Japan Today

Trump concedes 'nothing' on election; Biden team to meet vaccine makers

By Sarah N Lynch, Susan Heavey and Trevor Hunnicutt

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"He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"

He won in the eyes of the people, the election officials of both parties, the cyber arm of the Department of Homeland Security, and many others.

People who don't believe are Trump and members of his cult.

32 ( +42 / -10 )

Who cares what this fat,old racist troll says?

39 ( +48 / -9 )

The good thing about his losing the election is that he's actually doing more exercise - he's spending more time riding his golf cart. Meanwhile, 'sleepy' Joe goes cycling. Hell, 'sleepy' Joe even ran up to the podium when he gave his speech. The man-child might even catch up with Joe if he rides his golf cart.

32 ( +37 / -5 )

Trump concedes 'nothing' on election; 

Trump golfs while the death count from Covid45 rises, while more Americans get sick, while more Americans are hurt even more because of the failures of the Trump economy.

Trump's legacy: the worst politician in US history.

36 ( +43 / -7 )

Fortunately a lack of concession doesn’t change the election result.

27 ( +33 / -6 )

Election result will be announced on December 14th. This will go to the Supreme Court despite what the mainstream media “announces”

There is enough evidence to support Trumps case, not sure if they will be able to prove it though

-31 ( +7 / -38 )

Trump golfs while the death count from Covid45 rises,

And what would Biden do to make it stop specifically? Lockdowns mask and what else?

while more Americans get sick, while more Americans are hurt even more because of the failures of the Trump economy.

Florida is doing fine as well as Texas, so why won’t the blue states open up? Their economies are tanking and while exodus continues from these oppressive blue states, the red states welcome the improved economy, why liberal leaders hate the job creators so much?

Trump's legacy: the worst politician in US history

According to Trump haters probably.

-40 ( +5 / -45 )

Election result will be announced on December 14th. This will go to the Supreme Court despite what the mainstream media “announces” 

There is enough evidence to support Trumps case, not sure if they will be able to prove it though

I agree.

-38 ( +5 / -43 )

Trump, pursuing long-shot litigation contesting election results in several states, made conflicting statements in a series of Twitter posts.

Like a high school girl posting her life problems in social media. How is this guy president of the United States of America?

25 ( +31 / -6 )

There is enough evidence to support Trumps case, not sure if they will be able to prove it though

But there isn't. Every one of the accusations of fraud or inaccurate vote counts has fallen apart when examined. All the rumors about Dominion are provably incorrect. Tell us one claim regarding voter fraud that is even possibly true? There are none.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

Who cares what this fat,old racist troll says?

Sadly, half the population in USA.

14 ( +22 / -8 )

The man is clearly insane, and he's surrounded himself with sycophants, who are afraid of him, propping him up and armed crackpots and thugs in the streets. Where does this end?

23 ( +28 / -5 )

trump finally admitted that Biden won.

Accepting reality is the first step in his treatment and I am happy to say it’s is working.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

And what would Biden do to make it stop specifically? Lockdowns mask and what else?

Meet with Pfizer and not play golf seems a good start. Try reading the article before posting.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Florida is doing fine as well as Texas

Really? Texas has ten million fewer residents than California but has more total infections. In fact Texas has the largest number of Covid-19 infections in the US. Yeah, they're doing real good! California has 46 Covid 19 deaths per 100,000 residents. Florida has 81 and Texas has 67. Arizona is even higher at 86 per 100,000. Meanwhile Oregon has 18 per 100,000 and Washington State 33. South Carolina and Georgia both have 79 deaths per 100,000 residents.

If you look at infections per 100,000 residents, Florida has 4021, Texas has 3532, California has 2546, Washington State has 1620 and Oregon has 1277. Yep, Florida and Texas are doin' good, lol.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

He should just post, "I will not be ignored"

Or, Maybe have Glen Close read some of his tweets. There are some funny ones of Andy Serkis reading his tweets as Gollum.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

The next step is releasing his taxes, admitting to tax fraud and acknowledging the huge debt he is personally responsible for.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

What's interesting is that despite the stunningly high infection rates in New York and New Jersey early in the pandemic, their total number of infections and infections per 100,000 residents is now well below that of Texas. They took the pandemic seriously and have managed to control it better than their more conservative peers in the southeast. Seeing the numbers was a surprise to me. The southeast and some states in the intermountain west didn't take the pandemic seriously and now their infection rates dwarf those of the northeast.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Sadly, half the population in USA.

