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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage
By Steve Holland and Parisa Hafezi UNITED NATIONS©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
There are plenty in America who won't disagree with you! Personally speaking Trump sounds like a primary school child when he gives speeches or talks with media, along with a limited vocabulary, and propensity to repeat himself, it's easy to understand why people think this way about him!
Chip Star
Only one of the two was laughed at and it wasn't the gentleman from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Dango bong
You can have Iran, I'll take the US
The Iran situation is officially a rudderless ship. Trump has been ineffective.
"The 'gentleman' from Iran." Good one!
Chip Star
Odd that you'd infer I want Iran over the US from my pointing out what a complete and utter joke Trump is.
It's almost as funny as calling Trump presidential, or a gentleman.
Chip Star
This is an accurate suggestion given Trump's public performances since the 70s.
It’s time to buy that hybrid and some gold!
And here are liberals siding once again with brutal regime leaders instead of the duly elected President of the United States.
Lets send them some more pallets of cash, to find more terrorists and nuclear research, huh?
Dango bong
Yeah such a joke that the US economy and consumer confidence are at historical highs... Can you say "reelection?" I can...
Chip Star
It is if you are the president trying to give a speech in front of other world leaders. It indicates that you are an idiot. World leaders don't laugh at each other unless one is acting like an elementary school student.
You either didn't read the article or have literacy issues.
The relevant part of the article:
Trump, who begins his political rallies with boasts about his economic record in less than two years in office, used the same rhetoric before the crowd of world leaders and diplomats, telling them he had accomplished more than almost any previous U.S. president.
That is a false duality, which you are prone to present.
Alfie Noakes
Comedy gold. How can anyone take this charlatan and his nonsense seriously?
"The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, (known in Iran as the "28 Mordad coup") was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh on August 19, 1953, orchestrated by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States (under the name "TPAJAX Project"). The coup saw the transition of Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi from a constitutional monarch to an authoritarian one who relied heavily on United States government support to hold on to power until his own overthrow in February 1979."
Yes, joke until they come asking for money or need to come to the table and do business, watch the laughters turn to sweats and soft tones. When the US sneezes, everyone catches a cold.
Chip Star
So, it's completely acceptable for the president to side with brutal regime leaders - Putin, Kim - over the US, but not for anyone else. Got it. Sound conservative "logic."
Yeah, why would the US give a country back that country's cash in exchange for a freeze on that country developing nuclear technology that leads to nuclear weapons? That's just stupid. Instead, the US should pull out of the framework that froze the development and watch as other countries take the lead. More conservative "logic."
Yep I would be watching video and taking a note of every single leader who laughed. Trump doesn’t stand for that nonsense. if Obama could have kept his mouth shut there wouldn’t even be a President Trump, right? But he had to go for the cheap laugh, didn’t he?
Chip Star
The economy and consumer confidence have no relation to Trump being laughed at by other world leaders.
Except when Kennedy met with Gorbachev, correct? Oh, wait, he didn't.
How many multinational companies have headquarters in the US?
How many countries have US military bases?
How many counties have Trump properties?
Unless Trump's using the alt right meaning:
Chip Star
Very presidential, and why the US is becoming more and more isolated. Keep that "logic" coming.
So now Obama is responsible for Trump wanting to become president. Funny given Trump wanted to run way back in 1999-2000, which, if you know anything about how time works, was long before Obama called out Trump for Trump's repulsive birtherism.
A thin-skinned, temperamental, intellectually deficient president is definitely good for the country. Just ask Trump supporters.
There is the Orange Orangutan again, spreading his hands in that Jesus Christ Pose and babbling like a moron. He gets laughed and jeered at because he's a zero-cred joke. the UN ought to get on his butt about all those children he kidnapped that are in concentration camps right now. He rants that he has the 'nuclear war' button on his desk, bellowing like a bully kid. Why would anyone listen to this jerk anyway? He has proven his value and worth to the world, which is none.
Chip Star
Ah, yes, the good old anti-semetic conspiracy theory that Jews run the world. Sophisticated.
