Japan Today

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Posted in: Plan to reuse decontaminated soil in Fukushima safe: IAEA See in context

isabelleToday 09:28 am JST

Maybe you haven't. But that still doesn't prove, or even suggest, that they're lying.

I didn't say they were liars- That's your interpretation of what I said.

The rationale behind their existence is to promote the use nuclear energy, so unsurprisingly they rarely have a bad word to say about it.

That seems to me to be far from a balanced view to issue 'Universal' safety statements, from afar.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Plan to reuse decontaminated soil in Fukushima safe: IAEA See in context

All can say is, if the IAEA approve it, it must be safe, right.

Ohh, apart from I've yet to meet anyone who believes a single statement that comes out of that organization.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Posted in: Top Olympic sponsor Panasonic ending its contract with IOC See in context

Fighto!Today 06:34 pm JST

Well done Panasonic. Those hundreds of millions of dollars can be used elsewhere - away from the notoriously corrupt "Olympic family".

Hopefully Toyota and Bridgestone follow suit. It would be nice to see the Olympic movement struggle for funding, but it probably wont happen with crooked Chinese companies eager to splash their cash.

One word for you talking about corrupt and crooked in connection with the Olympics- Dentsu.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Top Olympic sponsor Panasonic ending its contract with IOC See in context

David K AndersonToday 08:46 pm JST.

Good. The IOC is a ludicrously corrupt, administratively incompetent joke of an organization.

Perfectly in line and suiting to the operations of it's list of top sponsors, one would've thought.

The only real reason to jump ship for any of them is financial.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Top Olympic sponsor Panasonic ending its contract with IOC See in context

In a report several months ago by the Japanese news agency Kyodo, unnamed sources said Toyota was unhappy with how the IOC uses sponsorship money. It said the money was “not used effectively to support athletes and promote sports.”

Yeah, I'm sure that is its primary concern... Nothing to do with all the safety data scandals at all of its car makers that have all but ruined its reputation and standing, not to mention its probable knock-on effect on Japan.

Better start savings, and Olympic sponsorship is just the first to go.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Ticketmaster's pricing for Oasis tickets under investigation in UK See in context

MilesTegToday 06:30 pm JST

So Live Nation/Ticketmaster are essentially scalpers....scalping their own tickets based upon the bogus premise of 'changing market conditions'. So if demand plummets, they'll suddenly lower the price for tickets?

I would hazard a guess , with the likes of J.Lo cancelling her US tour (Ticketed by Live Nation), not.

Rumour has it that ticket sales were low, although the official line was;

“Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends”.

Other big names have cancelled, or rescheduled smaller venues/ postponed.

People are getting wise: I hope the CMA scupper this scam business.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ticketmaster's pricing for Oasis tickets under investigation in UK See in context

kohakuebisuToday 02:58 pm JST

This is bait and switch.

People were told the price of each grade of ticket, started queuing, and then after a long wait to reach the front, were told the same tickets were now three times the price. Not "no low-grade tickets left, so you'll have to buy VIP tickets" but "low grade tickets are still available, but now cost three times more than they did an hour ago".

This is clearly unethical.

First thing the CMA should do is get a breakdown to see how many tickets were actually sold at the original price and make this public knowledge- There's no doubt today's consumer is being ripped off every which way.

I wouldn't be surprised if the figure turns out to be negligible.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: This fall, Hollywood tries to balance box office with the ballot box See in context

Disappointed in Coppola- From the insane genius of 'Apocalypse now' to what sounds like the polar opposite 'Megalopolis'- Won't be paying to see that.

We're not great, just take an honest look at the world, man.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Tuition hike for foreigners at famed Tokyo art university draws backlash See in context

It is a little remiss of "Musashino" to not take into account the increasing importance of market value apparent in today's education system.

They could well be pricing themselves out of the target international student market and students' budget.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Tuition hike for foreigners at famed Tokyo art university draws backlash See in context


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Tuition hike for foreigners at famed Tokyo art university draws backlash See in context

mountainpearToday 07:43 pm JST

Only raise fees by 360. 000 yen! That's nothing.! In the U.K. foreign students pay 3 times what locals do! If you can't afford to study abroad then study in your own country! If you don't have freedom of speech in your own country, then do something to change it!

That's not entirely true.

