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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Wisconsin to hold partial vote recount as fuming Trump denies defeat
By Jarrett Renshaw and Jason Lange WILMINGTON, Del/WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Sorry buddy. There's no take-backs: they voted to certify, the results were certified, the deadline has passed, it's over.
And their affidavits have as much weight as that postal worker whose affidavit that said he saw direct fraud, when questioned, turned into "I heard something someone said from half a room away and I assumed they said 'let's fraud' so that means I found the crimes" - which is to say, none.
"Wayne County MI election board Republicans rescind votes to certify, file affidavits that their families were threatened"
Wisconsin recount meeting also didnt go so well for Democrats.
Uh oh.
I'm originally from a rural area, too - in an Eastern state, though. Not exactly the sticks, but I grew up in a place that used to be a farm. Many around us had firearms, and I think they can be appropriate in certain circumstances, especially in farming situations. But I am opposed to the Second Amendment that enables mass killings and school shootings. Guns need to be regulated, owners need to be licensed, and ownership should be the exception, not the rule,
Simon Foston
WakarimasenToday 02:02 pm JST
Doesn't matter what comes to light as long as he's got a Republican majority in the Senate to acquit him in impeachment trials.
Apparently you have forgotten he was impeached for withholding taxpayer-funded military aid to bribe a foreign government to help his own reelection. He was unsurprisingly acquitted by hiw own party, but explicitly not exonerated.
He is also presently under criminal investigation for his business and taxes practices in the state of New York.
He could also very well be prosecuted for profiting from his office, abuse of power, violating campaign finance laws, and a few more offenses starting from next January.
This sounds like a terrible situation. I sympathise deeply with you. That being said, I recommend you not carry a firearm. The act of owning - let alone carrying - a firearm statistically puts you and yours at greater risk of injury or even death. Please reconsider.
Oklahoma is just chock full of trump loons all believing that Trump will be re elected after the recount. It is really bad and their hatred towards Asian people is incredible. I am stuck here and carry around my M-1911 automatic to protect myself and husband. I wish they would try and become rational.
Curious to understand exactly what the "criminality" of the Trump "regime" comprises of. Randomness maybe. Obnoxiousness sure. But actual breaking of real laws?
He has been under the microscope for the past 4 years and so far nothing appears to have come to light.
Biden doesn't have to. Once the DoJ and other federal law enforcement agencies are back to normal and responsibly allowed to do their job without interference from a "president" that demands personal loyalty to themselves in violation of their oath of office, We the People can have Trump & Co eaten alive.
As an American I demand JUSTICE, as should we all once this is said and done.
egads man!
Wow, generalizing much?
Since when was it decided?
Apparently Biden says he doesn't want to spend much time on investigations into criminality of the Trump administration.
A colossal mistake. Trump is a criminal and should be forced to face the law for it. Letting him go to try and appeal to a sense of unity in those who will always despise you. Biden should not use the power vested in him as President to "let things go" when the previous holder of the office has committed numerous crimes.
Nixon disgraced the office of the Presidency. Trump ruined it. Biden has an opportunity to heal it. But only if he's willing for the law to be applied to his opponents - no matter what Twitter whackjobs might think.
I'm more for them having to watch Trump and his family being in court for federal crimes funneling them proud
Trumpublican taxpayer dollars into his family businesses while in office and how easily they fell for his conman personality like gullible twits.
Hahaha, I guess maybe they have a point! Perhaps there weren't enough GOP representatives staring endlessly at inanimate metal rods to their taste!
Not my jam, but what they do with their Tuesday evenings is their business.
I suggest you learn to comprehend what it says in the first place. Biden already has a CLEAR MAJORITY of Electoral ballots already! Even thought Trump and his cronies are trying to question how many ballots are "legal", he's barely able to get the numbers of his (and his followers) claimed "illegal" votes questioned because it's only in the thousands while the accurately verified legal and certified votes have surpassed it in the millions against him. In order for Trump to have any legitimate claim for a questionable recount, the EC and votes would have to be VERY close, like 260/259... not 290/232.
Sorry democracy in Russia was so weak that Putin could take over just like that, but the US has had it's democracy (has enough C.Y.A language in the constitution) for quite a long time before you could even figure out what democracy even was. It's fun to prove you ignorant of how the US works internally for those of us who are actual citizens of this country.
Another accurate prediction by "The Simpsons" TV show under "Sideshow Bob Roberts".
I think it is very hard for many people to comprehend that Joe Biden won not only the popular vote but also the electoral college, and that just because you don't like the result of the election it doesn't meant that the result is illegitimate.