Fortunately its actually a little less than half.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

Why do we have to listen to someone who repeats the same nonsense over and over again with the reasoning abilities of a child?

18 ( +21 / -3 )

why liberal leaders hate the job creators so much?

Laughable. Of all the risk capital invested in the US every year, fully 50% is invested in California. In fact 36% of the national total is invested in the Bay Area. No other state receives more than a single digit percentage of the total risk capital invested in the US. I also laugh at the constant drumbeat that people are fleeing California. If that were true why does the population rise every year? Some leave, either priced out or unable to compete in the fast paced economy of California. To do well in the state you have to work hard and be smart. The dummies can't keep up and leave, replaced by highly paid innovators in the tech economy. That tech industry is the future. It makes what people all over the world want to buy. Nobody raises a child aspiring to see them work on an assembly line screwing the same thing together day after day, year after year for the rest of their life. Let some poorly educated person in a less developed nation do work like that. California rewards education and innovation and that is what thrives in the state. Nobody misses Kaiser Steel or the old GM plant. Yesterdays industries.

21 ( +24 / -3 )

One of the major factors influencing trump was Rudy’s stellar press conference at the Four Seasons.

trump finally realized Rudy cannot get him out of a parking ticket, forget the election!!!!

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Almost 200,000 new covid cases per day, along with over 1000 deaths per day, and Trump is out playing golf. Truly reprehensible.

25 ( +28 / -3 )

Trump is now desperately attempting to golf and tweet his way out from his narcissistic self-delusions, but his struggle with the demons of defeat will no doubt torment him until Jan. 20th and beyond. Perhaps only when he sees the size of the ecstatically cheering inauguration crowd welcoming the new president will reality finally trump his make-believe "Walter Mitty" world. Post-presidency litigation will be his final wake-up call and "the Last Trump" for his sad, credulous fans.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

And what would Biden do to make it stop specifically? Lockdowns mask and what else?

Well, first of all, Biden is hiring the right kind of people for his staff based on intelligence and experience; not on nepotism and who will kiss his rear end. Secondly, he is listening to his experts, and not the little voices inside of his head. For example, they will enact localized and limited term lockdowns instead of large scale ones, based on researching the places which have the highest cases. They will also provide the necessary equipment for more localized testing.

Then again, they can't start doing anything if Trump keeps acting like a crybaby.

In any case, Trump's playing golf and tweeting doesn't do a lick of good and is far more detrimental. Besides, if he gets away with trying to steal this election through the courts, what kind of message does that send to America's adversaries? Basically it will just say that being a dictator like Putin is okay. What Trump is trying to do is steal America's democracy. He wants a dictatorship where he will win no matter what. Fortunately, most Americans don't want a fascist state dictatorship. They will refuse to accept any claims of fraud without any proof or evidence. And no, rumors or hearsay is not proof.

20 ( +25 / -5 )

The participation trophy generation.

The enablers on the right allowing Trump to scream that he won just because he showed up are the epitome of this.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Soon this will all be behind us.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

No, I mean the enablers on the right allowing Trump to scream that he won just because he showed up.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

And although he showed up, where is he now? Oh yeah... playing golf

17 ( +18 / -1 )

There cannot simultaneously be enough evidence to support Trump’s case, but not enough to prove it up.

None of us know that yet. None of us.

Please provide cites to the evidence you claim Trump has. Thanks for engaging in the conversation like an adult.

I’m sure his team of lawyers will do their best to prove it.

-27 ( +3 / -30 )


There cannot simultaneously be enough evidence to support Trump’s case, but not enough to prove it up.

None of us know that yet. None of us.

I do.

I’m sure his team of lawyers will do their best to prove it.

Yep. And they are getting thrown out of court. Good luck in 4 years.

26 ( +29 / -3 )

And although he showed up, where is he now? Oh yeah... playing golf

"here's the crazy thing, Biden beat him at that too''

***thanks Amber Ruffin

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Trump on Nov 6th: “If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” said Trump, adding that if “illegal votes” are counted, “they can try to steal the election from us”.