No, I am talking about making fun of Trump at the correspondents dinner. That made him go from wanting to run to actually running. (And winning!)
strange that I can blame Obama for a president Trump but liberals cant.
We want to be isolated from any country that is rude enough to support their leave laughing at the UN (that we pay for btw)
How many world leaders have been laughed at (not with, at) in the UN?
And what exactly is Trump's goal with Iran? What is his definition of success?
Containing Iran will take a multinational effort including the US, Europe, China, and Russia.
Trump is good at ripping up agreements, not so good at replacing them.
Toasted Heretic
It seems the enemy of the world has finally revealed itself and it's not Iran. Who'd have thought it?
He's not going to like the laughter. Still. Fox kindly edited that out for him. It's up to the rest of the world to edit out the dangerous policies and ideologies of the Trump administration.
Trump was boasting about how fantastic he thinks he is and they laughed in his face.
I half expected him to see if he could make the U.N. make whooping noises if he said “Elizabeth Warren”.
Alistair Carnell
This article failed to mention his Freudian slip...
Trump just told the UN General Assembly that additional sanctions against Iran will resume on 5 November and "war will follow".
Did he mean to say “more”? With this numpty, it’s hard to tell.
Chip Star
And I was talking about the nature of time. You know, how 1999-2000 was long before that correspondents' dinner.
Why was Obamataking the piss out of Trump? Oh, yeah, because Trump was pushing that vile birthed nonsense. Funny how you guys think it's appropriate for Trump to punch back, but condemn Obama for having done so. More of that conservative "logic."
We being the intellectually deficient people that defend Trump at every turn. The rest of us that don't have to remind ourselves to breath want nothing to do with that nonsense.
Chip Star
Stranger, this is too easy to answer: Whatever Trump thinks will appeal to his intellectually challenged bass.
If you think that other world leaders disrespecting your leader enough to laugh at him in the UN is not a big deal, you're deluding yourself. And look at what they laughed at - his claim that he's done more than anyone. Do you really think other leaders are negotiating at him beyond a placating level? Do you really think he can negotiate effectively with people who feel that way about him?
Nope. This is just one more delusion of the right. When world leaders negotiate with Trump, they are simply blowing enough smoke up his a$$ to keep him distracted, while they negotiate around him altogether either with other Americans in the background, or with other countries, bypassing the US altogether.
Well regardless of what you think is happening or who is doing it, I like the results. As do many others.
Maybe the last guy should have done it like this. everyone loved the world apology tour though. No reason to laugh at a guy who is delivering you pallets of money, right? Just stroke his ego and get some more cash.
So I always here that the world is just stroking trump’s ego. Yet today liberals are overjoyed at some laughing. So which one is it, I haven’t heard that laughing at someone is an ego stroking technique.
I wish just once a liberal narrative would match what was just claimed the week prior.
Simon Foston
Mr. NoidallToday 07:00 am JST
Have you not actually listened to it?
I still have the same question as one year ago : why don't the US quits the UN and do its own thing alone ?
If you hate the United Nations, "globalism" etc... so much, why do you even participate ?
Just go to your room to play alone and let the grown ups talk.
Chip Star
No, you don't.
World leaders that want things, like Abe, do strike Trump's ego because they know it's the only way to get Trump to do anything.
You mean like the conservative narrative that it's good Trump punches back and bad when Obama did it?
Chip Star
A lot of people are ignorant.
World apology your is an odd euphamism for helping restore US leadership after Bush II ran it into the ground.
The "giving you pallets of cash for no reason" is a trite falsehood comservatibes love pushing. How about Trump suspending US-ROK war games because Kim stroked his ego? What did Trump get in return? The intelligence agencies say not much.
Conservative "logic" is hilarious.
Chip Star
Obviously not, which is why Noidall used, "I bet."
Toasted Heretic
He's absolutely right. Still, there is some hope of co-operation:
Remaining members in the nuclear deal - the UK, China, France, Germany and Russia - say they will set up a new payment system to maintain business with Iran and bypass US sanctions.
Exactly. When the self-proclaimed "greatest president the US ever had" brags about his own achievements, chances are he's gonna be laughed at. What else should ppl do, cheer & clap? This wasn't a Trump rally.
