Japan Today

1970sweet comments

Posted in: Antiwhaling protester to be brought to Japan for questioning See in context

Set an example, teach these imbeciles a lesson that one will never forget. These protesters are a threat to themselves and others, and care more about whales than they do humans, and thus are a danger to any whale-related vessels or those associated to them.

Jail time is the only option, once others get wind of this news, they will think twice about illegally boarding a secure vessel and jeopardizing the lives of the crew by acting on emotions worn on their sleeves for an animal which they're not actually saving even the slightest bit. There attempts are futile.

Jail them.

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Posted in: Man arrested after killing wife, 2 children in Osaka See in context

Another deranged family dynamic.

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Posted in: What can be done by the community and authorities to reduce child abuse by parents? See in context

Impose the extremely harsh penalties and consequences to abusive parents as are so to those involved with drugs offenses, et cetera in Japan.

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Posted in: Why is groping so prevalent on trains in Japan? Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the psychological reasons on why men grope? See in context

I agree with chiisaishima.

It's in the Japanese culture. The men (and to a lesser extent some women) grope because of communicative problems, misperceptions, as well as the simplicity and ease that come along with groping with little to no repercussions save one is caught red-handed (no pun-intended hehe) in the act, and Japanese trains and other crowded metropolis centers such as busy malls, schools et cetera provide a fetishistic breeding ground for such behavior and is only further compounded with the large amount of population (especially in cities in Japan) in such relatively small areas.

Quite evidently, it's a very common problem in Japan that men and women are facing sexual desire dilemmas and aren't getting enough of what they should be receiving and outputting in the bedroom. Although, even if all of the needs didn't fall short and all were met, I believe the problem would persist for the following explanation:

Japan's society is also partly to blame for this as well, if sex weren't still such a hush-hush secret and weren't openly expressed, advocated and explored, than I truly believe that there would be much less of this sort of inappropriate behavior where these swimmers should be much more wary of the water.

And that's exactly what it boils down to, perfect opportunity, motive of societal lack of stimulating and erotic sex, seasoned fetishists and adept gropers, ample amount of young and pretty, doughy-skinned Japanese girls in their sweet school uniforms dressed not so much like adolescents but more akin to that of young adults that have "not so innocent", implied, and written all over them; and another large contributing factor and problem in the issue, they don't seem to mind about being enticing at such a young age in their attractive school uniforms, and I believe most of them enjoy the attention.

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV programs this time of year? Seen anything you like? See in context

It's all a fallacy and exudes stupidity to no end.

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Posted in: Nail queens and king See in context

Left and Second to right are the only two that should even be considered! Mana-sama should have won nail king hands-down!

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Posted in: Airhead female fans can't get enough of 'cool' accused killer Ichihashi See in context

Quit hating on "Ichi the Killer." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

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Posted in: Student leaps to death after trying to kill girlfriend See in context

Yes, I promise, just let me go and I will no longer become violent towards my girlfriend. I will murder her. What a failure, he didn't even succeed in immediately killing her after being stabbed twenty-times! He should've killed himself, I'm sure the reason why he defenestrated himself was because it was the only sure-fire way of killing himself.

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