Argus Tuft
yeah, just not an ethical one
I wonder what percentage of people who voted Trump actually believe his latest conspiracy theories. There are still birthers out there, those who think 3 million illegals voted for Clinton, people who think climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese etc. I’m guessing most of the hardcore Trump voters swallow all the baseless trash he has pumped out in recent years. I don’t think there is much of a choosy approach to Trump’s buffet of stupidity.
Can any Trump supporters tell us how they approach it?
At this point I'm encouraging Trump fans to believe the election was stolen. Makes the Democrats look smart. We did it!
Plus, if they don't accept the results it will trigger them every time President Biden is on TV.
If President Trump had kept his mouth shut about the virus and let Drs. Fauci, Birx, et al. do their job, he would have won, and there would have been fewer cases and fewer deaths. Instead...
Bob Fosse
You just did make that stuff up. But it’s too late to expect verifiable evidence from you. Just your imagination and scaremongering from a tinfoil hat site.
Bob Fosse
Comments like this just continue to show how consistently wrong and misinformed you are. Things aren’t black or white and things change.
Another gem.
TV networks might pay Rudy more than $20,000 per day if they can televise the hearings live!!!!
Perhaps the best moment in the PA case came when the judge said to Rudy Giuliani, "You should write this down. That's what lawyers do. They write things down."
The GOP lawsuit in Pennsylvania had a complaint about’Pole Watchers’.
Glad we are done with the Poll watchers complaints!!!!
Toasted Heretic
Until every last American is infected, exhausted or dying.
Classy Trump cultists.
Yeah, that’s as if a California vegan liberal decides they’re for the NGD and then switch to vote for Trump. I guess in a warped reality it could happen. Lol
Because we have....sorry, had the police until the Dems decided to defund them. Why? But then these same hypocrites want the cops to protect them. You just can’t make this stuff up.
You ask Trump supporters to denounce terrorism and suddenly they get all quiet and wander away. Every time. What's up with that?
Right! That's how pathetic a president Trump was - he couldn't even keep these voters who should have been beneath what he expects worthy of consideration.
Graham DeShazo
There really should be a reckoning for Trump and his enablers for playing with the institutions of Democracy.
Wow, it's impressive that you have so accurately summarized this thing that no one said ever.
You'd almost wonder if it's just hyper-partisan rhetoric...
Uh-huh these blue collar frackers and fossil fuel workers just in the last minute decided to go for Biden, a man who wants to kill the fossil fuel industry, just like that. ROFL!
The right has gone so far to the extreme right, that they think that Fox "news", Trump's mouthpiece of the last four years, the network that the Mueller report showed altered their reporting according to white house demands, is Left. They aren't even center, they're directly responsible for the buildup of right-wing extremism over the past two decades.
I love watching the right eat themselves as everything they've stood for over the past couple of decades is shown to be a scam. After two Bushes and a Trump, where the left won the popular vote seven out of eight times, when the Republicans have lost over 1000 seats in the past three elections, the genie is out of the bottle. America knows the Republicans are failures, that their leader is a failure, that their polices are failures, and that they are moral failures.
But yeah, good job on not electing Hillary. Instead you added another Loser to the two Losers you elected before him.
Bob Fosse
They never had a president like trump before. You mustn’t forget the revulsion vote after 4 years of that horror show.
When Biden is President, you think just like that people won’t stop dying? Come on man!
I would disagree vehemently.
Being a thorn for Joe and the Dems for the next 4 years and the beauty of it is, the msm can’t resist to cover Trump because he’ll always be threat so Joe will have to fight to get the media to pay attention to him sometimes. Just fantastic.
Well, the head of FNC is being run by a Democrat so...
Let’s get it to the SC and see.
The delusion and alt-reality world of Trumpism is caving in on itself...
It will now morph into a kooky conspiracy theory factory equivalent to QAnon where Trump will no doubt start a media channel to promote himself and further scam his supporters out of their money...
However, given all the potential indictments he's facing, he may be running it from Rikers Island...
I could point out the falsity of that assertion, but I would be wasting my energy.
Where is big man winner Trump these days anyway?
Graham DeShazo
There is zero, zilch, nada, no evidence of voter fraud or fraud in counting legally cast and submitted ballots. I see on Drudge this morning that Trump is now down to arguing that it's a mob-run job.
The faithless elector plan is a desperate Hail-Mary effort that has just a few problems. Yesterday the local GOP certified the Wyane county ballots after their ham-handed effort was called out. Oh, and the GOP head of the State Legislature said that nobody was going to discard the will of the electorate (That means Biden won).
In PA, the judges are doing face-palms at Rudy's jaw-droppingly stupid, evidence-free "claims". A serious lawyer would worry about his or her standing with the Bar for doing the same.
The Georgia recount won't change the results to a significant margin.
This is the fever-dream of those suffering from the cognitive maladies I previously mentioned, but I regret to admit that I did not include the possibility of substance abuse. Apologies...