Shows how out of touch Trump is. Totally clueless.
"We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World."
Donald J. Trump, August 9, 2014
He's right. And given how many Trump supporters in these comments can't tell the difference between criticizing Trump and supporting Iran, it sounds like Trump isn't the only one suffering from this problem.
These days, when the US sneezes, everyone turns away to avoid the infectious spray.
This is so bizarre. Iran was in compliance with the prior nuclear agreement, at the same time, Trump is praising Kim Jong Un who has done virtually nothing.
It's all back-asswards.
You manufacture in China, import foreign workers into your resorts, brought your wife's family over via chain migration, and get your financing from Germany.
The best part for Trump is knowing his base will never call him out.
Toasted Heretic
The cure is isolation. Put the rogue nation in quarantine until the illness passes.
The symptom received laughs because of it's failure to comprehend the bigger world out there. Like a mindless virus, it attacks, spreads and eventually causes total shutdown.
Nurse! Quick... the screens!
Funny how Trump (&others) always demonize Iran, but the Kingdom ( read medieval autocracy in camels clothing) , not only gets no slaps of disapproval - it gets a totally free pass from successive US regimes.
S.A abysmal human rights records, it's belligerence, it's bullying, it's terrorist support(often de facto), it's military intrusion into sovereign states sounds just like the rhetoric Trump aims at Iran. One is good - One is bad. lol.
Trumps personal politics and affiliations surely have great play here.
He went on stage in front of the most intelligent and informed political minds in the world and treated it like a campaign rally. I'm surprised there wasn't more laughing. It was a PATHETIC performance, on par with only 3rd-world dictators and fascists.
As of 25 September 2018, 140 Member States have paid their regular budget assessments in full.
The USA WAS NOT one of them.
Personally I wouldn't have scrapped the deal with Iran while playing kissy-face with Kim Jong Un. You can't compare what Iran is up to with nukes and what NK is doing.
Chip Star
Hahaha. People would know this if they hadn't gone to a university that focuses on agriculture to the exclusion of literacy, logic, and critical thinking.
Chip Star
I think you're not giving 3rd-world dictators of fascists enough credit. A lot of them read, unlike Trump.
Oh, the Orange Idiot 'performed' to the best of his limited ability but, he failed to 'DELIVER' anything of substance.
Our man-child President takes his third-rate lounge act to the UN - and get's laughed out of the house. Surprise, Surprise...
And these are the folks laughing in front of his face, multiply it by 100 to get all those laughing behind his back - you know, like "Anonymous" and all the rest of the Republican Resistance in the White House....
Mueller can't finish soon enough...
Give it a little time, Trump, as he always does, will turn what anyone else would clearly see as a humiliating put-down, into a glowing endorsement of what he said.
Its great that Trump pointed out what a brutal regime Iran is.
American has aways supported great democracies like North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
You would be a fool not acknowledge the great humanitarian work Saudi Arabia has done for for Yemen, how they have uplifted their women
Women can drive by themselves now, how many other countries are so liberal with their women?
I can go on and on about what a kind, benevolent regime North Korea is.
Shame on those who laugh at Trump, they should all be locked up.
Ha, ha, ha.
Well, he was right though, wasn't he?
Nice touch with the golfing reference but, I don't agree that the Orange Idiot should be ranked as highly as even the most lowly of 3rd-world dictators and fascists.
Oh, really?
Some supporting evidence for this claim would make interesting reading....
"He went on stage in front of the most intelligent and informed political minds in the world and treated it like a campaign rally"
Or, he says what politicians are afraid to say.
Oh my...
Nigel Farage reacts to Trump trading barbs with Iran
Have fun trashing Trump, everyone... for the next six years. hehe
No, No, No, not too afraid - their all too SMART to say the things the Orange Idiot spouts forth.
"Rouhani suggesting his American counterpart suffers from a "weakness of intellect."
Rouhani - we're laughing at the superior intellect.
"their all too SMART to say the things the Orange Idiot spouts forth."
Chip Star
I'm very certain ulysses was being sarcastic.
Well if that happens, its sure will be fun.
