrupt??!!! Casinos are rigged so that they're supposed to make money! Everything he touches dies.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Th safest election in history.

Sadly, that was not the case.

What more is there to say except saying he concedes, but I seriously doubt he'll ever say it instead leaving the White House claiming the election was stolen from him. 

Yup, which half of the country will hold on to, but the good news is, Trump will be on the sidelines giving Joe and his partner or the other way around heartburn and the msm can’t and won’t resist to cover Trump, it’ll give him time to expand the base.

Trump beaten by the people's vote and the EC vote to come.

No, he was beaten by calculated system the Dems had planned to flood.

The only fraud is Trump claiming one.

According to liberals

-32 ( +0 / -32 )

Trump will be on the sidelines giving Joe and his partner or the other way around heartburn and the msm can’t and won’t resist to cover Trump, it’ll give him time to expand the base.

He'll be emailing you weekly asking you to pony up dollars bigly to support his failing businesses and plethora of legal assaults. Dig deep eh Bass.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

the good news is, Trump will be on the sidelines giving Joe and his partner or the other way around heartburn

Do you think he'll call him out for golfing too much, or will he claim Biden was born in Kenya?

the msm can’t and won’t resist to cover Trump

That's true; Fox "news", the most MainStream of all the Medias, will cover him non-stop. How can you have a channel for a cult, without a cult leader?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I guess again you didn't get the memo but I have already replied that to you on another of your posts. In a statement released by Federal and State authorities stating this election was the safest in history.

So we’re supposed to believe the people in charge of the States that cheated the most to trust with the task apprehend the cheaters? Yeah, that’ll work and that comforting and reassuring. ROFL

Their words not mine.

Oh, we know that. Lol

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

According to liberals

According to Hillary and Obama. One who was infinitely better than Trump, and the other whom we now have four years of proof would have been infinitely better.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

bass4funk: "No, he was beaten by calculated system the Dems had planned to flood."

To flood with legal voting, yes. The only positive thing Trump can say about his presidency with any honesty is that he is responsible in part for the largest ever turnout in US history. Of course, it was to show that the nation hated him since he lost states, point gains in places like Georgia, and Biden getting more than any other candidate in US history, but still credit where it's due -- had Trump not been the worst president in US history, less people may have turned out to vote against him. At least you can admit he lost, bass, which is more than we can say for Trump himself, being the baby he is. And not only did he lose, but what were his words about a 306 Electoral College victory? Landslide? Slaughter? Had his butt kicked? And those were his words when we won the EC but still lost the popular vote by a third of what he lost it by this time. Ouch.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

He'll be emailing you weekly asking you to pony up dollars bigly to support his failing businesses and plethora of legal assaults. Dig deep eh Bass.

Yes, put some money in his pockets. I'm certain he will spend it wisely. Maybe another golden toilet.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Sadly, that was not the case.

bass4funk: No, it is the case. Every state official has stated that this was the most secure election. You and your party's claims of fraud are unfounded and without any merit. For example:

Biden/Harris labeled vans with people opening ballots and marking them outside their vans. FALSE

Dead people being seen voting. FALSE

Non-zero Republican representatives at polling place. TRUE, but what the hell does 'non-zero' mean? It's obviously not 'zero'.

Claims that thousands of ballots in Nevada were cast by military families who moved to another state later. TRUE, but that's what military families do sometimes.
10 ( +10 / -0 )

President Carter went on and became a great guy.

In some respects a bit.

Making furniture and giving the money to charity for building homes for the poor. Helping at times to build those homes.

Those are indeed noble causes.

President Trump's future? Book deals, speech circuit, Hollywood movie starting himself.

Besides over 280 accomplishments and now will have time to expand the GOP or his party to fundraising, town halls, and increase Republican majorities, and a giant media megaphone, just wait in the wings before we start seeing Biden tick off a lot of people, that’s a given.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

Despite calling African countries sh*thole, Trump secretly admires African dictators who lose elections but refuse to give up power claiming a non existent fraud. Now he is taking a chapter from the play book of African dictators. Who would have imagined the president of US after losing the WH refuses to concede and spreading baseless conspiracy theories about election fraud. This is a serious blow to democracy in America.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Yes, put some money in his pockets. I'm certain he will spend it wisely. Maybe another golden toilet.

He spent over $100,000 of the billion or so that he blew on his eldest son's dreadful book in order to keep it atop the besteseller's list. That's how much he cares about his supporters' hard earned cash.

