Japan Today

76waystofly comments

Posted in: Afghan teacher wants acid thrown on her attackers See in context

If men had been attacked like this, there would be ten "alleged" Taliban militants dangling from gallowses in Kandahar Stadium by now.

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Posted in: Obama says there is no time to lose as he unveils economic team See in context

the best minds in America...

My God, who's kidding who?

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Posted in: Man arrested for killing father with golf club in Toyama See in context

Maybe the murderer suffered from a mental handicap.

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Posted in: Sea Santa See in context

Who knew after all these years he could breathe underwater?

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Posted in: Somali pirates hijack Saudi oil tanker See in context

Oil tankers generally have radars equipped aboard their ships to notify of vehicles of all sizes in the surrounding vicinity. I'm not an expert on maritime law nor the surveillance equipment used aboard these ships, but I just thought this would be an idea:

Post guards 24/7 along the periphery of your ship; maintain close satellite data with US intellenge of any threats in the area; and when you see a bunch of ragtag "skinnies" racing toward your liner firing Kalashnikovs into the air -- neutralize them.

Maybe this is easier said than done, and my apologies if I sound like I'm oversimplifying the matter.

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Posted in: Citigroup to cut 53,000 jobs worldwide See in context

Whether you're one of the mavericks making money live vultures off this mess -- the way those "in the know" are in offshore spot currency trading, US foreclosures and real estate buy ops -- folks, just ask yourselves:

What would Bob Marley do?

When CNN International and that alien from the Andromeda galaxy: Fox's own Shepard Smith -- keep bodyslammin' their trash with the day's numbers, just remind yourself:

everything's gonna be alright...everything's gonna be alright...

Not that I'm encouraging any of my distinguished fellow bloggers to hop on the first flight to Trenchtown, but in situations like this -- a few Red Stripes and laughs with friends will help everyone out in the long run.

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Posted in: Rod Stewart to tour Japan next March See in context

In a perfect world, Rod would ask Misia to perform live with him from the slums of Tokyo.

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Posted in: Ex-radical Ayers distances himself from Obama See in context


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Posted in: Is Japan becoming a 'drug heaven?' See in context

Yeah, four marijuana vending machines for every person...

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Posted in: Jilted man arrested after refusing to pay for 500-km taxi ride See in context

Oh c'mon...what man hasn't had his wallet emptied of that good green aphrodisiac at the end of the night?

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Posted in: So who exactly is running the global show? See in context

The Man.

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Posted in: Beyonce curtails Japan trip to celebrate Obama's win See in context

Beyonce's curtailing her trip to Japan???


Oh, the humanity...

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Posted in: Palin says woman on ticket could help in 2012 See in context

January 22, 2012. Retiring to her study, President Palin prepares her agenda for the next day.

First: schedule invite with the President of Africa; Second: sale at Neiman-Marcus; Third: get Charlie Gibson fired; Fourth: schedule round table with Prime Minister of South America; Fifth: call Joe Biden for botox advice.

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Posted in: 21 killed in attack on U.S. convoy in Afghanistan See in context

Let Mullah Omar coexist with Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-Il, Mugabe and Edward M. Liddy: the bad guys more often than not get what they deserve from their own in due time.

For the past seven years I have tempered my criticism of the Bush administration based on the cards the United States were dealt following September 11th; in spite of shifting the Coalition’s focus from Afghanistan to Iraq; the bounty the US was accused of generating a civil war in Iraq over; or even his hinting to avenge the mistakes of his “daddy” during Desert Storm. The fact that al-Qaeda has been crushed in Iraq, and the likes of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and Saddam Hussein aren’t “hanging” around Baghdad anymore should be seen as a very good thing.

But to hear former CIA chief Porter Goss allude with an air of assurance to his knowledge of Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts during a press conference some four years ago, coupled with an anxious “clandestine” redoubling of special operations in Pakistan since September to capture or kill bin Laden…

It’s simple: if the departing President does not deliver Osama bin Laden’s cadaver by Inauguration Day, 2009, then the criticism against him, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al for opening the front in Iraq will have been entirely justified; and his legacy as commander-in-chief will be seen as one of the worst in American history.

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Posted in: Palin denounces her critics as cowardly See in context

Sarah Palin: you should be gosh-darn tootin' ashamed of yourself; paying $120K for a DKNY outfit! Anyone who's anyone knows spending less than $200K before leaving Saks Fifth Avenue would look like a pauper!

Incidentally, how much were Biden's eyelifts again?

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Posted in: U.S. congressman warns of Obama dictatorship See in context

Barack Obama? Capable of becoming a "dictator"? Preposterous!

It's not like he could seduce enough people to fill Invesco Field at Mile High, or Grant Park in Chicago, or the Tiergarten in Berlin -- the way Kim Jong-Il could fill the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang!

Actually, wait a minute...

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Posted in: Research firms scan brain waves to improve marketing See in context

So NeuroFocus can really help our clients to do better marketing.

What a revolutionary achievement in the study of cognitive manipulation!

Perhaps NeuroFocus can scan my brain waves and hear me beg for mercy; from having to endure the agony of seeing Masanobu Takashima's goofy face again in another hokey Lawson commercial.

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Posted in: Yoshino Kimura blinded by the light See in context

Would I just lie down and die or try to live?

I would suggest nyotaimori.

What??? C'mon...she's a freakin' knockout!!

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Posted in: Woman downs 383 bowls of soba in 10 minutes See in context

You know your country's joined the league of other gluttonous superpowers when it stages exhibitions like this.

But seriously: does this woman share a bathroom at home with someone?

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Posted in: Actress Rio Matsumoto becomes fire chief for a day See in context

Approaching her thirties, she thankfully has the counsel of her parents to caution her about fire when cooking. We can all relax now; knowing Japan is in good hands with a actress regurgitating "Kawaii!!" at the helm every 35 seconds.

Who're the honorary deputies: the Kano sisters?

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Posted in: What does Japan need to do in order to attract more tourists? See in context

It could start by removing "Japanese Only" signs from some proprietors' doors.

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