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© 2024 AFPZelenskyy moves to court European leaders in drive for military aid
Lord Dartmouth
He wants more.... Again. I pray that Trump wins the election and pushes for an immediate end to this appalling war.
Since Ukraine has not been offered an unconditional ceasefire, gibberings for peace are gibberings for surrender.
It's definitely true that that only tactic of Russia is to destroy from affar and then send in the conscripts to see if anything is left.
Some dude
I'm pretty sure the UK will be willing to help. They've been pretty consistent on that front, mainly because they don't have an equivalent of the Kremlin-controlled republican party.
Hopefully the others will follow suit.
PS, Russia achieved its military objectives yet? No? Awwww....
Raw Beer
In other words, negotiating to have Zelensky and the European leaders personally benefit financially at the expense of the European tax payers.
Haaa Nemui
Really? We were assured by Russian fanboys here it would be over by the winter. What happened? Were they talking about this coming one?
No longer an elected president! Get rid of this dictator/puppet and sit down at the negotiating table to end this stupid war!
Negotiation time
Some dude
Negotiation time
Ukraine: "We will stop blowing your infrastructure and military instalments to pieces if you get out of our country".
Russia : "No" / "OK".
“Give me unlimited money and weapons forever Tour 2024” has now grossed billions of dollars.
Some dude
“Give me unlimited money and weapons forever Tour 2024” has now grossed billions of dollars.
Yep. Decent people understand the need to defeat evil.
Mr Kipling
Even ex NATO chief Stoltenberg is now saying that Ukraine will have to give up territory.
Something that has been obvious since the failed offensive of 2023. Ukraine simply does not have the man power of materials to kick Russia out.
Some say that the financing of the war is largely being funded by the selling of Ukrainian farmland. There was a moratorium on the selling of land in Ukraine up until a few years ago, now that has changed. Large companies are being offered the chance to invest in Ukraine at discount prices.
Fake or true?
A simple searches for ‘buying Ukraine farmland ‘will show some surprising results
He knows the US gravy train of cash will come to an end soon.
Biggest Europe's clown..
What is more aid supposed to accomplish? Other than more profit for US arms manufacturers.
The only way to settle the confict is by negotiation.... which had already been done 2 years ago in Istanbul, before the UK and US torpedoed the dea.
burgers and beers
Shovels and washing machine chips, yeah I remember that too. As I remember the ghost of Kiev and Zelenskis million-man armee, equipped with various Western wonder weapons, that would ensure final victory. The disinformation by Western mainstream media over the last years has been off the chart.
Some dude
The only way to settle the confict is by negotiation
Except the type of "negotiation" peddled by your kind is actually capitulation, and you can be sure that Zelenskyy isn't contemplating that.
You need to tell us how your country has surrendered territory first.
As usual conflating not being able to retake the territory with legally surrendering it.
Ah, I can help you with this:
1.) animals like Putin don't just run away for no reason
2.) russia was in shelling distance of Kharkiv at the time
3) polling shows that Ukrainians do not believe the US or the UK sold them out. They know the maskirovka well.
Haaa Nemui
Then you haven’t been around very long. It happened many times on here by Russian fanboys.
Just yesterday, here on the oages if JT, there was discussed a topic, an article, about children living in poverty, about starving children of Britain. How many children are starving there, I don't remember, 3 million? Britain doesn't have enough money to feed its children! But Britain is making plans for significant military support to Ukraine right up to 2031!!! Is the British government, the British royal family, all right with their minds???
Haaa Nemui
Also, while people said some have only shovels when they attack, nobody said the Russians only have shovels, nobody said the Russians had run out of ammunition but several have said they were running low. And yes, people did say the f16s would be a game changer, but nobody said they alone would win this. People want to misinform all over the place, and you guys are excellent at it.
How many children in Russia live in poverty?
"However, despite ongoing efforts and some progress, the poverty rate among children aged 0-18 years remains quite high. According to Rosstat, in 2021, the poverty rate among children was 19.7%, nearly double the national average of 11%. In other words, one in five Russian children is raised in a low-income household."