Trump's Attorney on Nov 12th: *In Arizona on Thursday, Trump attorney Kory Langhofer conceded that he was “not alleging fraud” or “that anyone is stealing the election” — in direct contradiction with Trump’s repeated public claims that this was indeed what has happened in multiple states.


Would any Trump supporters here like to explain that?

16 ( +18 / -2 )

if Trump had spent as much time trying to solve the COVID-19 pandemic as he has playing golf, he might have solved the problem a long time ago. And every time he plays golf on our dime, which has been about a year’s worth, it costs American taxpayers a few million dollars a pop. I want my money back!

16 ( +19 / -3 )

11 million infected, 246,000 dead- Trump is spending his time playing golf and promoting ridiculous conspiracy theories. The virus is completely out of control in the US- he lacks the moral fibre to move beyond his own sociopathic narcissism and provide assistance those he took an oath to protect. Vile, amoral individual.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

This guy from Fox News pretty much sums it up:


Fox's news division isn't on the same scripted BS that their entertainment (Hannity, Carlson, Graham) division is on. They've actually done a decent job on reporting on the known facts of the election.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Trump circus continues while nobody is running the nation. How can anyone support a president "missing in action" not doing a thing to lead the country while covid rages. Like Nero playing fiddle while Rome burns, Trump plays golf as America crumbles. Ordinary people will keep America alive until a real leader steps up on Jan 20 2021, but so much damage and death will have occurred it will be a crime against America. Trump should be held accountable, given a fair trial and with all the evidence of criminal negligence, imprisoned for the rest of his natural life. He deserves that.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

The message to all Americans is "You're on your own." He doesn't care about Americans, their health or well-being: even his supporters.

We are in the vertical part of the curve and it's only going to get worse when hospitals become overwhelmed and have to making choices about whom to save and whom to leave to their fate.

There are not enough words to describe how despicable he is, and the Mod wouldn't allow them anyway.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Mind you, 45 has been fiddling his whole career.

This man does not care for you, American or otherwise.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

And the Great Repub Conservative Hero and Icon speaks...

Former national security adviser John Bolton on Sunday called on Republican leaders to publicly reject President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud and acknowledge President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

*“I think it’s very important for leaders of the Republican Party to explain to our voters ― who are not as stupid as the Democrats think ― that, in fact, Trump has lost the election and that his claims of election fraud are baseless,” Bolton told ABC’s “This Week.”*


I think you're going to be surprised John how many Repub voters are....well, I'll let your words speak for themselves....

10 ( +14 / -4 )


A very apt analogy. Trump is an American Nero. The nation burns and he doesn't even bother to look engaged.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

According to Trump haters probably.

No, according to people who understand American political history and are agog at what he will do next. Fascinating, but disturbing.

How could one man who has done so much to divide and destroy the US and its international standing be cheered on by so many?

15 ( +19 / -4 )

How could one man who has done so much to divide and destroy the US and its international standing be cheered on by so many?

It's the same way televangelists can get a ton of people to dole out tons of money for them. One thing Trump is good at is conning people; at least his gullible flock.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

It's the same way televangelists can get a ton of people to dole out tons of money for them. One thing Trump is good at is conning people; at least his gullible flock.

That's true. Trump is a cult of personality. A modern day Jim Jones.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

One thing Trump is good at is conning people; at least his gullible flock.

True. I know the word "cult" is perhaps overused when describing the base, but it seems very apt, especially after 4 years of lies, racism, rallies, superspreaders, brutality and prison sentences.

He really could have shot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any of the cultists.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

 This is what the left voted for.

No. No it isn’t. Did you read a different manifesto? Do send a link if you have one.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

People who don't believe are Trump and members of his cult.

Wow, 70+ million people, thats a pretty big cult.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Slowly moving from “it never happened” to “you can’t prove it” to “nothing you can do about it”

except that we actually can.

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

100% Fed Up is a conservative news site dedicated to the memory of Andrew Breitbart, a fearless warrior in the battle to expose the truth behind the lies of the mainstream media.