The UN was becoming a bit boring with all the serious discussions but now we have stand up comedy.
In the same way that Trump is so dumb he doesn't know he's dumb, he also thinks he's funny! Incredible!
No, he says things that most decent, honorable, self-respecting people would never say, unless you think "grab 'em by the ____" is decent and respectable...
Nigel Farage - just that name makes me burst out laughing....
Six years, that should be about right for collusion, obstruction, money laundering and tax fraud....
I don't think I've heard that since Elementary school - I guess this is someone else that "functions at the fifth or sixth grade level"...
Chip Star
You are confusing "afraid" with "too intelligent." Oh my . . .
You're laughing at Rouhani? Why would you laugh at the superior intellect? Oh . . . Feeble minds do laugh when the get confused by big words.
No links to bigots with YouTube channels? Someone's slipping. Har!
Chip Star
You're confusing words again. "two" (2) is not "six" (6). Hehe.
I'm sure that means 'Yes' in your language so, thanks.
NCIS Reruns
Wow, what a disconnect. The orange clown only knows how to play to his shrinking base. The creaking constitutional barriers to getting rid of this man make for the best argument I've seen in favor of parliamentary democracy.
Gremlin.GaijinToday 10:09 am JST
A second reading of your comment has made it quite clear to me that I had, originally, totally missed the sarcasm in your cleverly constructed points.
My apologies.
@Chip Star
Dump used to campaign that the US was the laughing stock of the entire world. We are now thanks to him.
LOL! Now, the world just literally laughed at Trump!
"You're laughing at Rouhani? Why would you laugh at the superior intellect?"
"their all too SMART to say the things the Orange Idiot spouts forth."
"I'm sure that means 'Yes' in your language so, thanks."
Bzzz! Wrong guess, Gremlin. Would you like to go for double jeopardy where the scores can really change?
Chip Star
No worries; I've misread things plenty of times.
"Trump, who begins his political rallies with boasts about his economic record in less than two years in office, used the same rhetoric before the crowd of world leaders and diplomats, telling them he had accomplished more than almost any previous U.S. president. The remark led to some murmuring and laughter in the crowd"
The brain washed dummies in the audience laughed.
Texas A&M Aggie
President Trump's address to the UN was a Grand Slam home run. Our previous president kissed tyrants' a$$es. PDJT Trump kicks them. It is great to have an Alpha Male back in the Oval Office.
Go Trump!
Chip Star
The brainwashed dummies that support Trump are blinded to his idiocy no matter where it manifests itself. At his rallies is one thing, at the UN is far different.
Chip Star
People who went to a university that focuses on agriculture to the exclusion of literacy, logic, and critical thinking would think Trump kissing Putin's and Kim's arses is Trump standing up to tyrants.
Those people also think it's great to have a confessed sexual predator that is also a compulsive liar as president.
Right on.
Finally we have someone who speaks his mind even if it is totally blank.
Those thinking liberal elites have met their match, we have a President who doesn't bother with wasteful tasks like thinking.
I guess you missed Putin, Xi and Kim sitting in the back clapping with their MAGA (Make America Grovel Again) hats on - they were sitting right next to David Duke...
Strike out - with laughter....
Sure, like Osama Bin Laden...
Five-time draft dodger....coward.
When they laughed at Trump, he said he wasn’t expecting that.
It makes you wonder...what was he expecting? Is he so deep into a bubble that he has no clue about what the world thinks of him? Was he expecting them to cheer like his supporters at one of his rallies?
It was like that one GOP candidate in a debate who said Trump was tough on Russia and they all laughed at him. Loudly.
Are these people just totally isolated with their base?
"Trump's address was met largely by silence from world leaders"
You did notice how they shut up when they realized no more free money? Crickets.
This speech outlines a way through the morass of international politics, UN corruption and globalism. There's so much positive stuff here. Speaking on sovereignty, patriotism and the nation-state as the vehicle for human freedom. You can see the EU struggling now after years of globalist governance. And a year after his first UN address, we see such progress. The steady positivity coming out of North Korea is building a path for tyrants to amend their ways. The new and fairer trade deals with Mexico and South Korea are paving the way for other countries like Canada and the EU to make deals, which will ratchet pressure on China and also Iran. This President is a wonder to behold, speaking for Americans unapologetically and exposing the failed ideologies of socialism and globalism.
