Posted in: New Zealand votes to legalize euthanasia but not marijuana See in context
As the world becomes more over populated than it already is, euthanasia will become a more normal practice in many places. The real trouble will begin at the point it begins to no longer be voluntary. It is inevitable.
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Posted in: Crab it while you can See in context
Would make an excellent Halloween prop, or maybe some good eating if it was fresh. Other than that, I fail to see the value.........
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Posted in: Japan unveils 3,000-ton new submarine See in context
I'm all for expensive toys to protect from China, regardless of the country of origin, but you probably should have slapped some bondo and fresh paint on those dents under the nose before showing it to the world....
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Full moon See in context
Does the moon really look that big in Japan, or is this a doctored photo, or some trick angle? Moon looks tiny over here in Ky.
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Posted in: Video of giant Gundam robot moving in Yokohama draws millions on Twitter See in context
Did it actually take a step? I can't really tell from the crazy jumping around of camera angles.
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Posted in: Astronomers see possible hints of life in Venus's clouds See in context
Apparently, Russia forgot to consult the 9 dash line map before declaring Venus a Russian planet, ROFL. Called it, I knew someone would lay claim soon. Not that anyone will ever read this anyway......
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Posted in: Astronomers see possible hints of life in Venus's clouds See in context
But, but, but,...............who has resource mining rights?!? That is the only thing that matters in todays last societies before this planet is unable to sustain life anymore. If you look at Chinas 9 dash map, it CLEARLY shows Venus has always belonged to them!
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Posted in: 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' to end in 2021 See in context
Show is only ending because Trump wants to hire them to be on the staff he things he is going to need because he still thinks he is somehow going to win the election. ;)
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Posted in: Man fired for lying on resume by saying he had less education than he really does See in context
So he is truly "too smart for his own good".
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Posted in: Brazillian BBQ restaurants offering take-out disposable grills made of cardboard See in context
Check the oil and kick the tires on your fire engines........
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Posted in: War's end meant years of pain for Japanese girl in China See in context
I use stories like these occasionally to remind my own family, that when they think life isn't so great, we could be much worse off and that in spite of everything, we are still living in the best of times and we are lucky to be where we are. My heart aches when I read stories like this and so often I wish the past could have been different for so many different peoples.
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Posted in: TikTok lovers rage against Trump threat of U.S. ban See in context
I'm just shrugging. Doesn't matter. He does a better job of embarrassing himself than anyone else can anyway. I just can't help but wonder if the folks he still has supporting him actually believe he cares about anything but himself and his ego, or if they are just pretending not to see it to save face for other people already knowing they support him.......
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Posted in: TikTok lovers rage against Trump threat of U.S. ban See in context
While I agree that ANY Chinese app should be banned, EVERYWHERE, (based only on my opinion of their government, not the Chinese people themselves), I also agree the only reason Trump even cares is because it was used to embarrass him at his Tulsa rally.
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Posted in: U.S. says it will help Japan monitor Chinese incursion around disputed islands See in context
vanityofvanitiesJuly 30 07:05 am JST
"My repeating comments here - We were very much disappointed, when Obama was the president, U.S. Forces on Okinawa did nothing to help Japan while we were bullied and humiliated by China. I am glad it finally reached to their ears. I wish Republican government continues another four years and deter expansionism of China in the theater."
ROFL, so wait, wait wait, just to make sure I'm understanding this right, you are saying it's Obama's fault that Japan was getting bullied by China?
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Posted in: Movie theaters implore studios: Release the blockbusters See in context
I don't know about other countries, but here in the US, the prices of going to the theater have gotten so ridiculous, I swore them off a few years ago. If they go under, it's no more than they deserve. About 3 years ago, I took my son to watch a movie in 3D before he and his mom went to Indonesia for 3 months, and it was a $50 trip for 2 tickets, a bucket of popcorn, 1 water and 1 soda. I feel sorry for folks that have a big family to take to the movies a few times a year, jeez. Almost have to save up for it and treat it like a vacation.
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Posted in: Singles party only wants guys who are otaku, but don’t look like otaku See in context
Sausage Fest. All 3 of the girls that will be there will be reporters, or under cover agents....
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Posted in: Chinese ships make another lengthy intrusion into Japanese waters See in context
They are trying to provoke Japan into casting a stone, just like they are trying to get India to start something on their border. Again, it's just opinion, but it seems to me like China is chomping at the bit to do some fighting somewhere, they just want to be able to pin the blame elsewhere before they unleash......
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump rally highlights vulnerabilities heading into election See in context
I wouldn't call young Americans buying tickets to not show up as "cheating". That is young Americans that are too young to vote finding a way to take part. Asking China for help to win however,...…
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Posted in: Trump rally highlights vulnerabilities heading into election See in context
Yeah, 6,200 is a fake number. They rounded up...………...
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Posted in: McDonald’s starts new Japan campaign featuring burgers from its overseas restaurants See in context
Trying to put a British flag on a cheddar bacon cheeseburger, rofl. That is like THE original American burger that the rest of the world used to make fun of us for.
You want good burgers, got to get them from a good USA burger joint, not a fast food joint like Miki-Ds.