We are Leisa Audette and Patty McMurray, two conservative moms and best friends, who will do everything in our power to expose the lies and propaganda of the left and their allies in the mainstream media.

Incredibly credible news site. 5/5 Stars. 100% would buy from again. #1.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Slowly moving from “it never happened” to “you can’t prove it” to “nothing you can do about it”

except that we actually can.

Better tell that to Trump's lawyers...

Trump attorney Kory Langhofer conceded that he was “not alleging fraud” or “that anyone is stealing the election” 


So you think the election was stolen from Trump, Trump thinks the election was stolen from Trump....but Trump's lawyers who are trying to prove that in court say; "this is not about anyone stealing the election"...

For the second time, wanna explain that?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

I saw a nutty video of a woman accosting two ID carrying election officials collecting ballots from a drop box. That video was circulating on right wing social media as so-called "evidence".

Up is down, left is right, hot is cold.

The only truth coming from the right was Justice Alito saying in public that the S.Ct allowing same sex marriages resulted in people who don't believe that is permissible being called a bigot. If those people need to push their beliefs on others, then they are bigots. So much for libertarianism being a cornerstone of conservatism. As I have been saying for years, the cornerstone of the GoP is religious fundamentalists. Big business are trying to ride them to eliminate constraints against predatory business practices.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

As so many have said, let the legal process play out and move on from there. Still two months until inauguration, that is plenty of time for whoever finally comes out on top. If it is Joe Biden, that's fine. The important thing is to improve confidence in the electoral system and hopefully to close some of the gaping holes that make tampering possible.

Interesting that all the invective and insults seem to flow in one direction though. Takes the place of actual conversation and discussion, which is a pity. If they were at least clever or original, that's one thing. But most people manage to be neither, which is tedious.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Slowly moving from “it never happened” to “you can’t prove it” to “nothing you can do about it”

Nope. All 3 are exactly where they were months ago.

Nothing but hot air, and nothing else coming.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The important thing is to improve confidence in the electoral system and hopefully to close some of the gaping holes that make tampering possible.

By making up conspiracy theories and showing zero evidence of any holes, let alone gaping ones. Yeah that’ll work.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Because some of the cases are “process” and some of the cases are “fraud”.

it’s not fraud to count cases after a deadline, or to not do a signature match- yet it’s still against the legal “process” that says you shouldn’t or should do something.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

I saw a nutty video of a woman accosting two ID carrying election officials collecting ballots from a drop box. That video was circulating on right wing social media as so-called "evidence".

I saw that video too. Meanwhile, those people collecting those ballots, was probably thinking, "Maam, this is what we do. This is our job. We collect the mail." That alleged 'anonymous' poll worker who was completely blacked out, they interviewed on Fox news was mighty suspicious as well. It's getting to the point where I think there must be several people who have been hired by Trump to make as many conspiracies they can think of and throw it out there to see what sticks.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Six months ago very few would have believed Biden would defeat Trump and in such a spectacular fashion.

Lol, if Trump won all the blue states in the same way that Biden did I have this strange feeling they would be veeeery suspicious. Biden got more votes than any other President in History including Hillary and Obama without really campaigning or outlining any specific policy.....uh-huh....lol

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

You know nothing, Don Trump

He knows a lot and that is scaring Democrats because he’s just getting started.

I do.

Liberals have the clairvoyant mutant ability, my bad.

Yep. And they are getting thrown out of court. Good luck in 4 years

Good luck dealing with a stubborn Mitch and a shrinking house Majority....soon to be a minority and as it’s shaping up, Dems could lose the House in 2022 and then Biden is in deep, deep...well, you know...

-18 ( +2 / -20 )

Remember how the Republicans tried to claim the Democrats didn't accept the result of the 2016 election, even though they never tried to steal it through court cases and political strategizing manipulating the rules to override the will of the people?

Don't they just look like losers now.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Biden's win, according to to Trump is a landslide victory with even more votes than he achieved in 2016.

We know why.

Biden's policies were online to view,

Never outlined them, but as toxic as they are and given what the Dems have done in this election, they won’t be happy going forward. Even in liberal echo chamber California Republican women gained 18 seats in Congress, 3 in California....not a good sign for Dems.

It was Trump who didn't talk about policies and only made the personal attacks.