I'd keep an eye on the WH cutlery when he leaves, he'll pilfer it.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

He told me he's a realist. He told me he would do the right thing," Rivera said in an interview with Fox. "I got no impression that he was plotting the overthrow of the elected government. He just wants a fair fight."

That’s stuff made for comedy shows.

trump lost a fair fight and is using every dirty trick possible to try to stay in power.

I wish he refuses to vacate the WH, his eviction will definitely be the most watched event in history!!!!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

And not only did he lose, but what were his words about a 306 Electoral College victory? Landslide? Slaughter? Had his butt kicked? And those were his words when we won the EC but still lost the popular vote by a third of what he lost it by this time. Ouch.

And the Repubs went on for four years about how the Democrats were sore losers for not accepting the election results, even though the democrats NEVER claimed fraud, only that the system was broken for allowing the person whom the people didn't want to become president. Now they're trying to pretend they're not sore losers while refusing to accept the results of the democratically elected president-elect.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

and in American politics, The popular vote doesn't count.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I'm looking forward to Trump getting banned from Twitter by trying to continue to post as if he's immune from it due to being president.

When they take away his presidency, and his platform, he'll just be a fat little orange man with little hands. Oh, and a bunch of moron worshippers.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

and in American politics, The popular vote doesn't count.

Trump seems to think it matters. He was very active in promoting baseless trash about 3 million illegals voting for Clinton and depriving him of the popular vote.

What moron would trust anything he says about election fraud after that?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Hillary would have been much worse than Trump, that is why she lost. Trump was the lesser of two evils.

Your team has picked three utter losers in a row: two Bushes and a Trump. The left has picked three winners in a row - Clinton, Obama and now Biden.

Clearly you guys are really, really bad at choosing leaders. And we're clearly really, really good at it.

So no, Hillary wouldn't have been worse. I know you guys believe it, but you also believed two Bushes and a Trump would be good presidents. You're clearly not very good at this.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


So we’re supposed to believe the people in charge of the States that cheated the most to trust with the task apprehend the cheaters? Yeah, that’ll work and that comforting and reassuring. ROFL

Evidence, please.......!

We are waiting for you to prove your unfounded claims, again!


14 ( +14 / -0 )

Georgia certified the results for all elections on Friday and have begun the hand-recount for the Presidential race. My county has 80 people, 2 to a workstation, randomly assigned with Democratic and Republican observers doing the counting. There is a public viewing area, but not a live-stream (that I'm aware).

The President-Reject is just causing states and counties to waste money.

GOP lawyers showing up to court without any proof of their allegations should be dis-barred and hit with court costs for both sides. If they actually have proof of any claims, great. I've not seen anything but unproven allegations. That's fine for TV shows, but no way to run a Govt. Heck, if Trump can't win in Georgia, where the Governor and Secretary of State are both GOP "believers", he needs to concede. He's lost. There's a word for people who lose a contest ... it will come to me.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

It doesn't really matter. In the end Trump will lose and his supporters will claim conspiracy and fraud that won't ever be proven except through links to fringe websites.

Trump fans, I don't care if you believe the election was stolen from you. I just want you out of the White House in January.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

It doesn't really matter. In the end Trump will lose and his supporters will claim conspiracy and fraud that won't ever be proven except through links to fringe websites.

Trump fans, I don't care if you believe the election was stolen from you.

That's a good stance. They lost. They're losers. Who cares what losers think, especially when they've picked three losers in a row; two Bushes and a Trump.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Trump has been served notice to vacate the White House.

When a new administration comes in that’s what happens.

Melania is planning on leaving earlier and slipping out of the back door to New York.

Where do you get this stuff from? ROFL

Ivanka and her husband are going back to New York hoping to renew their social circles but that as changed.

Naw, he’s staying in Florida, warmer, nicer and a great platform to continue building up his base.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Why do liberals oppose various points of political viewpoints. You don’t believe in it, I do.

It’s more a case of promoting logic, literacy, sense and reasoning as opposed to socially distancing from reality.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  10:29 am JST

You can believe that, but considering how...

Whatever. You sound just like a Hillary supporter in 2017.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Trump has been served notice to vacate the White House. Melania is planning on leaving earlier and slipping out of the back door to New York. Ivanka and her husband are going back to New York hoping to renew their social circles but that as changed. The other kids are heading back to NY. Papa Trump now a citizen of Florida, "God's Resting Room" as my parents called it, before moving upstairs.

I certainly agree with that - except for the part about Trump possibly "moving upstairs".....I doubt that's the direction he'll be heading...

