Posted in: Jobs at Apple: Master inventor, master marketer See in context
He returned to Apple and ordered the team to copy what he had seen.
Wow the author got it dead wrong on that one.
Apple didn't go and copy the primordial graphical user interface from Xerox PARC. Apple traded stocks with Xerox for the technology. Also they went on to hire many of those PARC engineers to start developing the GUI from its embryonic stage into something people could actually use. Essentially, Xerox PARC invented a stone wheel, Apple recognized it as a good technology, acquired it and turned it into a very high-tech F1 race car tire.
Arstechnica has an extremely good article on the entire history of the GUI and they explain how the transfer of GUI technology happened between Xerox and Apple. But the one thing that did not happen is Apple showing up and ripping off the idea from Xerox as this article tries to insinuate. That is completely false.
Oh and that quote about 'stealing ideas' is taken way way way out of context. What a shame.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Both ship captains to blame in whale protest sinking: NZ gov't report See in context
"once the vessels were at close quarters, the captain of the Ady Gil 'failed to respond by taking appropriate evasive action—choosing instead to maintain his course and speed, which allowed the close quarters situation to develop into a collision risk'"
Wow that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What course and speed??? Fact is the Ady Gil was out of fuel and was floating with its engines off. The Shonan Maru had all the space in the world it wanted but chose to go directly in the direction of a standing vessel. How is Bethune supposed to move out of the way? paddling an 800ton ship?? that makes no sense at all.
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Posted in: Dolphin show See in context
my question is, were these dolphins eaten afterwards?
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Posted in: Bare statistics mask human cost of Japan’s high suicide rate See in context
a bit confrontational in the last paragraph eh?
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Posted in: Documents of Auschwitz death camp doctors found See in context
so what happened to Mengele?
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Posted in: Whale watching See in context
Far left but not pictured: boat with "RESEARCH" written on its side, trying to harpoon the whale.
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Posted in: 'The Cove' puts Japanese fishermen everywhere on the defense See in context
back in the day, most likely the fisherman of Taiji had no reason to test the dolphin meat for high levels of anything. But now that the Japanese know, it will be thier decision to eat it, not eat it, buy it or not buy it and to label it as such.
And tell us, how are the people supposed to know and decide?
How will you know that when you buy a box that says "whale meat" you're not actually buying toxic, full-of-lead dolphin meat? Are you going to be happy feeding mystery "whale" meat to your children? I don't know about you, but most people care to know that what they think they are buying is really what they are buying --and that it's not going to poison them.
Thus, clearly you didn't watch The Cove. Otherwise you would've seen how dolphin meat loaded with lead is sold in markets as whale meat. And that that same meat was going to be fed to children. But of course, any foreigner who dares to highlight that fact is just force-feeding their alien values on the locals right?
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Posted in: Antiwhaling protester to be brought to Japan for questioning See in context
@ bdiego
"he shoulda known this would happen"
Actually no. Not even the Japanese know what they're going to do so how would he? At any rate, if you read the article it is clear Bethune was ready to accept whatever the ramifications of the event may be long before it went into action. The point is to bring media attention to the issue and he accomplished his goal. I love whales and I would do the same thing.
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Posted in: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade See in context
hmmm, I said bye to Windows a couple of years ago. I'm sticking with my MacBook Pro and Snow Leopard. There really is nothing in Windows that is attractive to make me switch back.
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Posted in: Microsoft patches 34 security holes, many critical See in context
Of course it gets better.
MS fanboys like to pretend that potential vulnerabilities in OS X are equal to actual exploited vulnerabilities in Windows. You know, the kind of Windows vulnerabilities that have caused the loss of billions of real $$ because of massive virus infections, crashes, down-time, productivity and so on. Should I tell you about the latest ones just this year? Mac issues are nowhere near in the same terrible category as Windows, it's a universe apart!
OS X viruses do not exist. The OS is almost 10 years old, in all this time no one has yet been able to figure out how to create a successful virus. The rock-solid UNIX foundation of Macs are one reason why they are safer. And that security relative to market share? that's a myth.
By the way, Charlie Miller himself is a Mac user and recommends Macs for users. But you already knew that.
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Posted in: Microsoft patches 34 security holes, many critical See in context
How about this headline?
iPhone outsold all Windows Mobile phones
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Posted in: Microsoft patches 34 security holes, many critical See in context
oh I can't believe even JT has Mac vs PC fights.
Everyone knows Macs are on the up and up and Windows is on its way down. In the mobile OS world, Microsoft just did the equivalent of losing at Russian roulette:
Windows Mobile is pretty much dead.
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Posted in: How much does aging affect mental acuity? It’s debatable
Posted in: Germany expands border controls to curb irregular migration and extremism risks
Posted in: Germany expands border controls to curb irregular migration and extremism risks
Posted in: Seven & i remains open to Couche-Tard buyout talks if offer is fair