Trump always talked about policies, it was the msm that decided not to cover them and talk about COVID 24/7

Most people are going to remember Trump's worse history, not his best.

The haters, not the other half of the country.

His undignified exit from the WH.


-19 ( +2 / -21 )

Just when was the last time that this so-called 'president' attended an intel meeting or a covid-related meeting? All he's been doing since the election is sulk and play golf. If you're not interested in being president, get out of the way and let Biden take over. It's about time an adult moved into the White House (after fumigation).

13 ( +15 / -2 )

The democrats have a chance to win the senate

They also have a chance of not winning it.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

Also, Trump is taking a page out of Hillary’s playbook and as she said, Joe shouldn’t concede no matter what if he loses, the stakes are too high and he should drag it out.

Thank you. Hillary, the President is doing just that, the man is taking your advice.

-22 ( +2 / -24 )

Because some of the cases are “process” and some of the cases are “fraud”.

Irrelevant....Trump and you say the election was "stolen"....but Trump's lawyer arguing in court said he is NOT alleging "that anyone is stealing the election”.... Explain that...

12 ( +14 / -2 )

if Trump won all the blue states in the same way that Biden did I have this strange feeling they would be veeeery suspicious.

If Trump won a single Blue state, I imagine a lot of people would be very, very suspicious.

Biden got more votes than any other President in History including Hillary and Obama without really campaigning or outlining any specific policy.....uh-huh....lol

How many of those Biden voters were ...inspired... by Trump to vote Democrat? Biden didn't need to really campaign, Trump did all the work for him. I imagine there were just as many, if not more, AnyoneButTrump voters as there were Biden voters.

An American Nero, truly.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

The "The legal votes will be counted... and the 'illegal' votes won't be counted...."

Do you even hear yourselves at all? ONLY LEGAL votes are counted and confirmed in the FIRST PLACE. It happened in 1988, 1992, 1996,2000, 2004,2008, 2012, 2016, and now in 2020 and well before that for many DECADES before any of us were even BORN.

Imagine the current chess champion is going up against a challenging chess player for the championship title. But during a press conference, the current champion proclaims before the match, "If I win it's because I'm a great chess player. If I lose it is because the challenging chess player is cheating....". What exactly does that sound like???

2016 Trump won, those who didn't vote for Trump had to accept the results of our very effective democratic election. 2020 Biden won according to the exact same results of our very effective democratic election, but those who didn't vote for Biden aren't accepting the results foolishly claim: "Because the person I voted for didn't win.... everyone who didn't vote for the same person I voted for must be cheating...."

In the US we are still very much an effective democracy... You have completely forgotten and choose to ignore that. I want you to think hard about what exactly does that make you?

It is the most un-American, un-patriotic, corrupt, hypocritical, freedom hating, liberty obstructing perspective I've ever seen. If it were a true injustice against our democratic system, it would have shown itself quite a long time ago... but you're only going off of self percieved injustice caused by your own delusions and trying to destroy the very system that allows you to even vote freely in the first place.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Trump's case is so bad, that when it is not getting laughed out of court, his lawyers are bailing on him (hope they got paid up front....) and now his remaining lawyers have amended the PA suit so that it won't challenge enough ballots to make a difference anyway.

So. Much. Winning.......

11 ( +13 / -2 )

They also have a chance of not winning it.

You guys also thought Trump was going to win. You're not very good at predictions.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

And the saga continues at the detriment and expense of the democratic process in the United States of America.

The retro administration continues to punish We the People of the United States of America.

Our foes have taken full advantage of the mind boggling process the current unfit occupant of the White House continues to unleash, with the assistance of legislators, on the nation.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Spot on with the Nero comparisons, folks. You beat me to it!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

They also have a chance of not winning it.

Captain obvious flexing his English abilities by rephrasing the initial statement as a negative and illustrating his knowledge of how the word "chance" is used.

Obviously by using the word "chance" itself, it means the possibility of multiple outcomes. You are my hero.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Well, I guess since the FBI uncovered and foiled the plot to kidnap and murder the Michigan Governor, Trump and his cronies want another group to give it a try....