The right now has come to call the combined leaders of the world, all (most) of the countries on the planet, 'brain washed dummies'.
Their level of delusion sinks one step lower.
Unlike the usual audience in attendance at the Orange Idiot's rallies, the audience he was speaking to this time clearly HADN'T BEEN BRAINWASHED, hence, the laughter.
Or, perhaps, rises to new heights?
Just giving the Orange Idiot enough rope to 'hang' himself.
In the end they simply could no longer contain themselves - the result? Ha, ha, ha...
"When they laughed at Trump, he said he wasn’t expecting that.
It makes you wonder...what was he expecting?"
Common courtesy?
And just as much a Charlatan and Fraud, as were the Old Time Carnival Sideshow 'wonders to behold' exposed to be.
Chip Star
Only an intellectually challenged person like Trump would expect common courtesy when they extend none. Oh my . . . Har!
(Link to a bigot with a YouRube channel.)
Oookay then, keep up the good work champ.
Isn't the phrase 'Common courtesy' an oxymoron?
And no, I do not mean an Irish Welder.
YES PLEASE, and the sooner, the better.
It's a definite possibility. Trump consumes a lot of Fox News and Breitbart, and is surrounded by an echo chamber, so it's likely he rarely hears anything more than slightly critical of him, most things just supporting him.
I read this is what happened to Bush jr. as well. He was so isolated from the real world and the real news, that he had no idea how the people really felt about him for a long time.
Um, it was quiet for most of his talk. It's not like they suddenly got quiet. It just wasn't quiet for that moment when they laughed at him.
Better to check the news before you post.
The Orange Idiot is puckering-up to kiss the TYRANT Kim Jong-un's a$$ for a SECOND TIME.
Or the ease with which the tyrant is manipulating this egotistical dummy is a lesson for others.
In more ways than one can imagine..
His own staff call him an idiot, many think he is senile and a danger to himself and others.
Not for a long long time have we had such a president.
The current US president lauds tyrants like Kim and Erdogan, and kneeled at Putin's feet.
Some posters frequently link to videos financed by Putin and featuring politicians supporting a white supremacist agenda like Nigel Farage and spokesmen for white supremacy like Tucker Carlson. They use terms like 'globalism'. Is this what you mean:
Globalism is sometimes used as a synonym for globalization, but usually with overtones of xenophobia, anti-immigration, anti-Semitism (i.e., International Jewish conspiracy) [63] and general conspiracy theories.
Really poor move, dude. We don't attack people for where they go to university or the field they chose to go into. If (hypothetically speaking) a troll on here presents themselves as being from a particular school, we don't mock people for being from that school - we mock the troll for being a troll.
Agriculture is a fine field to study or work in, and has zero bearing on a person's literacy, logic, or critical thinking. Few college courses even study those things directly, and arguably none can be learned entirely through a class, whatever its topic is.
We criticize people for what they do, not for who they are. To do otherwise is to embrace the Alt-Right's ideology.
Here's how the Orange Idiot will probably change being laughed at from being a negative, to being one of his greatest achievements - even if only in his own mind.
He will simply (yes, simply) tell himself, and anyone who will listen, that he has made history (again) by being the first President, ever, to make members of the United Nations General Assembly laugh at ANYTHING. Not only that, he did so simply (yes, I know) by Humbly pointing-out to everyone that he is doing a really great job (probably better than any other President, ever).
Raw Beer
If one asked people around the world which country the above refers to, I'm pretty sure the majority would answer America, and Israel a close second.
katsu78Today 12:25 pm JST
I believe I understand what you're saying but, I prefer to have me seen as criticising/commenting upon the opinions people express in the various threads hosted by this forum - I could not care less what they do, or who they are.
Toasted Heretic
Surprised to see such stereotypical comments like that coming from you, Gremlin. You're normally on the ball. There's plenty of Irish people who make a living from welding and suchlike who are educated.