Just yesterday, all Ukrainian (and Russian) telegram channels posted a video with a statement by Ukrainian General Krivonos about the current situation at the front.
A complete dupe (ass in Ukrainian). We need to understand that only a miracle can save Ukraine at this stage if we do not make real conclusions from the situation.
The fact that the authorities say one thing, but at the front is completely different — this is not the first day, not the first month, but now the situation has reached the point that it will soon be very difficult to fight, because the infantry, as the infantrymen themselves said, is beginning to die out as a branch of the armed forces, because there is no one to fight, nothing to fight with and there is no place to fight.
It is not Russian propaganda. This is said by a real Ukrainian military man, a general from his Kiev apartment.
So no Ramstein is needed. Useless
Some dude
Just yesterday, here on the oages if JT, there was discussed a topic, an article, about children living in poverty, about starving children of Britain. How many children are starving there, I don't remember, 3 million? Britain doesn't have enough money to feed its children! But Britain is making plans for significant military support to Ukraine right up to 2031!!! Is the British government, the British royal family, all right with their minds???
I'd be in favour of taking money used to support the royal family and using it to boost Ukraine.
The last remnant of respectability for the royal family pretty much died with the Queen. We don't have to abolish them entirely, but they simply don't need the amount of money that's spent on them.
Anyway, this isn't an either-or issue and it's based on different things. The level of poverty in the UK is a result of bad government over a 14 year period. That needs to be rectified. But we should also be helping Ukraine, because a) it is the morally correct thing to do, and b) it serves as part of the effort to deter further Russian aggression.
And what? It is not a British war, it's Russian business!
What does Britain have to do with the war that Russia is fighting??? This means only one thing, that the war in Ukraine is not fighting by Ukraine, but by Britain with the hands of Ukrainian soldiers!
Is the morally right thing to do ensuring even more Ukrainians die?
No Russian aggression exists. It's a cliche from your instruction. By the way, your vocabulary is very poor
Russia has a significant child poverty problem and yet Putin has increased military spending to over 30% of the budget!
Haaa Nemui
Yes it did and no I’m not.
“I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen”
Do better.
you introduced the topic of children in poverty.
It’s been fought by ordinary Russians in service of Putin’s imperial aggression against Ukraine.
Appeasing Russia is always a mistake. Ukraine should have hit back hard in 2014. Very hard. Make it clear that if Russia wants a place for more Russians, they can visit Siberia or come to Ukraine, learn to speak Ukrainian and merge with Ukrainian culture.
It takes a few generations for immigrants to merge into the existing, local, culture. Sadly, Ukraine was working with Russia too closely even after the split on their cyber sealing efforts. People seem to forget that in 2010, most cyber attacks came from Russia and Ukraine.
Some dude
No Russian aggression exists. It's a cliche from your instruction. By the way, your vocabulary is very poor
My vocabulary is at least sufficient to include the words "lies", "whitewashing", and "denial", all of which describe your posts perfectly.
Some dude
Is the morally right thing to do ensuring even more Ukrainians die?
It's the lesser of two evils.
If certain people got their way and Ukraine was handed over to Putin on a plate, do you really think he'd just leave the Ukrainian people alone? A people with an army which has (justifiably) killed thousands upon thousands of Russian soldiers?
A little look at history shows that by and large, fighting against dictators and fascists is better than capitulating to them.
You may want to see Russia take over Europe and further strengthen its control over its agents in the USA (read: most of the Republican party), but by and large most of us would prefer to see Russia slink back with its tail between its legs. That is something worth fighting for, if there is no other alternative.
It's a shame to interfere in other cantries' business, it's a shame to lie about other countries, it's a shame to twist world history. You do a lot of other really shameful things. Go home and deal with your neighbors. Sort out the mess with your homeless and migrants, clean up the garbage from the streets of London and New York (visit Russ towns to get an image of really clean streets). Stay out of Russian affairs. If it were not your , western, interference, then there would be no war in Ukraine