*White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas criticized Michigan's new Covid-19 restrictions in a tweet shortly after they were announced Sunday evening, urging people to "rise up" against the new public health measures.*


"Rise up" - the new call for domestic terrorism from our President and his sick, demented staff....

Might as well call the Trump White House ISIS West...

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Trump concedes 'nothing' on election; Biden team to meet vaccine makers

Why should he concede while the court cases addressing the election malarcy are still going on? It is amazing to see how the press tries to take the place of the established process to declare the presidence. Who decided that electors have now been replaced by media hacks?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

The fact that the GOP did well in the Senate and the House shows that they didn't support Trump for President.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

I'm seeing a future in which every US election will be subject to claims of fraud and litigation, all this based on 'gut feelings' and 'you guys can't be trusted' and 'many people are saying...'


8 ( +9 / -1 )

Why should he concede while the court cases addressing the election malarcy are still going on? 

Which court cases are you referring to exactly? You may believe the wheels of justice are turning but they are not. The cases have failed or given up.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

You told us for months how Rump was going to sweep the carpet and win against "Sleep Joe".

And then the Dems did their magic....yes, Biden won more votes as a Democrat more than Obama and Hillary....sleepy Joe Biden? Lol

The Cyber Section of the Homeland Security and other top agencies stated there were no voter frauds.

They said that, Democrats also said that Trump was a compromised Russian asset, yeah, that’s what they said.

A combined voter total of less than 150 million is not half of the population and only a little more than half of the voting population of 250 million. About 65% voted.


You claim Trump has 120 million supporters but then only about 70 million voted for him.

Well, given what we now know, Joe as made Presidential history in the voting count. ROFL.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Every one of the accusations of fraud or inaccurate vote counts has fallen apart when examined. All the rumors about Dominion are provably incorrect.

Yeah, that's what they want you to think. The last thing they want the people to do is realize how fraudulent the voting system is.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

If Trump won a single Blue state, I imagine a lot of people would be very, very suspicious.

There you go and now you know how we feel or you might not if you never visited a red state.

How many of those Biden voters were ...inspired... by Trump to vote Democrat? Biden didn't need to really campaign,

So people all of a sudden don’t care about the issues. That would be first in the US.

Trump did all the work for him.

No, because we all know it’s a bunch of crap. I remember as a kid in high school when talk show host Johnny Carson was ripping on old Joe

I imagine there were just as many, if not more, AnyoneButTrump voters as there were Biden voters.

An American Nero, truly.

Sums up, Biden.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

The unique problem with this election is the whole mail in vote fiasco. I can&t think of any other country that allows such a system. Canada, UK, Australia all have systems where you must apply to vote by mail, must provide proof of eligibility, etc. It is insane for any responsible government to simply mail ballots to people and hope for the best.

The ID requirements (if any) are also rarely enforced. All you have to do in many states is walk in to a polling station, declare yourself a resident of the district, and vote. Again, insanity.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Hundreds of thousands of new Covid cases and your responsible leader is playing golf. All week.

8 ( +10 / -2 )


Slowly moving from “it never happened” to “you can’t prove it” to “nothing you can do about it”

Let me help!

“it never happened” , so, “you can’t prove it”, which means there's “nothing you can do about it”

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Asked and answered far too many times already.






Because there is apamdemic ravaging the country.

Texas and Florida are doing it.

The exodus is due to the high costs of living and homes,

And bingo, this is why people are tired of all of these stupid oppressive liberal draconian laws that are enabling people from doing what every normal person wants to do and that is work and take care of their bills and family and if they can’t do it in the blue states they will go less oppressive red states.

Which is due to the liberals moving in.

Working under conservatives leaderships which might I say they seem to love.

They don’t.

They do help the uneducated since the Democrat leaders in their states refuse to help. Oxymoron there....

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Except the Homeland Security, the Election Infrastructure Government Co-ordinating Council, the the US Election Assistance Commission are not controlled by democrats.

I never said or implied that the swamp is comprised only by Democrats. ROFL!

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

bass4funkToday 01:15 pm JST

You told us for months how Rump was going to sweep the carpet and win against "Sleep Joe".

And then the Dems did their magic....yes, Biden won more votes as a Democrat more than Obama and Hillary....sleepy Joe Biden? Lol

It wasn't a pro Biden vote, it was an anti Trump vote.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

It wasn't a pro Biden vote, it was an anti Trump vote.

