Posted in: South Korea marks 'comfort women' memorial day See in context
This is a selective memory-based smear campaign, plus camp-follower issue is ****mere a projection what South Korean soldiers did in Vietnam and to hide the so-called Lai Đại Hàn issue.
Japan has not revised what happened but diplomatically twisted by Kono Sr. The second worst criminal for this issue is PM Abe who also tried to solve this issue diplomatically with the former Pr. Park to save Pr. Obama. The world applauded including the UN, Europe and the US that both nations would move on. They completely broke the international agreement witnessed by the former US Pr. Obama.
The current Japanese government and conservative Japanese do not deny that there used to be camp followers and their customers were Japanese soldiers during WWII, but decline to being blamed for what the Imperial Japan Army did not, like kidnapping 200,000 girls from the peninsula as slaves (the number was calculated based on the number of IJA soldiers deployed across the world, and the law banned anyone to employ minors and actually some brothels were penalized), torturing by inserting electric rods into their vagina (this is happening in China to torture the Falun Gong women), forcing them to have intercourse with 100 per night (how?), etc., etc.. I do sympathize those women who were sold by their parents, siblings, husbands etc. and hired by brothels, and who have no right to recover their dignity until their government and citizens need them to stay Ianfu position. We were happy to compensate the former camp followers during the war if it could comfort them to some extent. I rather want to appreciate their brave as warriors to help their families no matter how they showed them cold shoulder. At least I think so. But their stories have been revised since 1986 based on the fake news posted, and not yet corrected by Asahi Shimbun. The currently most active old woman intentionally cut off the part she also worked for the US/UN as a camp follower recruited by her own country. To solve this issue, the SK government, too, should make efforts to sort out which is true and which is not true, instead of utilizing this issue to preserve the presidency or to hide what presidents did wrong. Mostly the world condemns and forces Japan to apologize to South Korea for what the Empire of Japan did not in the context of war crimes, but so-called history issues between Japan and South Korea should be separated from others. And most importantly, the old camp-follower issue should not be mixed up with the currently occurring violence and sexual abuse on women in the affected areas, if this is used as a diplomatic card by SK to disgrace Japan for political reasons. Until SK removes this from the diplomatic cards, SK won't take any apologies and not stop agitating their people.
The South Korea is going to upgrade this issue to the universal human right issue for their spiritual win over Japan or for good to all suffering women. Then this issue will be discussed as one of universal human right issue not a history issue only for the peninsula. Japan and Japanese will be happy to help as always no matter what.
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Posted in: Abe visits flood disaster zone; new warnings issued See in context
Not quick enough? No kidding right? Way faster than any other disasters. Follow articles chronologically. Anyways, AC are not a default setting in school gymnastics, which are always used as shelters, but not real shelter, shelter. Let's condemn the government later, shall we? Rescue them first.
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Posted in: S Korean activist slams Japanese journalist in court See in context
Korea has after all never changed before WWII. They have election, but presidents are considered as kings. The election is meare a system of changing dynasties. They do not understand what is a constitutional state and democracy. So sad.
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Posted in: China media urge action against Japanese planes but not U.S. See in context
Pitty. China does not know the difference between ADIZ and a territory.
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Posted in: Father of slain Ohio boy asks Trump not to invoke his son in immigration debate
@Mandoade This is also an election year in Japan as well, so, no way is Japan going to allow a…
Posted in: Businesses warn Yellen on political pressure over U.S. Steel sale
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Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March
—a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant who had no right to be here.” And? I guess you’re fine…
Posted in: Father of slain Ohio boy asks Trump not to invoke his son in immigration debate