The UK charges 'Home' fees and 'Oveseas' fees, so even British citizens can get charged overseas fees if they aren't resident and don't pay taxes- I would if I wanted to study in the UK.

As Asiaman7 stated for US private universities, the same applies to UK private universities- a flat fee for all.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Tuition hike for foreigners at famed Tokyo art university draws backlash See in context


And TUJ doeesn't have an awfully good reputation in Japan or the States.

The quality of university education has been in steady decline for decades across the board: Probably why "Musabi" feel justied discriminatorily increasing fees, safe in the knowledge that there are few better alternatives on offer.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Tropical storm still disrupting transport in Japan See in context

Started calling it what it has been since Thursday- A tropical storm, not even severe now.

I said on Thursday that the reaction to typhoons is exaggerated - If a big one does hit, the JMA and the media will probably be the last to know.

Every year it's the same: Kyushu bears the brunt, takes the sting out of it's tail at it's own expense, and the rest of the country "Rally" by overreacting and going into self-preservation mode.

These typhoons are only predicted to get stronger in the future, so when will those in power pull their finger out and help the regularly hardest hit with disaster prevention assistance?

Ahh, Kyushu isn't important enough to warrant it, I fear.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: Typhoon Shanshan brings torrential rains, travel turmoil across Japan See in context

Pac-PersonToday 04:18 pm JST

They are not trying to own anything. They display the international standard on the English version of their typhoon map, and the Japanese standard on the Japanese language version. Try it for yourself, change the URI query parameter from lang=en to lang=ja.

You are, of course, presuming that you alone checked both pages for verification.

And when people drowned because the scale only goes off wind speeds and not rain amounts and they mistook "弱" and "並" to mean "not particularly dangerous" they removed those qualifiers.

A huge assumption like that would benifit from substantiation.

There's people who regard every warning as fearmongering. But what does the JMA have to gain from "fear and confusion of the populace"? Cui bono?

I previously insinuated that media under-reporting was part of the equation, so I'm not sure where you got the idea I hold the JMA responsible. The Japan media has previously been guilty of coining their own meteorological term, "Super Typhoon" which the JMA weren't party to.

The sales of old rice just before the new rice season kicks in can't have done the economy much harm, as well as other "Recommended" essentials. I had an email from Kansai electric that recommended having a back up battery in case there are power cuts.

Many are benefiting from this percieved disaster.

Kyushuu takes the brunt of the typhoon season every year- You'd think the powers that be would do more to mitigate what is only going to become more of a problem in the future, but that would cost money and commitment .

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Typhoon Shanshan brings torrential rains, travel turmoil across Japan See in context

Pac-PersonToday 02:52 pm JST

JMA show the winds peaking at 30m/s- That's 72km/h- A severe tropical storm.

That would be the international standard

Doesn't surprise me that Japan try to own it.

They used to have a classification of 並の強さ台風 to correspond to the International classification severe tropical storm / シビア・トロピカル・ストーム (STS), but now to add to the fear and confusion of the populace, they have no name for it.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Typhoon Shanshan brings torrential rains, travel turmoil across Japan See in context

It was a typhoon...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Typhoon Shanshan brings torrential rains, travel turmoil across Japan See in context



Note the language used- as WAS the case with Shansan.

JMA show the winds peaking at 30m/s- That's 72km/h- A severe tropical storm.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Typhoon Shanshan brings torrential rains, travel turmoil across Japan See in context

It's no longer a typhoon since yesterday, so the media in Japan should stop their fearmongering.

It's a severe tropical storm, and getting weaker all the time.

Weather reports have it petering out before it even gets to Kanto- Shame the media don't want to report that- It's just not newsworthy.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Heatstroke risk won't stop Japan's aging farmers as temperatures soar See in context

Pac-PersonToday 10:00 pm JST

Heatstroke 「熱中症、熱射病」and sunstroke 「日射病」though related, are two very different things.

They are two names for the same condition, that's why they share an ICD code. Seriously guys, where are you getting your medical information from? This isn't even that hard to google.

Heatstroke was a very common condition for miners in the past- Not sunstroke, hence an example of the two different conditions.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Heatstroke risk won't stop Japan's aging farmers as temperatures soar See in context

Pac-PersonToday 09:45 pm JST

Medical professional refer to it as heat exposure not heatstroke.