Does Japan have Bru-Burgers? Best burgers around where I'm from, apart from my own ;)
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Posted in: Trump rally highlights vulnerabilities heading into election See in context
Lol, that "close in" shot of one section of the stadium was what the whole upper half looked like. That is not false reporting at all. And why mention social distancing when there wasn't any among the lower half of the arena was elbow to elbow? The lack of seats in the upper half had NOTHING to do with social distancing.
Also, I don't think it was confirmed over a million people booked. Trump just said that over 1 million people called asking for tickets. Key words there are "Trump just said", not his campaign said, or the event ticket office said, or anyone that might have the real number of booked no shows. you can't take anything Trump says at face value.
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Posted in: Japan's largest esports facility opens in Osaka See in context
I've been a gamer since 1978, when my uncle gave me an old "Pong" console that had a toggle switch to change between 3 different versions of pong, and I never looked back. My son would rather watch someone else playing crappy, cheap, Robox type games on you tube all day long rather than play himself on his nice gaming rig I built for him myself. And from what I hear, that is a common occurrence among all of my friends children. I just don't feel the appeal in watching someone else have fun when I could be having that fun myself...…….
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Posted in: Japanese mothers struggle to cope after virus shuts schools See in context
So instead of catching the bug at school, they now get to catch at their parents work place...……….eureka!
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Posted in: In U.S., diabetics turn to black market or Canada for life-saving insulin See in context
This is no surprise to any of us here in the states. Greed "Trumps" everything here. We general public, all of us, from all across the political spectrum, have been screaming about the problem of medical costs for many years, and yet, many of us who are doing the screaming, vote for the republicans who will fight tooth and nail to make sure we continue to get squeezed for every penny we can get our hands on for medicines. Yep, flame away you Trumpers, it won't be anything new. Hate me all you want, but you still won't be able to afford your insulin.
You know what really irks me, is in a time of crisis, if the gas station down the road raises the price of gas to just a few scents higher than the current average per gallon, he can be charged with price gouging, but when the pharmaceuticals that line politicians election campaign pockets do, meh, it's just capitalism, totally justified. Can't do anything about it or it will stifle innovation. That will always be the last thing you hear every time the discussion comes to a close, and prices wills till remain high.
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Posted in: Japan looks to protect intellectual property in wagyu beef cattle See in context
The fat in the Wagyu beef is much healthier than the fat in our American cattle, or so we are told anyway. I've been wanting to try some Wagyu stakes for a long time, but they are way too expensive. There Cooper Bros. meats here in Lexington, Ky. is the only place I know of to get it. I called to order a couple of these one time for my brothers visit. The bill for 2 steak cuts would have been over $140.00. So I settled for Akiushi cuts instead, which were pretty good too, but half the price.
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Posted in: Samurai sword quality knives inspired by blades of famous Japanese swordsmen See in context
Any chance these might be sold in the states? I go through kitchen knives like crazy because I have to sharpen them way to often. I'd LOVE to have good quality Japanese steel knives.
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Posted in: Do video games, mental illness drive U.S. massacres? See in context
Everybody knows video games don't truly cause these massacres, even the republicans that scream this every time there is a shooting. By now, most of the US knows this is just a distraction tactic used by the republicans to avoid talking about guns as much as possible. They bring back this same baseless argument every-single-time. Distraction tactic, that's all. It allows them to say they are doing something to try and stop the gun violence, while they actually do nothing...
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: McDonald’s Japan mistakenly creates sexually suggestive drink cups See in context
HAAAA! This is great, I love it.
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Posted in: Doctors in U.S. say insurers increasingly interfere over patient care See in context
Here in the states, EVERYTHING revolves around money. No matter how much bickering among politicians you see year after year over the medical system, it will never get better here in the states, as long as the industry is allowed, (yes I said "allowed") to charge whatever the hell they want for anything and everything medical related. I expect the next ruling generation here in the states to be able to fix the system, but right now, with the majority of voters still being older, more conservative thinking people, it won't change, it will just get more expensive.
People complain about the insurance companies, but in reality, they are not the root of the problem. The raw cost of everything the insurance companies have to pay for is the problem. The ONLY way to fix it is to limit the cost of all things medical, be it tools, medicine, facilities, etc. People scream doing that will stifle innovation. Whatever. People will still want to be healthy, the demand will be there.
It's funny how people here are dying because they can't afford insulin and the drug companies get away with it, but if there is some sort of emergency and the gas station down the road charges a dollar more for gas than the next gas station and they will go to jail for price gouging. Don't ever believe the big companies aren't paying to keep things the way they are. It's all smoke and mirrors, but it's there......
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Posted in: City begins square watermelon shipments See in context
What makes them inedible? Is it because they are grown in a plastic box?
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Posted in: Tourist arrested in Japan for striking convenience store clerk over 3-yen bag altercation
Posted in: Sweden mourns victims of deadliest gun attack; suspect's motive unknown
Posted in: Crunchy? U.S. finds live beetles hidden in Japanese snacks
Posted in: At least 10 dead in adult education center shooting in Sweden