I believe there's something like a thousand or so Irish living here in Japan.
Toasted Heretic
Perhaps when Trump discovers such a thing, people will respond in kind.
Fair enough then.
Expressing a contemptible opinion is still doing a thing. Someone says something terrible, you should comment on it.
Man that was funny watching the whole world laugh at him! And how pathetic, but predictable, to hear him say it was intended (after saying he didn’t expect that reaction). He’s either lying like a child would, or else he is always joking about his “accomplishments”.
Simon Foston
Texas A&M AggieToday 11:06 am JST
Liberalism, communism, socialism and whatever other -ism is out there that this individual doesn't endorse just got a lot more attractive after I read this comment.
So, you're saying that America and Israel are currently financing all of the terrorism, and other armed conflicts, IN THE WORLD?
Once again, I find myself having to invoke the words of John McEnroe to say: "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!"
Toasted Heretic
Yep, he really kicked the arses of the Saudi Arabians by arming them and doing billion dollar deals.
Like 9/11 never even happened.
Or Obama never took Bin Laden out.
Texas A&M Aggie
I absolutely loved it when our President said the following:
America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.”
Another incredible moment in his incredible speech:
"We recognize the right of every nation in this room to set its own immigration policy in accordance with its national interests, just as we ask other countries to respect our own right to do the same — which we are doing. That is one reason the United States will not participate in the new Global Compact on Migration. Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens."
The following was absolutely classic:
"Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay. Socialism’s thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, and oppression. All nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone."
This was an epic take no prisoners address to the UN by PDJT.
Toasted Heretic
Yes, absolute classics taken straight from the doctrine of white nationalism and anti-semitism.
This man imprisons children in cages, sexually assaults women, pays hush money to keep scandal at bay, advocates violence against opponents and the press and praises dictators and racists.
I've been to Texas. Tell me, when did nazism take hold?
Raw Beer
Well the US has destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria...
The US has been financing/arming directly or indirectly most (all?) of the terrorists in the Middle East (and elsewhere).
Both America and Israel have complete disregard for "borders or the sovereign rights of nations". The US recently announced they'll remain in Syria even after the elimination of ISIS.
How many multinational, i.e. GLOBAL, corporations originated in the US and have their headquarters in the US? How many countries in the world have US military bases? How many countries does Trump have properties in? Are all those multinationals going to stop doing business outside the US? Is Trump going to sell his GLOBAL holdings?
Does this mean when the US invaded Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and oppressed people there it was socialist?
Toasted HereticToday 12:50 pm JST
Mea culpa - sincere apologies to anyone who was offended my unnecessary subscript referring people of Irish decent.
Toasted Heretic
"Virtually everywhere capitalism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay. Capitalism’s thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, and oppression. All nations of the world should resist capitalism and the misery that it brings to everyone."
There. Fixed it for you.
@Texas A&M Aggie
PDJT - Pompous, Deluded, Junior Tyrant
Yeah, that works for me.
'Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel' never sounder truer.
Mindless generalization playing to his barely educated vote bank.
If you compared Haiti and Cuba, I say Cuba did much much better, but then I wouldn't want to generalize.
Toasted Heretic
Go raibh maith agat, a chara :-)
We shouldn't squabble amongst ourselves nor should we sink to Trump's levels. Now, more than ever, the world needs to stand up to this relic from the 1930s and reject his poisonous doctrine of hate and fear.
@Toasted HereticToday 12:50 pm JST
Mea culpa - sincere apologies to anyone who was offended by my unnecessary subscript referring to people of Irish decent in a derogatory way.
Back on topic please.
Toasted Heretic
Trump's language is shocking but it's not the first time he's drawn on the 1930s for inspiration
"We need a president who isn't a laughing stock." - Donald Trump in 2014
Trump was just parroting the GOP talking point of the time, and now the GOP is defending Trump who's literally being laughed at. Typical Republican hypocrisy. Completely in line with a supposed party of family values that unwaveringly supports a philandering conman.
With a fragile ego, I'm sure Trump now wants to sanction the world for laughing at him. AT HIM.
