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Wuhan lab had three live bat coronaviruses: Chinese state media


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It takes five months to confirm this? I smell a bat, I mean, a rat.

24 ( +30 / -6 )

"Chinese state media"

In other words, just a CCP statement. Take it for what it is worth.

21 ( +25 / -4 )

The Chinese virology institute in the city where COVID-19 first emerged has three live strains of bat coronavirus on-site, but none match the new contagion wreaking chaos across the world, its director said.

Well duh, the coronvirus was already mutating by the time the strain started hitting Europe and the U.S.

The Chicomm government ain't getting off that lightly.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

You have to be a total moron to believe the communist China with such a lousy reputation...

19 ( +27 / -8 )

You have to be a total moron to believe the communist China 

China is not communist.

-23 ( +7 / -30 )

ou have to be a total moron to believe the communist China with such a lousy reputation...

and you think Trump is a truthful alternative. LMFAO

-2 ( +18 / -20 )

"Now we have three strains of live viruses... But their highest similarity to SARS-CoV-2 only reaches 79.8 percent," she said, referring to the coronavirus strain that causes COVID-19.

Only 79.8%?

No, not similar at all...

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Only 79.8%?

No, not similar at all...

Humans share 99% of their DNA with bonobo chimps.

Does that give you and idea of how "79.8%" is extremely small, DNA-wise, to claim that two things are the same?

6 ( +15 / -9 )

The virus did not originate in the market although the market was a spreading point. This is pretty much recognised now

And a search will find many more such confirmations of this,

From February https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3051981/coronavirus-did-not-originate-wuhan-seafood-market-chinese


So where did it come from? That it came from the lab can not be proven but well believe what you want about this part...... If it did come from the lab the Chinese will never admit it and they control all the proof so we will never know.

Still many people keep sprouting the nonsense that it originated in the market, that the Chinese created to cover up the story. There is absolutely no proof of this other than the Chinese said it did.

That it probably came from animals and, is not lab made , should not be confused. It is of course not proof it came from the market, nor is it proof it didn't come from the lab. This point does not indicate the point of origin at all yet it is sprouted as proof it came from the market. It is simply not.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

It might not be the laboratory but It is a sure thing that it originated in China. They have a responsibility to explain to the world why it got started from China.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

China prove to the world it didnt come from your lab then, show us beyond doubt where it came from The world does not believe YOU and does not trust YOU.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

I can think of another senerio.

Some backyard 'natural medicine creator' gets a bat with a coronavirus and unknowingly uses it's blood/fluids in a creating a 'new' medicine mix containing other bloods and fluids and such and it modifies itself genetically with each addition, and after being used in a few more 'mixes' it gets to be "Rather Potent" and having been given to a "patient" who doesn't react to it, it then spreads through others in the wet market where at least one of it's genetic ancestors allows it to reside for a time, it gets into humans via the damp air these markets are full of, and off it goes....

I could give others, but this is one that could have actually happened.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

And cue in 3...2...1...

Paranoid speculation!

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

It might not be the laboratory but It is a sure thing that it originated in China. They have a responsibility to explain to the world why it got started from China.

the fact remain that majority of geneticist say its not a man made virus

smallpox, spanish influenza, Ebola, killed millions all originated in countries outside of China.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )


According to your logic, the coronavirus was brought in to Wuhan by travelers and China is a victim of the virus. They are saying the world should thank China. They held down the disease quick by locking down Wuhan. The Chinese government so claims. Or the virus fell from sky?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Lies, lies, and more lies by the Chinese communist party. If the virus did not originate in a wet market in Wuhan, there happens to be a virology research lab in the same city. Coincidence? Not saying it is man-made but it could that the virus escaped unintentionally and spread through the population. Why doesn't China allow an independent inquiry if they claim they are so transparent? China MUST not be trusted.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

And just how are we going to be able to verify this CCP controlled information? Whatever the truth may be China will erase it from their history books as they did with Tiananmen Square. And the way they obviously intend to write off the issue of Hong Kong.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The Chinese virology institute in the city where COVID-19 first emerged has three live strains of bat coronavirus on-site, but none match the new contagion wreaking chaos across the world, its director said.

Well, if the director said it, it must be true then. The lab can't possibly have had any other coronavirus that they are not telling us about...

They have had several months to destroy any trace of any other virus in their possession.

Considering the type of research going on in that lab, I am pretty sure that is where the virus escaped from.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

the fact remain that majority of geneticist say its not a man made virus

And we have some that say it was man made. For example, Prof. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine (he isolated the HIV virus) believes the CCP virus was likely created in the Wuhan lab:


It's in French and you have to skip over the 1st hour which is unrelated.

Montagnier also declared that there is extreme pressure applied against anyone (editors, researchers... ) who report things the CCP does not like. Remember their influence on the NBA a while ago?

Oh, and let's not forget that this lab was getting massive US funding (i.e., from Fauci).