And I'm not sure the NY AG and US SD Attorney will allow Trump out of NY...he may be frog-marched out of the WH directly to a NY holding cell....

Hey Manafort, long time no see!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

You see how Zichi provided evidence

One-sided, yes.

and that evidence was immediate dismissed? That’s the type of people Trump supporters are. They aren’t interested in facts or logic, just “sticking it to libs.” This tells us there is little to no reason to attempt and engage them in discourse.

Well, that’s simply not true, conservatives love facts, the problem is, liberals will only listen to facts that favor liberals and anything else they dispute as lacking in facts and they are always entitled to believe a one sided political point of view.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Trump said "time will tell" if another administration takes over soon

Just not very much time.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Biden’s landslide victory is a slap in the face for the trump divisive agenda. America has spoken out clearly against the bigots.

A historical loss for trump, though it pales in comparison to the money he’s lost over the years!!!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

trump wants to set up a new media channel.

Wonder how he’ll raise the money, banks aren’t lending to him anymore.

I encourage the trump fans to contribute liberally, your money stands between trump and poverty!!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Biden’s landslide victory is a slap in the face for the trump divisive agenda.

Joke of the year and a good one, but landslide victory goes to the big tech industry and Dems for pulling off the biggest corporate power grab. I would like to congratulate FB, Twitter and Google for their part in silencing 70+ million people.

America has spoken out clearly against the bigots.

Well, Mitch will make sure the tongue and cheek speaking Democrats stay in line.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

I would like to congratulate FB, Twitter and Google for their part in silencing 70+ million people.

I don’t know about the others but Trump has been posting lies, conspiracy theories, memes of him as Maverick in Top Gun shooting down CNN and links to racist organisations for years. His supporters have been affirming and liking this kind of stuff for years.

He never got booted off or even suspended but he’s certainly in the running for the most flagged tweets.

Doesn’t look like silencing to me.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Hilarious to see people who continuously write falsehoods on news sites now blaming social media for trump’s defeat.

trump actually outspent President Elect Biden on Facebook!!!!

Glad to see trump hasn’t lost his habit of putting money in bad investments.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

bass: I would like to congratulate FB, Twitter and Google for their part in silencing 70+ million people.

Like I said, despite zero evidence of fraud or corruption, expect 50-70% of Republicans to say Biden wasn't the real winner of the election anyway.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I don’t know about the others but Trump has been posting lies, conspiracy theories, memes of him as Maverick in Top Gun shooting down CNN and links to racist organisations for years.

And CNN has been lying on Trump for years and Amanpour the other day and her absolutely despicable comments of comparing Trump to Hitler is a prime example. Look, I don’t like Obama but comparing him to Pinochet or Hillary to Evita or Joe to the Grinch, it was wrong, insensitive and demonstrably and factually false and making such a comparison is just as low as you can get.

He never got booted off or even suspended but he’s certainly in the running for the most flagged tweets. 

Wonder why? Wait, we saw Dorsey a weeks ago....lol

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

conservatives love facts,

Yeah, conservatives like alternative facts. As long as those 'facts' fit their own narratives, then it's all good to them. Trump himself, said that he wouldn't accept the outcome of the election unless he won. What other candidate does that. Hilary Clinton conceded on November 9th, 2016, one day after it was called. Yet, here we are, November 14th and no concession yet.

And yes, Al Gore conceded later, but was only contesting one state. There was a recount in only the state of Florida, and only because it was first called for Gore and then Bush, so they needed to be sure. It's kind of like a line judge overturning a touchdown call in American football, and then they need to go to review (which they do anyway whenever there is a score).

I can understand if Trump wanted a one state recount, like in Georgia, but he has multiple cases being filed in many states. You only do that if you're trying to fish for more votes, take the election out of the hands of the American people, and steal the election through the courts.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Donald pulled out his trump card, which all his aides assured him would be a winner, but it turned out to be the joker. Someone must have switched cards, but who?

While he tries to figure this out, the country succumbs further to pestilence.

C'mon, Donald, just take the hint while it's still subtle.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I honestly cannot fathom how people can support Trump at this point with how incompetent he has proven to be. Not to mention the lack of class / decency, his vindictive nature, the blatant lies and nepotism. He's also an idiot (just listen to him speak). Someone who has had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, and somehow he is supposedly working for the common man?

