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Yemen-American imam calls for U.S. Muslim revolt


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Looking forward to the day when religion dies out. Memo to the radical, if your god was so powerful, he/she/it wouldn't need your help.

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Wow! A revolution to turn the USA into a utopian state like Yemen, where do we sign up?

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"leading the war against Islam and Muslims" yeah... BS... it's not a war of religion. They try to link the conflict with religion to get more support and combatants. A fringe of Muslims, Christians, etc fall in this lie.

So, Anwar al-Awlaki, what do you propose to improve the standard of living of your brothers and sisters? Nothing. Just make noise, agitate your arms and call for the jihad.

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I believe his remarks should be taken seriously. He's instigating murder. The US Justice Department should issue a fatwa, er sorry, warrant for his arrest and twist Yemen's arm to track him down and then have him extradited.

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This clown was Maj Hassan's 'spiritual adviser', which makes the White House response to the Ft Hood massacre ('Let's not jump to conclusions') even more pathetic.

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That revolt would last a few hours maybe. What do these loons think they are going to accomplish?

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I always have a good laugh when the radical muslims call for Jihad. First, they presume that someone will listen to them, thus gives them importance. Second, they always presume they will win the Jihad. Have they ever won a Jihad?? Ever?? Allah should have a few words with these folks and set them straight.

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This guy is an idiot. Does he realize the consequences of his words?

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Hopefully there is a drone circling the skies of Yemen carrying a nice shiny Hellfire missile with this traitor's name on it.

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Skipthesong/Beelzebub: You're both right. At least we know where to aim the rockets if this fool is taken seriously.

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The biggest joke is that America and it's Islamic population have no troubles with each other, we live in peace.

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This clown was Maj Hassan's 'spiritual adviser', which makes the White House response to the Ft Hood massacre ('Let's not jump to conclusions') even more pathetic.

Hard to follow the links. What are they?

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The US Justice Department should issue a fatwa

Good one. Thanks for the laugh.

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I wish imam would get on a soapbox in Manhattan or back in his native New Mexico to deliver his next message.

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Why does anyone listen to him? Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt.

Think anyone in the US feels those things?

Along with spending a billion dollars killing this guy, I hope someone spends a few pennies showing the people of the world why he is an anachronism full of empty ideas. Every imam and his brother can get face time on CNN or any other network to call the US the evil empire. Where is the rebuttal?

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I think we should make something like a lottery. Everybody gets to put money down on a date that this guy is taken out, and those who pick the winning date can split the money with the people who actually take this guy out. It would save the government a lot of money, and streamline efforts in the war on terror...

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Why does anyone listen to him? Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. Think anyone in the US feels those things?

Americans may not be listing to this nut, but they most definitely are feeling similar rage. Guns and ammo sales across the lower 48 rose in 2009 to their highest levels ever. US citizens now have more home-held weapons and ammo than the world's top 21 countries' armies! I'd put it down to a sense of fear that the US Govt. will try to do to them what it has done so well in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, "liberate" the people. (Source: ammoland.com) We may well see a people's jihad in the US, all-be-it by a different name.

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I am calling on all Muslim Americans to give up their silly “religion”, have a drink or two in a local bar with some real people and start living happy lives. What do you think are my chances of getting my call to the Muslims of America aired on CNN? Not too good me thinks.

Now I am not one that would normally agree with censoring people but why have CNN aired this lunatics message to Muslims in America, did they think that not enough of them had heard it, are they looking at ways of generating more local news? It seems to me that only those that are already nutty enough to be interested would have heard this massage, now all have heard it. Thank you CNN for helping the world become that much safer.

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Yea, I also think so. Why CNN will give so much importance when an imam or some one Muslim religious person gives a terrorist speech? Will they broadcast a gangster's voice shouting in a downtown street? No. This type of irresponsible propaganda has multiple types of effects, fews are: portraits Islam as a stone aged terrorist religion, stir up some dumb headed muslim extremists who are always crazy on this, move public concentration to something different issue avoiding national problem.

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grafton: their silly “religion”

this is your words. Can you give me the percentage of Muslims in US. How many of them posing problems (in percentage). How many of them cause you problems (also in percentage).

I find quite inconsistent with what you were saying in "European art upsetting Muslims" the other day. Cartoons should not be censored but call for jihad should be? Stigmatize all Muslims and guess why there is a fringe of lost Muslims falling in those lies. So, instead, you should think what to do to show them that jihad calls are worthless.

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I know a lot of muslims in the Dearborn and not a single one of them has show themselves to be anything but decent people and outstanding workers. If this guy thinks he's making an impression on any of them he's dead wrong.

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TumbleDry at 11:31 PM JST - 18th March “grafton: their silly “religion” “this is your words”

You seem to take exception to most everything that I write. If I were a more fragile soul I would worry that you don’t like me. By the way “this is your words” really should read “ these are your words” and yes they are my words and my opinion is that all religions are silly so I wouldn’t get too worried that I aimed this only at Muslims. The rest of what was written was aimed at CNN rather than Muslims in the US and of course as you will have understood my problem with CNN was that they were propagating a message to people who might well not have heard the original and who are those fringe Muslims that you mentioned. I wasn’t thinking so much in terms of censorship so much as not propagating anything that simply has no need to be propagated and I would go so far as to say the same about meaningless cartoons, once published there really shouldn’t be any need to republish them. So not exactly the extremist view you might be attributing to me. Sorry if that in any way disappoints you, but the truth is like most people I am not wholly one thing or another, and yes that does mean that you will find inconsistencies in both what I write and think, as is perfectly normal with any human being. Sorry about that.

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