Even worse. So people hate Trump so much that the haters could care less about policy? Wow! Just don’t look that gift horse in the mouth. Boy, the Dems are setting themselves up for another disaster down the road

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Do you even know anything about these agencies?

Yes, actually.

Homeland Security Director appointed by Trump.

Has nothing to do with the underlings rank and file people that work in that department.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

So people all of a sudden don’t care about the issues.

Maybe Trump was the issue for many people?

Trump did all the work for him.

No, because we all know it’s a bunch of crap. I remember as a kid in high school when talk show host Johnny Carson was ripping on old Joe

Do try to pay attention and keep up. Whatever Johnny Carson may have said about anyone when you were a kid has no bearing on what Donald Trump did and said in the second decade of the 21st century. What Donald Trump did and said 2016 to 2020 was enough to make a lot of people not care what some TV presenter may have said yonks ago about Biden. #anyonebuttrump

Sums up, Biden.

Is Biden out playing golf while the country faces record levels of covid infections and deaths?

You're making my argument for me, bass.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The election is over. Time to move on.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The joint statement issued last week declaring this election the safest in history

You keep saying that and we don’t care how many times you or they do, if Dems can question the 2016 presidential legitimacy of Trump, conservatives most definitely can question the 2020 election results based on more forthcoming witnesses.

wasn't released by the rank and file workers but by the directors of the agencies.

Ok, but still most of the rank and file are decent people trying to do their jobs professionally.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Trump is ending his Presidency as he managed during it, a total disaster wrapped in endless lies.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Maybe Trump was the issue for many people?

For both sides, true.

Do try to pay attention and keep up. Whatever Johnny Carson may have said about anyone when you were a kid has no bearing

Actually it does, it tells you that even back in 1983 Biden was the brunt of jokes, mockery and scrutiny, I know this as an American.

What Donald Trump did and said 2016 to 2020 was enough to make a lot of people not care what some TV presenter may have said yonks ago about Biden. #anyonebuttrump

For millions it did though.

Is Biden out playing golf while the country faces record levels of covid infections and deaths?

Biden really won’t be doing anything, even now Trump makes the news and No one is paying attention to Biden and when Trump goes out and continues to build up on his base, the msm can resist bu to cover him and Biden will go unnoticed.

You're making my argument for me, bass.

And you for mine. Lol

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

The lawsuits should be all swatted down soon. The only thing left will be the ramblings of a proven scammer and known liar.

That should be good enought for about 60-70% of Republicans. They have no spine to contradict Trump.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Yeah, that's what they want you to think. The last thing they want the people to do is realize how fraudulent the voting system is.

It must be a conspiracy because there’s no evidence! Circular reasoning strikes again.

Of course there’s no proof, right?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It is amazing that people can call the Trump years a total disaster. Seems they have very short memories! Three years of staggering economic growth, record low unemployment for minorities, foreign policy success, judicial appointments...

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

The ID requirements (if any) are also rarely enforced. All you have to do in many states is walk in to a polling station, declare yourself a resident of the district, and vote. Again, insanity.

It would be insanity, if it were true.

But it isn’t true, nothing you just said is true.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump is undermining the American voting system and democracy. The system is based on the right of the people choosing its own leaders but does not guarantee the quality of the person chosen. Americans can find solace in the fact that at least they got to choose the despot.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It must be a conspiracy because there’s no evidence!

Ok, if you want to believe that, but Trump has more than enough time to bring this all to litigation and at the very minimum the lawsuits should bring more more scrutiny to the flawed system.

The only thing left will be the ramblings of a proven scammer and known liar.


That should be good enought for about 60-70% of Republicans. They have no spine to contradict Trump.

Nor would that be wise with 70+ million followers.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

And then the Dems did their magic....

Resorting to magic thinking in the place of real thinking. Guess that is all that is left when alternative facts are all that you have been consuming.

Too much of that kind of thinking has been going on and being fed to the Trump followers over the last 4+ years. No wonder Trump followers spout such unbelievable things.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Bass:. Nor would that be wise with 70+ million followers.