You okay with lots more people dying because the transition gets held up for the sake of Trump’s fragile ego and his cult followers’ weird beliefs?
Fox News isn't "the left". The courts of the US aren't "the left".
You wanna address the point of the post, hoss?
Your boy Trump is a loser. A big, fat, dumb as rocks loser.
And obey the left? No, he should move forward, Hillary advised Biden to do the had he lost in a normal election.
No. He should be an adult - for the very first time in his life - and accept the truth.
That he lost.
Trump lost the election.
Trump is the loser of the election.
Trump is a loser.
Yeah, he broke Obama, Bush’s and Clinton’s record making the most voted for President in US history.....Joe
Given the circumstances surrounding this election and Biden winning in counties that haven’t voted for a Democrat in 35 years....I definitely understand the man.
Not all and not nearly finished, he should go on as far and as long as he can.
People who think Trump "has a plan" really need to wake up to reality. Trump has no plan. For anything. That's why he was elected, because he's not "a politician" with complex ideas and words that are hard to understand. And that's why he was voted out of office after one term, because he has no capacity for planning anything or forming intelligible ideas. His circle, aides and staff do have plans, most of them terrible, but he has absolutely nothing.
As long as it's his (or more likely his donors' and gullible followers') money, then go ahead. The rest of the country is continuing as normal toward Jan 20.
With Ghouliani as his best lawyer, I REALLY feel at ease.
The big failsafe for them is for Trump to tell the electoral college delegates to be faithless electors and vote for him, screw the will of the people. And believe me, you will see posters on this website defending and advocating that.
It won't.
I would honestly respect you guys more if, at this point, you just came out with it and said "yes, I want to overthrow democracy and install Trump as dictator for life and king, so that the Trump dynasty can rule me and my children forever".
We know you want that. You know we know you want that. So be a man and say it.
The 1 state 1 vote delusion has already been destroyed, none of the states want to override the wishes of their electorates.
Cant blame the trump camp though, delusions are all they have till Jan 20.
That’s the date when they will accept reality!!!!
Bob Fosse
We’ll see then won’t we. And when that plan fails what will you cling to next?
Rudy was hilarious in court yesterday, he didn’t understand basics, misunderstood the judge and they are paying him $ 20,000 per day!!!!
In the end, Rudy will be rich and trump still a loser!!!!
You mean that Trump is knowingly trying to overturn the election result and you support him?
Fortunately for America, Trump does not have enough delaying tactics left to make it to January without the electoral college agreeing. It will meet and Biden will be elected.
Trump will go down in history as a bad president and one without the grace and humility to accept defeat. He brings shame on himself and all those he has fooled into supporting him.
Quick! Trump needs a diaper change.
So the trump campaign couldn’t afford the 8 million asked for a full recount!!!!
I encourage trump fans to contribute more , nothing makes me happy than seeing racists throw their money down the drain!!!!
jack o helen
Trump is probably wondering to himself, why does demanding the presidency work in other countries like Russia and North Korea, but not in the U.S. Fortunately, the U.S. is not like Russia and North Korea. There is such a thing as democracy where people's votes do count.
Graham DeShazo
Trump is too cheap to shell out the $8 million (to be fair, he might be too broke) required for a state-wide recount.
Do you really think that American democracy is so fragile that it wouldn't survive Trump's attempts to override it?
In many countries democracy is not strong - like Russia where a weak democracy was fairly quickly turned into a pathetic fascist dictatorship with a leader who preens like a latter day Mussolini. However, despite Trump and America's enemies' best attempts, there will be no stopping the electoral college.
care to actually quote where in the constitution it states that trump can actually change the will of the voters? betcha can't...smgdfh.
At least they got the money up front.
A fool and his money soon parted
Let’s recount heavily Democratic and Black areas only. Because only white males in the Republican Panty are honest And Trump more than anyone.
The longer this drags on the better it will go for Trump
Bob Fosse
Har! Shooting himself in the foot again and again. Oh my.
Graham DeShazo
The idea that 81.8 million people (the total Nate Silver estimates Biden's total will be) would be disenfranchised and Trump, the clear loser of both the popular and Electoral College, installed for another term by a few state legislators is so farcical as to suggest mental illness or significant cognitive impairment.
Hope this orange orangutan is given a taste of his own medicine, The moment he is thrown into the streets at noon on jan 20 the floodgates of litigations will open.
'Venting his anger on Twitter' and reinforcing his reputation as the most psychologically unstable politician in US history.
As Trump's losses continue to mount, he's also reinforcing his reputation as the biggest loser of all modern politicians.
Trump's burning bridges, doing as much damage to US systems as he possibly can. To the delight of his US supporters and other anti-Americans around the globe.