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Nothing has been destroyed right? Right? No? Okay, just checking.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

While the claims made by Trump are unsubstantiated by any evidence, would I trust the equally unsubstantiated statement by the politically approved head of a virology lab located in the acknowledged centre of a global pandemic, in a one party repressive state? .............Ummmm, I will let you decide.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Let's work together with the Chinese and all other nations to defeat corona virus and then point fingers later on! Good job Japan! Let's put peoples health before opening the economy.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Wang Yanyi needs to explain the in vivo gain-of-function research they were conducting in his lab.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


World Biowarfare 1 started in November 2019. I can see this being a new warfare tactic. So easy to deny.

It is reasonable to assume the CCPs interest in virus research is related to biowarfare. But to suggest that this virus release was planned is a massive stretch. From all we know it is much more reasonable to assume that this was an accident, and the CCP is simply hell-bent on refusing any blame and instead tries to turn it into a world-wide problem, with Communist China being the great benevolent power.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Just watch this Doc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le_rfTdayLs

Scary stuff but finally explained and its fact not fiction.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Someone could gotten infected in the lab, and it could have been carried to the markets during regular travel.

Or someone in charge of disposing of the animals may have tried to make a fast buck by selling them to the markets.

Chinese research into viruses and genetics is quite expansive. I wouldn't be surprise if they are not planning to try to alter the genetic code of Chinese people to make them physically superior. Technology like CRISPR has let the cat out of the bag.

Where do people think all those test subjects are going after the research tests are completed, and they are no longer needed.

Answer: The wet markets!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Someone could gotten infected in the lab, and it could have been carried to the markets during regular travel.

This is very probable. I am not one that believes this virus was unleashed intentionally, by any government.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


There are many varied types of virus.

So, we would expect differences.

Therefore, an 80% likeness between types would suggest an uncanny similarity.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The one place in China with a laboratory experimenting on coronavirus strains is coincidentally within a mile of ground zero of the first infections of the disease. Just saying.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Also rumoured the lab cleaner was sneaking out animal corpses and having family sell tham at the market across the river for extra cash as a side line gig.

The family wernt eating food from the market on those nights.

Just a rumour......

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It is reasonable to assume the CCPs interest in virus research is related to biowarfare. But to suggest that this virus release was planned is a massive stretch. From all we know it is much more reasonable to assume that this was an accident, and the CCP is simply hell-bent on refusing any blame and instead tries to turn it into a world-wide problem, with Communist China being the great benevolent power.

If I recall correctly, Luc Montagnier believes the Wuhan lab was researching how to use the coronavirus to create an HIV vaccine and the virus likely escaped by accident. That might explain why HIV elements were found in the Covid19 virus.

Recall that a Chinese researcher was arrested a while back for using CRISPR to create HIV resistant people; so they clearly have in interest in HIV...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If I recall correctly, Luc Montagnier believes the Wuhan lab was researching how to use the coronavirus to create an HIV vaccine and the virus likely escaped by accident. That might explain why HIV elements were found in the Covid19 virus. 

Recall that a Chinese researcher was arrested a while back for using CRISPR to create HIV resistant people; so they clearly have in interest in HIV...

I heard that as well, but why?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The lab is doing what it is supposed to do - research new viruses found in the wild and try to figure out ways to help humans. They were concentrating on SARS before a new sample was provided. Sounds reasonable. Just because they have viruses in a virus research lab, doesn't mean much. That's the purpose.

In an interview with Scientific American, Shi said the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence did not match any of the bat coronaviruses her laboratory had previously collected and studied.

I believe this statement.

It shouldn't be shocking to learn that the CDC in Atlanta has thousands of deadly viruses too. They don't publicize that fact, but obviously, it is true. There are viral study labs around the world.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You know, I think I speak for everyone when I say, “oh yeah sure, sure It was a pure fabrication that it came from a lab. Yeah sure...” eyeroll.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Most American do not have basis knowledge of biology, especially Trump, the virus have proved more adapted to infecting American,than American response to it

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@theFu - You are correct. The laboratories are intended for the study of viruses. Also these labs exist all over the world.

Stating that it is a possibility it came from the lab, by accident, is merely that. There has been evidence saying this is possible. The evidence would imply this is worth investigating and if it can be ruled out then so be it.

The issues are two fold; China is not open and has a history of not being open with the world (SARS) and the actions of the U.S. are not helping either. Consequently, the real truth may be forever unknown.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Can Wang deny across the board any possibility that an accident could have occurred before or in the process of operations to isolate and obtain some coronavirus from bats, which they must have bought at Wuhan's wet market without a doubt?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If the lab gets its bats from the market (highly doubtful) then there's no need for the virus to leak from the lab

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They are saying the world should thank China. They held down the disease quick by locking down Wuhan.

No Im saying there are a number of governments you have failed miserable in the containment of this virus and are now conveniently trying to deflect blame for their own failures and the 10s thousands of dead, last I checked China didnt put its economy over the safety of its citizens, notice the countries that downplayed this virus are now having the highest infections and death tolls

0 ( +1 / -1 )


If bats are sold at a wet market in Wuhan. why should lab technicians and researchers bother to go out themselves in the wild and hunt for bats? What I want to say is it's next to impossible now to trace back to the exact source of the novel coronavirus. Only wild imagination. comes into play here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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