Just be sure to have Trump out of the WH by the 20th of January. That's all the world really cares about at this point.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Let’s not grudge trump the last few days of golf , life is going to be extremely difficult for him Jan 20 onwards.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The one achievement for trump is the number of days he’s played golf.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Just be sure to have Trump out of the WH by the 20th of January.

Biden is going to get pretty upset with Mitch until 2024

That's all the world really cares about at this point.

They can do that my side take a page out of Hillary’s book on keeping the Senate

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Resorting to magic thinking in the place of real thinking. Guess that is all that is left when alternative facts are all that you have been consuming. 

But we should suck up to liberal alternative facts?

Too much of that kind of thinking has been going on and being fed to the Trump followers over the last 4+ years.

And look what the lame stream media has been doing, no wonder people were turning these networks off.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Bass:. Biden is going to get pretty upset with Mitch until 2024

As long as Trump is gone by January 20 I'll be happy. Make up any Biden victory speech you want.

I predicted it.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

the democrats in 2016 didn’t make any court cases.

I did even worse, they try to delegitimize a duly elected president and now the Democrats have the absolute goal to say cease and desist on the right? Like Whoopi said, suck it up, going to be a bumpy 4 years Biden resisting, Mitch seems happy.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

The exodus is due to the high costs of living and homes,

And bingo, this is why people are tired of all of these stupid oppressive liberal draconian laws that are enabling people from doing what every normal person wants to do and that is work and take care of their bills and family and if they can’t do it in the blue states they will go less oppressive red states.

Bootstrapping an argument to make some point, my red state is better than your blue state?? You are skipping reason to support your biased assumption.

Hmmm, good paying jobs are located in places where the businesses are located (blue states), and the cost of living is expensive and there are too many people because everyone wants to live there (wealthy and poor), economy is good and weather is nice year round.

The work from home environment is the big change. WFH has since made people with the financial means reconsider where they live since they don't have to be close to their job. Since they have the financial means, they are buying up large and small properties in Wyoming and the Dakotas, which is driving up housing prices and availability for the locals. They may regret moving there when it turns cold or they need a specialist doctor that isn't hours away.

Already, the locals are upset with the intrusion as it makes finding affordable housing difficult. They can't compete with the out of town money or expertise. The locals may have made a huge gain on the sale of their property, but unless they move to another economically depressed area, they would have to buy a smaller place for an inflated price. Welcome to the economics of living in a blue state as popular and expensive as California...and now Arizona....

7 ( +8 / -1 )

As long as Trump is gone by January 20 I'll be happy.

And we will be as well holding the Senate.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

There is nothing remotely surprising about that, Bass. To ditto everyone else, that’s about Trump not Biden.

Because liberals say so? Come on man!

As do I. That this candidate brought out over 75 million tells you what about his opponent?

That we should let Trump and his attorneys bring forth questions and scrutiny to this so-called election mess.

So Bass cares about policy so much that he doesn’t care about a Pres using the DOJ as his personal consigliere

When Obama had Eric holder, everyone seem to not care about that all the sudden

for lower taxes.

Democrats? That’s a curse word! Lol

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Me: -watches Trump case after Trump case get thrown out of court while his own lawyers argue that they’re not making accusations of fraud, or abandon him and drop their cases entirely-

Me: this is great news!!! For trump!!!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

even back in 1983 Biden was the brunt of jokes, mockery and scrutiny, I know this as an American

Yet still over 78 million American voters preferred him to Trump. What does that tell you?

Biden really won’t be doing anything

Biden is busy putting together his cabinet, making plans to deal with the pandemic, getting ready to hit the ground running.

even now Trump makes the news*

The so-called leader of the free world has a quarter of a million dead, many more on the way, and he has nothing better to do than play golf and tweet tantrums? Of course that's news. American presidents are supposed to be presidential, when they are infantile it's a man-bites-dog story.

Nor would that be wise with 70+ million followers.

Sounds like a threat. Stand by?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

It's quite interesting that may Trump supporters here continue to allege that Dems engaged in fraud, "magic", and/or stole the election....but the President's own lawyer presenting this case in court has "conceded that he was “not alleging fraud” or “that anyone is stealing the election”....


And none of them here can seem to explain this...


9 ( +10 / -1 )

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