No they don't. Heat exposure is the cause of AHI (acute heat illness), and the official descriptor for that is indeed "heatstroke" or "sunstroke". See ICD-10-CM diagnosis code T67.0 ff.

Heatstroke 「熱中症、熱射病」and sunstroke 「日射病」though related, are two very different things.

You don't necessarily need high temperatures for sunstroke.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Heatstroke risk won't stop Japan's aging farmers as temperatures soar See in context

2 Year OldToday 08:02 pm JST

All the over 65 farmers deserve to retire from day to day field work, and at the very most ve the “boss” that can teach and mentor the younger farmers… even better, after 40-50 years of farming, they deserve their retirement way more than a desk jockey in Kasumigaseki.

Don't forget the huge payouts, sorry, subsidies they get for the work they do- It's not all for nothing.

Some might be quite miffed to know your opinion on the matter. Did it ever occur to you that some do it because they want to keep going?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't appeals for calm as panic rice buying continues See in context


Interesting to note, diabetes is predicted comparitavely to go down in Japan- I would hazard a guess that the younger generations are varying their diet rather than sticking to the traditional rice based one.

It's probably the older generation panic-buying rice right now: Haven't seen many young people heaving around bags of rice, and as for the ridiculous insinuation that tourists are having an impact on percieved rice shortages, I'd take that with a pinch of... rice.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't appeals for calm as panic rice buying continues See in context

Fighto!Today 03:25 pm JST

Please - give sushi a try next visit. Just once. It is one of the pleasures of Japanese cuisine. I know some foreigners baulk at the idea of "raw fish"...but give it a go!

In that case, you could just opt for sashimi and skip the starch overload, right?

Homemade sushi is a different kettle of fish- You can skip all the arbitrary factory additives, which a lot of countries outside of Japan ban sushi retaurants and supermarkets from using.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't appeals for calm as panic rice buying continues See in context

Is it just me, or do you find JMA predictions for the pathway of typhoons are invariably based on the worst case scenario, which rarely happens.

In my 23 odd years in Japan I can only remember one particularly strong landing of a typhoon way back 2003, I think- I was living in Mie- ken at that time. And the JMA erroneously downplayed that one until very late, ironically (I could've predicted it by looking out my window at the same time they did).

Rarely eat rice anyway, and Japanese rice is way too starchy for the health, especially as you get older.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: England ready to grasp shot at 'history' in Euros semifinal against the Dutch See in context


I know- I posted directly after you on the Navas Nacho section. I wasn't sure if that comment was positive or negative to an England win.

I was just reiterating my belief in either England or the Netherlands being able to handle Spain.

Zibala is clearly trolling for trollings sake- I doubt your comment was even read by now.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: England ready to grasp shot at 'history' in Euros semifinal against the Dutch See in context

wallaceToday 07:07 pm JST



38 year old and 34 year old defenders to mark a 25 year old- That shows how ordinary the France team was.

Not sure how well they'll deal with the likes of Saka, Foden or Palmer, who're even younger.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: England ready to grasp shot at 'history' in Euros semifinal against the Dutch See in context

Coulda beenJuly 10 06:34 pm JST

Hope the Dutch continue to play attacking football as opposed to the borefest that England constantly serve up.

Well, England played a blinder in the first half and Koeman changed his system in the second half to stifle the game- Who'd've thought.

England deserved the win for playing with such endeavour and proving the doubters wrong.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Spain beats France 2-1 to reach Euro 2024 final See in context


Dr.Cajetan CoelhoToday 05:24 pm JST

amine Yamal and Nico Williams are taking Spain to the next and a higher level. Well played La Furya Roja.

Yamal scored a superb goal, but I think a bit of perspective is called for: 3 goals in 13 games previous, and Williams was 3 in 19.

And as I hinted at previously, Spain's defence is aged: They're vice captain is 38 and apart from Cucurella the rest of the defence were all in their thirties.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Spain beats France 2-1 to reach Euro 2024 final See in context

Deserved win- For all Deschamps bluster, France were nowhere near a champion team.

I do wonder about the Spain defence though.

Looked weak without Carvajal, and Navas had to make some rash tackles to keep a rather humdrum France attack at bay.

I don't think they'd handle the Netherlands or England attack quite so easily.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Big pumpkin See in context

Walking past... without even a glance.

Appreciation of the arts is becoming a thing of the past in these days of easy accessibility and information overload.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

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