Though for some reason GoTrumpers used to knock President Obama when he read from the teleprompter, I'm glad Trump used one at the UN. He appears to be getting better at reading from it. Can you imagine how much MORE of a laughingstock Trump would have been had he winged it like he does at his beer hall rallies. Picture him making a finger gun while saying boom boom in front of the world's cameras.
As I recall, the Democrats laughed at Trump as well when he announced his candidacy. Look how that turned out. Not that it matters. Only insecure school-children worry about being laughed at.
Toasted Heretic
As I recall, the Democrats laughed at Trump as well when he announced his candidacy. Look how that turned out.
Hitler was seen as a joke in the beginning, as well. Apologies for the Godwin...
No doubt Nikki Hayley is scanning the videos to see who laughed and will be soon announcing that they will not be forgotten.
People laughing at Trump today reminds of the moment people called out a Casceua(?) rally, the Romanian leader, who was visibly shocked that anyone said anything against him. And he ended up being executed. But think about it - the leaders of the world laughed out loud at the President of the USA because of his deluded beliefs and lies. And he seemed shocked. How out of touch is this fantasist?
Yes, and Hitler was a vegetarian, and loved animals.... we could go around all day on ridiculous Hitler comparisons.
Please permit me to translate....I speak a little Sixth Grader....
"You know that little statue we have in New York harbor, I believe its called the Statue of Liberty - disregard it - we don't want your huddled masses. We want to be like that great country who's leader I so admire - Russia - Russia for Russians and America for Americans...and if they can interfere in our election again to help me, that would be great...."
"We want white immigrants - you know, like my in-laws. If your skin is darker than that, sorry we're closed....and a shout out to David Duke up there in the balcony"
"We don't want socialism, communism, or democracy - we want totalitarianism - just ask my best buddy, Vlad the Great..."
Prisoners - you know, like Manafort, Gates, Papadapolous, Cohen, Flynn, and soon the Great Orange Inmate himself...
About as badly as could was predicted. Who could have guessed electing an inarticulate moron would have turned out poorly?
Glad we can both agree that Donny is just a angsty schoolboy. Look at him sulking :D 1:49. Who cares if people laugh at you, right? ;)
I thought Trump handled the mocking laughter about as well as could have been expected really. Was probably surprised that people off-message hadn't already been thrown out of the rally. My guess is when he get's back to watching Fox for most of the day he'll start getting back into character, then start making mental voodoo dolls, then he'll start stabbing 'em on twitter.
No, been always direct, unlike a lot of world leaders.
Our President is telling it like it is, finally and for once we don’t have to hear some idiot President going around apologizing and still have people laugh behind our backs, won’t do business with us, line their pockets, screw us over and think they can make the deals and call the shots over us. I’m happy we have a President that is aggressive on the world stage like I hoped and expected from him and not leading from behind.
Iran and their leaders sounding like their usually manic self, nothing new, more rhetoric and like the President said, they don’t denuclearize, we will squeeze them with the maxim and heaviest sanctions and they’re already bending.
27 downvotes to DangoBango for saying he's rather live in the US than Iran. Makes me ashamed to have even one upvote in this group.
Serrano: "Common courtesy??"
I suppose you'll be saying the laughter over your comment was intended, too.
commanteer: "27 downvotes to DangoBango for saying he's rather live in the US than Iran. Makes me ashamed to have even one upvote in this group."
Be ashamed for cherry-picking, not getting any up votes... which I'm pretty sure you don't have anyway.
bass4funk: "No, been always direct, unlike a lot of world leaders."
No, not direct. Just plain old stupid and mentally unstable. Huge difference.
"Our President is telling it like it is..."
No, he's either lying or mentally unable to tell when he is telling untruths. If he's "telling it like it is", why did he claim to be saying "best in our history" for laughter? You tell a joke for laughs, not facts, and your man Trump, whom you called various negative names until he won the Republican nomination, including "lunatic", is not at all renowned for telling facts. In fact, he's told the least number of facts of any president in history. THAT is a fact. THAT is telling it like it is.
The moment Trump realized they were laughing at him and not "with" him. Priceless... Karma chant everybody!