I get voting on issues you care about (taxes, gun control, abortion etc) but at some point you have to draw a line on principle. Is this really how Republicans think a leader should carry himself? I'm a registered republican, and even I was not stupid enough to vote for a reality TV star to run the country. A man with no history of public service and a draft dodger. And after the past 4 years of chaos, I'm firmly in the #nevertrump crowd. He is an absolute disgrace to what the office of the president should stand for. And to those in congress who stood by while he burned everything down, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The GOP is now infected with Trumpism - good luck with that!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I honestly cannot fathom how people can support Trump at this point with how incompetent he has proven to be.

According to the media, not to half the country, maybe his policies for blue collar workers, immigration, small businesses

Not to mention the lack of class / decency, his vindictive nature, the blatant lies and nepotism.

That’s been going on in politics forever.

He's also an idiot (just listen to him speak).

We have politicians that definitely better orators, but lie their...you know what’s off.

Someone who has had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth,

As well as the Kennedy’s and Bush’s and many others as well

I get voting on issues you care about (taxes, gun control, abortion etc) but at some point you have to draw a line on principle. Is this really how Republicans think a leader should carry himself?

Until Trump came along, neither party cared about the basic working man and Joe is once again part of that International big Teach China Cabal.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

I'm a registered republican, and even I was not stupid enough to vote for a reality TV star to run the country.

I left the GOP 21 years ago.

A man with no history of public service and a draft dodger. And after the past 4 years of chaos, I'm firmly in the #nevertrump crowd.

He wasn’t the only one that wanted nothing to do with Nam and remember you have 70+ million that do want this guy #maga2024

He is an absolute disgrace to what the office of the president should stand for. And to those in congress who stood by while he burned everything down, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The GOP is now infected with Trumpism - good luck with that!

The thing about Trump is, the man is what he always claimed to be, he’s not a politician and the people don’t trust or want these Republican establishment rhinos. No one will vote for a Kasich, Fiorino, or a David Fromm or Bill Krystol, no one cares about these outdated Republicans and the GOP know that without Trump they won’t and can’t win any elections. Trumpism is definitely here to stay and every Democrat and Republican knows that because now Trump has 4 years to increase his base and looking at Biden’s policies going forward, he’s going to make it too easy for Trump.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

The normal people you constantly disparage as not being job creators.

Democrats are reopening their cities?

and Joe is once again part of that International big Teach China Cabal.


NY Post, Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Newsmax, yeah, a ton, but when FB, Twitter and Google block you, how can you prove it? But on their sites they can and do. So for over 70+ million that’s persuasive enough.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

According to liberals

no, according to the courts according to the states that ran their elections in accordance to their laws. many of those states are run by Republcian governors. yeah sorry it pains you but unfortunately the law and the facts dont care about your feelings. Now can we have a nice big "congratulations President elect Biden"

7 ( +7 / -0 )

He wasn’t the only one that wanted nothing to do with Nam and remember you have 70+ million that do want this guy #maga2024

oh so the popular vote is important now, 76 million dont want Trump.


lol Trumps still got to survive the number of NY state tax fraud and rape allegations against him and hes got to do all that while trying to repay the 400million he owes foreign banks and due within 4 yrs. so its not just jail its bankruptcies hes fighting off

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trumpism is definitely here to stay and every Democrat and Republican knows that because now Trump has 4 years to increase his base and looking at Biden’s policies going forward, he’s going to make it too easy for Trump.

and you think Trump will be both mentally and physically fit at the age of 78, his family has a history of Alzheimer and his narcissist disorder will only get worse. That is if he doesnt suffer a stroke or heart attack within the next 4 yrs.


well at least youre coming to grips with Trumps loss. ByeDon 2020

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Dems can raise money and so can he, I’ll do my part.

but the dems always seem to raise more, if the evidence is there and the fraud is real what do you think Trump will do, pay off the NY judges, lol goodluck

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I never said or implied that, but Trump votes DO count even if Dems think they don’t.

oh and what about all those dems votes that Trump said dont count, even when the courts unanimously say they do. No evidence from team Trump of voter fraud, certainly not on the scale that would reverse thousands of dems votes

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I never said or implied that, but Trump votes DO count even if Dems think they don’t.

Unfortunately they just didn't count high enough. Elections have consequences.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

and you think Trump will be both mentally and physically fit at the age of 78,

Didn’t stop Biden and Trump does it with less sleep moving around a lot, not slow like Biden so yeah, I do.

his family has a history of Alzheimer and his narcissist disorder will only get worse.

Biden’s for sure.

well at least youre coming to grips with Trumps loss. ByeDon 2020

Actually, not bye, he’s just out of office not politics. Lol

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

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